1 Introduction
1.1 Preliminary considerations
1.2 The General Equation
1.3 Approach
2 Static reference frame
2.1 Test production
2.2 Test loss
2.3 Concommitant production and loss
3 Burial
3.1 The burial term
3.2 Test production with burial
3.3 Test loss with burial
3.4 Test production and loss with bural
4 Steady-state models
4.1 The steady-state assumption
5 Bioturbation
5.1. The mixing term
6 Appendix
6.1. Static frame production and loss solution
To include
1 Introduction
1.1 Preliminary considerations
Change relative to a single layer versus change relative to surface
Environmental change versus dynamical assemblage forming process
Steady state
Burial as advection
experiments versus data and parameter fitting
1.2 The General Equation
1.3 Approach
model assumptions - model only valid as assumptions; assumptions may be necessary due to available data
Analytic and numerical solutions
Explain maths and coding to non-maths audience
2 Static reference frame
2.1 Test production
Test accumulation is integral of rate through time (ignoring loss)
2.2 Test loss
On its own, just an exponential decay
2.3 Concommitant production and loss
Feedback and steady state is emergent
3 Burial
3.1 The burial term
Changes reference frame from static to advecting
Sedimentation rate scales time through depth
3.2 Test production with burial
Test accumulation proprtional to depth integrated standing crop
Affect of infaunal production, particualrly stratified community
Depth dependency of R
Buzas example
Affect of sedimntation rate - "residence time" of layer for accumulation
3.3 Test loss with burial
Exponential decay
Affect of sedimntation rate - "residence time" of layer for decay
3.4 Test production and loss with burial
Affect of sedimentation rate - limited by decay feedback
4.1 The steady-state assumption
Shortcut to steady states described earlier
Vance example
5.1. The mixing term
Hippensteel example
6.1. Static frame production and loss solution
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