Data: 1000 restaurants for each city

  1. Cuisines: most popular (bar chart)
  2. Chains: Rating and # franchinese (bokeh)
  3. Distributions of features
    • 2D distributions of features
  4. Cuisines: price vs rating (bokeh... see next notebook)


  • Scatter plot: average rating and cost for each cuisine, cuisine at least N samples
  • Which cities have the greatest concentration of mexican, ethiopian, etc.
  • Determine restaurants with single category and then look for relationships between category and price, rating, review count, etc.
  • Explore data using a bokeh plot in http://localhost:8889/notebooks/examples/app/movies/Untitled.ipynb
    • This is a plot could have on my webpage (not a dashboard) !!
  • What are the most popular and least popular?
  • Which cities are nicest, best restaurants? (may be sampling bias. maybe should use sort by alphabet?)
  • Which cities are cheapest?
  • plot poke on maps


  • Per capita analysis may not be valid because yelp searches around a city, not just where the population was counted
    • e.g. South San Francisco search on Yelp likely brings up restaurants outside the range of population counted
    • This could be assuaged if I instead delineate restaurants by the city their address says
  • Categories - might be overlapping
    • I should look through top 100 and manually collapse some (deli and sanwich; japanese and sushi). One is a subset of another
  • BOkeh sometimes stops working in its exported html when make multiple in 1 notebook

In [1]:
%matplotlib inline
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import glob
import os
import scipy as sp
from scipy import stats

from tools.plt import color2d #from the 'srcole/tools' repo
from matplotlib import cm

Load dataframes

In [2]:
# Load cities info
df_cities = pd.read_csv('/gh/data2/yelp/city_pop.csv', index_col=0)

city state population total_food latitude longitude total_scraped
0 New York New York 8537673 54191 40.705445 -73.994293 1000
1 Los Angeles California 3976322 41685 34.061590 -118.321381 1000
2 Chicago Illinois 2704958 19315 41.905159 -87.677765 1000
3 Houston Texas 2303482 15197 29.784854 -95.359955 1000
4 Phoenix Arizona 1615017 11034 33.465086 -112.070160 1000

In [3]:
# Load restaurants
df_restaurants = pd.read_csv('/gh/data2/yelp/food_by_city/df_restaurants.csv', index_col=0)

id name city state rating review_count cost latitude longitude has_delivery has_pickup url
0 poquito-picante-brooklyn-2 Poquito Picante New York New York 4.5 40 2 40.685742 -73.981262 True True
1 nourish-brooklyn-4 Nourish New York New York 4.0 65 2 40.677960 -73.968550 True True
2 taste-of-heaven-brooklyn Taste of Heaven New York New York 5.0 19 2 40.717150 -73.940540 False True
3 milk-and-cream-cereal-bar-new-york Milk & Cream Cereal Bar New York New York 4.5 307 2 40.719580 -73.996540 False False
4 the-bao-shoppe-new-york-2 The Bao Shoppe New York New York 4.0 99 1 40.714345 -73.990518 False False

In [9]:
# Load categories by restaurant
df_categories = pd.read_csv('/gh/data2/yelp/food_by_city/df_categories.csv', index_col=0)

acaibowls accessories active acupuncture adultedu advertising aerialfitness afghani african airport_shuttles ... wine_bars wineries winetasteclasses winetastingroom winetours womenscloth wraps yelpevents yoga zoos
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ... 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ... 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ... 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ... 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ... 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

5 rows × 684 columns

1. What are most popular categories?

In [10]:
# Manually concatenate categories with at least 500 counts
# Find categories D and V such that category 'D' should be counted as vategory 'V'
category_subsets = {'delis': 'sandwiches',
                    'sushi': 'japanese',
                    'icecream': 'desserts',
                    'cafes': 'coffee',
                    'sportsbars': 'bars',
                    'hotdog': 'hotdogs',
                    'wine_bars': 'bars',
                    'pubs': 'bars',
                    'cocktailbars': 'bars',
                    'beerbar': 'bars',
                    'tacos': 'mexican',
                    'gastropubs': 'bars',
                    'ramen': 'japanese',
                    'chocolate': 'desserts',
                    'dimsum': 'chinese',
                    'cantonese': 'chinese',
                    'szechuan': 'chinese',
                    'coffeeroasteries': 'coffee',
                    'hookah_bars': 'bars',
                    'irish_pubs': 'bars'}

for k in category_subsets.keys():
    df_categories[category_subsets[k]] = np.logical_or(df_categories[k], df_categories[category_subsets[k]])

In [11]:
# Remove some categories                                                                                       # R
category_remove = ['hotdog', 'cafes']
for k in category_remove:
    df_categories.drop(k, axis=1, inplace=True)

In [12]:
# Top categories
N = 20
category_counts = df_categories.sum().sort_values(ascending=False)
top_N_categories = list(category_counts.head(N).keys())
top_N_categories_counts = category_counts.head(N).values


sandwiches          73219.0
mexican             65826.0
hotdogs             63692.0
bars                55038.0
tradamerican        52656.0
pizza               50188.0
burgers             48277.0
coffee              42829.0
breakfast_brunch    39025.0
newamerican         31026.0
desserts            29916.0
chinese             28560.0
italian             28380.0
seafood             26280.0
japanese            24984.0
grocery             22727.0
salad               22291.0
bakeries            20171.0
foodtrucks          19650.0
chicken_wings       17667.0
dtype: float64

In [13]:
# Bar chart
plt.figure(figsize=(12,5)), top_N_categories_counts / len(df_restaurants), color='k', ecolor='.5')
plt.xticks(np.arange(N), top_N_categories)
plt.ylabel('Fraction of restaurants', size=20)
plt.xlabel('Restaurant category', size=20)
plt.xticks(size=15, rotation='vertical')

2. What are the most common restaurant chains?

In [5]:
gb = df_restaurants.groupby('name')
df_chains = gb.mean()[['rating', 'review_count', 'cost']]
df_chains['count'] = gb.size()
df_chains.sort_values('count', ascending=False, inplace=True)

rating review_count cost count
Subway 2.922554 5.474838 1.815844 8167
McDonald's 2.182025 12.400315 1.425018 5708
Starbucks 3.321750 23.568826 1.735268 4446
Taco Bell 2.620842 11.928064 1.300256 3517
Wendy's 2.492046 9.558568 1.435647 2766
Burger King 2.241244 7.554769 1.561103 2684
Dunkin' Donuts 2.719626 9.031598 1.387628 2247
Walgreens 2.964069 4.881941 1.994867 2143
Domino's Pizza 2.943810 13.044762 1.875714 2100
Pizza Hut 2.286355 9.845618 2.078187 2008

2a. Correlations in chain properties

  • higher rating --> more reviews, fewer branches
  • more branches --> fewer reviews
  • 'u' relationship between cost and review count: lots of reviews to branches that are consistently 1, or consistently 2, but not those that are inconsistent
    • true for min_count = 40, 50, 100, 200,

In [6]:
# Only consider restaurants with at least 50 locations
min_count = 50
df_temp = df_chains[df_chains['count'] >= min_count]

plt_num = 1
for i, k1 in enumerate(df_temp.keys()):
    for j, k2 in enumerate(df_temp.keys()[i+1:]):
        if k1 in ['review_count', 'count']:
            if k2 in ['review_count', 'count']:
                plot_f = plt.loglog
                plot_f = plt.semilogx
            if k2 in ['review_count', 'count']:
                plot_f = plt.semilogy
                plot_f = plt.plot
        plt.subplot(3, 2, plt_num)
        plot_f(df_temp[k1], df_temp[k2], 'k.')
        plt_num += 1
        r, p = stats.spearmanr(df_temp[k1], df_temp[k2])

2b. Number of franchises vs rating (bokeh)

In [28]:
from import output_notebook
from bokeh.layouts import row, widgetbox
from bokeh.models import CustomJS, Slider, Legend, HoverTool
from bokeh.plotting import figure, output_file, show, ColumnDataSource


# Slider variables
min_N_franchises = 100

# Determine dataframe sources
df_chains2 = df_chains[df_chains['count'] > 10].reset_index()
df_temp = df_chains2[df_chains2['count'] >= min_N_franchises]

# Create data source for plotting and Slider callback
source1 = ColumnDataSource(df_temp, id='source1')
source2 = ColumnDataSource(df_chains2, id='source2')

hover = HoverTool(tooltips=[
    ("Name", "@name"),
    ("Avg Stars", "@rating"),
    ("# locations", "@count")])

# Make initial figure of net income vs years of saving
plot = figure(plot_width=400, plot_height=400,
              x_axis_label='Number of locations',
              y_axis_label='Average rating',
              x_axis_type="log", tools=[hover])

plot.scatter('count', 'rating', source=source1, line_width=3, line_alpha=0.6, line_color='black')

# Declare how to update plot on slider change
callback = CustomJS(args=dict(s1=source1, s2=source2), code="""
    var d1 = s1.get("data");
    var d2 = s2.get("data");
    var N = N.value;
    d1["count"] = [];
    d1["rating"] = [];
    for(i=0;i <=d2["count"].length; i++){
        if (d2["count"][i] >= N) {


N_slider = Slider(start=10, end=1000, value=min_N_franchises, step=10,
                  title="minimum number of franchises", callback=callback)
callback.args["N"] = N_slider

# Define layout of plot and sliders
layout = row(plot, widgetbox(N_slider))

# Output and show
output_file("/gh/", title="Yelp WIP")

Loading BokehJS ...
E-1001 (BAD_COLUMN_NAME): Glyph refers to nonexistent column name: cost, rating [renderer: GlyphRenderer(id='34516048-4a35-4a7c-b102-686c869fe5a4', ...)]

3. Distributions of ratings, review counts, and costs

3a. Distibutions

In [13]:
N_bins_per_factor10 = 8
bins_by_key = {'rating': np.arange(0.75, 5.75, .5),
               'review_count': np.logspace(1, 5, num=N_bins_per_factor10*4+1),
               'cost': np.arange(.5, 5, 1)}
log_by_key = {'rating': False,
               'review_count': True,
               'cost': False}

plt.figure(figsize=(12, 4))
for i, k in enumerate(bins_by_key.keys()):
    weights = np.ones_like(df_restaurants[k].values)/float(len(df_restaurants[k].values))
    plt.subplot(1, 3, i+1)
    plt.hist(df_restaurants[k].values, bins_by_key[k], log=log_by_key[k],
             color='k', edgecolor='.5', weights=weights)
    if k == 'review_count':
        plt.xlim((10, 40000))
    elif i == 0:

3b. Correlations (histograms)

In [14]:
# Prepare histogram analysis
gb_cost = df_restaurants.groupby('cost').groups
gb_rating = df_restaurants.groupby('rating').groups

# Remove 0 from gb_rating

N_bins_cost = len(gb_cost.keys())
N_bins_count = len(bins_by_key['review_count']) - 1
N_bins_rate = len(bins_by_key['rating']) - 1

# Hist: review count and rating as fn of cost
hist_count_by_cost = np.zeros((N_bins_cost, N_bins_count))
hist_rate_by_cost = np.zeros((N_bins_cost, N_bins_rate))
points_count_by_cost = np.zeros((N_bins_cost, 3))
points_rate_by_cost = np.zeros((N_bins_cost, 3))
for i, k in enumerate(gb_cost.keys()):
    # Make histogram of review count as fn of cost
    x = df_restaurants.loc[gb_cost[k]]['review_count'].values
    hist_temp, _ = np.histogram(x, bins=bins_by_key['review_count'])
    # Make each cost sum to 1
    hist_count_by_cost[i] = hist_temp / np.sum(hist_temp)
    # Compute percentiles
    points_count_by_cost[i,0] = np.mean(x)
    points_count_by_cost[i,1] = np.std(x)
    points_count_by_cost[i,2] = np.min([np.std(x), 5-np.mean(x)])
    # Repeat for rating
    x = df_restaurants.loc[gb_cost[k]]['rating'].values
    hist_temp, _ = np.histogram(x, bins=bins_by_key['rating'])
    hist_rate_by_cost[i] = hist_temp / np.sum(hist_temp)
    points_rate_by_cost[i,0] = np.mean(x)
    points_rate_by_cost[i,1] = np.std(x)
    points_rate_by_cost[i,2] = np.min([np.std(x), 5-np.mean(x)])
# Make histograms of review count as fn of rating
hist_count_by_rate = np.zeros((N_bins_rate, N_bins_count))
points_count_by_rate = np.zeros((N_bins_rate, 3))
for i, k in enumerate(gb_rating.keys()):
    # Make histogram of review count as fn of cost
    x = df_restaurants.loc[gb_rating[k]]['review_count'].values
    hist_temp, _ = np.histogram(x, bins=bins_by_key['review_count'])
    # Make each cost sum to 1
    hist_count_by_rate[i] = hist_temp / np.sum(hist_temp)
    points_count_by_rate[i,0] = np.mean(x)
    points_count_by_rate[i,1] = np.std(x)
    points_count_by_rate[i,2] = np.min([np.std(x), 5-np.mean(x)])

In [15]:
# Make a 2d colorplot
color2d(hist_rate_by_cost, cmap=cm.viridis,
        clim=[0,.4], cticks = np.arange(0,.41,.05), color_label='Probability',
        plot_xlabel='Rating', plot_ylabel='Cost ($)',
        plot_xticks_locs=range(N_bins_rate), plot_xticks_labels=gb_rating.keys(),
        plot_yticks_locs=range(N_bins_cost), plot_yticks_labels=gb_cost.keys(),
        interpolation='none', fontsize_minor=14, fontsize_major=19)

# On top, plot the mean and st. dev.
# plt.errorbar(points_rate_by_cost[:,0] / , np.arange(N_bins_cost), fmt='.', color='w', ms=10,
#              xerr=points_rate_by_cost[:,1:].T, ecolor='w', alpha=.5)

In [16]:
# Make a 2d colorplot
xbins_label = np.arange(0,N_bins_per_factor10*2+1, N_bins_per_factor10)
color2d(hist_count_by_cost, cmap=cm.viridis,
        clim=[0,.2], cticks = np.arange(0,.21,.05), color_label='Probability',
        plot_xlabel='Number of reviews', plot_ylabel='Cost ($)',
        plot_xticks_locs=xbins_label, plot_xticks_labels=bins_by_key['review_count'][xbins_label].astype(int),
        plot_yticks_locs=range(N_bins_cost), plot_yticks_labels=gb_cost.keys(),
        interpolation='none', fontsize_minor=14, fontsize_major=19)
plt.xlim((-.5,N_bins_per_factor10*2 + .5))

(-0.5, 16.5)

In [17]:
# Make a 2d colorplot
xbins_label = np.arange(0,N_bins_per_factor10*2+1, N_bins_per_factor10)
color2d(hist_count_by_rate, cmap=cm.viridis,
        clim=[0,.4], cticks = np.arange(0,.41,.1), color_label='Probability',
        plot_xlabel='Number of reviews', plot_ylabel='Rating',
        plot_xticks_locs=xbins_label, plot_xticks_labels=bins_by_key['review_count'][xbins_label].astype(int),
        plot_yticks_locs=range(N_bins_rate), plot_yticks_labels=gb_rating.keys(),
        interpolation='none', fontsize_minor=14, fontsize_major=19)
plt.xlim((-.5,N_bins_per_factor10*2 + .5))

(-0.5, 16.5)