Answer your own selection out of the following questions, or any other questions you might be able to think of. Write the question down first in a markdown cell (use a # to make the question a nice header), THEN try to get an answer to it. A lot of these are remarkably similar, and some you'll need to do manual work for - the GDP ones, for example.

If you are trying to figure out some other question that we didn't cover in class and it does not have to do with joining to another data set, we're happy to help you figure it out during lab!

Take a peek at the billionaires notebook I uploaded into Slack, it should be helpful for the graphs (I added a few other styles and options, too). You'll probably also want to look at the "sum()" line I added.

  • What country are most billionaires from? For the top ones, how many billionaires per billion people?
  • Who are the top 10 richest billionaires?
  • What's the average wealth of a billionaire? Male? Female?
  • Who is the poorest billionaire? Who are the top 10 poorest billionaires?
  • 'What is relationship to company'? And what are the most common relationships?
  • Most common source of wealth? Male vs. female?
  • Given the richest person in a country, what % of the GDP is their wealth?
  • Add up the wealth of all of the billionaires in a given country (or a few countries) and then compare it to the GDP of the country, or other billionaires, so like pit the US vs India
  • What are the most common industries for billionaires to come from? What's the total amount of billionaire money from each industry?
  • How many self made billionaires vs. others?
  • How old are billionaires? How old are billionaires self made vs. non self made? or different industries?
  • Who are the youngest billionaires? The oldest? Age distribution - maybe make a graph about it?
  • Maybe just made a graph about how wealthy they are in general?
  • Maybe plot their net worth vs age (scatterplot)
  • Make a bar graph of the top 10 or 20 richest

In [2]:
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline

In [3]:

What country are most billionaires from? For the top ones, how many billionaires per billion people?

In [4]:

In [5]:

Index(['year', 'name', 'rank', 'citizenship', 'countrycode',
       'networthusbillion', 'selfmade', 'typeofwealth', 'gender', 'age',
       'industry', 'IndustryAggregates', 'region', 'north',
       'politicalconnection', 'founder', 'generationofinheritance', 'sector',
       'company', 'companytype', 'relationshiptocompany', 'foundingdate',
       'gdpcurrentus', 'sourceofwealth', 'notes', 'notes2', 'source',
       'source_2', 'source_3', 'source_4'],

In [6]:
countries_df=pd.DataFrame(countries, columns=['countrycode'])
countries_df.rename(columns = {'countrycode':'count'}, inplace = True)

In [7]:

USA 499
CHN 152
RUS 111
DEU 85
BRA 65
IND 56
GBR 47
HKG 45
FRA 43
ITA 35

In [8]:
# this part im just looking up and manually adding
# i could have probably learned census.govs terrible api to automate this but for 10 countrie this was faster
countries_df['pop_thousands']=[323996, 1373541, 142355, 80723, 205824, 1266884, 64430, 7167, 66836, 62008]

In [9]:

count pop_thousands billionaires_per_billion
USA 499 323996 154.014247
CHN 152 1373541 11.066288
RUS 111 142355 77.974079
DEU 85 80723 105.298366
BRA 65 205824 31.580379
IND 56 1266884 4.420294
GBR 47 64430 72.947385
HKG 45 7167 627.877773
FRA 43 66836 64.336585
ITA 35 62008 56.444330

In [10]:
# this is my beautiful bargraph. hong kong clearly has it going on
countries_df.sort_values(by='billionaires_per_billion', ascending=True).plot(kind='barh', y='billionaires_per_billion', title='Billionaires Per Billion Persons', legend=False)

<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x7fa529bee668>

Who are the top 10 richest billionaires?

In [11]:

Index(['year', 'name', 'rank', 'citizenship', 'countrycode',
       'networthusbillion', 'selfmade', 'typeofwealth', 'gender', 'age',
       'industry', 'IndustryAggregates', 'region', 'north',
       'politicalconnection', 'founder', 'generationofinheritance', 'sector',
       'company', 'companytype', 'relationshiptocompany', 'foundingdate',
       'gdpcurrentus', 'sourceofwealth', 'notes', 'notes2', 'source',
       'source_2', 'source_3', 'source_4'],

In [12]:
df[['name', 'networthusbillion']].sort_values(by='networthusbillion', ascending=False).head(10)

name networthusbillion
284 Bill Gates 76.0
348 Carlos Slim Helu 72.0
124 Amancio Ortega 64.0
2491 Warren Buffett 58.2
1377 Larry Ellison 48.0
509 David Koch 40.0
381 Charles Koch 40.0
2185 Sheldon Adelson 38.0
429 Christy Walton 36.7
1128 Jim Walton 34.7

What's the average wealth of a billionaire? Male? Female?

In [13]:

count    1653.000000
mean        3.904658
std         5.748520
min         1.000000
25%         1.400000
50%         2.100000
75%         3.700000
max        76.000000
Name: networthusbillion, dtype: float64

In [14]:
df[['networthusbillion', 'gender']].groupby('gender').describe()

female count 180.000000
mean 3.920556
std 5.312604
min 1.000000
25% 1.400000
50% 2.300000
75% 3.700000
max 36.700000
male count 1473.000000
mean 3.902716
std 5.801227
min 1.000000
25% 1.400000
50% 2.100000
75% 3.700000
max 76.000000

Who is the poorest billionaire? Who are the top 10 poorest billionaires?

In [15]:
df[['name', 'networthusbillion']].sort_values(by='networthusbillion', ascending=True).head(10)

name networthusbillion
234 B.R. Shetty 1.0
2092 Rostam Azizi 1.0
2401 Tory Burch 1.0
734 Fred Chang 1.0
171 Angela Bennett 1.0
748 Fu Kwan 1.0
2107 Ryan Kavanaugh 1.0
1783 O. Francis Biondi 1.0
1371 Lam Fong Ngo 1.0
702 Feng Hailiang 1.0

In [16]:
# actually there are a lot more than 10 tied for poorest billionaires. here is the whole list!

56               Alberto Alcocer
81                 Alexander Vik
129                      An Kang
145     Andrea Reimann-Ciardelli
164              Andrew Gotianun
171               Angela Bennett
178                Anne Beaufour
234                  B.R. Shetty
261                  Bent Jensen
296                  Boris Mints
302                Brian Higgins
320                C. James Koch
343               Carlos Martins
358             Chang Pyung-Soon
424            Christopher Burch
482                Dariusz Milek
559                  Ding Shijia
560                Ding Shizhong
569               Dmitry Korzhev
573              Dmitry Troitsky
638               Elena Baturina
660             Enrique Banuelos
702                Feng Hailiang
734                   Fred Chang
748                      Fu Kwan
843               Graham Kirkham
886            Harindarpal Banga
914               Henri Beaufour
952         Horst Julius Pudwill
976                  Huo Qinghua
1731                 Murat Vargi
1755          Nerijus Numavicius
1783           O. Francis Biondi
1834                 Pavel Tykac
1868              Philip Falcone
1971               Richard Chang
2024               Robert Ingham
2092                Rostam Azizi
2107              Ryan Kavanaugh
2147                Sara Blakely
2158                Seo Jung-Jin
2165               Sergei Petrov
2168            Sergei Tsikalyuk
2174              Serhiy Tihipko
2203                Shoji Uehara
2247      Stefan von Holtzbrinck
2316           T.S. Kalyanaraman
2359               Thomas Bailey
2365               Thomas Kaplan
2401                  Tory Burch
2443         Vivek Chaand Sehgal
2472               Wang Jianfeng
2479                 Wang Muqing
2484                   Wang Yong
2530       William Moncrief, Jr.
2547                 Wu Chung-Yi
2549                    Wu Xiong
2561                   Yang Keng
2591               Zdenek Bakala
2607                 Zhu Wenchen
Name: name, dtype: object

In [17]:
# 81 tied for poorest. 102 tied for second place.

1.0     81
1.1    102
1.2     93
1.3     88
1.4     76
1.5     56
1.6     62
1.7     46
1.8     64
1.9     57
Name: networthusbillion, dtype: int64

In [18]:

Index(['year', 'name', 'rank', 'citizenship', 'countrycode',
       'networthusbillion', 'selfmade', 'typeofwealth', 'gender', 'age',
       'industry', 'IndustryAggregates', 'region', 'north',
       'politicalconnection', 'founder', 'generationofinheritance', 'sector',
       'company', 'companytype', 'relationshiptocompany', 'foundingdate',
       'gdpcurrentus', 'sourceofwealth', 'notes', 'notes2', 'source',
       'source_2', 'source_3', 'source_4'],

'What is relationship to company'? And what are the most common relationships?

In [19]:
# relationship to company looks like job title for the most part. looks like you want to get in 
# on the ground floor to make those B's

founder                                 818
relation                                515
owner                                    79
chairman                                 64
investor                                 30
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer     15
president                                 8
Chairman                                  8
CEO                                       8
ceo                                       8
Name: relationshiptocompany, dtype: int64

Most common source of wealth? Male vs. female?

In [20]:

real estate        107
diversified         69
retail              63
investments         60
pharmaceuticals     42
hedge funds         34
banking             33
construction        32
media               24
consumer goods      19
Name: sourceofwealth, dtype: int64

In [21]:
df[['gender', 'sourceofwealth']].groupby('gender').describe()

female count 172
unique 100
top diversified
freq 9
male count 1464
unique 578
top real estate
freq 100

Given the richest person in a country, what % of the GDP is their wealth?

In [22]:
# this time i decided not to cheat and actually found and converted a gdp to country chart into a csv. here it is!

Country GDP (millions USD)
0 United States 17946996
1 China 10866444
2 Japan 4123258
3 Germany 3355772
4 United Kingdom 2848755
5 France 2421682
6 India 2073543
7 Italy 1814763
8 Brazil 1774725
9 Canada 1550537
10 South Korea 1377873
11 Australia 1339539
12 Russia 1326015
13 Spain 1199057
14 Mexico 1144331
15 Indonesia 861934
16 Netherlands 752547
17 Turkey 718221
18 Switzerland 664738
19 Saudi Arabia 646002
20 Argentina 548055
21 Taiwan 523581
22 Sweden 492618
23 Nigeria 481066
24 Poland 474783
25 Belgium 454039
26 Iran 425326
27 Thailand 395282
28 Norway 388315
29 Austria 374056
... ... ...
189 Comoros 624
190 Dominica 538
191 Tonga 434
192 São Tomé and Principe 337
193 Micronesia, Fed. Sts. 318
194 Palau 287
195 Marshall Islands 187
196 Kiribati 145
197 Tuvalu 38
198 American Samoa 0
199 Aruba 0
200 British Virgin Islands 0
201 Cayman Islands 0
202 Channel Islands 0
203 Curaçao 0
204 Eritrea 0
205 French Polynesia 0
206 Gibraltar 0
207 Guam 0
208 Korea, Dem. People's Rep. 0
209 Liechtenstein 0
210 Nauru 0
211 New Caledonia 0
212 Northern Mariana Islands 0
213 San Marino 0
214 Sint Maarten (Dutch part) 0
215 St. Martin (French part) 0
216 Syrian Arab Republic 0
217 Turks and Caicos Islands 0
218 Virgin Islands (U.S.) 0

219 rows × 2 columns

In [23]:
networth=df[['name', 'citizenship', 'networthusbillion']]
networth=networth.rename(columns = {'citizenship':'Country'})

In [24]:
networth_gdp=pd.merge(networth, gdp, on='Country', how='left')

In [25]:
networth_gdp['percent_GDP']=(networth_gdp['networthusbillion']*1000000000)/(networth_gdp['GDP (millions USD)']*1000000)

In [26]:
# this doenst EXACTLY answer the question, but I think its more interesting anyway. top 20 people in the world by
# personal wealth as a percent of their own countrys gdp
networth_gdp.sort_values(by='percent_GDP', ascending=False).head(20)

name Country networthusbillion GDP (millions USD) percent_GDP
659 Jacky Xu St. Kitts and Nevis 1.2 922 1.301518
1109 Nathan Kirsh Swaziland 3.7 4060 0.911330
1407 Stephen Lansdown Guernsey 2.4 2742 0.875274
751 John Fredriksen Cyprus 13.6 19320 0.703934
182 Bidzina Ivanishvili Georgia 5.2 13965 0.372359
341 David Nahmad Monaco 1.8 6063 0.296883
447 Ezra Nahmad Monaco 1.5 6063 0.247402
919 Lily Safra Monaco 1.3 6063 0.214415
1402 Stelios Haji-Ioannou Cyprus 3.1 19320 0.160455
1265 Rinat Akhmetov Ukraine 12.5 90615 0.137946
906 Li Ka-shing Hong Kong 31.0 309929 0.100023
1204 Polys Haji-Ioannou Cyprus 1.8 19320 0.093168
954 Lui Che Woo Hong Kong 22.0 309929 0.070984
1395 Stefan Persson Sweden 34.4 492618 0.069831
1103 Najib Mikati Lebanon 3.1 47103 0.065813
1448 Taha Mikati Lebanon 3.1 47103 0.065813
642 Iris Fontbona Chile 15.5 240216 0.064525
883 Lee Shau Kee Hong Kong 19.6 309929 0.063240
226 Carlos Slim Helu Mexico 72.0 1144331 0.062919
1422 Suat Gunsel Cyprus 1.2 19320 0.062112

Add up the wealth of all of the billionaires in a given country (or a few countries) and then compare it to the GDP of the country, or other billionaires, so like pit the US vs India

In [27]:

In [28]:

In [29]:

Index(['Algeria', 'Angola', 'Argentina', 'Australia', 'Austria', 'Belgium',
       'Brazil', 'Canada', 'Chile', 'China', 'Colombia', 'Cyprus',
       'Czech Republic', 'Denmark', 'Egypt', 'Finland', 'France', 'Georgia',
       'Germany', 'Greece', 'Guernsey', 'Hong Kong', 'India', 'Indonesia',
       'Ireland', 'Israel', 'Italy', 'Japan', 'Kazakhstan', 'Kuwait',
       'Lebanon', 'Lithuania', 'Macau', 'Malaysia', 'Mexico', 'Monaco',
       'Morocco', 'Nepal', 'Netherlands', 'New Zealand', 'Nigeria', 'Norway',
       'Oman', 'Peru', 'Philippines', 'Poland', 'Portugal', 'Romania',
       'Russia', 'Saudi Arabia', 'Singapore', 'South Africa', 'South Korea',
       'Spain', 'St. Kitts and Nevis', 'Swaziland', 'Sweden', 'Switzerland',
       'Taiwan', 'Tanzania', 'Thailand', 'Turkey', 'Uganda', 'Ukraine',
       'United Arab Emirates', 'United Kingdom', 'United States', 'Venezuela',
      dtype='object', name='Country')

In [30]:

In [31]:
total_worth=pd.merge(total_worth, gdp, on='Country', how='left')

In [32]:
total_worth['GDP (millions USD)']=total_worth['GDP (millions USD)']*1000000

In [33]:
total_worth['GDP']=total_worth['GDP (millions USD)']

In [34]:
del total_worth['GDP (millions USD)']

In [35]:

In [36]:
# here is the top ten countries by percent of gdp possessed by billionaires
total_worth[['Country', 'percent_by_billionaires']].sort_values(by='percent_by_billionaires', ascending=False).head(10)

Country percent_by_billionaires
54 St. Kitts and Nevis 1.301518
11 Cyprus 1.019669
55 Swaziland 0.911330
20 Guernsey 0.875274
35 Monaco 0.758700
21 Hong Kong 0.689513
17 Georgia 0.372359
48 Russia 0.318624
63 Ukraine 0.293550
30 Lebanon 0.261130

In [37]:
# and now us vs india
total_worth[['Country', 'percent_by_billionaires']].loc[total_worth['Country'].isin(['India', 'United States'])]

Country percent_by_billionaires
22 India 0.092547
66 United States 0.129403

What are the most common industries for billionaires to come from? What's the total amount of billionaire money from each industry?

In [38]:

Consumer                           291
Real Estate                        190
Retail, Restaurant                 174
Diversified financial              132
Technology-Computer                131
Money Management                   122
Media                              104
Energy                              87
Non-consumer industrial             83
Technology-Medical                  78
Mining and metals                   68
Constrution                         61
Other                               59
Hedge funds                         43
Private equity/leveraged buyout     18
0                                    6
Venture Capital                      5
Name: networthusbillion, dtype: int64

In [39]:

Consumer                           1177.8
Retail, Restaurant                  820.9
Technology-Computer                 684.6
Diversified financial               614.4
Real Estate                         573.8
Media                               490.5
Money Management                    381.3
Energy                              340.5
Non-consumer industrial             298.4
Mining and metals                   240.6
Technology-Medical                  218.0
Other                               179.3
Constrution                         175.4
Hedge funds                         167.2
Private equity/leveraged buyout      71.9
Venture Capital                      11.1
0                                     7.6
Name: networthusbillion, dtype: float64

How many self made billionaires vs. others?

In [40]:

inherited     505
self-made    1146
Name: name, dtype: int64

How old are billionaires? How old are billionaires self made vs. non self made? or different industries?

In [41]:
# this looks like a fairly normal curve

<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x7fa529b48828>

In [43]:
# seems like you generally get to be a billionaire faster if you're self made
df.loc[df['selfmade']=='self-made'].groupby('age').count().plot(kind='bar', legend=False)
df.loc[df['selfmade']=='inherited'].groupby('age').count().plot(kind='bar', legend=False)

<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x7fa5261bc080>

Maybe plot their net worth vs age (scatterplot)

In [55]:
# comparing a number to itself to get rid of NaNs is a trick i learned from stackoverflow
# also this isnt a very good graph. nearly all of the billionaires at any age have 1 or near to 1 billion
df[['age', 'networthusbillion']].loc[df['age'] == df['age']].plot(kind='scatter', x='age', y='networthusbillion')

<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x7fa5261d1748>

In [ ]: