model 3-4:近距離の点をクラスター化するモデル

In [1]:
%matplotlib inline
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from scipy.spatial.distance import euclidean as euc
import collections
import operator
import random
import bisect
from itertools import chain
from scipy.optimize import leastsq

In [2]:
def uniq_list(seq):
    seen = set()
    seen_add = seen.add
    return [x for x in seq if x not in seen and not seen_add(x)]

def accumulate(iterable, func=operator.add):
    """Return running totals
    accumulate([1,2,3,4,5]) --> 1 3 6 10 15
    accumulate([1,2,3,4,5], operator.mul) --> 1 2 6 24 120
    it = iter(iterable)
    total = next(it)
    yield total
    for element in it:
        total = func(total, element)
        yield total

def weighted_choice(d):
    choices, weights = zip(*d)
    cumdist = list(accumulate(weights))
    x = random.random() * cumdist[-1]
    return choices[bisect.bisect(cumdist, x)]

class Person:
    def __init__(self, master, id, ideas, w):
        """Initialize argmunets.
        Keyword arguments:
        master    : Master class (call from "Meeting")   : Id for each person [0, 1, ..., N-1]
        self.ideas: ideas in space [0,1] × [0,1]
        self.w    : probability weight for the person to speak
        """ = id
        self.ideas = ideas
        self.w = w
        # add_ideas : place, tag : (x, y), [person_id, cluster_id]
        master.ideas += [[(i1, i2), [, 0, self.w]] for i1, i2 in self.ideas]

class Cluster:
    def __init__(self, ideas, r):
        """make cluster with self.r
        self.ideas = ideas
        self.r = r
        self.l = 0
        self.cluster_link = []
    def clustering(self):
        self.cell_num = int(1./self.r)
        lr = 1./self.cell_num
        self.cell = dict() # key: (cellx,celly), value: list of ids
        self.rcell = []
        for i, idea in enumerate(self.ideas):
            cellx = int(idea[0][0]/lr)
            celly = int(idea[0][1]/lr)
            if self.cell.has_key((cellx, celly)):
                self.cell[(cellx, celly)] += [i]
                self.cell[(cellx, celly)] = [i]
            self.rcell.append((cellx, celly))
        num = 1
        for i in range(len(self.ideas)):
            num += self.find_nearest(i, num)
        return self.cluster_link

    def find_nearest(self, idea_id, num):
        """find nearest idea

        idea_id: index in self.ideas
        cx, cy = self.rcell[idea_id]
        place = self.ideas[idea_id][0]
        CX = uniq_list([max(0, cx - 1), cx, min(cx + 1, self.cell_num - 1)])
        CY = uniq_list([max(0, cy - 1), cy, min(cy + 1, self.cell_num - 1)])
        tmp = [self.cell[(i, j)] for i in CX for j in CY if self.cell.has_key((i, j))]
        tmp = list(chain.from_iterable(tmp))
        if len(tmp) == 0:
            self.ideas[idea_id][1][1] = num
            return 1
        nearest = []
        cid = [num]
        for k in tmp:
            if euc(self.ideas[k][0], place) > self.r:
            prenum = self.ideas[k][1][1]
            if prenum == 0:
                self.cluster_link.append((idea_id, k))
            elif prenum < num:
                if not (k, idea_id) in self.cluster_link:
                    self.cluster_link.append((idea_id, k))
        self.l += len(nearest)
        cluster_id = min(cid)
        if cluster_id < num:
            ans = 0
            ans = 1
        self.ideas[idea_id][1][1] = cluster_id
        for i in nearest:
            self.ideas[i][1][1] = cluster_id
        if len(cid) == 0:
            return ans
        if len(cid) == 0:
            return ans
        for i in cid:
            for x in self.ideas:
                if x[1][1] == i:
                    x[1][1] = cluster_id
        return ans

class Meeting:
    def __init__(self, K, N, S=20, r=0.06, draw=True):
        self.K = K
        self.N = N
        self.S = S
        self.r = r
        self.ideas = []
        self.minutes = []
        self.ave_l = 0
        self.draw = draw
    def gather_people(self, ideass=None, weights=None):
        """Gather participants.
        Keyword arguments:
        ideas  : list of ideas for each person
               ex) [((0.3,0.1),(0.2,0.5)), ((0.5,0.6))] when N = 2
        weights: list of weights for the probability of the person to speak
        if not ideass:
            x = np.random.rand(self.N, self.S*2)
            ideass = []
            for _x in x:
                ideass.append([(i,j) for i,j in zip(_x[::2], _x[1::2])])
        if not weights:
            weights = [1.] * self.N
        for i, ideas, w in zip(range(self.N), ideass, weights):
            Person(self, i, ideas, w)

    def init(self):
        cluster = Cluster(self.ideas, self.r)
        self.cluster_link = cluster.cluster_link
        self.ave_l = cluster.l/float(len(self.ideas))
        if self.draw:
            colors = ['b', 'g', 'r', 'c', 'm', 'y', 'k']
            self.fig = plt.figure(figsize=(9, 9))
   = self.fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1)
            self.labels = []
            self.s1 = []
            for idea, tag in self.ideas:
                x = idea[0]
                y = idea[1]
                s =, y,
            data = []
            for link in self.cluster_link:
                ix = self.ideas[link[0]][0][0]
                iy = self.ideas[link[0]][0][1]
                jx = self.ideas[link[1]][0][0]
                jy = self.ideas[link[1]][0][1]
                data += [(ix, jx), (iy, jy), 'k']
  *data, alpha=0.5)
    def progress(self):
        preidea = self.ideas[np.random.choice(range(len(self.ideas)))]
        l = list(self.ideas)
        self.k = 1

        while self.k < self.K + 1:
            # remove ideas in the same cluster
            l = [idea for idea in l if idea[1][1] != preidea[1][1]]

            # if no one can speak: meeting ends.
            if len(l) == 0:

            # confirm cluster id which is nearest from the preidea
            distance = [(euc(preidea[0], i[0]), i) for i in l]
            minclusterid = min(distance)[1][1][1]
            # gather ideas in the cluster
            tmp = [idea for idea in l if idea[1][1] == minclusterid]
            d = dict()
            for t in tmp:
                d[t[1][0]] = d.get(t[1][0], 0) + t[1][2]
            d = [(k, v) for k, v in d.items()]
            # chose whose ideas to be chosed from the cluster
            whois = weighted_choice(d)
            # gather ideas
            who = [idea for idea in tmp if idea[1][0] == whois]
            p = [(idea, idea[1][2]) for idea in who]
            # chose the next idea from the id is "whois"
            idea = weighted_choice(p)

            preidea = idea
            self.k += 1

    def callback(self):
        if self.draw:
            ix = self.minutes[-2][0][0]
            iy = self.minutes[-2][0][1]
            jx = self.minutes[-1][0][0]
            jy = self.minutes[-1][0][1]
            l1 =[ix, jx], [iy, jy], color='b', alpha=0.5)
  , (iy+jy)/2, self.k)

    def after(self):
        if self.draw:

閾値$r$を変えたときに意見の総数に対するクラスターの数との関係。横軸$r$、縦軸$1- (\text{クラスターの数})/(\text{意見の総数})$の通常のプロット(上段)と両対数プロット(下段)。

In [13]:
trial = 100

r = np.logspace(-2, np.log10(0.2), num=50)
phi1 = []
for _r in r:
    _phi = 0.
    for t in range(trial):
        meeting = Meeting(K=50, N=6, r=_r, draw=False)
        _phi += len(uniq_list([x[1][1] for x in meeting.ideas]))/float(len(meeting.ideas))
    phi1.append(1 - _phi/trial)

In [4]:
def myplot1(x, y, xfit=np.array([]), yfit=np.array([]), param=None,
            scale=['linear', 'linear', 'log', 'log']):
    """my plot function
    x: {'label_x', xdata}
    y: {'label_y', ydata}
    param: {'a': 10, 'b': 20}
    if param:
        s = [r'$%s = %f$' % (k, v) for k, v in param.items()]
        label = s[0]
        for _s in s[1:]:
            label += ", " + _s
    label_x, xdata = x.items()[0]
    label_y, ydata = y.items()[0]
    fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8, 12))
    ax1 = fig.add_subplot(211)

    ax1.plot(xdata, ydata)
    if len(xfit):
        ax1.plot(xfit, yfit, label=label)
    ax2 = fig.add_subplot(212)
    ax2.plot(xdata, ydata)
    if len(xfit):
        ax2.plot(xfit, yfit, label=label)


In [18]:
myplot1({r'$r$': r}, {r'$\phi$': phi1})


In [33]:
def myfit(fit_func, parameter, x, y, xmin, xmax):
    """my fitting and plotting function.
    fit_func: function (parameter(type:list), x) 
    parameter: list of tuples: [('param1', param1), ('param2', param2), ...]
    x, y: dict
    xmin, xmax: float
    xkey, xdata = x.items()[0]
    ykey, ydata = y.items()[0]

    def fit(parameter, x, y):
        return y - fit_func(parameter, x)

    # use x : xmin < x < xmax
    i = 0
    while xdata[i] < xmin:
        i += 1
    imin, imax = i, i
    while xdata[i] < xmax:
        i += 1
    imax = i - 1

    paramdata = [b for a, b in parameter]
    paramkey = [a for a, b in parameter]
    res = leastsq(fit, paramdata, args=(xdata[imin:imax], ydata[imin:imax]))
    for p in res[0]:
        print xkey + ": " + str(p)
    fitted = fit_func(res[0], xdata[imin:imax])

    fittedparam = dict([(k, v) for k, v in zip(paramkey, res[0])])
    myplot1(x, y, xdata[imin:imax], fitted, param=fittedparam)

$\phi(r) = 10^{b}r^{a}$として最小2乗法でフィッティング

In [34]:
param = [('a', 1.5), ('b', 0.)]
xmin, xmax = 0., 0.07
x = {r'$r$': r}
y = {r'$\phi$': phi1}
def fit_func(parameter, x):
    a = parameter[0]
    b = parameter[1]
    return np.power(x, a)*np.power(10, b)
myfit(fit_func, param, x, y, xmin, xmax)

$r$: 1.73018673432
$r$: 1.81957023866


In [19]:
a = 1.5
b = 0.
param = [a, b]
rmin, rmax = 0., 0.07

def fit_func(parameter, x):
    a = parameter[0]
    b = parameter[1]
    return a*np.log10(x) + b

def fit(parameter, x, y):
    return np.log10(y) - fit_func(parameter, x)

i = 0
while r[i] < rmin:
    i += 1
imin, imax = i, i
while r[i] < rmax:
    i += 1
imax = i - 1

res = leastsq(fit, param, args=(r[imin:imax], phi1[imin:imax]))
print u"傾き: " + str(res[0][0])
print u"切片: " + str(res[0][1])
R1 = np.power(10, fit_func(res[0], r[imin:imax]))

myplot1({r'$r$': r}, {r'$\phi$': phi1}, r[imin:imax], R1, param={'a': res[0][0], 'b': res[0][1]})

傾き: 1.86089133868
切片: 2.00299872509

S字型の曲線であるので、 $$\phi (r) = 1 - \exp \left[ - \left( \frac{r}{\omega} \right)^{a} \right]$$


In [16]:
omega = 0.06
a = 2.0
param = [omega, a]
rmin, rmax = 0.01, 0.2

def fit_func(parameter, x):
    omega = parameter[0]
    a = parameter[1]
    return 1 - np.exp(-(x/omega)**a)

def fit(parameter, x, y):
    return y - fit_func(parameter, x)

i = 0
while r[i] < rmin:
    i += 1
imin, imax = i, i
while r[i] < rmax:
    i += 1
imax = i - 1

res = leastsq(fit, param, args=(r[imin:imax], phi1[imin:imax]))
print u"omega: " + str(res[0][0])
print u"a: " + str(res[0][1])
R3 = fit_func(res[0], r[imin:imax])

myplot1({r'$r$': r}, {r'$\phi$': phi1}, r[imin:imax], R3, param={'\omega': res[0][0], 'a': res[0][1]})

omega: 0.0710580799788
a: 2.09805559422



In [25]:
trial = 100

N = np.arange(1, 20)
phi6 = []
for _N in N:
    _phi = 0.
    for t in range(trial):
        meeting = Meeting(K=50, N=_N, r=0.07, draw=False)
        _phi += len(uniq_list([x[1][1] for x in meeting.ideas]))/float(len(meeting.ideas))
    phi6.append(1 - _phi/trial)

In [26]:
myplot1({r'$N$': N}, {r'$\phi$': phi6})


In [3]:
trial = 100

S = np.arange(10, 70)
phi7 = []
for _S in S:
    _phi = 0.
    for t in range(trial):
        meeting = Meeting(K=50, S=_S, N=6, r=0.07, draw=False)
        _phi += len(uniq_list([x[1][1] for x in meeting.ideas]))/float(len(meeting.ideas))
    phi7.append(1 - _phi/trial)

In [5]:
myplot1({r'$S$': S}, {r'$\phi$': phi7})


$$\phi(S) = 1- \exp\left[- \left( \frac{S}{\omega} \right)^{a}\right]$$


In [12]:
omega = 20.
a = 1.
param = [omega, a]

def fit_func(parameter, x):
    omega = parameter[0]
    a = parameter[1]
    return 1. - np.exp(-(x/omega)**a)

def fit(parameter, x, y):
    return y - fit_func(parameter, x)

res = leastsq(fit, param, args=(S, phi7))
print u"omega: " + str(res[0][0])
print u"a: " + str(res[0][1])
R5 = fit_func(res[0], S)

myplot1({r'$S$': S}, {r'$\phi$': phi7}, S, R5, param={r'\omega': res[0][0], r'a': res[0][1]})

omega: 20.6143107436
a: 1.17886589316


$$p'(r) = \frac{1}{2}r^{4} -\frac{8}{3}r^{3} + \pi r^{2}$$

$r$を定めたとき、すべての点の個数が$M$個であるとすると、一つの点の点がもつ次数の期待値$l$は $$l = p'(r)(M-1) = \left( \frac{1}{2}r^{4} -\frac{8}{3}r^{3} + \pi r^{2} \right)(M-1)$$ となる。これを実際のシミュレーションの結果と照らして確かめる。

In [35]:
trial = 100

r = np.linspace(0.01, 0.5, num=50)
phi3 = []
for _r in r:
    _phi = 0.
    for t in range(trial):
        meeting = Meeting(K=50, N=6, r=_r, draw=False)
        _phi += meeting.ave_l

In [37]:
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8,6))
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)

r = np.linspace(0.01, 0.5, num=50)
def func(x):
    return (1./2*x**4 - 8/3.*x**3 + np.pi*x**2)*(120-1)
y = func(r)
def func2(x):
    return np.sqrt((-0.25*x**8 + 8/3.*x**7 - (64/9.+np.pi)*x**6 + 16/3.*np.pi*x**5
                   + (0.5-np.pi**2)*x**4 - 8/3.*x**3 + np.pi*x**2)*(120-1)/(trial))

delta = func2(r)
y1 = y + delta
y2 = y - delta
y3 = np.zeros(50)
y3[y2>0] = y2[y2>0]
ax.fill_between(r, y1, y3, facecolor='green', alpha=0.2)
ax.plot(r, phi3)
ax.plot(r, y)
ax.set_ylabel(r"Average number of edges for each time: $l$")