Chandra Star Acquisition Analysis Notebook

Developed by: Brian Vegetabile & Tom Aldcroft

Notebook Overview

This notebook was developed from July 2014 through September 2014. The primary goal of the development of this notebook was to create a model that accurately estimates the probability that a given star will succeed or fail in its acquisition. Specifically, the model in this notebook attempts to provide a posterior predictive distribution for a given star utilizing the magnitude of the star as well as the estimated warm pixel fraction for that observation.

Notebook Required Inputs

  • Libraries: Numpy, Scipy, Matplotlib, Astropy
  • Special Library: Pystan - Used for the Bayesian Binomial Probit Regression Model developed.
  • Datafile - Star Acquisition history file.
    • Required Fields for analysis
      • Acquistion Status
      • Star Magnitude
      • Warm Pixel Fraction
      • Time
    • See relevant sections for the transformations of these variables

In [1]:
%matplotlib inline
import pickle
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import scipy.stats as stats
import acqstattools as ast
import pystan

from matplotlib import gridspec
from astropy.time import Time

import warnings

Initialization & Setup

In the codeblock below enter in the appropriate training range and test range for this analysis.

The following are variables that are appropriate to edit:

  • Pointer to Datafile
  • Training and Testing Range Setup
  • Pointer to File for output

In [2]:
# Pointer to historical star acquisition data 
datalocation = 'data/acq_table.npy'

# Enter a training period from the dataset
train_start = 2011.5
train_end = 2014.00

# Enter a test period from the dataset for validation
test_start = 2014.00
test_end = 2014.50

fileout = "acqstats_bp6_draws_trained_{}_to_{}.pkl".format(train_start, train_end)

analysis_description = """
Chandra Star Acquisition Analysis Results
- Method: Bayesian Binomial Probit Regression
    - Second Order Polynomial of Star Magnitude
    - Warm Pixel Fraction
    - Interactions between Mag & WPF

Train Period: {0} to {1}
Test Period : {2} to {3}

File Output : {4}
""".format(train_start, train_end, test_start, test_end, fileout)

# Analysis Options - These Options take time... Turn off if not needed.

run_pystan = True
analyze_history = True

Data import

In [3]:
#Loading data from file
acq_data = np.load(datalocation)

#Adding fields required for analysis
acq_data = ast.add_column(acq_data, 'tstart_jyear' , np.zeros(len(acq_data)))
acq_data = ast.add_column(acq_data, 'year' , np.zeros(len(acq_data)))
acq_data = ast.add_column(acq_data, 'failure' , np.zeros(len(acq_data)))
acq_data['tstart_jyear'] = Time(acq_data['tstart'], format='cxcsec').jyear
acq_data['year'] = np.floor(acq_data.tstart_jyear)
acq_data['failure'][acq_data['obc_id']=="NOID"] = 1.

Data Cleaning - Removing Bad Observations

In [4]:
bad_obsids = [
# Venus
# multi-obi catalogs

for badid in bad_obsids:
    acq_data = acq_data[acq_data['obsid']!=badid]

Data Exploration

Setting up the training subset of data

Below we set up the training data for the problem. Right now a years worth of data takes approximately 5-10 mins to run for the model. The entire dataset takes approximately an hour to run.

In [5]:
#Subsetting up the training data
traindata = ast.subset_range_tstart_jyear(acq_data, train_start, train_end)
train_success = traindata[traindata['obc_id']=='ID']
train_fail = traindata[traindata['obc_id']=='NOID']

Setting up the test subset of data

Below you can change the Warm Pixel Fraction that we're initially testing (the notebook shows cases of other warm pixel fractions later). I'm subsetting the data this far up in the notebook so that we can get a visualization of what the training data looks like for the samples we're trying to estimate. A good idea is to use the newest data as out of sample test data to attempt to see how we'll perform in the future.

In [6]:
#Subsetting the Test Data
test_data = ast.subset_range_tstart_jyear(acq_data, test_start, test_end)

#Finding the mean warmpixel fraction in the test data
wp_test = np.mean(test_data['warm_pix'])               

#Subsetting based on this warm pixel fraction
wp_range = ast.subset_range_warmpix(test_data, wp_test)

Creating a function for Binomial proportion confidence interval estimation

Before we start we also need a function that estimates error bars for each bin that we'll eventually put together. Normal statistics textbooks would set up the interval as $\hat p \pm z^{*} \sqrt{\frac{\hat p(1-\hat p)}{n}}$ where $n$ is the total number of trials and $\hat p$ in our case would be the sum of the failures over the total number of observations. This represents the results from the Central Limit Theorem. Unfortunately this does not work well for small $n$ or extreme probabilities, which is a majority of dataset. Thus in order to calculate our intervals, we'll use Wilson's method with a continuity correction which is better for small $n$ and extreme probabilities.

In [7]:
def wilsoninterval(failures, total_count):
    p = failures.astype(float)/total_count                         # Estimated Probability of Failure
    q = 1 - p                                                      # Complement (1 - p)
    z = 1.96                                                       # Z Score corresponding to 95% Interval
    n = total_count                                                # Total observed
    L = (2*n*p + z**2 - 1 - z*np.sqrt(z**2 - 2 - (1/n) + 4*p*(n*q + 1))) / (2*(n + z**2)) # Lower Bound
    U = (2*n*p + z**2 + 1 + z*np.sqrt(z**2 - 2 - (1/n) + 4*p*(n*q + 1))) / (2*(n + z**2)) # Upper Bound
    return U, L

Visualization of the Training and Testing Data

Included are the following plots:

  • Histograms of the successes/failures for the training and testing ranges.
  • Histogram of the observed warm pixel fractions for the training and testing data.
    • Motivation: Are we using similar data points to what we eventually want to test?
  • Line chart of the proportion of failed stars binned by star magnitude.
  • Histograms of a subset of successes/failures for the ranges for a given warm pixel fraction
    • For a given warm pixel fraction, I bin all successes and failures in a +/- 0.01 range
  • Histograms of the window of eventually tested warm pixel fraction
    • Motivation: have we observed a lot of events in warm pixel range we want to eventually test or are we extrapolating from the dataset.
  • Line chart of the proportion of failed stars binned by star magnitude for the given warm pixel fraction range
  • Summary Table
    • Warm Pixel Fraction Range bins
    • Average Warm Pixel Fraction in from those bins
    • Columns: Mag Bin, Percent Failed, Total Observed, Failure Count
      • Shows specific failure statistics for the given warm pixel fraction range
      • Idea is to get a relative magnitude for the number of failures as opposed to the line chart which is proportions

In [39]:
# Visualizing the Training and Testing Data
nbins = np.arange(6,11.75,0.25)

wp_train_range = ast.subset_range_warmpix(traindata, wp_test)

test_data = ast.subset_range_tstart_jyear(acq_data, test_start, test_end)
wp_test_range = ast.subset_range_warmpix(test_data, wp_test)

print """ 
Plotting using all data from both the training and test sets 

# Histograms of the successes/failures for each time range
F = plt.figure()
p1 = plt.hist(train_success['mag'], bins=nbins, color='b', alpha=0.5, label="Successes")
p2 = plt.hist(train_fail['mag'], bins=nbins, color='r', alpha=0.5, label="Failures")
lgd = plt.legend()
plt.xlabel('Star Magnitude')
plt.title('Star Acquisitions for Time Range: {} - {} (All Data)'.format(train_start, train_end))
plt.hist(test_data[test_data['obc_id']=="ID"]['mag'], bins=nbins, color='b', alpha=0.5, label="Successes")
plt.hist(test_data[test_data['obc_id']=="NOID"]['mag'], bins=nbins, color='r', alpha=0.5, label="Failures")
lgd = plt.legend()
plt.xlabel('Star Magnitude')
plt.title('Star Acquisitions for Time Range: {} - {} (All Data)'.format(test_start, test_end))

# Histogram of the observed warm pixel fractions for the training data.
xmin = np.min((np.min(traindata['warm_pix']), np.min(test_data['warm_pix']))) - 0.01
xmax = np.max((np.max(traindata['warm_pix']), np.max(test_data['warm_pix']))) + 0.01
F = plt.figure()
p1 = plt.hist(traindata['warm_pix'])
plt.xlabel('Warm Pixel Fraction')
plt.title('Star Acquisitions for Training Range: {} - {} (All Data)'.format(train_start, train_end))
p1 = plt.hist(test_data['warm_pix'])
plt.xlabel('Warm Pixel Fraction')
plt.title('Star Acquisitions for Test Range: {} - {} (All Data)'.format(test_start, test_end))

# Line chart of the proportion of failed stars binned by star magnitude.
train_failure_counts, bin_edges = np.histogram(train_fail['mag'], bins=nbins)
train_total_counts, bin_edges = np.histogram(traindata['mag'], bins=nbins)
train_percent_fail = train_failure_counts.astype(float) / train_total_counts
train_pupper, train_plower = wilsoninterval(train_failure_counts, train_total_counts)

test_failure_counts, bin_edges = np.histogram(test_data[test_data['obc_id']=="NOID"]['mag'], bins=nbins)
test_total_counts, bin_edges = np.histogram(test_data['mag'], bins=nbins)
test_percent_fail = test_failure_counts.astype(float) / test_total_counts
test_pupper, test_plower = wilsoninterval(test_failure_counts, test_total_counts)

bin_middle = bin_edges[1:] - 0.125         # Centering the bin counts for the plots.  Learned this was important

F = plt.figure()
p1, = plt.plot(bin_middle, train_percent_fail)
p2, = plt.plot(bin_middle, train_plower, linestyle='--', color='red')
p3, = plt.plot(bin_middle, train_pupper, linestyle='--', color='red')
plt.legend([p1, p2],
           ["Observed Data", "95% Interval"], loc=2)
plt.xlabel('Star Magnitude')
plt.ylabel('Proportion Failed')
plt.title('Star Acquisitions for Time Range: {} - {} (All Data)'.format(train_start, train_end))
p1, = plt.plot(bin_middle, test_percent_fail)
p2, = plt.plot(bin_middle, test_plower, linestyle='--', color='red')
p3, = plt.plot(bin_middle, test_pupper, linestyle='--', color='red')
plt.xlabel('Star Magnitude')
plt.ylabel('Proportion Failed')
plt.title('Star Acquisitions for Time Range: {} - {}'.format(test_start, test_end))

print """ 
Examining the training and testing datasets in a neighborhood 
of the mean of warm pixel fraction in the 'test' set 
Mean WPF Training         : {2}
Mean WPF Testing          : {3}
Warm Pixel Fraction Range : {0:<3.5f} - {1:3.5f}
""".format(wp_test - 0.01, wp_test + 0.01, np.mean(traindata['warm_pix']), wp_test)

# Histograms of a subset of successes/failures for the training range for a given warm pixel fraction  
F = plt.figure()
plt.hist(wp_train_range[wp_train_range['obc_id']=="ID"]['mag'], bins=nbins, color='b', alpha=0.5, label="Successes")
plt.hist(wp_train_range[wp_train_range['obc_id']=="NOID"]['mag'], bins=nbins, color='r', alpha=0.5, label="Failures")
lgd = plt.legend()
plt.xlabel('Star Magnitude')
plt.title('Star Acqs for Training: {} - {} (Warm Pix Subset)'.format(train_start, train_end))
plt.hist(wp_test_range[wp_test_range['obc_id']=="ID"]['mag'], bins=nbins, color='b', alpha=0.5, label="Successes")
plt.hist(wp_test_range[wp_test_range['obc_id']=="NOID"]['mag'], bins=nbins, color='r', alpha=0.5, label="Failures")
lgd = plt.legend()
plt.xlabel('Star Magnitude')
plt.title('Star Acqs for Testing: {} - {} (Warm Pix Subset)'.format(test_start, test_end))

# Histograms of the window of eventually tested warm pixel fraction

F = plt.figure()
plt.xlabel('Warm Pixel Fraction')
plt.title('Star Acqs for Training: {} - {} (Warm Pix Subset)'.format(train_start, train_end))
plt.xlabel('Warm Pixel Fraction')
plt.title('Star Acqs for Testing: {} - {} (Warm Pix Subset)'.format(test_start, test_end))

# Line chart of the proportion of failed stars binned by star magnitude for the given warm pixel fraction range
train_failure_counts, bin_edges = np.histogram(wp_train_range[wp_train_range['obc_id']=="NOID"]['mag'], bins=nbins)
train_total_counts, bin_edges = np.histogram(wp_train_range['mag'], bins=nbins)
train_percent_fail = train_failure_counts.astype(float) / train_total_counts
train_pupper, train_plower = wilsoninterval(train_failure_counts, train_total_counts)
test_failure_counts, bin_edges = np.histogram(wp_test_range[wp_range['obc_id']=="NOID"]['mag'], bins=nbins)
test_total_counts, bin_edges = np.histogram(wp_test_range['mag'], bins=nbins)
test_percent_fail = test_failure_counts.astype(float) / test_total_counts
test_pupper, test_plower = wilsoninterval(test_failure_counts, test_total_counts)

bin_middle = bin_edges[1:] - 0.125

F = plt.figure()
p1, = plt.plot(bin_middle, train_percent_fail)
p2, = plt.plot(bin_middle, train_plower, linestyle='--', color='red')
p3, = plt.plot(bin_middle, train_pupper, linestyle='--', color='red')
plt.xlabel('Star Magnitude')
plt.ylabel('Proportion Failed')
plt.title('Star Acqs for Training: {} - {} (Warm Pix Subset)'.format(train_start, train_end))
p1, = plt.plot(bin_middle, test_percent_fail)
p2, = plt.plot(bin_middle, test_plower, linestyle='--', color='red')
p3, = plt.plot(bin_middle, test_pupper, linestyle='--', color='red')
plt.xlabel('Star Magnitude')
plt.ylabel('Proportion Failed')
plt.title('Star Acqs for Testing: {} - {} (Warm Pix Subset)'.format(test_start, test_end))

# Summary Table

print """
Summary Table of Observed in Training and Testing Datasets
-Subsetted by Warm Pixel Fraction Range

{0:^15} | {0:^12}   {1:^12}   {0:^12} | {0:^12}   {2:^12}   {0:^12} |
{3:^15} | {4:^12} | {5:^12} | {6:^12} | {4:^12} | {5:^12} | {6:^12} |
{7}""".format(" "*12,
              "Mag Bin", 
              "% Failed",

for i in np.arange(0, len(train_total_counts)):
    print """{0:<15} | {1:^12} | {2:^12} | {3:^12.3f} | {4:^12} | {5:^12} | {6:^12.3f} |""".format(
                            "{0:<5.2f} - {1:>5.2f}".format(nbins[i+1] - 0.25, nbins[i+1]), 

Plotting using all data from both the training and test sets 

Examining the training and testing datasets in a neighborhood 
of the mean of warm pixel fraction in the 'test' set 
Mean WPF Training         : 0.0968892854194
Mean WPF Testing          : 0.139497662353
Warm Pixel Fraction Range : 0.12950 - 0.14950

Summary Table of Observed in Training and Testing Datasets
-Subsetted by Warm Pixel Fraction Range

                |                  Training                  |                  Testing                   |
    Mag Bin     |   Observed   |    Failed    |   % Failed   |   Observed   |    Failed    |   % Failed   |
6.00  -  6.25   |      12      |      0       |    0.000     |      6       |      2       |    33.333    |
6.25  -  6.50   |      17      |      0       |    0.000     |      20      |      0       |    0.000     |
6.50  -  6.75   |      22      |      0       |    0.000     |      26      |      0       |    0.000     |
6.75  -  7.00   |      42      |      0       |    0.000     |      30      |      0       |    0.000     |
7.00  -  7.25   |      51      |      0       |    0.000     |      44      |      0       |    0.000     |
7.25  -  7.50   |      86      |      0       |    0.000     |      72      |      2       |    2.778     |
7.50  -  7.75   |      82      |      0       |    0.000     |      67      |      1       |    1.493     |
7.75  -  8.00   |     116      |      1       |    0.862     |     115      |      0       |    0.000     |
8.00  -  8.25   |     173      |      3       |    1.734     |     145      |      1       |    0.690     |
8.25  -  8.50   |     195      |      1       |    0.513     |     202      |      1       |    0.495     |
8.50  -  8.75   |     242      |      1       |    0.413     |     243      |      1       |    0.412     |
8.75  -  9.00   |     341      |      3       |    0.880     |     356      |      4       |    1.124     |
9.00  -  9.25   |     363      |      5       |    1.377     |     333      |      6       |    1.802     |
9.25  -  9.50   |     377      |      14      |    3.714     |     334      |      13      |    3.892     |
9.50  -  9.75   |     281      |      20      |    7.117     |     295      |      21      |    7.119     |
9.75  - 10.00   |     326      |      42      |    12.883    |     244      |      38      |    15.574    |
10.00 - 10.25   |     184      |      39      |    21.196    |     200      |      59      |    29.500    |
10.25 - 10.50   |      66      |      32      |    48.485    |      46      |      19      |    41.304    |
10.50 - 10.75   |      30      |      16      |    53.333    |      18      |      11      |    61.111    |
10.75 - 11.00   |      6       |      6       |   100.000    |      1       |      0       |    0.000     |
11.00 - 11.25   |      0       |      0       |     nan      |      0       |      0       |     nan      |
11.25 - 11.50   |      0       |      0       |     nan      |      0       |      0       |     nan      |

Modeling Building

Bayesian Binomial Probit Regression using Pystan

Below is the PyStan Model that we'll be using. Documentation can be found at the following locations:

To understand the "model" below, use the modeling documentation at the second link. The first link will allow you to understand how to access elements from the model fit as well as what's available.

Model Description

NOTE: All variables are centered for computational purposes. Without centering a years worth of data goes from completing in 5 mins to completing in 70 minutes. Do NOT uncenter and rerun, you won't be happy. Also if this is being run within an iPython Notebook, I've found it best to Interupt and Restart the Kernel between each running of the PyStan Model.


  • Star Acquisition Failure (1 corresponds to a failure).
    • Model Variable: y


  • Star Magnitude.
    • Model Variable: Mag
  • Warm Pixel Fraction
    • Model Variable: WarmPix


\begin{eqnarray} y_i &\sim& Bernoulli(\Phi(\eta_i)) \\ \eta_i &=& \alpha + \beta_1 \times Mag + \beta_2 \times Mag^2 + \beta_3 \times WarmPix \\ & & + \beta_4 \times Mag \times WarmPix + \beta_5 \times Mag^2 \times WarmPix \\ \beta &\sim& N(0, 5I) \end{eqnarray}

Coefficient Descriptions:

\begin{eqnarray} \alpha &:& \mbox{Intercept term (Included in beta vector)} \\ \beta_1 &:& \mbox{First Order Star Magnitude Coefficient} \\ \beta_2 &:& \mbox{Second Order Star Magnitude Coefficient} \\ \beta_3 &:& \mbox{Warm Pixel Fraction Coefficient} \\ \beta_4 &:& \mbox{First Order Interaction Coefficient} \\ \beta_5 &:& \mbox{Second Order Interaction Coefficient} \\ \end{eqnarray}

Model Runtime:

Factor of number of observations and number of iterations. Currently 3000 iterations are used on 4 chains. Note as a reference, the Stan modeling language guidelines suggest NOT using 1 chain. After burn in, and merging we have about 6000 samples to play with.

  • 1 years data approximately 7 mins
  • 14 years data approximately 1 hour

In [9]:
chandra_model = """
data {
  int N;             // number of observations
  int y[N];          // binary outcome for star acquisition event 'n'
  real Mag[N];       // predictive feature - star magnitude
  real WarmPix[N];   // predictive feature - warm pixel fraction
parameters {
  real alpha;  // intercept coefficient
  real beta1;  // Star Magnitude coefficient
  real beta2;  // Second Order Star Mag Coefficient
  real beta3;  // Warm Pixel Fraction coefficient
  real beta4;  // Magnitude and WP interaction coefficient
  real beta5;  // Second Order Interaction Term
model {
  alpha ~ normal(0,5);  // weakly informative
  beta1 ~ normal(0,5);  // Star Magnitude coefficient
  beta2 ~ normal(0,5);  // Star Magnitude Second Order
  beta3 ~ normal(0,5);  // Warm Pixel Fraction coefficient
  beta4 ~ normal(0,5);  // Magnitude and WP interaction coefficient
  beta5 ~ normal(0,5);  // M & WP Second Order Interaction
  for (n in 1:N)
    y[n] ~ bernoulli(Phi(alpha + 
                            beta1 * Mag[n] +
                            beta2 * Mag[n] * Mag[n] +
                            beta3 * WarmPix[n] + 
                            beta4 * Mag[n] * WarmPix[n] + 
                            beta5 * Mag[n] * Mag[n] * WarmPix[n])); //  

chandra_data = {'N': int(len(traindata)),
                'Mag':traindata["mag"] - np.mean(traindata["mag"]),
                'WarmPix':traindata["warm_pix"] - np.mean(traindata["warm_pix"])
if run_pystan:
    chandra_fit = pystan.stan(model_code=chandra_model, data=chandra_data, iter=3000, chains=4)





Model Summary

In [10]:

Inference for Stan model: anon_model_c7a5a56c885f750d9d051b492725d855.
4 chains, each with iter=3000; warmup=1500; thin=1; 
post-warmup draws per chain=1500, total post-warmup draws=6000.

        mean se_mean     sd   2.5%    25%    50%    75%  97.5%  n_eff   Rhat
alpha  -2.32  6.3e-4   0.02  -2.36  -2.33  -2.32   -2.3  -2.27 1328.0    1.0
beta1   0.71  4.7e-4   0.02   0.68    0.7   0.71   0.72   0.75 1476.0    1.0
beta2    0.3  3.3e-4   0.01   0.28   0.29    0.3   0.31   0.33 1364.0    1.0
beta3   3.35    0.02   0.92   1.53   2.75   3.35   3.96   5.15 3749.0    1.0
beta4   4.86    0.02   0.73   3.43   4.36   4.86   5.36    6.3 1929.0    1.0
beta5   1.07  8.8e-3   0.48   0.13   0.75   1.07    1.4   2.02 2995.0    1.0
lp__   -4459    0.04   1.68  -4463  -4459  -4458  -4457  -4456 1585.0    1.0

Samples were drawn using NUTS(diag_e) at Tue Sep  9 19:05:39 2014.
For each parameter, n_eff is a crude measure of effective sample size,
and Rhat is the potential scale reduction factor on split chains (at 
convergence, Rhat=1).

PyStan Supplied Plots

In [11]:

Extracting the Simulated Draws for each Covariate

In [12]:
beta_draws = chandra_fit.extract()

Covariate Plots

Used to assess correlation between covariates

In [13]:
### Coefficient Diagnostic Plots
# This takes in output from the pystan.extract() function and plots pairwise scatter plots of each coefficient.
# The diagonal of the plot is the histogram that is similar to what is show in the pystan supplied plots.

def plotdiagnostic(draws):
    n_coefs = len(draws) - 1
    nplots = n_coefs**2
    names = []
    for d in draws:
    F = plt.figure()
    spot = 1
    for n in names[:-1]:
        for i, d in enumerate(draws):
            if i == n_coefs:
                if n == d:
                    plt.hist(draws[d], alpha=0.5)
                    if spot <= n_coefs:
                    spot += 1
                    plt.plot(draws[n],draws[d],marker='.',linestyle='', alpha=0.3)
                    if spot <= n_coefs:
                    spot += 1


Setting up Coefficient Vectors for use later.

Taking the posterior mean for each coefficient. Also computing variables to center the data.

In [14]:
# Calculating the posterior mean for each coefficient. 
a = np.mean(beta_draws['alpha'])
b1 = np.mean(beta_draws['beta1'])
b2 = np.mean(beta_draws['beta2'])
b3 = np.mean(beta_draws['beta3'])
b4 = np.mean(beta_draws['beta4'])
b5 = np.mean(beta_draws['beta5'])

# Creating a vector with these means
betas = np.array([a, b1, b2, b3, b4, b5])

# Storing the centers of the inputs for later use
m_center = np.mean(traindata['mag'])
wp_center = np.mean(traindata['warm_pix'])

Data Saving

Since the model takes so long to run, we save the beta draws for another file to use for further analysis

In [15]:
beta_results = {'description':analysis_description,
                'names':np.array(['alpha', 'beta1', 'beta2', 'beta3', 'beta4', 'beta5']), 

with open(fileout, 'wb') as f:
    pickle.dump(beta_results, f)

Model Assessment & Fit

Reloading the model that we've saved for validation

In [16]:
# Loading the estimates from the trained model
beta_load = ast.loadacqstats(fileout, description=True)

Chandra Star Acquisition Analysis Results
- Method: Bayesian Binomial Probit Regression
    - Second Order Polynomial of Star Magnitude
    - Warm Pixel Fraction
    - Interactions between Mag & WPF

Train Period: 2011.5 to 2014.0
Test Period : 2014.0 to 2014.5

File Output : acqstats_bp6_draws_trained_2011.5_to_2014.0.pkl

Functions to build design matrices for assessment

In [17]:
def build_matrix_line(m, wp, m_center, wp_center):
    mag = m - m_center
    warm = wp - wp_center
    return np.array([1, mag, mag**2, warm, mag*warm, mag*mag*warm])

In [18]:
def build_matrix_fixedWP(wp, m_center, wp_center):
    mag = np.arange(5.5,13.25,0.25)
    Xline = [build_matrix_line(mag[0], wp, m_center, wp_center)]
    for i, m in enumerate(mag[1:],start=1):
        Xline = np.vstack((Xline, build_matrix_line(mag[i], wp, m_center, wp_center)))
    return Xline

Creating a function to plot observed values v. estmated values for a given warm pixel fraction

In [19]:
def compare_obs_2_calc(wp_test, betas):
    nbins = np.arange(6,11.75,0.25)
    # Creating a subset of the data based on wp_test input
    test_data = ast.subset_range_tstart_jyear(acq_data, test_start, test_end)
    wp_range = ast.subset_range_warmpix(test_data, wp_test)
    test_matrix = build_matrix_fixedWP(wp_test, m_center, wp_center)
    # Calculating the estimated probabilities 
    y = stats.norm.cdf(, betas))
    x = np.arange(5.5,13.25,0.25)

    # Calculating the proportion of failures in each bin and CI
    failure_counts, bin_edges = np.histogram(wp_range[wp_range['obc_id']=="NOID"]['mag'], bins=nbins)
    success_counts, bin_edges = np.histogram(wp_range[wp_range['obc_id']=="ID"]['mag'], bins=nbins)
    total_counts, bin_edges = np.histogram(wp_range['mag'], bins=nbins)
    percent_fail = failure_counts.astype(float) / total_counts
    pupper, plower = wilsoninterval(failure_counts, total_counts)
    # Centering the bin for plotting
    bin_middle = bin_edges[1:] - 0.125
    # Calculating the expected failures for each bin based on estimated probabilities
    exp_fails = []
    exp_sd = []
    for i in np.arange(0, len(total_counts)):
        mag = ((nbins[i+1] - 0.25) + nbins[i+1])/2.0
        pi = stats.norm.cdf(, wp_test, m_center, wp_center), betas))
        exp_fail = total_counts[i] * pi
        std_dev = np.sqrt(total_counts[i] * pi * (1 - pi))    

    upper = np.array(exp_fails) + 2 * np.array(exp_sd)
    lower = np.array(exp_fails) - 2 * np.array(exp_sd)    
    pltmax = np.max((np.max(upper), np.max(failure_counts)))
    # Plotting 
    F = plt.figure()
    p1, = plt.plot(x,y)
    p2, = plt.plot(bin_middle, percent_fail)
    p3, = plt.plot(bin_middle, plower, linestyle='--', color='red')
    p4, = plt.plot(bin_middle, pupper, linestyle='--', color='red')
    plt.legend([p2,p3,p1], ["Observed: WPF={}".format(wp_test), "Observed Interval", "Est. Probability Curve"], loc=2)
    plt.xlabel("Star Magnitude")
    plt.ylabel("Proportion Failed")
    p1, = plt.plot(bin_middle, failure_counts, color='green')
    p2, = plt.plot(bin_middle, exp_fails, color='b', alpha=0.5)
    p3, = plt.plot(bin_middle, upper, color='r', linestyle="--", alpha=0.5)
    p4, = plt.plot(bin_middle, lower, color='r', linestyle="--", alpha=0.5)
    plt.legend([p1,p2, p3], ["Observed Failures: WPF={}".format(wp_test), "Est. # Failures", "95% Interval"], loc=2)
    plt.xlabel("Star Magnitude")
    plt.ylabel("Number Failed")

In [20]:
compare_obs_2_calc(wp_test, betas)

Creating a function to show simulated draws with observed. As well as estimates

  • The figure plotted shows for each simulated draw the estimated probability curve.
  • Summary Table Description
    • Warm Pixel Fraction Range bins
    • Average Warm Pixel Fraction in from those bins
    • Columns: Mag Bin, Percent Failed, Total Observed, Failure Count, Expected Fails, 1-Std Dev
      • Shows specific failure statistics for the given warm pixel fraction range
      • Two new columns: Expected Fails, 1-Std Dev
        • Idea is when binned, data is binomial.
        • Binomial Expect Value: $E[X] = np$
        • Binomial Std Dev: $SD[X] = \sqrt{np(1-p)}$
      • These new columns give an idea of what we should have seen, given the probabilities that are estimated with errors quantified for those estimates. This is a rough idea for a goodness of fit measure.

In [21]:
def compare_show_errors(wp_test, beta_draws, betas):
    nbins = np.arange(6,11.75,0.25)
    # Creating a subset of the data based on wp_test input
    test_data = ast.subset_range_tstart_jyear(acq_data, test_start, test_end)
    wp_range = ast.subset_range_warmpix(test_data, wp_test)    
    test_matrix = build_matrix_fixedWP(wp_test, m_center, wp_center)    
    # Calculating the proportion of failures in each bin and CI
    failure_counts, bin_edges = np.histogram(wp_range[wp_range['obc_id']=="NOID"]['mag'], bins=nbins)
    success_counts, bin_edges = np.histogram(wp_range[wp_range['obc_id']=="ID"]['mag'], bins=nbins)
    total_counts, bin_edges = np.histogram(wp_range['mag'], bins=nbins)
    percent_fail = failure_counts.astype(float) / total_counts
    plower, pupper = wilsoninterval(failure_counts, total_counts)
    bin_middle = bin_edges[1:] - 0.125
    F = plt.figure()
    for n in np.arange(1,len(beta_draws['alpha']),1):
        betas_n = beta_draws['alpha'][n], beta_draws['beta1'][n], beta_draws['beta2'][n], beta_draws['beta3'][n], beta_draws['beta4'][n], beta_draws['beta5'][n]
        y = stats.norm.cdf(, betas_n))
        x = np.arange(5.5,13.25,0.25)
        plt.plot(x,y, alpha=0.5)
    p1, = plt.plot(bin_middle, percent_fail, color='green', linewidth=5)
    p2, = plt.plot(bin_middle, plower, linestyle='--', color='red', linewidth=3)
    p3, = plt.plot(bin_middle, pupper, linestyle='--', color='red', linewidth=3)
    plt.legend([p1], ["Observed: WPF={}".format(wp_test)], loc=2)
    plt.xlabel("Star Magnitude")
    plt.ylabel("Proportion Failed")

    # Summary Table
    print """Warm Pixel Fraction Range: {0:<3.2f} - {1:3.2f}""".format(wp_test - 0.01, wp_test + 0.01)
    print """Average WPF              : {}\n""".format(np.mean(wp_range['warm_pix']))

    print """{0:^15} | {1:^15} | {2:^15} | {3:^15} | {4:^15} | {5:^15}""".format("Mag Bin", 
                                                                                 "Percent Failed", 
                                                                                 "Total Observed", 
                                                                                 "Failure Count", 
                                                                                 "Expected Fails",
                                                                                 "1-Std Dev")
    print """{}""".format("-"*105)
    for i in np.arange(0, len(total_counts)):
        mag = ((nbins[i+1] - 0.25) + nbins[i+1])/2.0
        pi = stats.norm.cdf(, wp_test, m_center, wp_center), betas))
        exp_fail = total_counts[i] * pi
        std_dev = np.sqrt(total_counts[i] * pi * (1 - pi))
        print """{0:<15} | {1:^15.3f} | {2:^15} | {3:^15} | {4:^15.1f} | {5:^15}""".format("{0:<5.2f} - {1:>5.2f}".format(nbins[i+1] - 0.25, nbins[i+1]),
                                                        "+/- {:<4.1f}".format(std_dev))

In [22]:
compare_show_errors(wp_test, beta_draws, betas)

Warm Pixel Fraction Range: 0.13 - 0.15
Average WPF              : 0.13976019182

    Mag Bin     | Percent Failed  | Total Observed  |  Failure Count  | Expected Fails  |    1-Std Dev   
6.00  -  6.25   |     33.333      |        6        |        2        |       0.1       |    +/- 0.4     
6.25  -  6.50   |      0.000      |       20        |        0        |       0.3       |    +/- 0.5     
6.50  -  6.75   |      0.000      |       26        |        0        |       0.2       |    +/- 0.5     
6.75  -  7.00   |      0.000      |       30        |        0        |       0.2       |    +/- 0.4     
7.00  -  7.25   |      0.000      |       44        |        0        |       0.2       |    +/- 0.4     
7.25  -  7.50   |      2.778      |       72        |        2        |       0.2       |    +/- 0.5     
7.50  -  7.75   |      1.493      |       67        |        1        |       0.2       |    +/- 0.4     
7.75  -  8.00   |      0.000      |       115       |        0        |       0.3       |    +/- 0.6     
8.00  -  8.25   |      0.690      |       145       |        1        |       0.5       |    +/- 0.7     
8.25  -  8.50   |      0.495      |       202       |        1        |       0.9       |    +/- 1.0     
8.50  -  8.75   |      0.412      |       243       |        1        |       1.7       |    +/- 1.3     
8.75  -  9.00   |      1.124      |       356       |        4        |       4.2       |    +/- 2.0     
9.00  -  9.25   |      1.802      |       333       |        6        |       7.1       |    +/- 2.6     
9.25  -  9.50   |      3.892      |       334       |       13        |      13.4       |    +/- 3.6     
9.50  -  9.75   |      7.119      |       295       |       21        |      22.6       |    +/- 4.6     
9.75  - 10.00   |     15.574      |       244       |       38        |      35.1       |    +/- 5.5     
10.00 - 10.25   |     29.500      |       200       |       59        |      51.2       |    +/- 6.2     
10.25 - 10.50   |     41.304      |       46        |       19        |      19.3       |    +/- 3.3     
10.50 - 10.75   |     61.111      |       18        |       11        |      11.1       |    +/- 2.1     
10.75 - 11.00   |      0.000      |        1        |        0        |       0.8       |    +/- 0.4     
11.00 - 11.25   |       nan       |        0        |        0        |       0.0       |    +/- 0.0     
11.25 - 11.50   |       nan       |        0        |        0        |       0.0       |    +/- 0.0     

Visual Model Assessment:

What does it look like for other values of Warm Pixel Fraction?

In [23]:
compare_obs_2_calc(0.11, betas)
compare_show_errors(0.11, beta_draws, betas)

Warm Pixel Fraction Range: 0.10 - 0.12
Average WPF              : 0.114482361918

    Mag Bin     | Percent Failed  | Total Observed  |  Failure Count  | Expected Fails  |    1-Std Dev   
6.00  -  6.25   |      0.000      |        2        |        0        |       0.1       |    +/- 0.2     
6.25  -  6.50   |      0.000      |        1        |        0        |       0.0       |    +/- 0.1     
6.50  -  6.75   |      0.000      |        8        |        0        |       0.1       |    +/- 0.3     
6.75  -  7.00   |      0.000      |        8        |        0        |       0.0       |    +/- 0.2     
7.00  -  7.25   |      0.000      |        7        |        0        |       0.0       |    +/- 0.2     
7.25  -  7.50   |      0.000      |        9        |        0        |       0.0       |    +/- 0.2     
7.50  -  7.75   |      0.000      |        9        |        0        |       0.0       |    +/- 0.2     
7.75  -  8.00   |      0.000      |       19        |        0        |       0.1       |    +/- 0.2     
8.00  -  8.25   |      0.000      |       26        |        0        |       0.1       |    +/- 0.3     
8.25  -  8.50   |      0.000      |       39        |        0        |       0.2       |    +/- 0.4     
8.50  -  8.75   |      0.000      |       23        |        0        |       0.1       |    +/- 0.4     
8.75  -  9.00   |      0.000      |       42        |        0        |       0.4       |    +/- 0.6     
9.00  -  9.25   |      0.000      |       33        |        0        |       0.5       |    +/- 0.7     
9.25  -  9.50   |      0.000      |       50        |        0        |       1.4       |    +/- 1.2     
9.50  -  9.75   |     23.529      |       34        |        8        |       1.7       |    +/- 1.3     
9.75  - 10.00   |      2.632      |       38        |        1        |       3.6       |    +/- 1.8     
10.00 - 10.25   |      6.250      |       16        |        1        |       2.7       |    +/- 1.5     
10.25 - 10.50   |     12.500      |        8        |        1        |       2.3       |    +/- 1.3     
10.50 - 10.75   |     25.000      |        4        |        1        |       1.8       |    +/- 1.0     
10.75 - 11.00   |       nan       |        0        |        0        |       0.0       |    +/- 0.0     
11.00 - 11.25   |       nan       |        0        |        0        |       0.0       |    +/- 0.0     
11.25 - 11.50   |       nan       |        0        |        0        |       0.0       |    +/- 0.0     

In [24]:
compare_obs_2_calc(0.12, betas)
compare_show_errors(0.12, beta_draws, betas)

Warm Pixel Fraction Range: 0.11 - 0.13
Average WPF              : 0.124427323834

    Mag Bin     | Percent Failed  | Total Observed  |  Failure Count  | Expected Fails  |    1-Std Dev   
6.00  -  6.25   |     25.000      |        4        |        1        |       0.1       |    +/- 0.3     
6.25  -  6.50   |      0.000      |        6        |        0        |       0.1       |    +/- 0.3     
6.50  -  6.75   |      0.000      |       13        |        0        |       0.1       |    +/- 0.3     
6.75  -  7.00   |      0.000      |       25        |        0        |       0.1       |    +/- 0.4     
7.00  -  7.25   |      0.000      |       15        |        0        |       0.1       |    +/- 0.2     
7.25  -  7.50   |      0.000      |       25        |        0        |       0.1       |    +/- 0.3     
7.50  -  7.75   |      0.000      |       42        |        0        |       0.1       |    +/- 0.3     
7.75  -  8.00   |      0.000      |       58        |        0        |       0.2       |    +/- 0.4     
8.00  -  8.25   |      0.000      |       87        |        0        |       0.3       |    +/- 0.5     
8.25  -  8.50   |      0.000      |       93        |        0        |       0.4       |    +/- 0.6     
8.50  -  8.75   |      0.943      |       106       |        1        |       0.7       |    +/- 0.8     
8.75  -  9.00   |      0.000      |       157       |        0        |       1.6       |    +/- 1.3     
9.00  -  9.25   |      2.400      |       125       |        3        |       2.2       |    +/- 1.5     
9.25  -  9.50   |      1.875      |       160       |        3        |       5.1       |    +/- 2.2     
9.50  -  9.75   |      4.950      |       101       |        5        |       5.9       |    +/- 2.4     
9.75  - 10.00   |      4.132      |       121       |        5        |      13.2       |    +/- 3.4     
10.00 - 10.25   |     16.867      |       83        |       14        |      16.2       |    +/- 3.6     
10.25 - 10.50   |     36.170      |       47        |       17        |      15.5       |    +/- 3.2     
10.50 - 10.75   |     36.364      |       11        |        4        |       5.6       |    +/- 1.7     
10.75 - 11.00   |     100.000     |        1        |        1        |       0.7       |    +/- 0.5     
11.00 - 11.25   |       nan       |        0        |        0        |       0.0       |    +/- 0.0     
11.25 - 11.50   |       nan       |        0        |        0        |       0.0       |    +/- 0.0     

In [25]:
compare_obs_2_calc(0.13, betas)
compare_show_errors(0.13, beta_draws, betas)

Warm Pixel Fraction Range: 0.12 - 0.14
Average WPF              : 0.131116681078

    Mag Bin     | Percent Failed  | Total Observed  |  Failure Count  | Expected Fails  |    1-Std Dev   
6.00  -  6.25   |     37.500      |        8        |        3        |       0.2       |    +/- 0.4     
6.25  -  6.50   |      0.000      |       11        |        0        |       0.2       |    +/- 0.4     
6.50  -  6.75   |      0.000      |       16        |        0        |       0.1       |    +/- 0.4     
6.75  -  7.00   |      0.000      |       37        |        0        |       0.2       |    +/- 0.4     
7.00  -  7.25   |      0.000      |       35        |        0        |       0.1       |    +/- 0.4     
7.25  -  7.50   |      0.000      |       55        |        0        |       0.2       |    +/- 0.4     
7.50  -  7.75   |      0.000      |       72        |        0        |       0.2       |    +/- 0.4     
7.75  -  8.00   |      0.000      |       98        |        0        |       0.3       |    +/- 0.5     
8.00  -  8.25   |      0.735      |       136       |        1        |       0.5       |    +/- 0.7     
8.25  -  8.50   |      0.610      |       164       |        1        |       0.7       |    +/- 0.9     
8.50  -  8.75   |      0.498      |       201       |        1        |       1.4       |    +/- 1.2     
8.75  -  9.00   |      0.337      |       297       |        1        |       3.3       |    +/- 1.8     
9.00  -  9.25   |      1.799      |       278       |        5        |       5.4       |    +/- 2.3     
9.25  -  9.50   |      2.867      |       279       |        8        |      10.0       |    +/- 3.1     
9.50  -  9.75   |      3.980      |       201       |        8        |      13.6       |    +/- 3.6     
9.75  - 10.00   |      8.242      |       182       |       15        |      22.9       |    +/- 4.5     
10.00 - 10.25   |     20.958      |       167       |       35        |      37.7       |    +/- 5.4     
10.25 - 10.50   |     34.848      |       66        |       23        |      24.7       |    +/- 3.9     
10.50 - 10.75   |     33.333      |       15        |        5        |       8.4       |    +/- 1.9     
10.75 - 11.00   |     100.000     |        1        |        1        |       0.8       |    +/- 0.4     
11.00 - 11.25   |       nan       |        0        |        0        |       0.0       |    +/- 0.0     
11.25 - 11.50   |       nan       |        0        |        0        |       0.0       |    +/- 0.0     

In [26]:
compare_obs_2_calc(0.14, betas)
compare_show_errors(0.14, beta_draws, betas)

Warm Pixel Fraction Range: 0.13 - 0.15
Average WPF              : 0.140346186603

    Mag Bin     | Percent Failed  | Total Observed  |  Failure Count  | Expected Fails  |    1-Std Dev   
6.00  -  6.25   |     33.333      |        6        |        2        |       0.1       |    +/- 0.4     
6.25  -  6.50   |      0.000      |       20        |        0        |       0.3       |    +/- 0.5     
6.50  -  6.75   |      0.000      |       28        |        0        |       0.2       |    +/- 0.5     
6.75  -  7.00   |      0.000      |       31        |        0        |       0.2       |    +/- 0.4     
7.00  -  7.25   |      0.000      |       42        |        0        |       0.2       |    +/- 0.4     
7.25  -  7.50   |      2.597      |       77        |        2        |       0.2       |    +/- 0.5     
7.50  -  7.75   |      1.449      |       69        |        1        |       0.2       |    +/- 0.4     
7.75  -  8.00   |      0.000      |       120       |        0        |       0.3       |    +/- 0.6     
8.00  -  8.25   |      0.704      |       142       |        1        |       0.5       |    +/- 0.7     
8.25  -  8.50   |      0.495      |       202       |        1        |       0.9       |    +/- 1.0     
8.50  -  8.75   |      0.408      |       245       |        1        |       1.7       |    +/- 1.3     
8.75  -  9.00   |      1.140      |       351       |        4        |       4.2       |    +/- 2.0     
9.00  -  9.25   |      1.462      |       342       |        5        |       7.3       |    +/- 2.7     
9.25  -  9.50   |      4.106      |       341       |       14        |      13.7       |    +/- 3.6     
9.50  -  9.75   |      7.792      |       308       |       24        |      23.7       |    +/- 4.7     
9.75  - 10.00   |     15.936      |       251       |       40        |      36.3       |    +/- 5.6     
10.00 - 10.25   |     30.198      |       202       |       61        |      52.1       |    +/- 6.2     
10.25 - 10.50   |     41.176      |       51        |       21        |      21.5       |    +/- 3.5     
10.50 - 10.75   |     66.667      |       24        |       16        |      14.8       |    +/- 2.4     
10.75 - 11.00   |      0.000      |        1        |        0        |       0.8       |    +/- 0.4     
11.00 - 11.25   |       nan       |        0        |        0        |       0.0       |    +/- 0.0     
11.25 - 11.50   |       nan       |        0        |        0        |       0.0       |    +/- 0.0     

In [27]:
compare_obs_2_calc(0.15, betas)
compare_show_errors(0.15, beta_draws, betas)

Warm Pixel Fraction Range: 0.14 - 0.16
Average WPF              : 0.148256109396

    Mag Bin     | Percent Failed  | Total Observed  |  Failure Count  | Expected Fails  |    1-Std Dev   
6.00  -  6.25   |      0.000      |        4        |        0        |       0.1       |    +/- 0.3     
6.25  -  6.50   |      0.000      |       20        |        0        |       0.3       |    +/- 0.5     
6.50  -  6.75   |      0.000      |       29        |        0        |       0.2       |    +/- 0.5     
6.75  -  7.00   |      0.000      |       26        |        0        |       0.1       |    +/- 0.4     
7.00  -  7.25   |      0.000      |       30        |        0        |       0.1       |    +/- 0.3     
7.25  -  7.50   |      3.509      |       57        |        2        |       0.2       |    +/- 0.4     
7.50  -  7.75   |      1.639      |       61        |        1        |       0.2       |    +/- 0.4     
7.75  -  8.00   |      0.926      |       108       |        1        |       0.3       |    +/- 0.5     
8.00  -  8.25   |      0.000      |       112       |        0        |       0.4       |    +/- 0.6     
8.25  -  8.50   |      0.602      |       166       |        1        |       0.8       |    +/- 0.9     
8.50  -  8.75   |      1.015      |       197       |        2        |       1.5       |    +/- 1.2     
8.75  -  9.00   |      1.476      |       271       |        4        |       3.5       |    +/- 1.9     
9.00  -  9.25   |      1.792      |       279       |        5        |       6.6       |    +/- 2.5     
9.25  -  9.50   |      4.207      |       309       |       13        |      14.0       |    +/- 3.7     
9.50  -  9.75   |      9.455      |       275       |       26        |      24.1       |    +/- 4.7     
9.75  - 10.00   |     17.949      |       234       |       42        |      38.7       |    +/- 5.7     
10.00 - 10.25   |     34.641      |       153       |       53        |      44.8       |    +/- 5.6     
10.25 - 10.50   |     52.500      |       40        |       21        |      18.8       |    +/- 3.2     
10.50 - 10.75   |     82.609      |       23        |       19        |      15.4       |    +/- 2.3     
10.75 - 11.00   |     50.000      |        4        |        2        |       3.4       |    +/- 0.7     
11.00 - 11.25   |       nan       |        0        |        0        |       0.0       |    +/- 0.0     
11.25 - 11.50   |       nan       |        0        |        0        |       0.0       |    +/- 0.0     

In [28]:
compare_obs_2_calc(0.16, betas)
compare_show_errors(0.16, beta_draws, betas)

Warm Pixel Fraction Range: 0.15 - 0.17
Average WPF              : 0.157063889839

    Mag Bin     | Percent Failed  | Total Observed  |  Failure Count  | Expected Fails  |    1-Std Dev   
6.00  -  6.25   |      0.000      |        4        |        0        |       0.1       |    +/- 0.3     
6.25  -  6.50   |     12.500      |        8        |        1        |       0.1       |    +/- 0.3     
6.50  -  6.75   |      0.000      |       13        |        0        |       0.1       |    +/- 0.3     
6.75  -  7.00   |      0.000      |       16        |        0        |       0.1       |    +/- 0.3     
7.00  -  7.25   |      0.000      |       14        |        0        |       0.0       |    +/- 0.2     
7.25  -  7.50   |      0.000      |       26        |        0        |       0.1       |    +/- 0.3     
7.50  -  7.75   |      0.000      |       31        |        0        |       0.1       |    +/- 0.3     
7.75  -  8.00   |      1.923      |       52        |        1        |       0.1       |    +/- 0.4     
8.00  -  8.25   |      0.000      |       57        |        0        |       0.2       |    +/- 0.4     
8.25  -  8.50   |      1.299      |       77        |        1        |       0.4       |    +/- 0.6     
8.50  -  8.75   |      1.190      |       84        |        1        |       0.7       |    +/- 0.8     
8.75  -  9.00   |      0.752      |       133       |        1        |       1.8       |    +/- 1.3     
9.00  -  9.25   |      2.158      |       139       |        3        |       3.6       |    +/- 1.9     
9.25  -  9.50   |      3.106      |       161       |        5        |       8.2       |    +/- 2.8     
9.50  -  9.75   |     10.569      |       123       |       13        |      12.2       |    +/- 3.3     
9.75  - 10.00   |     16.667      |       102       |       17        |      19.1       |    +/- 3.9     
10.00 - 10.25   |     29.508      |       61        |       18        |      20.1       |    +/- 3.7     
10.25 - 10.50   |     47.368      |       19        |        9        |       9.9       |    +/- 2.2     
10.50 - 10.75   |     70.000      |       10        |        7        |       7.2       |    +/- 1.4     
10.75 - 11.00   |     80.000      |        5        |        4        |       4.4       |    +/- 0.7     
11.00 - 11.25   |       nan       |        0        |        0        |       0.0       |    +/- 0.0     
11.25 - 11.50   |       nan       |        0        |        0        |       0.0       |    +/- 0.0     

In [29]:
compare_obs_2_calc(0.17, betas)
compare_show_errors(0.17, beta_draws, betas)

Warm Pixel Fraction Range: 0.16 - 0.18
Average WPF              : 0.165869090052

    Mag Bin     | Percent Failed  | Total Observed  |  Failure Count  | Expected Fails  |    1-Std Dev   
6.00  -  6.25   |      0.000      |        3        |        0        |       0.1       |    +/- 0.3     
6.25  -  6.50   |     50.000      |        2        |        1        |       0.0       |    +/- 0.2     
6.50  -  6.75   |      0.000      |        3        |        0        |       0.0       |    +/- 0.1     
6.75  -  7.00   |      0.000      |        6        |        0        |       0.0       |    +/- 0.2     
7.00  -  7.25   |      0.000      |        6        |        0        |       0.0       |    +/- 0.1     
7.25  -  7.50   |      0.000      |       13        |        0        |       0.0       |    +/- 0.2     
7.50  -  7.75   |      0.000      |        7        |        0        |       0.0       |    +/- 0.1     
7.75  -  8.00   |      0.000      |       22        |        0        |       0.1       |    +/- 0.2     
8.00  -  8.25   |      0.000      |       26        |        0        |       0.1       |    +/- 0.3     
8.25  -  8.50   |      0.000      |       30        |        0        |       0.2       |    +/- 0.4     
8.50  -  8.75   |      0.000      |       32        |        0        |       0.3       |    +/- 0.5     
8.75  -  9.00   |      0.000      |       51        |        0        |       0.8       |    +/- 0.9     
9.00  -  9.25   |      2.273      |       44        |        1        |       1.3       |    +/- 1.1     
9.25  -  9.50   |      5.769      |       52        |        3        |       2.9       |    +/- 1.7     
9.50  -  9.75   |      9.434      |       53        |        5        |       5.9       |    +/- 2.3     
9.75  - 10.00   |      9.524      |       42        |        4        |       8.9       |    +/- 2.6     
10.00 - 10.25   |     26.087      |       23        |        6        |       8.5       |    +/- 2.3     
10.25 - 10.50   |     55.556      |        9        |        5        |       5.1       |    +/- 1.5     
10.50 - 10.75   |     60.000      |        5        |        3        |       3.8       |    +/- 0.9     
10.75 - 11.00   |     100.000     |        2        |        2        |       1.8       |    +/- 0.4     
11.00 - 11.25   |       nan       |        0        |        0        |       0.0       |    +/- 0.0     
11.25 - 11.50   |       nan       |        0        |        0        |       0.0       |    +/- 0.0     

In [30]:
compare_obs_2_calc(0.18, betas)
compare_show_errors(0.18, beta_draws, betas)

Warm Pixel Fraction Range: 0.17 - 0.19
Average WPF              : 0.17046768592

    Mag Bin     | Percent Failed  | Total Observed  |  Failure Count  | Expected Fails  |    1-Std Dev   
6.00  -  6.25   |      0.000      |        2        |        0        |       0.0       |    +/- 0.2     
6.25  -  6.50   |       nan       |        0        |        0        |       0.0       |    +/- 0.0     
6.50  -  6.75   |       nan       |        0        |        0        |       0.0       |    +/- 0.0     
6.75  -  7.00   |      0.000      |        1        |        0        |       0.0       |    +/- 0.1     
7.00  -  7.25   |      0.000      |        3        |        0        |       0.0       |    +/- 0.1     
7.25  -  7.50   |      0.000      |        4        |        0        |       0.0       |    +/- 0.1     
7.50  -  7.75   |      0.000      |        3        |        0        |       0.0       |    +/- 0.1     
7.75  -  8.00   |      0.000      |       11        |        0        |       0.0       |    +/- 0.2     
8.00  -  8.25   |      0.000      |        7        |        0        |       0.0       |    +/- 0.2     
8.25  -  8.50   |      0.000      |       12        |        0        |       0.1       |    +/- 0.2     
8.50  -  8.75   |      0.000      |       11        |        0        |       0.1       |    +/- 0.3     
8.75  -  9.00   |      0.000      |       11        |        0        |       0.2       |    +/- 0.4     
9.00  -  9.25   |      0.000      |       13        |        0        |       0.4       |    +/- 0.6     
9.25  -  9.50   |     15.385      |       13        |        2        |       0.8       |    +/- 0.9     
9.50  -  9.75   |     10.000      |       20        |        2        |       2.5       |    +/- 1.5     
9.75  - 10.00   |      0.000      |       13        |        0        |       3.1       |    +/- 1.5     
10.00 - 10.25   |     20.000      |        5        |        1        |       2.0       |    +/- 1.1     
10.25 - 10.50   |     60.000      |        5        |        3        |       3.1       |    +/- 1.1     
10.50 - 10.75   |     50.000      |        2        |        1        |       1.6       |    +/- 0.6     
10.75 - 11.00   |       nan       |        0        |        0        |       0.0       |    +/- 0.0     
11.00 - 11.25   |       nan       |        0        |        0        |       0.0       |    +/- 0.0     
11.25 - 11.50   |       nan       |        0        |        0        |       0.0       |    +/- 0.0     

In [31]:
compare_obs_2_calc(0.19, betas)
compare_show_errors(0.19, beta_draws, betas)

Warm Pixel Fraction Range: 0.18 - 0.20
Average WPF              : nan

    Mag Bin     | Percent Failed  | Total Observed  |  Failure Count  | Expected Fails  |    1-Std Dev   
6.00  -  6.25   |       nan       |        0        |        0        |       0.0       |    +/- 0.0     
6.25  -  6.50   |       nan       |        0        |        0        |       0.0       |    +/- 0.0     
6.50  -  6.75   |       nan       |        0        |        0        |       0.0       |    +/- 0.0     
6.75  -  7.00   |       nan       |        0        |        0        |       0.0       |    +/- 0.0     
7.00  -  7.25   |       nan       |        0        |        0        |       0.0       |    +/- 0.0     
7.25  -  7.50   |       nan       |        0        |        0        |       0.0       |    +/- 0.0     
7.50  -  7.75   |       nan       |        0        |        0        |       0.0       |    +/- 0.0     
7.75  -  8.00   |       nan       |        0        |        0        |       0.0       |    +/- 0.0     
8.00  -  8.25   |       nan       |        0        |        0        |       0.0       |    +/- 0.0     
8.25  -  8.50   |       nan       |        0        |        0        |       0.0       |    +/- 0.0     
8.50  -  8.75   |       nan       |        0        |        0        |       0.0       |    +/- 0.0     
8.75  -  9.00   |       nan       |        0        |        0        |       0.0       |    +/- 0.0     
9.00  -  9.25   |       nan       |        0        |        0        |       0.0       |    +/- 0.0     
9.25  -  9.50   |       nan       |        0        |        0        |       0.0       |    +/- 0.0     
9.50  -  9.75   |       nan       |        0        |        0        |       0.0       |    +/- 0.0     
9.75  - 10.00   |       nan       |        0        |        0        |       0.0       |    +/- 0.0     
10.00 - 10.25   |       nan       |        0        |        0        |       0.0       |    +/- 0.0     
10.25 - 10.50   |       nan       |        0        |        0        |       0.0       |    +/- 0.0     
10.50 - 10.75   |       nan       |        0        |        0        |       0.0       |    +/- 0.0     
10.75 - 11.00   |       nan       |        0        |        0        |       0.0       |    +/- 0.0     
11.00 - 11.25   |       nan       |        0        |        0        |       0.0       |    +/- 0.0     
11.25 - 11.50   |       nan       |        0        |        0        |       0.0       |    +/- 0.0     

Using the Model for Analysis: Various ways we can use this information

Given a star magnitude and warm pixel fraction, what does the distribution of the probability of failure look like?

In [32]:
ast.acqPredict1(10.6, wp_test, beta_load, 'Fake Star').summary()

Prediction Summaries for ID Fake Star:
Star Magnitude                        :  10.6
Warm Pixel Fraction                   :  0.139497662353
Estimated Mean Probability of Failure :  0.595103403668
95% Credible Interval  [Lower, Upper] : [0.546618363001, 0.641714179534]

Summary Histogram Plot:

Assessing a 50% failure rate

Given a Star Magnitude, what is the corresponding Warm Pixel Fraction for 50% Failure Rate?

Since our model is $p = \Phi(X\beta)$, we can solve for warm pixel faction if we know $p$ and star magnitude.

Here all covariates are centered....,

\begin{eqnarray} p &=& \Phi(X\beta) \\ 0.5 &=& \Phi(\alpha + \beta_1 \times Mag + \beta_2 \times Mag^2 + \beta_3 \times WarmPix + \beta_4 \times Mag \times WarmPix + \beta_5 \times Mag^2 \times WarmPix) \\ \Phi^{-1}(0.5) &=& \alpha + \beta_1 \times Mag + \beta_2 \times Mag^2 + \beta_3 \times WarmPix + \beta_4 \times Mag \times WarmPix + \beta_5 \times Mag^2 \times WarmPix \\ 0 &=& \alpha + \beta_1 \times Mag + \beta_2 \times Mag^2 + \beta_3 \times WarmPix + \beta_4 \times Mag \times WarmPix + \beta_5 \times Mag^2 \times WarmPix \\ - (\alpha + \beta_1 \times Mag + \beta_2 \times Mag^2) &=& (\beta_3 + \beta_4 \times Mag + \beta_5 \times Mag^2) \times WarmPix \\ & & \\ WarmPix_{0.5} &=& \frac{-(\alpha + \beta_1 \times Mag + \beta_2 \times Mag^2)}{(\beta_3 + \beta_4 \times Mag + \beta_5 \times Mag^2)} \\ \end{eqnarray}

In [33]:
def warmpix50(betas, mag, mcenter, wpcenter):
    num = -1.0 * (betas[0] + betas[1]*(mag-mcenter) + betas[2]*(mag-mcenter)**2)
    denom = betas[3] + betas[4]*(mag-mcenter) + betas[5]*(mag-mcenter)**2
    return num/denom + wpcenter

In [34]:
wp50 = [] 
mags = np.arange(9.75,11.0,0.001)
maxyear = np.max(acq_data['tstart_jyear'])
avgwpf_year = np.mean(ast.subset_range_tstart_jyear(acq_data, maxyear - 1, maxyear)['warm_pix'])
avgwpf_6mo = np.mean(ast.subset_range_tstart_jyear(acq_data, maxyear - 0.5, maxyear)['warm_pix'])
avgwpf_3mo = np.mean(ast.subset_range_tstart_jyear(acq_data, maxyear - 0.25, maxyear)['warm_pix'])

for m in mags:
    wp50.append(warmpix50(betas, m, m_center, wp_center))

F = plt.figure()
p1, = plt.plot(mags, wp50)
p2, = plt.plot(mags, avgwpf_year*np.ones(len(mags)), color='r', linestyle='--')
p3, = plt.plot(mags, avgwpf_6mo*np.ones(len(mags)), color='g', linestyle='--')
p4, = plt.plot(mags, avgwpf_3mo*np.ones(len(mags)), color='black', linestyle='--')
plt.grid(b=None, which='both', axis='both')
           ['50% Failure Line', 
            'Most Recent Year WP Average', 
            'Most Recent 6 mo. WP Average', 
            'Most Recent 3 mo. WP Average'])
plt.ylabel('Warm Pixel Fraction')
plt.xlabel('Star Magnitude')
plt.title('50% Failure Rate line for Warm Pixel Fraction and Magnitude')

In [35]:
# Now let's plot the distribution of the 50% failure rate.
mags = np.arange(9.75,11.0,0.001)
F = plt.figure()
for n in np.arange(1,len(beta_draws['alpha']),1):
    betas_n = beta_draws['alpha'][n], beta_draws['beta1'][n], beta_draws['beta2'][n], beta_draws['beta3'][n], beta_draws['beta4'][n], beta_draws['beta5'][n]
    wp50 = []
    for m in mags:
        wp50.append(warmpix50(betas_n, m, m_center, wp_center))
    p1, = plt.plot(mags, wp50)

plt.grid(b=None, which='both', axis='both')
plt.ylabel('Warm Pixel Fraction')
plt.xlabel('Star Magnitude')
plt.title('Distribution of 50% Failure Rate line for Warm Pixel Fraction and Magnitude')

Looking at Historical Performance

Using the model to assess performance for historical star catalogs

If we use these predictions, how well does the model perform when we use it for the 8 stars in a catalog? We can calculate the expected number of star failures for each catalog and compare it with the actual number of failed stars for that catalog.

Creating a dictionary of observation history from the data.

Then partitioning based on the number of observed failures for the entire catalog.

In [36]:
if analyze_history:
    # Creating star catalogs from historical information.
    datarange = ast.subset_range_tstart_jyear(acq_data, train_start, test_end)
    uniqueobsids = np.unique(datarange['obsid'])

    obshistory = {}
    for i in uniqueobsids:
        # Script only handles star catalogs with 8 stars presently.  
        if len(datarange[datarange['obsid']==int(i)]) != 8:
            print "Skipped {}, Only {} Observations".format(i, len(datarange[datarange['obsid']==int(i)])) 
            obs_dict = {}
            for obs in datarange[datarange['obsid']==int(i)]:
    #Binning the historical data
    zeros = []
    ones = []
    twos = []
    threes = []
    fours = []

    for obs in obshistory:
        failcount = 0
        for agasc in obshistory[obs]:
            failcount += obshistory[obs][agasc]['failure']
        if failcount > 4:
            print failcount
            acqevent = ast.acqPredictCatalog(obshistory[obs], beta_load, summary=False)
            if failcount == 0:
            if failcount == 1:
            if failcount == 2:
            if failcount == 3:
            if failcount == 4:

Skipped 13453, Only 7 Observations
Skipped 13894, Only 6 Observations
Skipped 14048, Only 7 Observations
Skipped 14269, Only 7 Observations
Skipped 14338, Only 7 Observations
Skipped 14508, Only 7 Observations
Skipped 14585, Only 7 Observations
Skipped 15323, Only 7 Observations
Skipped 15350, Only 7 Observations
Skipped 15717, Only 7 Observations
Skipped 15738, Only 7 Observations
Skipped 16321, Only 7 Observations
Skipped 16433, Only 7 Observations
Skipped 52906, Only 7 Observations
Skipped 54381, Only 7 Observations

Plotting Expected Number of Failures for each Realization of Failure Counts (0,1,2,3,4...)

In [37]:
if analyze_history:
    nbins = np.arange(0,8.1,0.1)

    F = plt.figure()
    p1 = plt.hist([acqevent.expectedfailures for acqevent in zeros], 
                  bins=nbins, color='r', alpha=0.5, label="Zero Failed")
    lgd = plt.legend()
    plt.xlabel('Predicted Expected Number of Failures')
    p1 = plt.hist([acqevent.expectedfailures for acqevent in ones], 
                  bins=nbins, color='b', alpha=0.5, label="One Failed")
    lgd = plt.legend()
    plt.xlabel('Predicted Expected Number of Failures')
    p1 = plt.hist([acqevent.expectedfailures for acqevent in twos], 
                  bins=nbins, color='g', alpha=0.5, label="Two Failed")
    lgd = plt.legend()
    plt.xlabel('Predicted Expected Number of Failures')
    p1 = plt.hist([acqevent.expectedfailures for acqevent in threes], 
                  bins=nbins, color='purple', alpha=0.5, label="Three Failed")
    lgd = plt.legend()
    plt.xlabel('Predicted Expected Number of Failures')
    p1 = plt.hist([acqevent.expectedfailures for acqevent in fours], 
                  bins=nbins, color='orange', alpha=0.5, label="Four Failed")
    lgd = plt.legend()
    plt.xlabel('Predicted Expected Number of Failures')

Comparing Proportion of Estimated Failures Against other Realizations

In [42]:
if analyze_history:
    zero_expfailed, binedges = np.histogram([acqevent.expectedfailures for acqevent in zeros], bins=np.arange(0,4.1,0.1))
    ones_expfailed, binedges = np.histogram([acqevent.expectedfailures for acqevent in ones], bins=np.arange(0,4.1,0.1))
    twos_expfailed, binedges = np.histogram([acqevent.expectedfailures for acqevent in twos], bins=np.arange(0,4.1,0.1))
    threes_expfailed, binedges = np.histogram([acqevent.expectedfailures for acqevent in threes], bins=np.arange(0,4.1,0.1))
    fours_expfailed, binedges = np.histogram([acqevent.expectedfailures for acqevent in fours], bins=np.arange(0,4.1,0.1))

    totalcounts = zero_expfailed + ones_expfailed + twos_expfailed + threes_expfailed + fours_expfailed

    zero_percent = zero_expfailed / totalcounts.astype(float)
    one_percent = ones_expfailed / totalcounts.astype(float)
    two_percent = twos_expfailed / totalcounts.astype(float)
    three_percent = threes_expfailed / totalcounts.astype(float)
    four_percent = fours_expfailed / totalcounts.astype(float)

    F = plt.figure(figsize=(12, 6))
    gs = gridspec.GridSpec(2, 1, height_ratios=[3, 2]) 
    ax0 = plt.subplot(gs[0])[:-1],zero_percent, width=0.1, alpha=0.5, color='b')[:-1],one_percent, width=0.1, alpha=0.5, color='r', bottom=zero_percent)[:-1],two_percent, width=0.1, alpha=0.5, color='g', bottom=zero_percent + one_percent)[:-1],three_percent, width=0.1, alpha=0.5, color='purple', bottom=zero_percent + one_percent+ two_percent)[:-1],four_percent, width=0.1, alpha=0.5, color='orange', bottom= zero_percent + one_percent+ two_percent+three_percent)
    plt.xlabel('Predicted Expected Number of Failures')
    plt.ylabel('Proportion Failed')
    plt.legend(('Zero Failed', 'One Failed', 'Two Failed',
                'Three Failed', 'Four Failed'))
    plt.title('Assessing Model Performance with Historical Data - Expected Number of Failures')
    ax1 = plt.subplot(gs[1])
    ax1.plot(binedges[1:]-0.05, totalcounts)
    plt.ylabel('Log Total Observed Counts')
    plt.xlabel('Predicted Expected Number of Failures')