[1 pt]
Implement Harris Corner Detection algorithm for the same input images you used in previous question.
Rather than considering the Hessian of the original image I (i.e. second-order derivatives), we use the first-order
derivatives of the smoothed version L(p, σ) for some Gaussian filter with standard deviation σ > 0.
L is obtained after smoothing I with Gaussian filter G. Now, instead of calculating those eigenvalues we
computed in previous question, we will consider the cornerness measure as
</br>Cornerness(p, σ, α) = Det(H 2 ) − α.Tr(H 2 ),(0.3)
where Det and Tr indicate the determinant and trace of the matrix H 2 , respectively. Please use non-negative α ≈ 1/25 as a starting value and try to optimize it by trying different values and comment about it. Provide the detected corners in the resulting output image in color.
In [10]:
import math
from scipy import ndimage
from PIL import Image
from numpy import *
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from pylab import *
import time
In [11]:
# gaussian filter func
def gfilter (x,y,s):
gfilter = (1/(math.sqrt(2*(math.pi))*s))*exp(-((x**2) + (y**2))/2/s**2)
return gfilter
In [12]:
#gaussian filter first derivative func
def gfilter1 (x,y,s,z):
if(z =='x'):
gfilter1 = gfilter(x,y,s)*(-x/(s**2))
gfilter1 = gfilter(x,y,s)*(-y/(s**2))
return gfilter1
In [13]:
#file - name of input image file
#size - size of the kernal size = 2(input)+1
#a - aplha, the cornerness parameter.
#t - threshold
#s - sigma value
def Harris(file,size,a,t,s):
start = time.time()
inp = file # input image
I = array(Image.open(inp).convert('L')) # read the input image
G = []
for i in range(-2,2+1):
G.append(gfilter(i,0,s)) # equating y to 0 for a 1D matrix
Gx = [] #gaussian in x direction
for i in range(-size,size+1):
Gy = [] #gaussian in y direction
for i in range(-size,size+1):
I1 = []
for i in range(len(I[:,0])):
I1.extend([convolve(I[i,:],G)]) # I*G in x direction
I1 = array(matrix(I1))
I11 = I1*I1 #I11 = square from formula for harris(Lsquare X)
Ix = []
for i in range(len(I[:,0])):
Ix.extend([convolve(I1[i,:],Gx)]) # I*G in x direction
Ix = array(matrix(Ix))
I2 = []
for i in range(len(I[0,:])):
I2.extend([convolve(I[:,i],G)]) # I*G in y direction
I2 = array(matrix(transpose(I2)))
I22 = I2*I2 #I22 = square from formula for harris(Lsquare Y)
Iy = []
for i in range(len(I[0,:])):
Iy.extend([convolve(I2[:,i],Gx)]) # I*G in y direction
Iy = array(matrix(transpose(Iy)))
I12 = []
for i in range(len(I1[:,0])):
temp = []
for j in range(len(I2[0,:])):
if (j == len(I2[0,:])-1):
I12 = array(matrix(I12))
Ixy = []
for i in range(len(I12[:,0])):
Ixy.extend([convolve(I12[i,:],Gx)]) # I*G in x direction
Ixy = array(matrix(Ixy))
#store values in x,y to plot the corners
x = [] # array x[] stores x coordinates of the corner
y = [] # array y[] stores y coordinates of the corner
for i in range(len(I[:,0])):
for j in range(len(I[0,:])):
H1 = ([Ix[i,j]**2,Ix[i,j]*Iy[i,j]],[Ix[i,j]*Iy[i,j],Iy[i,j]**2]) # Harris Matrix
if(abs(linalg.det(H1)-(a*(trace(H1)))) > t):
y.append(i-5)# appending y index to mark corners
x.append(j-5)# appending x index to mark corners
plt.imshow(I,cmap = cm.gray)
return time.time() - start
In [14]:
inp1 = Harris('/home/srikar/CVPA1/CVV/input1.png',2,.055,43.999,1.5)
In [21]:
inp2 = Harris('/home/srikar/CVPA1/CVV/input2.png',2,.004,4.55,1.5)
In [22]:
inp3 = Harris('/home/srikar/CVPA1/CVV/input3.png',2,.004,1,1.5)
In [24]:
print ('The Accuracy/Time to Execute is:\nInput Image 1: %.2fseconds\nInput Image 2: %.2fseconds\nInput Image 3: %.2fseconds)'%(inp1,inp2,inp3))
Conclusion performs better than Hessianin terms of time complexity
In [15]:
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