Basic Unix

1. ls -al
2. There are 4 files in the directory (and 2 subdirectories). You can use ls -l to look inside the directory. This will show you which of the contents are files and which are directories. Don't forget to also include the -a option to show any hidden files:

ls -la Pfalciparum

3. Malaria.fa is the largest file. You can add the -h option to the command above to make the size of the files more readable.

4. cd Pfalciparum

5. There is one file in the fasta directory (hint: it's a hidden file!).

6. cp Pfalciparum.bed annotation

7. mv *.fa fasta

8. 4 files.

9. There are 6 GFFs in the Unix directory. To search from the Unix directory, you can either use cd to move up to the directory, or you can specify the path in the find command. This can either be the absolute path, which you can get from pwd, or you can use the relative path, like so:

find ../.. -name *.gff

10. There are 7 fasta files in the Unix directory. Note that fasta files normally end with .fa OR .fasta, so wee need to make sure we look for both of these, by adding a wildcard after fa:

find ../.. -name *.fa*

Looking inside files

1. head -n 500 Styphi.gff > Styphi.500.gff

2. There are 6213 lines in the file. Use the -l option:

wc -l Pfalciparum.bed

3. sort -k 1 -k 2 -n Pfalciparum.bed

4. Here is one way to do this: First use awk to get the first column of the file. Sort this and then use the -c option for uniq to count how many entries each chromosome has:

awk '{ print $1 }' Pfalciparum.bed | sort | uniq -c

The expected output would be:

 190 01
 264 02
 287 03
 292 04
 357 05
 373 06
 395 07
 374 08
 425 09
 452 10
 553 11
 621 12
 773 13
 857 14

Searching inside files with grep

1. grep "^>" exercises.fasta

2. There are 1000 sequences. We can use -c to count the number of matches:

grep -c "^>" exercises.fasta

Or pipe into wc:

grep "^>" exercises.fasta | wc -l

3. Yes, three of them:

>sequence27 spaces in the name
>sequence52 another with spaces
>sequence412 yet another with spaces

One option is two greps piped together:

grep "^>" exercises.fasta | grep " "

Alternatively, in one regular expression

grep "^>.* .*" exercises.fasta

4. grep -v "^>" exercises.fasta

5. Three. First extract the sequences, then search for n:

grep -v "^>" exercises.fasta | grep -c -i n

6. Yes, one sequence. Try:

grep -v "^>" exercises.fasta | grep -i -v "^[acgtn].*$"

Alternatively, we can use the ^ to ask for matches NOT in the alphabet [acgtn]

grep -v "^>" exercises.fasta | grep -i "[^ACGTN]"

7. 66 sequences. Try:

grep -v "^>" exercises.fasta | grep -c "GC[AT]GC"

8. We found the total number of sequences earlier:

grep -c "^>" exercises.fasta

... which outputs 1000

This finds the number of unique names:

grep "^>" exercises.fasta | sort | uniq | wc -l

... which outputs 999.

Therefore there is 1000 - 999 = 1 name repeated.

File processing with awk

1. Using:

awk -F"\t" '{print $1}' exercises.bed | sort -u

Should give you:


2. There are 5 contigs. Use the command from the previous exercise and count the number of lines with wc:

awk -F"\t" '{print $1}' exercises.bed | sort -u | wc -l

3. There are 164 features on the positive strand. Try:

awk -F"\t" '$6=="+"' exercises.bed | wc -l

4. Ther are 124 features on the negative strand. Try:

awk -F"\t" '$6=="-"' exercises.bed | wc -l

5. There are 293 genes. Try:

awk -F"\t" '$4 ~ /gene/' exercises.bed | wc -l

6. 5 genes have no strand assigned to them. Try:

awk -F"\t" '$4 ~ /gene/ && $6 != "-" && $6 != "+"' exercises.bed | wc -l

7. Yes (6 of them are). First, the number of genes was found earlier:

awk -F"\t" '$4 ~ /gene/' exercises.bed | wc -l

The number of unique names is:

awk -F"\t" '$4 ~ /gene/ {print $4}' exercises.bed | sort -u | wc -l

Alternatively, the names can be found like this:

awk -F"\t" '$4 ~ /gene/ {print $4}' exercises.bed | sort | uniq -c | awk '$1>1'

9. 18541. Try:

awk -F"\t" '$4=="repeat" {score+=$5} END {print score}' exercises.bed

10. There are 75 features in contig-1. Try:

awk -F"\t" '$1 == "contig-1"' exercises.bed | wc -l

11. There are 12 repeats in contig-1. Try:

awk -F"\t" '$1 == "contig-1" && $4 == "repeat"' exercises.bed | wc -l

12. The mean score is 560.833. Try:

awk -F"\t" '$1 == "contig-1" && $4 == "repeat" {score+=$5; count++} END{print score/count}' exercises.bed

BASH scripts

1. Here is an example of what this script could look like:

#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -e

# check that the correct number of options was given.
# If not, then write a message explaining how to use the
# script, and then exit.
if [ $# -ne 1 ]
    echo "usage: filename"
    echo "Prints the number of lines in the file"

# Use sensibly named variable

# check if the input file exists
if [ ! -f $filename ]
    echo "File '$filename' not found! Cannot continue"

# If still here, we can count the number of lines
number_of_lines=$(wc -l $filename | awk '{print $1}')
echo "There are $number_of_lines lines in the file $filename"

2. Here is an example of what this script could look like:

#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -e
for filename in ../scripts/loop_files/*; do ./ $filename; done

3. Here is an example of what this script could look like:

#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -e

# Check if the right number of options given.
# If not, print the usage
if [ $# -ne 1 ]
        echo "usage: in.gff"
        echo "Gathers some summary information from a gff file"

# store the filename in a better named variable

# Stop if the input file does not exist
if [ ! -f $infile ]
    echo "File '$infile' not found! Cannot continue"
    exit 1

echo "Gathering data for $infile..."

# Gather various stats on the file...

# Total number of lines/records in file
total_records=$(wc -l $infile | awk '{print $1}')
echo "File has $total_records records in total"

# Get the sources from column 2.
echo "The sources in the file are:"
awk '{print $2}' $infile | sort -u

# Count the sources
echo "Count of sources, sorted by most common"
awk '{print $2}' $infile | sort | uniq -c | sort -n

# Count which features have no score
echo "Count of features that have no score"
awk '$6=="." {print $3}' $infile | sort | uniq -c

# Find how many bad coords there are
bad_coords=$(awk '$5 < $4' $infile | wc -l | awk '{print $1}')
echo "Records with bad coordinates: $bad_coords"

#                                                               #
#      WARNING: the following examples are more advanced!       #

# if there were records with bad coords, find the sources responsible
if [ $bad_coords != 0 ]
    echo "Sources of bad coordinates:"
    # Instead getting one source per line, pipe into awk again to print them
    # on one line with semicolon and space between the names
    awk '$5 < $4 {print $2}' $infile | sort -u | awk '{sources=sources"; "$1} END{print substr(sources, 3)}'

# Count of the features. Instead of using awk .... |sort | uniq -c
# we will just use awk. Compare this with the above method
# used to count the sources. Although it is a longer command, it is more efficient
echo "Count of each feature:"
awk '{counts[$3]++} END{for (feature in counts){print feature"\t"counts[feature]}}' $infile | sort -k2n

# This example is even more complicated! It uses a loop to
# get the mean score of the genes, broken down by source.
echo "Getting mean scores for each source..."
for source in `awk '{print $2}' $infile | sort | uniq`
    awk -v s=$source '$2==s {total+=$6; count++} END{print "Mean score for", s":\t", total/count}' $infile

# We can use awk to split the input into multiple output files.
# Writing print "line" > filename will append the string "line"
# to a file called filename. If a file called filename
# does not exist already, then it will be created.
# Write a new gff for each of the sources in the original input gff file
echo "Writing a file per source of the original gff file $infile to files called split.*"
awk '{filename="split."$2".gff"; print $0 > filename}' $infile
echo " ... done!"