Model for aimpoint drift (aka ACA alignment drift) 2018-11

This notebook documents and computes fit coefficients for a simple model that gives the relative ACA alignment as a linear function of the ACA CCD temperature. It also includes validation of the implementation of the new model in the chandra_aca.drift package.

This is based on the origin fit_aimpoint_drift notebook but updated through 2018:310 to include data from after the 2018:283 safe mode normal sun dwell. Two jumps were added to the model, one corresponding to the 2017:066 NSM and one from the 2018:283 safe mode.

The ACA alignment is measured accurately for each science observation via the apparent positions of the fid lights. These are referred to by their CXC aspect solution designation as the SIM DY and DZ offsets. This is actually a misnomer based on the pre-launch understanding of what physical mechanism would generate such offsets. We now know via HRMA optical axis measurements that a temperature-dependent change in the ACA boresight alignment is responsible. The HRMA to SIM alignment is quite stable.

The ACA alignment relates directly to the X-ray detector aimpoint that is used in observation planning and analysis. With this model it will be possible to improve the aimpoint accuracy by introducing a dynamic pointing offset based on the predicted ACA CCD temperature for each observation.

The model is

DY/Z = (t_ccd - offset) * scale + (year - 2016.0) * trend + JUMPS


  t_ccd : ACA CCD temperature (degF)
  scale : scaling in arcsec / degF
  offset : ACA CCD temperature corresponding to DY/Z = 0.0 arcsec
  trend : Trend in DY/Z (arcsec / year)
  year : decimal year
  jumpYYYYDDD : step function from 0.0 to jumpYYYYDDD (arcsec) for date > YYYY:DDD

The jumps are persistent step function changes in alignment that have been observed following extended dwells at normal sun where the ACA gets substantially hotter than during normal operations. The exact mechanism is not understood, but could be due to a non-linear stiction release of a stress point that impacts alignment.

Note that the ACA alignment has a direct linear correlation to the ACA housing temperature (AACH1T). However, in this model we use the ACA CCD temperature as the model dependent variable because it is linearly related to housing temperature (AACCDPT = m * AACH1T + b) as long as the TEC is at max drive current. Since there is already an existing Xija model to predict ACA CCD temperature this reduces duplication.

This model was fitted to data from 2012:180 to 2018:310 using Sherpa. The key fit results are:

scale = 2.1 arcsec / degF = 3.9 arcsec / degC
trend = -1.11 arcsec / year
jumps ~ -2 to -13 arcsec

model error = +/- 1.9 arcsec (1st to 99th percentile range)

scale = 1.0 arcsec / degF = 1.8 arcsec / degC
trend = -0.16 arcsec / year
jumps ~ -0.4 to -6.1 arcsec

model error = +/- 2.8 arcsec (1st to 99th percentile range)

The model accuracy will be degraded somewhat when ACA CCD temperature is taken from a predictive Xija model instead of from telemetry.

This notebook lives in the aimpoint_mon project repository


In [1]:
import re

import tables
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from astropy.time import Time
from astropy.table import Table
import Ska.engarchive.fetch_eng as fetch
from Ska.engarchive import fetch_sci
from Chandra.Time import DateTime
from Ska.Numpy import interpolate
from kadi import events
from sherpa import ui
from Ska.Matplotlib import plot_cxctime

In [2]:
%matplotlib inline

In [3]:

In [4]:
# Discrete jumps after 2012:001.  Note also jumps at:
#   '2008:293',  # IU-reset
#   '2010:151',  # IU-reset
#   '2011:190',  # Safe mode
JUMPS = ['2015:006',  # IU-reset
         '2015:265',  # Safe mode 6
         '2016:064',  # Safe mode 7
         '2017:066',  # NSM
         '2018:285',  # Safe mode 8

In [5]:
ltt_bads = events.ltt_bads(pad=(0, 200000))
normal_suns = events.normal_suns(pad=(0, 100000))
safe_suns = events.safe_suns(pad=(0, 86400 * 7))

In [6]:
# Aspect camera CCD temperature trend since 2010
t_ccd = fetch.Msid('aacccdpt', start='2010:001', stat='5min')
t_ccd.remove_intervals(ltt_bads | normal_suns | safe_suns)
plt.figure(figsize=(12, 4.5))
plt.ylabel('T_ccd (degF)')
plt.title('ACA CCD temperature')
plt.ylim(None, 20)

In [7]:
# Get aspect solution DY and DZ (apparent SIM offsets via fid light positions)
# which are sampled at 1 ksec intervals and updated daily.
if 'adat' not in globals():
    h5 = tables.open_file('/proj/sot/ska/data/aimpoint_mon/aimpoint_asol_values.h5')
    adat =[:]


    # Filter bad data when asol DY and DZ are both exactly 0.0 (doesn't happen normally)
    bad = (adat['dy'] == 0.0) & (adat['dz'] == 0.0)
    adat = adat[~bad]

In [8]:
class AcaDriftModel(object):
    Class to encapsulate necessary data and compute the model of ACA
    alignment drift.  The object created from this class is called
    by Sherpa as a function during fitting.  This gets directed to
    the __call__() method.
    YEAR0 = 2016.0  # Reference year for linear offset
    def __init__(self, adat, start='2012:001', stop=None):
        adat is the raw data array containing aspect solution data
        sampled at 1 ksec intervals.
        # Get the ACA CCD temperature telemetry
        t_ccd = fetch.Msid('aacccdpt', stat='5min', start=start, stop=stop)
        # Slice the ASOL data corresponding to available ACA CCD temps
        i0, i1 = np.searchsorted(adat['time'], [t_ccd.times[0], t_ccd.times[-1]])
        self.asol = adat[i0:i1].copy()
        # Convert from mm to arcsec for convenience
        self.asol['dy'] *= SIM_MM_TO_ARCSEC
        self.asol['dz'] *= SIM_MM_TO_ARCSEC
        self.times = self.asol['time']
        self.years = Time(self.times, format='cxcsec').decimalyear
        self.years_0 = self.years - self.YEAR0
        # Resample CCD temp. data to the 1 ksec ASOL time stamps
        self.t_ccd = interpolate(t_ccd.vals, t_ccd.times, self.asol['time'], method='linear')
        # Get indices corresponding to jump times for later model computation
        self.jump_times = Time(JUMPS).cxcsec
        self.jump_idxs = np.searchsorted(self.times, self.jump_times)

    def __call__(self, pars, years=None, t_ccd=None):
        Calculate model prediction for DY or DZ.  Params are:
          scale : scaling in arcsec / degF
          offset : ACA CCD temperature corresponding to DY/Z = 0.0 arcsec
          trend : Trend in DY/Z (arcsec / year)
          jumpYYYYDDD : discrete jump in arcsec at date YYYY:DDD
        # Sherpa passes the parameters as a list
        scale, offset, trend = pars[0:3]
        jumps = pars[3:]
        # Allow for passing in a different value for ACA CCD temperature
        if t_ccd is None:
            t_ccd = self.t_ccd

        # Compute linear part of model
        out = (t_ccd - offset) * scale + self.years_0 * trend

        # Put in the step function jumps
        for jump_idx, jump in zip(self.jump_idxs, jumps):
            if jump_idx > 10 and jump_idx < len(out) - 10:
                out[jump_idx:] += jump

        return out

In [9]:
def fit_aimpoint_aca_temp(axis='dy', start='2012:180', stop=None):
    Use Sherpa to fit the model parameters
    # Create the object used to define the Sherpa user model, then
    # load as a model and create parameters
    aca_drift = AcaDriftModel(adat, start, stop)
    ui.load_user_model(aca_drift, 'aca_drift_model')
    parnames = ['scale', 'offset', 'trend']
    parnames += ['jump{}'.format(re.sub(':', '', x)) for x in JUMPS]
    ui.add_user_pars('aca_drift_model', parnames)
    # Sherpa automatically puts 'aca_drift_model' into globals, but
    # make this explicit so code linters don't complain.
    aca_drift_model = globals()['aca_drift_model']

    # Get the DY or DZ values and load as Sherpa data
    dyz = aca_drift.asol[axis]
    ui.load_arrays(1, aca_drift.years, dyz)

    # Set the model and fit using Simplex (Nelder-Mead) minimization
    ui.set_model(1, aca_drift_model)
    return aca_drift, ui.get_fit_results()

In [10]:
def plot_aimpoint_drift(axis, aca_drift, fit_results, start='2010:001', stop=None, plot_t_ccd=False):
    Plot our results
    y_start = DateTime(start).frac_year
    y_stop = DateTime(stop).frac_year
    years = aca_drift.years
    ok = (years > y_start) & (years < y_stop)
    years = aca_drift.years[ok]
    times = aca_drift.times[ok]

    # Call model directly with best-fit parameters to get model values
    dyz_fit = aca_drift(fit_results.parvals)[ok]

    # DY or DZ values from aspect solution
    dyz = aca_drift.asol[axis][ok]
    dyz_resid = dyz - dyz_fit
    if plot_t_ccd:
        plt.figure(figsize=(12, 4.5))
        plt.subplot(1, 2, 1)

    plot_cxctime(times, dyz, label='Data')
    plot_cxctime(times, dyz_fit, 'r-', alpha=0.5, label='Fit')
    plot_cxctime(times, dyz_resid, 'r-', label='Residual')
    plt.title('Fit aspect solution {} to scaled ACA CCD temperature'
    plt.ylabel('{} (arcsec)'.format(axis.upper()))
    plt.legend(loc='upper left', framealpha=1.0)
    if plot_t_ccd:
        dat = fetch_sci.Msid('aacccdpt', start, stop, stat='5min')
        plt.subplot(1, 2, 2)
        plt.ylabel('AACCCDPT (degC)')
        if isinstance(plot_t_ccd, tuple):
    std = dyz_resid.std()
    p1, p99 = np.percentile(dyz_resid, [1, 99])
    print('Fit residual stddev = {:.2f} arcsec'.format(std))
    print('Fit residual 99th - 1st percentile = {:.2f}'.format(p99 - p1))

Fit model coefficients for DY and plot results

In [11]:
aca_drift_dy, fit_dy = fit_aimpoint_aca_temp('dy')

Dataset               = 1
Method                = neldermead
Statistic             = chi2gehrels
Initial fit statistic = 1.78554e+06
Final fit statistic   = 4108.69 at function evaluation 2108
Data points           = 153071
Degrees of freedom    = 153063
Probability [Q-value] = 1
Reduced statistic     = 0.0268431
Change in statistic   = 1.78143e+06
   aca_drift_model.scale   2.14665     
   aca_drift_model.offset   -6.01221    
   aca_drift_model.trend   -1.10782    
   aca_drift_model.jump2015006   -4.60019    
   aca_drift_model.jump2015265   -4.6688     
   aca_drift_model.jump2016064   -1.7935     
   aca_drift_model.jump2017066   -1.7248     
   aca_drift_model.jump2018285   -12.4936    

In [12]:
plot_aimpoint_drift('dy', aca_drift_dy, fit_dy)

Fit residual stddev = 0.84 arcsec
Fit residual 99th - 1st percentile = 3.80

Zoom in around the 2018:283 safe mode time

In [13]:
start = '2018:260'
stop = '2018:310'
plot_aimpoint_drift('dy', aca_drift_dy, fit_dy, start=start, stop=stop, plot_t_ccd=(-16, -8))

Fit residual stddev = 0.76 arcsec
Fit residual 99th - 1st percentile = 3.23

Fid light commanded vs observed angles

Temperatures just after the safe mode gap are cool, around -12.5 C. In this plot the offset gets more positive with lower temperature (i.e. anti-correlated with T_ccd, about -4 arcsec / degC).

  • At T_ccd = -13.5 C the caution yellow limit would be hit
  • At T_ccd = -16.0 the warning red limit would be hit. Somewhere in there the fids will not be acquired.

So effectively right now we have a new constraint that the ACA CCD needs to be warmer than -13.5 C. Probably not a problem in practice.

Raw fid drift data vs. archaic fid drift model

This just shows in raw form the 13 arcsec jump. The sign is the same, so increasing temperature means more negative Y offset. Focus on the downwarn spikesaround Y offset = -46 for the blue model, looking before and after safe mode. The raw fid locations have shifted by about 13 arcsec.

  • Pre-safemode these have mean Y offset around -22 arcsec.
  • Post-safemode this was around 2018:299 and the mean Y offset is around -8 arcsec.

Illustrate model behavior by assuming a constant ACA CCD temperature

In [14]:
dyz_fit = aca_drift_dy(fit_dy.parvals, t_ccd=14)  # degF = -10 C
plot_cxctime(aca_drift_dy.times, dyz_fit)
plt.title('DY drift model assuming constant ACA temperature')

Fit model coefficients for DZ and plot results

In [15]:
aca_drift_dz, fit_dz = fit_aimpoint_aca_temp('dz')

Dataset               = 1
Method                = neldermead
Statistic             = chi2gehrels
Initial fit statistic = 1.90206e+06
Final fit statistic   = 9930.71 at function evaluation 2230
Data points           = 153071
Degrees of freedom    = 153063
Probability [Q-value] = 1
Reduced statistic     = 0.0648799
Change in statistic   = 1.89213e+06
   aca_drift_model.scale   1.00414     
   aca_drift_model.offset   -15.9653    
   aca_drift_model.trend   -0.158938   
   aca_drift_model.jump2015006   -2.10957    
   aca_drift_model.jump2015265   -0.368199   
   aca_drift_model.jump2016064   -0.902343   
   aca_drift_model.jump2017066   -0.856317   
   aca_drift_model.jump2018285   -6.02459    

In [16]:
plot_aimpoint_drift('dz', aca_drift_dz, fit_dz)

Fit residual stddev = 1.39 arcsec
Fit residual 99th - 1st percentile = 5.63

In [17]:
start = '2018:260'
stop = '2018:310'
plot_aimpoint_drift('dz', aca_drift_dz, fit_dz, start=start, stop=stop, plot_t_ccd=(-16, -8))

Fit residual stddev = 1.50 arcsec
Fit residual 99th - 1st percentile = 6.52

Illustrate model behavior by assuming a constant ACA CCD temperature

In [18]:
dyz_fit = aca_drift_dz(fit_dz.parvals, t_ccd=14)  # degF = -10 C
plot_cxctime(aca_drift_dz.times, dyz_fit)
plt.title('DZ drift model assuming constant ACA temperature')

Comparison to current flight model for NOV0518B

Compare the actual flight aca_offset_y/z from the *_dynamical_offsets.txt files to predictions with the new chandra_aca.drift module.

A key point is to use the observed mean T_ccd with the new model to be able to reproduce the observed aimpoint shift of about 8 arcsec. The jump was 13 arcsec but we did not see that directly because of the ~1.4 C error in the temperatures being used to predict the aimpoint offset.

In [19]:
text = """
obsid detector  chipx   chipy  chip_id aca_offset_y aca_offset_z mean_t_ccd       mean_date      
----- -------- ------- ------- ------- ------------ ------------ ---------- ---------------------
21152   ACIS-S   210.0   520.0       7         -0.9       -22.67     -11.72 2018:307:18:07:54.816
20332   ACIS-I   970.0   975.0       3       -14.27       -21.89     -11.88 2018:308:04:03:46.816
21718    HRC-I  7590.0  7745.0       0       -13.39        -22.8     -11.53 2018:313:03:14:10.816
21955   HRC-S  2195.0  8915.0        2       -12.50        -22.57    -11.53 2018:305:16:28:34.816  
obss =, format='ascii.fixed_width_two_line')

In [20]:
import sys
import os
sys.path.insert(0, os.path.join(os.environ['HOME'], 'git', 'chandra_aca'))
import chandra_aca
from chandra_aca import drift
from kadi import events

In [21]:


In [22]:
for obs in obss:
    dwell = events.dwells.filter(obsid=21152)[0]
    t_ccd = fetch_sci.Msid('aacccdpt', dwell.start, dwell.stop, stat='5min')
    mean_t_ccd = np.mean(t_ccd.vals)
    offsets = drift.get_aca_offsets(obs['detector'], chip_id=obs['chip_id'],
                                    chipx=obs['chipx'], chipy=obs['chipy'], 
                                    time=obs['mean_date'], t_ccd=mean_t_ccd)
    print('T_ccd:', mean_t_ccd, '  Delta offsets Y Z:',
          '%.2f' % (obs['aca_offset_y'] - offsets[0]), 
          '%.2f' % (obs['aca_offset_z'] - offsets[1]))

obsid detector chipx chipy chip_id aca_offset_y aca_offset_z mean_t_ccd       mean_date      
----- -------- ----- ----- ------- ------------ ------------ ---------- ---------------------
21152   ACIS-S 210.0 520.0       7         -0.9       -22.67     -11.72 2018:307:18:07:54.816
T_ccd: -10.3721   Delta offsets Y Z: -8.27 -3.92

obsid detector chipx chipy chip_id aca_offset_y aca_offset_z mean_t_ccd       mean_date      
----- -------- ----- ----- ------- ------------ ------------ ---------- ---------------------
20332   ACIS-I 970.0 975.0       3       -14.27       -21.89     -11.88 2018:308:04:03:46.816
T_ccd: -10.3721   Delta offsets Y Z: -7.64 -3.61

obsid detector chipx  chipy  chip_id aca_offset_y aca_offset_z mean_t_ccd       mean_date      
----- -------- ------ ------ ------- ------------ ------------ ---------- ---------------------
21718    HRC-I 7590.0 7745.0       0       -13.39        -22.8     -11.53 2018:313:03:14:10.816
T_ccd: -10.3721   Delta offsets Y Z: -9.00 -4.28

obsid detector chipx  chipy  chip_id aca_offset_y aca_offset_z mean_t_ccd       mean_date      
----- -------- ------ ------ ------- ------------ ------------ ---------- ---------------------
21955    HRC-S 2195.0 8915.0       2        -12.5        -22.5     -11.53 2018:305:16:28:34.816
T_ccd: -10.3721   Delta offsets Y Z: -8.99 -4.21

Comparison of local model prediction to implementation in chandra_aca

In [23]:
from chandra_aca.tests.test_all import simple_test_aca_drift

In [24]:
dy, dz, times = simple_test_aca_drift()

In [25]:
plt.figure(figsize=(12, 4.5))
plt.subplot(1, 2, 1)
dy_fit = aca_drift_dy(fit_dy.parvals, t_ccd=14)  # degF = -10 C
plot_cxctime(aca_drift_dy.times, dy_fit)
plt.title('DY drift model assuming constant ACA temperature')

plt.subplot(1, 2, 2)
plot_cxctime(times, dy);
plt.ylabel('DY (arcsec)');
plt.title('DY drift model from chandra_aca');

In [26]:
plt.figure(figsize=(12, 4.5))
plt.subplot(1, 2, 1)
dz_fit = aca_drift_dz(fit_dz.parvals, t_ccd=14)  # degF = -10 C
plot_cxctime(aca_drift_dz.times, dz_fit)
plt.title('DZ drift model assuming constant ACA temperature')

plt.subplot(1, 2, 2)
plot_cxctime(times, dz);
plt.ylabel('DZ (arcsec)');
plt.title('DZ drift model from chandra_aca');