Rugby Analytics and FinTech - Tutorial

  • Peadar Coyle
  • Alternate title - Probabilistic Programming applied to Sports Analytics and FinTech
  • Alternate title - Why use PyMC and PyMC3?
  • pip install patsy pandas
  • pip install pymc - PyMC2
  • pip install git+ - PyMC3
  • Also need Scipy, NumPy, Seaborn - basically the PyData Stack
  • Anaconda is excellent to get up and running
  • Stop me and ask questions as we go along


  • PyMC3 is Beta
  • Big shout out to John Salvatier, Thomas Wiecki and Chris Fonnesbeck - great work people :)
  • You are attending the first tutorial in the world on PyMC3 since it went Beta!
  • Welcome to the cutting-edge of Probabilistic Programming with the PyData stack :)
  • The next slide is just some code. Run it as a test for if you've installed the correct things.
  • The code is taken from Thomas Wiecki's tutorials on applying PyMC3 to Quantitative finance

In [31]:
%matplotlib inline
#Most of this code is from @twiecki - used with attribution
import pandas as pd
import seaborn as sns
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import itertools
import scipy as sp
import pymc3 as pm3
import theano.tensor as T
from scipy import stats
from IPython.core.pylabtools import figsize

figsize(12, 12)
import scipy
data_0 = pd.read_csv('data0.csv', index_col=0, parse_dates=True, header=None)[1]
data_1 = pd.read_csv('data1.csv', index_col=0, parse_dates=True, header=None)[1]
def var_cov_var_t(P, c, nu=1, mu=0, sigma=1, **kwargs):
    Variance-Covariance calculation of daily Value-at-Risk
    using confidence level c, with mean of returns mu
    and standard deviation of returns sigma, on a portfolio
    of value P.
    alpha = stats.t.ppf(1-c, nu, mu, sigma)
    return P - P*(alpha + 1)

def var_cov_var_normal(P, c, mu=0, sigma=1, **kwargs):
    Variance-Covariance calculation of daily Value-at-Risk
    using confidence level c, with mean of returns mu
    and standard deviation of returns sigma, on a portfolio
    of value P.
    alpha = stats.norm.ppf(1-c, mu, sigma)
    return P - P*(alpha + 1)

def sample_normal(mu=0, sigma=1, **kwargs):
    samples = stats.norm.rvs(mu, sigma, kwargs.get('size', 100))
    return samples

def sample_t(nu=1, mu=0, sigma=1, **kwargs):
    samples = stats.t.rvs(nu, mu, sigma, kwargs.get('size', 100))
    return samples

def eval_normal(mu=0, sigma=1, **kwargs):
    pdf = stats.norm(mu, sigma).pdf(kwargs.get('x', np.linspace(-0.05, 0.05, 500)))
    return pdf

def eval_t(nu=1, mu=0, sigma=1, **kwargs):
    samples = stats.t(nu, mu, sigma).pdf(kwargs.get('x', np.linspace(-0.05, 0.05, 500)))
    return samples

def logp_normal(mu=0, sigma=1, **kwargs):
    logp = np.sum(stats.norm(mu, sigma).logpdf(kwargs['data']))
    return logp

def logp_t(nu=1, mu=0, sigma=1, **kwargs):
    logp = np.sum(stats.t(nu, mu, sigma).logpdf(kwargs['data']))
    return logp

# generate posterior predictive
def post_pred(func, trace, *args, **kwargs):
    samples = kwargs.pop('samples', 50)
    ppc = []
    for i, idx in enumerate(np.linspace(0, len(trace), samples)):
        t = trace[int(i)]
            kwargs['nu'] = t['nu_minus_one']+1
        except KeyError:
        mu = t['mean returns']
        sigma = t['volatility']
        ppc.append(func(*args, mu=mu, sigma=sigma, **kwargs))

    return ppc

def plot_strats(sharpe=False):
    figsize(12, 6)
    f, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(1, 2)
    if sharpe:
        label = 'etrade\nn=%i\nSharpe=%.2f' % (len(data_0), (data_0.mean() / data_0.std() * np.sqrt(252)))
        label = 'etrade\nn=%i\n' % (len(data_0))
    sns.distplot(data_0, kde=False, ax=ax1, label=label, color='b')
    ax1.set_xlabel('daily returns'); ax1.legend(loc=0)
    if sharpe:
        label = 'IB\nn=%i\nSharpe=%.2f' % (len(data_1), (data_1.mean() / data_1.std() * np.sqrt(252)))
        label = 'IB\nn=%i\n' % (len(data_1))
    sns.distplot(data_1, kde=False, ax=ax2, label=label, color='g')
    ax2.set_xlabel('daily returns'); ax2.legend(loc=0);

In [33]:
def model_returns_normal(data):
    with pm3.Model() as model:
        mu = pm3.Normal('mean returns', mu=0, sd=.01, testval=data.mean())
        sigma, log_sigma = model.TransformedVar('volatility', 
                                                pm3.HalfCauchy.dist(beta=1, testval=data.std()), 
        #sigma = pm.HalfCauchy('volatility', beta=.1, testval=data.std())
        returns = pm3.Normal('returns', mu=mu, sd=sigma, observed=data)
        ann_vol = pm3.Deterministic('annual volatility', returns.distribution.variance**.5 * np.sqrt(252))
        sharpe = pm3.Deterministic('sharpe', 
                                  returns.distribution.mean / returns.distribution.variance**.5 * np.sqrt(252))
        start = pm3.find_MAP(fmin=scipy.optimize.fmin_powell)
        step = pm3.NUTS(scaling=start)
        trace_normal = pm3.sample(5000, step, start=start)
    return trace_normal

def model_returns_t(data):
    with pm3.Model() as model:
        mu = pm3.Normal('mean returns', mu=0, sd=.01, testval=data.mean())
        sigma, log_sigma = model.TransformedVar('volatility', 
                                                pm3.HalfCauchy.dist(beta=1, testval=data.std()), 
        nu, log_nu = model.TransformedVar('nu_minus_one',
                                          pm3.Exponential.dist(1./10., testval=3.),

        returns = pm3.T('returns', nu=nu+2, mu=mu, sd=sigma, observed=data)
        ann_vol = pm3.Deterministic('annual volatility', returns.distribution.variance**.5 * np.sqrt(252))
        sharpe = pm3.Deterministic('sharpe', 
                                  returns.distribution.mean / returns.distribution.variance**.5 * np.sqrt(252))

        start = pm3.find_MAP(fmin=scipy.optimize.fmin_powell)
        step = pm3.NUTS(scaling=start)
        trace = pm3.sample(5000, step, start=start)

    return trace

def model_returns_t_stoch_vol(data):
    from pymc3.distributions.timeseries import GaussianRandomWalk

    with pm3.Model() as model:
        mu = pm3.Normal('mean returns', mu=0, sd=.01, testval=data.mean())
        step_size, log_step_size = model.TransformedVar('step size', 
                                                pm3.Exponential.dist(1./.02, testval=.06), 
        vol = GaussianRandomWalk('volatility', step_size**-2, shape=len(data))
        nu, log_nu = model.TransformedVar('nu_minus_one',
                                          pm3.Exponential.dist(1./10., testval=3.),

        returns = pm3.T('returns', nu=nu+2, mu=mu, lam=pm.exp(-2*vol), observed=data)
        #ann_vol = pm.Deterministic('annual volatility', returns.distribution.variance**.5 * np.sqrt(252))
        #sharpe = pm.Deterministic('sharpe', 
        #                          returns.distribution.mean / ann_vol)

        start = pm3.find_MAP(vars=[vol], fmin=sp.optimize.fmin_l_bfgs_b)
        #start = pm.find_MAP(fmin=scipy.optimize.fmin_powell, start=start)
        step = pm3.NUTS(scaling=start)
        trace = pm3.sample(5000, step, start=start)

    return trace

results_normal = {0: model_returns_normal(data_0),
                  1: model_returns_normal(data_1)}
results_t = {0: model_returns_t(data_0),
             1: model_returns_t(data_1)}

 [-----------------100%-----------------] 5000 of 5000 complete in 11.8 sec

Who am I?

  • I'm a Data Analytics Professional based in Luxembourg
  • I currently work for Vodafone
  • My intellectual background is in Physics, Philosophy and Mathematics - including some Financial Mathematics
  • I worked at Amazon in Supply Chain Analytics
  • I interned at - where I got introduced to Data Science
  • I've made open source contributions to Pandas and Probabilistic Programming and Bayesian Methods for Hackers.
  • All opinions are my own!

Contents: Probabilistic Programming applied to not only Rugby

  • I'll discuss what probabilistic programming is, why should you care and how to use PyMC from Python to implement these methods.
  • I'll be applying these methods to studying the problem of 'rugby sports analytics' particularly how to model the winning team in the recent Six Nations in Rugby.
  • I will discuss the framework and how I was able to quickly and easily produce an innovative and powerful model as a non-expert.
  • I'll include examples from Finance (FinTech), toy examples from Cameron Davidson-Pilon (for Football or Soccer) and a defence of Bayesian Statistics

All Sports Commentary!

  • Attribution: Xkcd

How can statistics help with sports?

  • Well fundamentally a Rugby game is a simulatable event.
  • How do we generate a model to predict the outcome of a tournament?
  • How do we quantify our uncertainty in our model?

What influenced me on this?

Attribution: Quantopian blog

What's wrong with statistics

  • Models should not be built for mathematical convenience (e.g. normality assumption), but to most accurately model the data.

  • Pre-specified models, like frequentist statistics, make many assumptions that are all to easily violated.

"The purpose of computation is insight, not numbers." -- Richard Hamming

What is Bayesian Statistics?

  • At the core: formula to update our beliefs after having observed data (Bayes formula)
  • Implies that we have a prior belief about the world.
  • Updated beliefs after observing data is called posterior.
  • Beliefs are represented using random variables.

Who uses Bayesian Statistics?

  • In the real world?

What they did?

  • Deriving our new measuring model and verifying that it works took some effort! But it was all worth it, because now we have:

  • Automatic weight estimations for each Zalando article, which saves workers time

  • A reliable way to know the accuracy of our estimations
  • And most importantly: our warehouse workers can now focus on getting your fashion to you as quickly as possible. That’s isn’t just saving money–that’s priceless.
  • Attribution: The Zalando tech blog

We will have a quick detour

Short primer on random variables (hattip: @twiecki)

  • Represents our beliefs about an unknown state.
  • Probability distribution assigns a probability to each possible state.
  • Not a single number (e.g. most likely state).

We already know what a variable is

In [34]:
coin = 0 # 0 for tails
coin = 1 # 1 for heads

A random variable assigns all possible values a certain probability

In [35]:
#coin = {0: 50%,
#        1: 50%}


  • coin ~ Bernoulli(p=0.5)
  • coin is a random variable
  • Bernoulli is a probability distribution
  • ~ reads as "is distributed as"

Binary cases are not so interesting - the world is continuous

  • Returns ~ Normal($\mu, \sigma^{2}$)

In [36]:
from scipy import stats
sns.distplot(data_0, kde=False, fit=stats.norm)

<matplotlib.text.Text at 0x1240c8f28>

How to estimate μ and σ?

  • Naive: point estimate
  • Set mu = mean(data) and sigma = std(data)
  • Maximum Likelihood Estimate
  • Correct answer as n→∞ # Bayesian analysis
  • Most of the time n $\neq \infty$...
  • Uncertainty about μ and σ
  • Turn μ and σ into random variables
  • How to estimate?

Some terminology

A Toy Problem

  • A 'toy' problem is a notion from Physics, that you use a simple problem first to derive insight.
  • We will use one of Allen Downeys examples - the code is in PyMC2 and comes from Cameron Davidson-Pilon
  • It is hard to find examples online that aren't influenced by either of these two heavyweights :)

First build the model then Infer.

  • Our first step is to build the model.
  • The second step is to infer.

In the final match of the 2014 FIFA World Cup, Germany defeated Argentina 1-0. How much evidence does this victory provide that Germany had the better team? What is the probability that Germany would win a rematch?

  • From Allen Downey

Our first step is that we need to make some Modelling decisions

  • What kind of Model suits Football (Soocer)?
  • Well we know empirically that scoring follows a Poisson process
  • This means that a Poisson distribution will be our likelihood function

"Scoring in games like soccer and hockey can be well modeled by a Poisson process, which assumes that each team, against a given opponent, will score goals at some goal-scoring rate, $\lambda$, and that this rate is stationary; in other words, the probability of scoring a goal is about the same at any point during the game." - Allen Downey

  • A good framework for this is to use Bayesian Statistics
  • We will use this in this example - and the code comes from Cameron Davidson-Pilon

In [119]:
import pymc as pm
%matplotlib inline
from matplotlib.pyplot import *

In [118]:
avg_goals_per_team = 1.34
duration_of_game = 93.

In [120]:
german_prior = pm.Exponential('german_prior', duration_of_game/avg_goals_per_team)
arg_prior = pm.Exponential('arg_prior', duration_of_game/avg_goals_per_team)

sample = np.array([german_prior.random() for i in range(10000)])
hist(sample, bins=30, normed=True, histtype='stepfilled');
plt.title('Prior distribution: Exponential with mean equal to observed mean');

  • So now that we've done our Prior Distribution. We need to add some observed data and infer our Posterior.
  • Our posterior is 'the probability of winning the final' or the 'what is the most likely result'
  • We model the scoring function as a Poisson taking into account the Prior of the team and the observed data
  • Finally we create a predictive model - which consists of the duration of the game*the prior

In [40]:
germany = pm.Poisson('germany_obs', german_prior, observed=True, value=[1])
argentina = pm.Poisson('arg_obs', arg_prior, observed=True, value=[0])
germany_predictive = pm.Poisson('germany_predictive', duration_of_game*german_prior)
arg_predictive = pm.Poisson('arg_predictive', duration_of_game*arg_prior)

In [41]:
mcmc = pm.MCMC([germany, argentina, german_prior, 
                arg_prior, germany_predictive, arg_predictive])
  • Now we need to run the model :)

In [42]:
mcmc.sample(20000, 5000)

 [-----------------100%-----------------] 20000 of 20000 complete in 2.7 sec

In [43]:
german_lambda_trace = mcmc.trace('german_prior')[:]
arg_lambda_trace = mcmc.trace('arg_prior')[:]

In [121]:
hist(german_lambda_trace, bins=45, histtype='stepfilled', label='Germany', 
     alpha=0.9, normed=True);
hist(arg_lambda_trace, bins=45, histtype='stepfilled', label='Argentina', 
     alpha=0.8, normed=True);
plt.title('Posteriors of average goals/minute of the two teams');

In [45]:
german_post_trace = mcmc.trace('germany_predictive')[:]
arg_post_trace = mcmc.trace('arg_predictive')[:]

In [122]:
hist(german_post_trace, bins=10, histtype='stepfilled', label='Germany', alpha=0.9, normed=True);
hist(arg_post_trace, bins=10, histtype='stepfilled', label='Argentina', alpha=0.8, normed=True);
plt.title('Posteriors of Goals per Team for a 93 minute game');
plt.xlabel('Number of goals')

<matplotlib.text.Text at 0x1337b6a58>

In [123]:
print("Probability of Germany winning: %.3f"%(german_post_trace > arg_post_trace).mean())
print("Probability of Argentina winning: %.3f"%(german_post_trace < arg_post_trace).mean())
print("Probability of tie: %.3f"%(german_post_trace == arg_post_trace).mean())

Probability of Germany winning: 0.604
Probability of Argentina winning: 0.223
Probability of tie: 0.173

Wrap up

  • We built a model of the 'teams strength' from our priors and our knowledge of scoring functions in Soccer.
  • We can definitely apply this kind of formulation to OTHER problems
  • Such as Rugby!
  • Well done you just built a Probabilistic Programming Model :)

So what problem could I apply Bayesian models to?

Bayesian Rugby

I came across the following blog post on

  • In this talk, I'm going to reproduce the first model described in the paper using pymc.
  • Since I am a rugby fan I decide to apply the results of the paper Bayesian Football to the Six Nations.

So why Bayesians?

  • Probabilistic Programming is a new paradigm.
  • Attributions: My friend Thomas Wiecki influenced a lot of my thinking on this.
  • I'm going to compare Blackbox Machine Learning with scikit-learn

Limitations of Machine learning

  • A big limitation of Machine Learning is that most of the models are black boxes.

Probabilistic Programming - what's the big deal?

  • We are able to use data and our prior beliefs to generate a model.
  • Generating a model is extremely powerful
  • We can tell a story, which appeals to our understanding of stories.

In [48]:
import os
import math
import warnings
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pymc # I know folks are switching to "as pm" but I'm just not there yet
%matplotlib inline

Six Nations Rugby

  • Rugby is a physical sport popular worldwide.
  • Six Nations consists of Italy, Ireland, Scotland, England, France and Wales
  • Game consists of scoring tries (similar to touch downs) or kicking the goal.
  • Average player is something like 100kg and 1.82m tall.
  • Paul O'Connell the Irish captain is Height: 6' 6" (1.98 m) Weight: 243 lbs (110 kg)

They compete for this!

  • Significant this year because the World Cup occurs in 2015.
  • Photo: Hostelrome


  • Your estimate of the strength of a team depends on your estimates of the other strengths
  • Ireland are a stronger team than Italy for example - but by how much?
  • Source for Results 2014 are Wikipedia.
  • I handcrafted these results
  • Small data

In [49]:
DATA_DIR = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'data/')

In [50]:
#The results_2014 is a handcrafted results table from Wikipedia
data_file = DATA_DIR + 'results_2014.csv'
df = pd.read_csv(data_file, sep=',')

home_team away_team home_score away_score
10 Scotland France 17 19
11 England Wales 29 18
12 Italy England 11 52
13 Wales Scotland 51 3
14 France Ireland 20 22

In [51]:
teams = df.home_team.unique()
teams = pd.DataFrame(teams, columns=['team'])
teams['i'] = teams.index

team i
0 Wales 0
1 France 1
2 Ireland 2
3 Scotland 3
4 Italy 4
  • Now we need to do some merging and munging

In [52]:
df = pd.merge(df, teams, left_on='home_team', right_on='team', how='left')
df = df.rename(columns = {'i': 'i_home'}).drop('team', 1)
df = pd.merge(df, teams, left_on='away_team', right_on='team', how='left')
df = df.rename(columns = {'i': 'i_away'}).drop('team', 1)

home_team away_team home_score away_score i_home i_away
0 Wales Italy 23 15 0 4
1 France England 26 24 1 5
2 Ireland Scotland 28 6 2 3
3 Ireland Wales 26 3 2 0
4 Scotland England 0 20 3 5

In [53]:
observed_home_goals = df.home_score.values
observed_away_goals = df.away_score.values
home_team = df.i_home.values
away_team = df.i_away.values
num_teams = len(df.i_home.drop_duplicates())
num_games = len(home_team)

Now we need to prepare the model for PyMC.

In [54]:
g = df.groupby('i_away')
att_starting_points = np.log(g.away_score.mean())
g = df.groupby('i_home')
def_starting_points = -np.log(g.away_score.mean())

What do we want to infer?

  • We want to infer the latent paremeters (every team's strength) that are generating the data we observe (the scorelines).
  • Moreover, we know that the scorelines are a noisy measurement of team strength, so ideally, we want a model that makes it easy to quantify our uncertainty about the underlying strengths.

While my MCMC gently samples

  • Often we don't know what the Bayesian Model is explicitly, so we have to 'estimate' the Bayesian Model'
  • If we can't solve something, approximate it.
  • Markov-Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) instead draws samples from the posterior.
  • Fortunately, this algorithm can be applied to almost any model.

What do we want?

  • We want to quantify our uncertainty
  • We want to also use this to generate a model
  • We want the answers as distributions not point estimates

What assumptions do we know for our 'generative story'?

  • We know that the Six Nations in Rugby only has 6 teams.
  • We have data from last year!
  • We also know that in sports scoring is modelled as a Poisson distribution
  • Attribution: Wikipedia

The model.

The league is made up by a total of T= 6 teams, playing each other once in a season. We indicate the number of points scored by the home and the away team in the g-th game of the season (15 games) as $y_{g1}$ and $y_{g2}$ respectively.

The vector of observed counts $\mathbb{y} = (y_{g1}, y_{g2})$ is modelled as independent Poisson: $y_{gi}| \theta_{gj} \tilde\;\; Poisson(\theta_{gj})$ where the theta parameters represent the scoring intensity in the g-th game for the team playing at home (j=1) and away (j=2), respectively.

We model these parameters according to a formulation that has been used widely in the statistical literature, assuming a log-linear random effect model: $$log \theta_{g1} = home + att_{h(g)} + def_{a(g)} $$ $$log \theta_{g2} = att_{a(g)} + def_{h(g)}$$ the parameter home represents the advantage for the team hosting the game and we assume that this effect is constant for all the teams and throughout the season.

  • Key assumption home effect is an advantage in Sports
  • We know these things empirically from our 'domain specific' knowledge
  • Bayesian Models allow you to incorporate beliefs or knowledge into your model!

In addition, the scoring intensity is determined jointly by the attack and defense ability of the two teams involved, represented by the parameters att and def, respectively. In line with the Bayesian approach, we have to specify some suitable prior distributions for all the random parameters in our model. The variable $home$ is modelled as a fixed effect, assuming a standard flat prior distribution. We use the notation of describing the Normal distribution in terms of mean and the precision. $home \tilde\; Normal(0,0.0001)$</p>

Conversely, for each t = 1, ..., T, the team-specific effects are modelled as exchangeable from a common distribution: $att_t \tilde\; Normal(\mu_{att}, \tau_{att})$ and $def_t \tilde\; Normal(\mu_{def}, \tau_{def})$

Note that they're breaking out team strength into attacking and defending strength. A negative defense parameter will sap the mojo from the opposing team's attacking parameter.

I made two tweaks to the model. It didn't make sense to me to have a $\mu_{att}$ when we're enforcing the sum-to-zero constraint by subtracting the mean anyway. So I eliminated $\mu_{att}$ and $\mu_{def}$

Also because of the sum-to-zero constraint, it seemed to me that we needed an intercept term in the log-linear model, capturing the average goals scored per game by the away team. This we model with the following hyperprior. $$intercept \tilde\; Normal(0, 0.001)$$

  • The hyper-priors on the attack and defense parameters are also flat
  • $\mu_att \tilde\; Normal(0,0.001)$
  • $\mu_def \tilde\; Normal(0,0.001)$
  • $\tau_att \tilde\; \Gamma(0.1,0.1)$
  • $\tau_def \tilde\; \Gamma(0.1,0.1)$

Digression: Why the flat priors were picked (our hyperpriors are flat)

  • There are lots of different ways of picking priors - see the literature
  • I learned from this that it didn't make any difference to the results picking a uniform prior versus a flat prior

Often it simply doesn't matter much what prior you use.

Definition: A prior distribution is non-informative if the prior is “flat” relative to the likelihood function.

  • We are trying to have a reasonable model and let inference happen from the data set.
  • ##Key takeaway - Often in Bayesian modelling it doesn't matter what your priors are. Let the data generate the story :)

In [55]:
#hyperpriors - which apply to all teams
home = pymc.Normal('home', 0, .0001, value=0)
tau_att = pymc.Gamma('tau_att', .1, .1, value=10)
tau_def = pymc.Gamma('tau_def', .1, .1, value=10)
intercept = pymc.Normal('intercept', 0, .0001, value=0)

#team-specific parameters
atts_star = pymc.Normal("atts_star", 
defs_star = pymc.Normal("defs_star", 

In [56]:
# trick to code the sum to zero constraint
def atts(atts_star=atts_star):
    atts = atts_star.copy()
    atts = atts - np.mean(atts_star)
    return atts

def defs(defs_star=defs_star):
    defs = defs_star.copy()
    defs = defs - np.mean(defs_star)
    return defs

def home_theta(home_team=home_team, 
    return np.exp(intercept + 
                  home + 
                  atts[home_team] + 
def away_theta(home_team=home_team, 
    return np.exp(intercept + 
                  atts[away_team] + 

Let us run the model!

  • We specify the priors as Gamma distributions

In [57]:
#likelihood of observed data
home_points = pymc.Poisson('home_points', 
away_points = pymc.Poisson('away_points', 

#We need to approximate the Posterior by running a sampling algorithm 
mcmc = pymc.MCMC([home, intercept, tau_att, tau_def, 
                  home_theta, away_theta, 
                  atts_star, defs_star, atts, defs, 
                  home_points, away_points])
map_ = pymc.MAP( mcmc )

mcmc.sample(200000, 40000, 20)

 [-----------------100%-----------------] 200000 of 200000 complete in 74.3 sec


Let's see if/how the model converged. The home parameter looks good, and indicates that home field advantage amounts to goals per game at the intercept. We can see that it converges just like the model for the Premier League in the other tutorial. I wonder and this is left as a question if all field sports have models of this form that converge.

In [58]:

Plotting home
  • We can see in this analysis that home advantage gives about 0.55 points advantage.
  • We also see not too much auto-correlation, so this looks quite good plot wise.
  • We see here how probabilistic programming allows us to quantify our uncertainty about certain parameters.

In [59]:
# We can plot all of the parameters, just to see.

Plotting atts_0
Plotting atts_1
Plotting atts_2
Plotting atts_3
Plotting atts_4
Plotting atts_5

In [60]:
observed_season = DATA_DIR + 'table_2014.csv'
df_observed = pd.read_csv(observed_season)
df_observed.loc[df_observed.QR.isnull(), 'QR'] = ''
df_avg = pd.DataFrame({'avg_att': atts.stats()['mean'],
                       'avg_def': defs.stats()['mean']}, 

In [61]:
df_new = df_avg.merge(df_observed, left_index=True, right_on='team', how='left')

#Bring in the new csv file
df_results = pd.read_csv('df_avg_data_edited.csv', sep=';')

In [62]:

avg_att avg_def points team position QR
1 0.096729 0.150764 6 France 4 NaN
2 0.179363 -0.560665 8 Ireland 1 winners
3 -0.549843 0.289372 2 Scotland 5 NaN
4 -0.251418 0.515101 0 Italy 6 wooden_spoon
5 0.399824 -0.255811 8 England 2 triple_crown

In [63]:
def fig3():
    fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(12,12))
    for outcome in ['winners', 'wooden_spoon', 'triple_crown', 'NaN']:
        ax.plot(df_results.avg_att[df_results.QR == outcome], 
    df_results.avg_def[df_results.QR == outcome], 'o', label=outcome)
    for label, x, y in zip(, df_results.avg_att.values, df_results.avg_def.values):
        ax.annotate(label, xy=(x,y), xytext = (-5,5), textcoords = 'offset points')
        ax.set_title('Attack vs Defense avg effect: 13-14 Six Nations')
        ax.set_xlabel('Avg attack effect')
        ax.set_ylabel('Avg defense effect')

In [64]:

Simulating a season

We would like to now simulate a season. Just to see what happens.

In [65]:
def simulate_season():
    Simulate a season once, using one random draw from the mcmc chain. 
    num_samples = atts.trace().shape[0]
    draw = np.random.randint(0, num_samples)
    atts_draw = pd.DataFrame({'att': atts.trace()[draw, :],})
    defs_draw = pd.DataFrame({'def': defs.trace()[draw, :],})
    home_draw = home.trace()[draw]
    intercept_draw = intercept.trace()[draw]
    season = df.copy()
    season = pd.merge(season, atts_draw, left_on='i_home', right_index=True)
    season = pd.merge(season, defs_draw, left_on='i_home', right_index=True)
    season = season.rename(columns = {'att': 'att_home', 'def': 'def_home'})
    season = pd.merge(season, atts_draw, left_on='i_away', right_index=True)
    season = pd.merge(season, defs_draw, left_on='i_away', right_index=True)
    season = season.rename(columns = {'att': 'att_away', 'def': 'def_away'})
    season['home'] = home_draw
    season['intercept'] = intercept_draw
    season['home_theta'] = season.apply(lambda x: math.exp(x['intercept'] + 
                                                           x['home'] + 
                                                           x['att_home'] + 
                                                           x['def_away']), axis=1)
    season['away_theta'] = season.apply(lambda x: math.exp(x['intercept'] + 
                                                           x['att_away'] + 
                                                           x['def_home']), axis=1)
    season['home_goals'] = season.apply(lambda x: np.random.poisson(x['home_theta']), axis=1)
    season['away_goals'] = season.apply(lambda x: np.random.poisson(x['away_theta']), axis=1)
    season['home_outcome'] = season.apply(lambda x: 'win' if x['home_goals'] > x['away_goals'] else 
                                                    'loss' if x['home_goals'] < x['away_goals'] else 'draw', axis=1)
    season['away_outcome'] = season.apply(lambda x: 'win' if x['home_goals'] < x['away_goals'] else 
                                                    'loss' if x['home_goals'] > x['away_goals'] else 'draw', axis=1)
    season = season.join(pd.get_dummies(season.home_outcome, prefix='home'))
    season = season.join(pd.get_dummies(season.away_outcome, prefix='away'))
    return season

def create_season_table(season):
    Using a season dataframe output by simulate_season(), create a summary dataframe with wins, losses, goals for, etc.
    g = season.groupby('i_home')    
    home = pd.DataFrame({'home_goals': g.home_goals.sum(),
                         'home_goals_against': g.away_goals.sum(),
                         'home_wins': g.home_win.sum(),
                         'home_losses': g.home_loss.sum()
    g = season.groupby('i_away')    
    away = pd.DataFrame({'away_goals': g.away_goals.sum(),
                         'away_goals_against': g.home_goals.sum(),
                         'away_wins': g.away_win.sum(),
                         'away_losses': g.away_loss.sum()
    df = home.join(away)
    df['wins'] = df.home_wins + df.away_wins
    df['losses'] = df.home_losses + df.away_losses
    df['points'] = df.wins * 2
    df['gf'] = df.home_goals + df.away_goals
    df['ga'] = df.home_goals_against + df.away_goals_against
    df['gd'] = -
    df = pd.merge(teams, df, left_on='i', right_index=True)
    df = df.sort_index(by='points', ascending=False)
    df = df.reset_index()
    df['position'] = df.index + 1
    df['champion'] = (df.position == 1).astype(int)
    df['relegated'] = (df.position > 5).astype(int)
    return df  
def simulate_seasons(n=100):
    dfs = []
    for i in range(n):
        s = simulate_season()
        t = create_season_table(s)
        t['iteration'] = i
    return pd.concat(dfs, ignore_index=True)


  • We are going to simulate 1000 seasons

In [66]:
simuls = simulate_seasons(1000)

In [67]:
def fig1():
    ax = simuls.points[ == 'Ireland'].hist()
    median = simuls.points[ == 'Ireland'].median()
    ax.set_title('Ireland: 2015 points, 1000 simulations')
    ax.plot([median, median], ax.get_ylim())
    plt.annotate('Median: %s' % median, xy=(median + 1, ax.get_ylim()[1]-10))

In [68]:

  • So what have we learned so far, we've got 1000 simulations of Ireland and their median points in the table is 8.
  • In Rugby you get 2 points per win, and there are 5 games per year. So this model predicted that Ireland would win most of the time 4 games.

In [69]:
def fig2():
    ax =[ == 'Ireland'].hist(figsize=(7,5))
    median =[ == 'Ireland'].median()
    ax.set_title('Ireland: 2015 scores for, 1000 simulations')
    ax.plot([median, median], ax.get_ylim())
    plt.annotate('Median: %s' % median, xy=(median + 1, ax.get_ylim()[1]-10))

In [70]:

What happened in reality?

  • Well Ireland actually scored 119 points, so the model over predicted this!
  • We call this 'shrinkage' in the literature.
  • All models are wrong, but some are useful

What are the predictions of the model?

  • So let us look at the winning team on average.
  • We do a simulation and we'll assign probability of 'winning' to the team
  • We used the MCMC to do this.

In [71]:
g = simuls.groupby('team')
df_champs = pd.DataFrame({'percent_champs': g.champion.mean()})
df_champs = df_champs.sort_index(by='percent_champs')
df_champs = df_champs[df_champs.percent_champs > .05]
df_champs = df_champs.reset_index()

In [72]:
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(8,6))
ax.barh(df_champs.index.values, df_champs.percent_champs.values)

for i, row in df_champs.iterrows():
    label = "{0:.1f}%".format(100 * row['percent_champs'])
    ax.annotate(label, xy=(row['percent_champs'], i), xytext = (3, 10), textcoords = 'offset points')
ax.set_title('% of Simulated Seasons In Which Team Finished Winners')
_= ax.set_yticks(df_champs.index + .5)
_= ax.set_yticklabels(df_champs['team'].values)

Unfortunately it seems that in most of the Universes England come top of the Six Nations. And as an Irish man this is firm proof that I put Mathematical rigour before patriotism :) This is a reasonable result, and I hope it proved a nice example of Bayesian models in Rugby Analytics.

What actually happened

We need to investigate like 'scientists' what actually happened.

In [73]:
pd.read_csv('data/results_2015.csv', sep='\t', header=0, 
            names =['Rank','Team','Games','Wins','Draws',

Rank Team Games Wins Draws Losses Points_For Points_Against Points
0 1 Ireland 5 4 0 1 119 56 8
1 2 England 5 4 0 1 157 100 8
2 3 Wales 5 4 0 1 146 93 8
3 4 France 5 2 0 3 103 101 4
4 5 Italy 5 1 0 4 62 182 2
5 6 Scotland 5 0 0 5 73 128 0

Ireland won the Six Nations!

  • The model incorrectly predicted that England would come out on top.
  • Ireland actually won by points difference of 6 points.
  • It really came down to the wire!

In [74]:
from IPython.display import Image

  • One of the powers of Probabilistic Programming is that we can model 'latent' variables.
  • In Quantitative Finance we could model the 'fear' of investors. While we can't measure this directly.
  • In our Rugby Prediction model we are trying to infer the 'strength' of the team. Whereas in reality we can only measure the 'score' of the team.

Bayes' formula allows us to then infer backwards: given the observable data (e.g. the stock price), what is the probability of the latent construct (e.g. investor fear)?

Attribution: Thomas Wiecki at Quantopian influenced me on this.

What are the advantages of PyMC3? What are the computational remarks? Where is my table of contents? Where is Bayes formula?

Stochastic volatility model

One elegant example of how Probabilistic Programming can infer unobservable quantities of the stock market is the stochastic volatility model. Volatility is an important concept of quantitative finance as it relates to risk. When I studied Financial Mathematics I was always confused about 'volatility' - since you can't measure it.

If we can't measure something, the next best thing we can do is to try and model it. One way to do this is in a probabilistic framework is the concept of stochastic volatility: If we assume that returns are normally distributed, the volatility would be captured as the standard deviation of the normal distribution. Thus, the standard deviation gives rise to stochastic volatility. Intuitively we would assume that the standard deviation is high during times of market turmoil like the 2008 crash.

So the trivial thing to do would be to look at the rolling standard deviation of returns. But this is unsatisfying for multiple reasons:

  • it often lags behind volatility,
  • is a rather unstable measure,
  • strongly dependent on the window size with no principled way of choosing it.

In fact a lot of 'business processes' we encounter as Data Scientists can't be measured directly. We can only 'model' how likely a person is to churn from our service for example. We can't infer exactly.

Introducing PyMC3

  • PyMC3 is a complete rewrite
  • Uses Theano and all of its computational coolness rather than Fortran.
  • The API is cleaner, but I found it difficult to use since I know PyMC2 better
  • The example I'll show first is a FinTech example for Stochastic Volatility
  • Attribution: The PyMC3 Development team.

PyMC3 - continued

  • Probabilistic Programming framework written in Python.
  • Allows for construction of probabilistic models using intuitive syntax.
  • Features advanced MCMC samplers.
  • Fast: Just-in-time compiled by Theano.
  • Extensible: easily incorporates custom MCMC algorithms and unusual probability distributions.
  • Authors: John Salvatier, Chris Fonnesbeck, Thomas Wiecki
  • Upcoming beta release!

Why Theano?

  • Numpy broadcasting and advanced indexing
  • Linear algebra operators
  • Computation optimization and dynamic C compilation

Other reasons

  • Theano compiles computations down to C, making computations faster, especially larger models

  • Theano: automatic differentiation, automatic likelihood optimization and simple GPU integration.

  • Automatic differentiation is a different way to computationally work out derivatives unlike say Symbolic or Numeric Differentiation

Other other reasons

(From John Salvatier the main author of PyMC3)

  • Bayesian inference is a powerful and flexible way to learn from data, that is easy to understand. Unfortunately larger problems are often computationally intractable. Markov Chain Monte Carlo sampling techniques help, but are still computationally limited. New gradient-based methods like the No U-Turn Sampler (NUTS) dramatically increase performance on hard problems.

PyMC3 Sales Pitch :)

  • From John Salvatier too
  • PyMC 3 provides a easy and concise way to specify models and provides powerful yet easy to use samplers like NUTS. This enables users easily fit large and complex models with thousands of parameters. PyMC 3 is a complete rewrite of PyMC 2 based on Theano. PyMC expands its powerful NumPy-like syntax, and is now easier to extend and automatically optimized by Theano.

Alternatives to PyMC3

  • Frequentist and Bayesianism - An article by Jake Vander Plas discusses emcee, PyStan and PyMC2 and compares them
  • JAGS/BUGS are also alternatives
  • All are non-Pythonic and are in fact domain specific languages
  • There are challenges getting your data into and out of these

In [75]:
import numpy as np
import pymc3 as pm3
from pymc3.distributions.timeseries import GaussianRandomWalk

from scipy.sparse import csc_matrix
from scipy import optimize

Asset prices have time-varying volatility (variance of day over day returns). In some periods, returns are highly variable, while in others very stable. Stochastic volatility models model this with a latent volatility variable, modeled as a stochastic process. The following model is similar to the one described in the No-U-Turn Sampler paper, Hoffman (2011) p21.

  • $\sigma \;\; \tilde \;\;Exponential(50)$

  • $\mu \;\;\tilde \;\; Exponential(.1)$

  • $s_i\;\; \tilde \;\; Normal(s_{i−1},\sigma−2)$

  • $\log(\frac{y_i}{yi−1})\;\;\tilde \;\;t(\nu ,0,\exp(−2s_{i}))$

Here, y is the daily return series and s is the latent log volatility process.

Build the Model

In [116]:
def fig4():
    n = 400
    returns = np.genfromtxt("data/S&P500.csv")[-n:]

    np.array([-0.00637 , -0.004045, -0.02547 ,  0.005102, -0.047733])

In [77]:

  • So so far we plotted our returns from the S and P 500. Specifying the model in pymc3 mirrors its statistical specification.

However, it is easier to sample the scale of the log volatility process innovations, σ, on a log scale, so we create it using TransformedVar and use logtransform.

TransformedVar creates one variable in the transformed space and one in the normal space. The one in the transformed space (here log(σ)) is the one over which sampling will occur, and the one in the normal space is the one to use throughout the rest of the model.

It takes a variable name, a distribution and a transformation to use.

One of the strengths of the PyMC3 API is that it allows you to write statistics quite naturally.

Personally it appeals to Data Developers like myself who are from a Mathematics Background.

In [78]:
model = pm3.Model()
with model:
    n = 400
    returns = np.genfromtxt("data/S&P500.csv")[-n:]
    sigma, log_sigma = model.TransformedVar('sigma', pm3.Exponential.dist(1./.02, testval=.1),

    nu = pm3.Exponential('nu', 1./10)
    s = GaussianRandomWalk('s', sigma**-2, shape=n)

    r = pm3.T('r', nu, lam=pm3.exp(-2*s), observed=returns)

Fit the model

  • Now that we have built the model and you can see the Syntax already.
  • We need to fit the model.

For this model, the full maximum a posteriori (MAP) point is degenerate and has infinite density. However, if we fix log_sigma and $\nu$ it is no longer degenerate, so we find the MAP with respect to the volatility process, 's', keeping log_sigma and $\nu$ constant at their default values.

We use L-BFGS because it is more efficient for high dimensional functions (s has n elements).

Key Tip: The usage of clever scaling parameters to avoid degeneracy is an art of Bayesian Statistics

In [79]:
with model:
    start = pm3.find_MAP(vars=[s], fmin=optimize.fmin_l_bfgs_b)

We do a short initial run to get near the right area, then start again using a new Hessian at the new starting point to get faster sampling due to better scaling. We do a short run since this is an interactive example.

In [80]:
with model:
    step = pm3.NUTS(scaling=start)
    start2 = pm3.sample(500, step, progressbar=True)[-1]

    # Start next run at the last sampled position.
    step = pm3.NUTS(scaling=start2)
    trace = pm3.sample(2000, step, start=start2, progressbar=True)

pm3.traceplot(trace, model.vars[:-1]);

 [-----------------100%-----------------] 2000 of 2000 complete in 193.5 sec
  • Looking at the returns over time and overlaying the estimated standard deviation we can see how the model tracks the volatility over time.

  • This is exactly the sort of insight we expected.

  • PyMC3 Docs

In [81]:
plot(np.exp(trace[s][::10].T), 'r', alpha=.03);
sd = np.exp(trace[s].T)
plot(-np.exp(trace[s][::10].T), 'r', alpha=.03);

<matplotlib.text.Text at 0x1290d4400>

Rugby Analytics in PyMC3

  • This is a ported version of PyMC2 code that I already showed.
  • Thanks to John Salvatier and Abraham Flaxman on Stackoverflow.
  • Grateful to live in an age of open source and Stackoverflow

In [82]:

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
    from StringIO import StringIO
except ImportError:
    from io import StringIO
%matplotlib inline
import pymc3 as pm3, theano.tensor as tt

Wed 17 Jun 2015 18:24:11 CEST

In [83]:
data_csv = StringIO("""home_team,away_team,home_score,away_score
  • We do the same munging and cleaning as in PyMC2

In [84]:
df = pd.read_csv(data_csv)

teams = df.home_team.unique()
teams = pd.DataFrame(teams, columns=['team'])
teams['i'] = teams.index

df = pd.merge(df, teams, left_on='home_team', right_on='team', how='left')
df = df.rename(columns = {'i': 'i_home'}).drop('team', 1)
df = pd.merge(df, teams, left_on='away_team', right_on='team', how='left')
df = df.rename(columns = {'i': 'i_away'}).drop('team', 1)

observed_home_goals = df.home_score.values
observed_away_goals = df.away_score.values

home_team = df.i_home.values
away_team = df.i_away.values

num_teams = len(df.i_home.drop_duplicates())
num_games = len(home_team)

g = df.groupby('i_away')
att_starting_points = np.log(g.away_score.mean())
g = df.groupby('i_home')
def_starting_points = -np.log(g.away_score.mean())
  • We will see now one of the major differences between PyMC2 and PyMC3
  • PyMC3 has more samplers.
  • Also PyMC2 has the initial values specified in the model
  • PyMC3 has the intitial values included when you fit the model.

In [85]:
model = pm3.Model()
with pm3.Model() as model:
    # global model parameters
    home        = pm3.Normal('home',      0, .0001)
    tau_att     = pm3.Gamma('tau_att',   .1, .1)
    tau_def     = pm3.Gamma('tau_def',   .1, .1)
    intercept   = pm3.Normal('intercept', 0, .0001)
    # team-specific model parameters
    atts_star   = pm3.Normal("atts_star", 
                           mu   =0,
                           tau  =tau_att, 
    defs_star   = pm3.Normal("defs_star", 
                           mu   =0,
                           tau  =tau_def,  
    atts        = pm3.Deterministic('atts', atts_star - tt.mean(atts_star))
    defs        = pm3.Deterministic('defs', defs_star - tt.mean(defs_star))
    home_theta  = tt.exp(intercept + home + atts[away_team] + defs[home_team])
    away_theta  = tt.exp(intercept + atts[away_team] + defs[home_team])
    # likelihood of observed data
    home_points = pm3.Poisson('home_points', mu=home_theta, observed=observed_home_goals)
    away_points = pm3.Poisson('away_points', mu=away_theta, observed=observed_away_goals)
  • We specified the model and the likelihood function
  • Now we need to fit our model using the Maximum A Posteriori algorithm to decide where to start out No U Turn Sampler
  • All this runs on a Theano graph under the hood
  • Very clever from a Computational Engineering point of view
  • Remark The NUTS sampler is new from Gelman and triggered the rewrite

In [86]:
with model:

    start = pm3.find_MAP()
    step = pm3.NUTS(state=start)
    trace = pm3.sample(2000, step, start=start, progressbar=True)


 [-----------------100%-----------------] 2000 of 2000 complete in 49.3 sec

In [87]:
pm3.forestplot(trace, vars=['tau_att', 'tau_def']);

In [88]:

  Mean             SD               MC Error         95% HPD interval
  0.447            0.117            0.005            [0.282, 0.619]

  Posterior quantiles:
  2.5            25             50             75             97.5
  0.268          0.386          0.445          0.498          0.610

  Mean             SD               MC Error         95% HPD interval
  15.896           10.767           0.819            [0.694, 35.935]

  Posterior quantiles:
  2.5            25             50             75             97.5
  2.517          8.354          13.544         20.961         44.530

  Mean             SD               MC Error         95% HPD interval
  12.108           8.269            0.633            [0.483, 28.138]

  Posterior quantiles:
  2.5            25             50             75             97.5
  1.548          5.843          10.227         16.477         33.869

  Mean             SD               MC Error         95% HPD interval
  2.699            0.171            0.012            [2.587, 2.854]

  Posterior quantiles:
  2.5            25             50             75             97.5
  2.577          2.663          2.710          2.755          2.847

  Mean             SD               MC Error         95% HPD interval
  -0.002           0.171            0.005            [-0.340, 0.341]
  0.003            0.177            0.005            [-0.371, 0.331]
  -0.198           0.176            0.005            [-0.547, 0.149]
  0.026            0.158            0.004            [-0.291, 0.337]
  0.069            0.152            0.004            [-0.227, 0.382]
  0.095            0.163            0.004            [-0.246, 0.405]

  Posterior quantiles:
  2.5            25             50             75             97.5
  -0.340         -0.107         0.001          0.107          0.341
  -0.355         -0.106         -0.001         0.113          0.358
  -0.567         -0.307         -0.190         -0.084         0.135
  -0.300         -0.066         0.027          0.125          0.331
  -0.242         -0.022         0.067          0.163          0.372
  -0.237         -0.008         0.092          0.198          0.421

  Mean             SD               MC Error         95% HPD interval
  0.031            0.191            0.005            [-0.384, 0.366]
  0.115            0.185            0.005            [-0.228, 0.531]
  -0.036           0.189            0.005            [-0.386, 0.376]
  -0.320           0.206            0.006            [-0.771, 0.050]
  0.207            0.189            0.005            [-0.145, 0.636]
  -0.016           0.208            0.006            [-0.450, 0.379]

  Posterior quantiles:
  2.5            25             50             75             97.5
  -0.359         -0.080         0.025          0.147          0.410
  -0.265         0.012          0.112          0.217          0.504
  -0.428         -0.143         -0.039         0.075          0.349
  -0.765         -0.438         -0.313         -0.192         0.064
  -0.156         0.097          0.200          0.312          0.627
  -0.439         -0.137         -0.013         0.112          0.401

  Mean             SD               MC Error         95% HPD interval
  -0.001           0.112            0.003            [-0.228, 0.208]
  0.004            0.117            0.003            [-0.215, 0.233]
  -0.197           0.118            0.003            [-0.429, 0.044]
  0.028            0.088            0.002            [-0.151, 0.184]
  0.070            0.083            0.002            [-0.101, 0.227]
  0.096            0.095            0.002            [-0.094, 0.273]

  Posterior quantiles:
  2.5            25             50             75             97.5
  -0.221         -0.073         -0.002         0.074          0.219
  -0.218         -0.076         0.002          0.083          0.232
  -0.443         -0.271         -0.192         -0.120         0.032
  -0.147         -0.029         0.029          0.088          0.192
  -0.096         0.015          0.071          0.126          0.233
  -0.082         0.032          0.091          0.159          0.291

  Mean             SD               MC Error         95% HPD interval
  0.034            0.092            0.002            [-0.132, 0.221]
  0.118            0.087            0.002            [-0.057, 0.288]
  -0.033           0.092            0.002            [-0.202, 0.160]
  -0.317           0.125            0.004            [-0.546, -0.063]
  0.210            0.100            0.003            [0.017, 0.399]
  -0.013           0.122            0.003            [-0.250, 0.218]

  Posterior quantiles:
  2.5            25             50             75             97.5
  -0.139         -0.030         0.032          0.092          0.218
  -0.054         0.060          0.118          0.175          0.297
  -0.214         -0.092         -0.036         0.024          0.155
  -0.571         -0.397         -0.314         -0.232         -0.083
  0.018          0.141          0.212          0.280          0.400
  -0.249         -0.093         -0.012         0.069          0.222

Conclusion - Six Nations model

  • 'All models are wrong, some are useful'
  • Model correctly predicts that Ireland would win 4 games
  • Model incorrectly predicted that England would come out on top
  • In reality it was very close
  • Recommendation: Don't use this model to bet on the Six Nations next years

The big difference, as I see it, between PyMC2 and 3 model building is that the whole business of initial values in PyMC2 is not included in model building in PyMC3. It is pushed off into the model fitting portion of the code.

A financial example

  • We are going to use a Financial Example from Quantopian. - Thomas Wiecki produced this
  • Value at Risk is a standard financial measure in risk.
  • The underlying message will be to look at the distributional assumptions in our models.
  • Bayesian Statistics makes these very explicit

Why does this matter?

  • A lot of models have naive assumptions like 'the underlying phenomenoa is a Gaussian distribution'
  • Those of us who deal with ecommerce data or commodity data or whatever know this just isn't true
  • I want to show the power of this framework in Fin Tech :)

As we know: We want to approximate our Posterior with MCMC Sampling

In [89]:
def plot_want_get():
    from scipy import stats
    fig = plt.figure(figsize=(14, 6))
    ax1 = fig.add_subplot(121, title='What we want', ylim=(0, .5), xlabel='', ylabel='')
    ax1.plot(np.linspace(-4, 4, 100), stats.norm.pdf(np.linspace(-3, 3, 100)), lw=4.)
    ax2 = fig.add_subplot(122, title='What we get')#, xlim=(-4, 4), ylim=(0, 1800), xlabel='', ylabel='\# of samples')
    sns.distplot(np.random.randn(50000), ax=ax2, kde=False, norm_hist=True);
    ax2.set_xlim((-4, 4));
    ax2.set_ylim((0, .5));

In [90]:

MCMC allows us to approximate an integral

  • This is the basic idea behind simulation methods like Monte Carlo
  • There are other samplers which work better for integrals with discontinuities etc
  • We could teach an entire 3 day workshop on all this cool stuff :)

We want to model our returns - specify our Priors :)

In [91]:
import theano.tensor as T
x = np.linspace(-.3, .3, 500)
plt.plot(x, T.exp(pm3.Normal.dist(mu=0, sd=.1).logp(x)).eval())
plt.title(u'Prior: mu ~ Normal(0, $.1^2$)'); plt.xlabel('mu'); plt.ylabel('Probability Density'); plt.xlim((-.3, .3));

In [92]:
x = np.linspace(-.1, .5, 500)
plt.plot(x, T.exp(pm3.HalfNormal.dist(sd=.1).logp(x)).eval())
plt.title(u'Prior: sigma ~ HalfNormal($.1^2$)'); plt.xlabel('sigma'); plt.ylabel('Probability Density');

Let us recap.

  • We have specified our priors, in terms of $\mu$ and $\sigma$.
  • We now need to specify our Bayesian Sharpe Ratio
  • The Sharpe ratio is a common metric used to measure financial performance.
  • This could be any classical metric in your field.

Bayesian Sharpe Ratio

  • $\mu \;\; \tilde \;\; Normal(0, .1^{2})$ <- Prior
  • $\sigma \;\; \tilde \;\; HalfNormal(.1^{2})$ <- Prior
  • Returns $\; \tilde \;\; Normal(\mu, \sigma^{2})$ <- Observed
  • Sharpe ratio $= \frac{\mu}{\sigma}$

Attribution: Quantopian blog

Not a bad idea to show the data :)

In [93]:

2011-10-18 20:00:00   -0.011876
2011-10-19 20:00:00   -0.000422
2011-10-20 20:00:00   -0.017066
2011-10-21 20:00:00   -0.012890
2011-10-24 20:00:00   -0.005419
Name: 1, dtype: float64

In [94]:
with pm3.Model() as model:
    # Priors on Random Variables
    mean_return = pm3.Normal('mean return', mu=0, sd=.1)
    volatility = pm3.HalfNormal('volatility', sd=.1)

    # Model returns as Normal
    obs = pm3.Normal('returns', 
    #There are 252 trading days in a year hence the 252 below
    sharpe = pm3.Deterministic('sharpe ratio', 
                           mean_return / volatility * np.sqrt(252))

In [95]:
with model:
    # Instantiate MCMC sampler - in fact a No-U turn sampler
    step = pm3.NUTS()
    # Draw 1000 samples from the posterior
    trace = pm3.sample(1000, step)

 [-----------------100%-----------------] 1000 of 1000 complete in 1.0 sec

Now that we need to analyse our Posterior.

  • Let us do some exploratory data analysis on our Posterior to see what it looks like

In [96]:
sns.distplot(results_normal[0]['mean returns'], hist=False, label='etrade')
sns.distplot(results_normal[1]['mean returns'], hist=False, label='IB')
plt.title('Posterior of the mean'); plt.xlabel('mean returns')

<matplotlib.text.Text at 0x1317164a8>

In [97]:
sns.distplot(results_normal[0]['volatility'], hist=False, label='etrade')
sns.distplot(results_normal[1]['volatility'], hist=False, label='IB')
plt.title('Posterior of the volatility')

<matplotlib.text.Text at 0x13178e198>

In [98]:
sns.distplot(results_normal[0]['sharpe'], hist=False, label='etrade')
sns.distplot(results_normal[1]['sharpe'], hist=False, label='IB')
plt.title('Bayesian Sharpe ratio'); plt.xlabel('Sharpe ratio');

In [99]:
print('P(Sharpe ratio IB > 0) = %.2f%%' % \
    (np.mean(results_normal[1]['sharpe'] > 0) * 100))

P(Sharpe ratio IB > 0) = 96.22%

In [100]:
print('P(Sharpe ratio IB > Sharpe ratio etrade) = %.2f%%' % \
    (np.mean(results_normal[1]['sharpe'] > results_normal[0][0]['sharpe']) * 100))

P(Sharpe ratio IB > Sharpe ratio etrade) = 79.58%

Value at Risk with uncertainty.

  • We want to now compute our Value at Risk with Uncertainty
  • This shows the power of the Probabilistic Programming approach

In [101]:

<MultiTrace: 1 chains, 5000 iterations, 5 variables>

In [102]:
import scipy.stats as stats
ppc_etrade = post_pred(var_cov_var_normal, results_normal[0], 1e6, .05, samples=800)
ppc_ib = post_pred(var_cov_var_normal, results_normal[1], 1e6, .05, samples=800)
sns.distplot(ppc_etrade, label='etrade', norm_hist=True, hist=False, color='b')
sns.distplot(ppc_ib, label='IB', norm_hist=True, hist=False, color='g')
plt.title('VaR'); plt.legend(loc=0); plt.xlabel('5% daily Value at Risk (VaR) with \$1MM capital (in \$)'); 
plt.ylabel('Probability density'); plt.xticks(rotation=15);

Interim summary

  • Bayesian stats allows us to reformulate common risk metrics, use priors and quantify uncertainty.
  • IB strategy seems better in almost every regard. Is it though?

So far, let's add confidence

In [103]:
sns.distplot(results_normal[0]['sharpe'], hist=False, label='etrade')
sns.distplot(results_normal[1]['sharpe'], hist=False, label='IB')
plt.title('Bayesian Sharpe ratio'); plt.xlabel('Sharpe ratio');
plt.axvline(data_0.mean() / data_0.std() * np.sqrt(252), color='b');
plt.axvline(data_1.mean() / data_1.std() * np.sqrt(252), color='g');

In [104]:
x = np.linspace(-.03, .03, 500)
ppc_dist_normal = post_pred(eval_normal, results_normal[1], x=x)
ppc_dist_t = post_pred(eval_t, results_t[1], x=x)

How good is our model?

  • Remember Box said "All models are wrong some are useful!"
  • How useful is our model?

In [105]:
sns.distplot(data_1, label='data IB', kde=False, norm_hist=True, color='.5')
for p in ppc_dist_normal:
    plt.plot(x, p, c='r', alpha=.1)
plt.plot(x, p, c='r', alpha=.5, label='Normal model')
plt.xlabel('Daily returns')

Can it be improved? Yes!

  • Identical model as before, but instead, use a heavy-tailed T distribution:
  • $returns\;\tilde \;\; T(\nu,\mu,\sigma^{2})$

In [106]:
figsize(12, 12)
sns.distplot(data_1, label='data IB', kde=False, norm_hist=True, color='.5')
for p in ppc_dist_t:
    plt.plot(x, p, c='y', alpha=.1)
plt.plot(x, p, c='y', alpha=.5, label='T model')    
plt.xlabel('Daily returns')


In [107]:
sns.distplot(results_normal[1]['annual volatility'], hist=False, label='normal')
sns.distplot(results_t[1]['annual volatility'], hist=False, label='T')
plt.xlim((0, 0.2))
plt.xlabel('Posterior of annual volatility')
plt.ylabel('Probability Density');

We need to compare posteriors

In [108]:
sns.distplot(results_normal[1]['mean returns'], hist=False, color='r', label='normal model')
sns.distplot(results_t[1]['mean returns'], hist=False, color='y', label='T model')
plt.xlabel('Posterior of the mean returns'); plt.ylabel('Probability Density');

Bayesian T-sharpe ratio

In [109]:
sns.distplot(results_normal[1]['sharpe'], hist=False, color='r', label='normal model')
sns.distplot(results_t[1]['sharpe'], hist=False, color='y', label='T model')
plt.xlabel('Bayesian Sharpe ratio'); plt.ylabel('Probability Density');

The robustness of the T-distribution is the strength of this model

In [110]:
sim_data = list(np.random.randn(75)*.01)
sns.distplot(sim_data, label='data', kde=False, norm_hist=True, color='.5'); sns.distplot(sim_data, label='Normal', fit=stats.norm, kde=False, hist=False, fit_kws={'color': 'r', 'label': 'Normal'}); sns.distplot(sim_data, fit=stats.t, kde=False, hist=False, fit_kws={'color': 'y', 'label': 'T'})
plt.xlabel('Daily returns'); plt.legend();

Estimating tail risk using VaR

In [111]:
ppc_normal = post_pred(var_cov_var_normal, results_normal[1], 1e6, .05, samples=800)
ppc_t = post_pred(var_cov_var_t, results_t[1], 1e6, .05, samples=800)
sns.distplot(ppc_normal, label='Normal', norm_hist=True, hist=False, color='r')
sns.distplot(ppc_t, label='T', norm_hist=True, hist=False, color='y')
plt.legend(loc=0); plt.xlabel('5% daily Value at Risk (VaR) with \$1MM capital (in \$)'); 
plt.ylabel('Probability density'); plt.xticks(rotation=15);

Comparing the Bayesian T-Sharpe Ratios

In [112]:
sns.distplot(results_t[0]['sharpe'], hist=False, label='etrade')
sns.distplot(results_t[1]['sharpe'], hist=False, label='IB')
plt.xlabel('Bayesian Sharpe ratio'); plt.ylabel('Probability Density');

In [113]:
print('P(Sharpe ratio IB > Sharpe ratio etrade) = %.2f%%' % \
    (np.mean(results_t[1]['sharpe'] > results_t[0]['sharpe']) * 100))

P(Sharpe ratio IB > Sharpe ratio etrade) = 5.84%

Conclusion: Probabilistic Programming

  • Probabilistic Programming allows us to construct complex models in code and automatically estimate them.
  • Bayesian statistics provides us with uncertainty quantification -- measure orthogonal sources of risk.
  • PyMC3 puts advanced samplers at your fingertips.
  • PyMC2 is less powerful than PyMC3

Take home point

  • Bayesian Models by forcing you to specify your priors. Allow you to make better decisions under situations of uncertainty.
  • As Data Scientists we are always dealing with this.

Want to learn more?

In [114]:
from IPython.display import Image
Image(filename='the-most-interesting-man-in-the-world-meme-generator-i-don-t-give-many-talks-but-when-i-do-i-do-q-a-e38222 copy.jpg')


In [115]:
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