In [9]:
import json
import pandas as pd
import re
import random
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline
from ast import literal_eval as make_tuple
from scipy import sparse
import numpy as np
from pymongo import MongoClient
from nltk.corpus import stopwords
from sklearn import svm
from sklearn.decomposition import LatentDirichletAllocation
from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import CountVectorizer
from sklearn.pipeline import Pipeline, FeatureUnion
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier
from sklearn import svm
from sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score
from sklearn.naive_bayes import GaussianNB
from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import TfidfVectorizer
import sys
import yelp_ml as yml
from gensim import corpora, models, similarities, matutils
import tqdm
In [10]:
dc_reviews = json.load(open("../Yelp_web_scrapper/dc_reviews.json"))
newyork_reviews = json.load(open("../Yelp_web_scrapper/newyork_reviews.json"))
austin_reviews = json.load(open("../Yelp_web_scrapper/austin_reviews.json"))
chicago_reviews = json.load(open("../Yelp_web_scrapper/chicago_reviews.json"))
la_reviews = json.load(open("../Yelp_web_scrapper/la_reviews.json"))
scrapped_reviews = {'dc': dc_reviews, 'ny': newyork_reviews,
'austin': austin_reviews, 'chicago': chicago_reviews,
'la': la_reviews}
In [11]:
lh_neg = open('../input/negative-words.txt', 'r').read()
lh_neg = lh_neg.split('\n')
lh_pos = open('../input/positive-words.txt', 'r').read()
lh_pos = lh_pos.split('\n')
users = json.load(open("cleaned_large_user_dictionary.json"))
word_list = list(set(lh_pos + lh_neg))
Connect to the AWS Instance and get the restaurant reviews from the cleaned data database
In [12]:
ip = ''
conn = MongoClient(ip, 27017)
db = conn.get_database('cleaned_data')
reviews = db.get_collection('restaurant_reviews')
The features and models we use are:
In [48]:
string_keys_dict = {}
for j in tqdm.tqdm(range(55, 56)):
#Generate a dataframe that has the user's review text, review rating, and restaurant ID
test_results = {}
user_df = yml.make_user_df(users[users.keys()[j]])
#Only predict for the user if they have at least 20 bad ratings
if len([x for x in user_df['rating'] if x < 4]) < 20:
string_keys_dict[str(users.keys()[j])] = test_results
business_ids = list(set(user_df['biz_id']))
restreview = {}
#Create a training and test sample from the user reviewed restaurants
#using a random 25% subset of all the restaurants the user has reviewed
split_samp = .25
len_random = int(len(business_ids) * split_samp)
test_set = random.sample(business_ids, len_random)
training_set = [x for x in business_ids if x not in test_set]
sub_train_reviews, train_labels, train_reviews, train_ratings = [], [], [], []
#Create a list with the tuple (training review, training rating)
for rest_id in training_set:
train_reviews.append((user_df[user_df['biz_id'] == rest_id]['review_text'].iloc[0],
user_df[user_df['biz_id'] == rest_id]['rating'].iloc[0]))
#Note that the distribution is heavily skewed towards good reviews.
#Therefore, we create a training sample with the same amount of
#positive and negative reviews
sample_size = min(len([x[1] for x in train_reviews if x[1] < 4]),
len([x[1] for x in train_reviews if x[1] >= 4]))
bad_reviews = [x for x in train_reviews if x[1] < 4]
good_reviews = [x for x in train_reviews if x[1] >= 4]
for L in range(0, int(float(sample_size)/float(2))):
#Make the train labels binary
train_labels = [1 if x >=4 else 0 for x in train_labels]
#Sanity check for non-empty training reviews
if not sub_train_reviews:
string_keys_dict[str(users.keys()[j])] = test_results
for i in range(0, len(business_ids)):
rlist = []
for obj in reviews.find({'business_id':business_ids[i]}):
restreview[business_ids[i]] = rlist
restaurant_df = yml.make_biz_df(users.keys()[j], restreview)
#Make a FeatureUnion object with the desired features then fit to train reviews
feature_selection = {"sent_tf":(True, True, False),
"sent": (True,False,False),
"tf_lda": (False,True,True),
"all": (True, True, True)}
for feature in feature_selection.keys():
#Make a FeatureUnion object with the desired features then fit to train reviews
comb_features = yml.make_featureunion(sent_percent=feature_selection[feature][0],
tf = feature_selection[feature][1],
lda = feature_selection[feature][2])
delta_vect = None
train_features = comb_features.transform(sub_train_reviews)
#Fit LSI model and return number of LSI topics
lsi, topics, dictionary = yml.fit_lsi(sub_train_reviews)
train_lsi = yml.get_lsi_features(sub_train_reviews, lsi, topics, dictionary)
#Stack the LSI and combined features together
train_features = sparse.hstack((train_features, train_lsi))
train_features = train_features.todense()
#fit each model in turn
model_runs = {"svm": (True, False, False),
"rf": (False, True, False),
"naive_bayes": (False, False, True)}
for model_run in model_runs.keys():
clf = yml.fit_model(train_features, train_labels, svm_clf = model_runs[model_run][0],
RandomForest = model_runs[model_run][1],
nb = model_runs[model_run][2])
threshold = 0.7
error = yml.test_user_set(test_set, clf, restaurant_df, user_df, comb_features,
threshold, lsi, topics, dictionary, delta_vect)
test_results[str((feature, model_run))] = (yml.get_log_loss(error),
string_keys_dict[str(users.keys()[j])] = test_results
with open('test_results.json', 'wb') as fp:
json.dump(string_keys_dict, fp)
In [49]:
test_results_df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(test_results, orient = 'index')
test_results_df['model'] = test_results_df.index
test_results_df.columns = ['log_loss', 'accuracy', 'precision', 'model']
test_results_df.plot(x = 'model', y = ['log_loss', 'accuracy', 'precision'], kind = 'bar')
ax = plt.subplot(111)
ax.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1.4, 1))
In [50]:
top_results = []
#Get feature and model combination that yields the highest precision
for key in test_results.keys():
feat_model = make_tuple(key)
if not top_results:
top_results = [(feat_model,test_results[key][2])]
if test_results[key][2] > top_results[0][1]:
top_results = [(feat_model, test_results[key][2])]
feat_result = top_results[0][0][0]
model_result = top_results[0][0][1]
for j in tqdm.tqdm(range(55, 56)):
user_df = yml.make_user_df(users[users.keys()[j]])
business_ids = list(set(user_df['biz_id']))
#Create a list of training reviews and training ratings
for rest_id in business_ids:
train_reviews.append((user_df[user_df['biz_id'] == rest_id]['review_text'].iloc[0],
user_df[user_df['biz_id'] == rest_id]['rating'].iloc[0]))
#Create an even sample s.t. len(positive_reviews) = len(negative_reviews)
sample_size = min(len([x[1] for x in train_reviews if x[1] < 4]),
len([x[1] for x in train_reviews if x[1] >= 4]))
bad_reviews = [x for x in train_reviews if x[1] < 4]
good_reviews = [x for x in train_reviews if x[1] >= 4]
train_labels = []
sub_train_reviews = []
for L in range(0, int(float(sample_size)/float(2))):
#Make the train labels binary
train_labels = [1 if x >=4 else 0 for x in train_labels]
#Fit LSI model and return number of LSI topics
lsi, topics, dictionary = yml.fit_lsi(sub_train_reviews)
#Make a FeatureUnion object with the desired features then fit to train reviews
feature_selection = {"sent_tf":(True, True, False),
"sent": (True,False,False),
"tf_lda": (False,True,True),
"all": (True, True, True)}
top_feature = feature_selection['all']
comb_features = yml.make_featureunion(sent_percent=top_feature[0],
tf = top_feature[1],
lda = top_feature[2])
train_features = comb_features.transform(sub_train_reviews)
train_lsi = yml.get_lsi_features(sub_train_reviews, lsi, topics, dictionary)
train_features = sparse.hstack((train_features, train_lsi))
train_features = train_features.todense()
#Fit LSI model and return number of LSI topics
lsi, topics, dictionary = yml.fit_lsi(sub_train_reviews)
#Get the top performing model and fit using that model
model_runs = {"svm": (True, False, False),
"rf": (False, True, False),
"naive_bayes": (False, False, True)}
top_model = model_runs['svm']
clf = yml.fit_model(train_features, train_labels, svm_clf = top_model[0],
RandomForest = top_model[1],
nb = top_model[2])
threshold = 0.7
user_results = {}
for key in scrapped_reviews.keys():
user_results[key] = yml.make_rec(scrapped_reviews[key], clf, threshold, comb_features,
lsi, topics, dictionary)
In [51]:
#Collect the results into a list of tuples, then select the top
#5 most confident good recs and top 5 most confident bad recs
#for each location
tuple_results = {}
for key in user_results.keys():
tuple_results[key] = []
for result in user_results[key]:
tuple_results[key].append((result[1], result[2], result[3]))
tuple_results[key] = sorted(tuple_results[key], key=lambda tup: tup[1])
In [52]:
for key in tuple_results.keys():
print "The top 5 recommendations for " + key + " are: "
print tuple_results[key][-5:]
In [53]:
for key in tuple_results.keys():
print "The bottom 5 recommendations for " + key + " are: "
print tuple_results[key][0:5]
In [54]:
user_df = yml.make_user_df(users[users.keys()[j]])
In [55]:
from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import CountVectorizer
from sklearn.svm import LinearSVC
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
tfv = TfidfVectorizer(ngram_range = (2,2), stop_words = 'english')
X_train = tfv.transform(sub_train_reviews)
ex_clf = svm.LinearSVC(), train_labels)
yml.plot_coefficients(ex_clf, tfv.get_feature_names())
In [56]:
#Let's take a look at sample weightings for the user's GOOD reviews
good_reviews = [a for (a,b) in zip(sub_train_reviews, train_labels) if b == 1]
vectorizer = TfidfVectorizer(ngram_range = (2,2), stop_words = 'english')
tf =
lda_fit = LatentDirichletAllocation(n_topics=50).fit(tf.transform(sub_train_reviews))
tf_good = tf.transform(good_reviews)
lda_good = lda_fit.transform(tf_good)
#Take the average of each topic weighting amongst good reviews and graph each topic
topic_strings = ["Topic " + str(x) for x in range(0,50)]
topic_dict = {}
for review in lda_good:
for x in range(0,50):
topic_dict[topic_strings[x]] = [review[x]]
average_top_weight = {}
for x in range(0,50):
average_top_weight[topic_strings[x]] = reduce(lambda x, y: x + y, topic_dict[topic_strings[x]])
/ len(topic_dict[topic_strings[x]])
In [57]:
#Plot the average weights for each topic in the good reviews
#Find the average topic weights for each topic
average_topics = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(average_top_weight, orient = 'index')
average_topics.columns = ['topic_weight']
average_topics['topic'] = average_topics.index
average_topics['topic'] = [int(x[5:8]) for x in average_topics['topic']]
average_topics = average_topics.sort_values(['topic'])
x_max = average_topics.sort_values('topic_weight')['topic_weight'][-2] + 1
#Make the plot
good_plt = average_topics.plot(x='topic', y='topic_weight', kind='scatter', legend=False)
yml.label_point(average_topics.topic, average_topics.topic_weight, good_plt)
good_plt.set_ylim(0, x_max)
good_plt.set_xlim(0, 50)
In [58]:
#View the top words in the outlier topics from the LDA representation
yml.label_point(average_topics.topic, average_topics.topic_weight, good_plt)
a = pd.concat({'x': average_topics.topic,
'y': average_topics.topic_weight}, axis=1)
top_topics = [a[a['y'] == max(a['y'])]['x'][0]]
a = a[a['y'] != max(a['y'])]
for i, point in a.iterrows():
if (point['y'] > (a['y'].mean() + 1.5 * a['y'].std()) ):
#Display top words in each topic
no_top_words = 10
tf_feature_names = vectorizer.get_feature_names()
yml.display_topics(lda_fit, tf_feature_names, no_top_words, top_topics)
In [59]:
good_restaurants = user_df[user_df['rating'] >= 4]['biz_id']
bis_data = db.get_collection('restaurants')
#Pull each restaurant attribute from the MongoDB
restreview_good = {}
for i in tqdm.tqdm(range(0, len(good_restaurants))):
rlist = []
for obj in bis_data.find({'business_id':business_ids[i]}):
restreview_good[business_ids[i]] = rlist
In [60]:
#Get all the categories for the good restaurants
good_list = []
for key in restreview_good.keys():
good_list = [word for word in good_list if (word != u'Restaurants')]
good_list = [word for word in good_list if (word != u'Food')]
unique_categories = list(set(good_list))
category_count = [good_list.count(cat) for cat in unique_categories]
category_list = [(a,b) for (a,b) in zip(unique_categories, category_count) if b >= 10]
unique_categories = [a for (a,b) in category_list]
category_count = [b for (a,b) in category_list]
biz_category = pd.DataFrame({'category': unique_categories, 'count': category_count})
#Plot only categories that show up at least 10 times
good_plt = biz_category.plot(x='category', y='count', kind='bar', legend=False)
The restaurants that we've recommended include many traditional and new American restaurants, as well as Burger places. This suggests that our recommendation system does a good job picking up on the latent preferences of the user.
With LSA, we arbitrarily chose the number of topics to be the mean of the singular values. This is a meaningless choice and completely arbitrary.
The words in the below representation represent word vectors in the initial term-document matrix, the coefficients on each word vector is a result of the singular value decomposition.
In [61]:
print "The number of LSA topics is: " + str(lsi.num_topics)
for x in lsi.show_topics():
print str(x) + "\n"
In [63]:
#Let's take a look at sample weightings for the user's GOOD reviews
good_reviews = [a for (a,b) in zip(sub_train_reviews, train_labels) if b == 1]
lsi, topics, dictionary = yml.fit_lsi(good_reviews)
train_lsi = yml.get_lsi_features(good_reviews, lsi, topics, dictionary).todense()
train_lsi = [np.array(x[0])[0] for x in train_lsi]
#Take the average of each topic weighting amongst good reviews and graph each topic
lsi_topic_strings = ["Topic " + str(x) for x in range(0,int(lsi.num_topics))]
lsi_topic_dict = {}
for review in train_lsi:
for x in range(0,int(lsi.num_topics)):
lsi_topic_dict[lsi_topic_strings[x]] = [review[x]]
average_lsi_weight = {}
for x in range(0,int(lsi.num_topics)):
average_lsi_weight[lsi_topic_strings[x]] = reduce(lambda x, y: x + y,
/ len(lsi_topic_dict[lsi_topic_strings[x]])
In [64]:
#Plot the average weights for each topic in the good reviews
#Find the average topic weights for each topic
lsi_average_topics = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(average_lsi_weight, orient = 'index')
lsi_average_topics.columns = ['topic_weight']
lsi_average_topics['topic'] = lsi_average_topics.index
lsi_average_topics['topic'] = [int(x[5:8]) for x in lsi_average_topics['topic']]
lsi_average_topics = lsi_average_topics.sort_values(['topic'])
x_max = lsi_average_topics.sort_values('topic_weight')['topic_weight'][-2] + 1
#Make the plot
lsi_good_plt = lsi_average_topics.plot(x='topic', y='topic_weight', kind='scatter', legend=False)
yml.label_point(lsi_average_topics.topic, lsi_average_topics.topic_weight, lsi_good_plt)