Graphical output

IJavascript provides a number of global variables to produce a graphical output.

Text formats

IJavascript can output HTML and SVG.


To output HTML simply assign a string with the HTML to the global variable $$html$$. See the example below:

In [1]:
$$html$$ = "<div style='background-color:olive;width:50px;height:50px'></div>";



Similarly, it is possible to output SVG by assigning a string to the global variable $$svg$$:

In [2]:
$$svg$$ = "<svg><rect width=80 height=80 style='fill: orange;'/></svg>";


Binary formats

IJavascript can also output pictures in PNG and JPEG formats. However, this formats are binary and need to be encoded in base64. See how in the following examples.


In the below example, a PNG file is read, then encoded in base64 and finally assigned to the global variable $$png$$:

In [3]:
$$png$$ = require("fs").readFileSync("image.png").toString("base64");



Similarly with JPEG files and the global variable $$jpeg$$:

In [4]:
$$jpeg$$ = require("fs").readFileSync("image.jpg").toString("base64");


MIME output

IJavascript also provides the global variable $$mime$$ to produce an output in any other format understood by the IPython frontend. Following is an example where instead of assigning an HTML string to the global variable $$html$$, the global variable $$mime$$ is assigned an object with the HTML string assigned to the property "text/html":

In [5]:
$$mime$$ = {"text/html": "<div style='background-color:olive;width:50px;height:50px'></div>"};
