In [6]:
import os
import numpy as np
from PIL import Image
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from skimage.transform import resize
from skimage import data
from scipy.misc import imresize
import IPython.display as ipyd

import tensorflow as tf
#from libs_3 import utils, gif, datasets, dataset_utils, vae, dft
#fom libs_3 import gif, datasets, dataset_utils, vae, dft

%matplotlib inline'ggplot')

Download the dataset

In [8]:
image_dir = './celebs'
n_images  = 10
files = [file_i
         for file_i in os.listdir(image_dir)
         if file_i.endswith('.jpg') or file_i.endswith('.JPG') ][:n_images]

imgs = []
size = (64,64)
for file_i in files:
    f_in = os.path.join(image_dir,file_i)
    img  ='LA')
    img.thumbnail(size, Image.ANTIALIAS)

print 'Aggregating all images to batch structure\n---------------------------------------------'
data = np.array(imgs)

Aggregating all images to batch structure

In [41]:

input_size = size[0]*size[1]
dims       = [512,256,128,64]

X          = tf.placeholder(tf.float32,[None,input_size],name='input')
curr_in    = X
print '--> ',curr_in.get_shape()

# Encoder
W_list = []
for i_layer, n_neurons in enumerate(dims):
    scope_name = 'encoder/layer_{}'.format(i_layer)
    with tf.variable_scope(scope_name):
        W          = tf.get_variable(name='w',
                                 shape = [input_size,n_neurons],
                                 initializer=tf.random_normal_initializer(mean=0.0, stddev=0.02))
        o          = tf.matmul(curr_in,W)
        curr_in    = tf.nn.relu(o)
        input_size = n_neurons
        print '--> ',curr_in.get_shape()
# Decoder
for i in xrange(len(dims)):
    scope_name = 'decoder/layer_{}'.format(i)
    o          = tf.matmul(curr_in,tf.transpose(W_list[i]))
    curr_in    = tf.nn.relu(o)
    print '--> ',curr_in.get_shape()

X_pred = curr_in

# Cost function
cost_per_batch = tf.reduce_mean(tf.squared_difference(X, X_pred), 1)
cost           = tf.reduce_mean(cost_per_batch)

print 'Prediction:   ',X_pred.get_shape()
print 'CostPerBatch: ',cost_per_batch.get_shape()
print 'Cost:         ',cost.get_shape()

-->  (?, 4096)
-->  (?, 512)
-->  (?, 256)
-->  (?, 128)
-->  (?, 64)
-->  (?, 128)
-->  (?, 256)
-->  (?, 512)
-->  (?, 4096)
Prediction:    (?, 4096)
CostPerBatch:  (?,)
Cost:          ()

In [ ]: