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# If you run this notebook on Google Colab, uncomment and run the following to set up dependencies.
# !pip install nnabla-ext-cuda100
# !git clone
# %cd nnabla/tutorial
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from nnabla.models.imagenet import ResNet18
model = ResNet18()
You can choose other ResNet models such as ResNet34
, ResNet50
, by specifying the model's name as an argument. Of course, you can choose other pretrained models as well. See the Docs.
NOTE: If you use the ResNet18
for the first time, nnabla will automatically download the weights from
and it may take up to a few minutes.
In this tutorial, we use Caltech101 as the dataset for finetuning. Caltech101 consists of more than 9,000 object images in total and each image belongs to one of 101 distinct categories or "clutter" category. We use images from 101 categories for simple classification.
We have a script named
which can automatically download the dataset and store it in nnabla_data
If you have your own dataset and DataIterator
which can load your data, you can use it instead.
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In [ ]:
batch_size = 32 # we set batch_size = 32
all_data = data_iterator_caltech101(batch_size)
Since there is no separate data for training and validation in caltech101, we need to manually split it up. Here, we will split the dataset as the following way; 80% for training, and 20% for validation.
In [ ]:
num_samples = all_data.size
num_train_samples = int(0.8 * num_samples) # Take 80% for training, and the rest for validation.
num_class = 101
data_iterator_train = all_data.slice(
rng=None, slice_start=0, slice_end=num_train_samples)
data_iterator_valid = all_data.slice(
rng=None, slice_start=num_train_samples, slice_end=num_samples)
Now we have model and data!
In [5]:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline
images, labels =
sample_image, sample_label = images[0], labels[0]
print("image_shape: {}".format(sample_image.shape))
print("label_id: {}".format(sample_label))
In [ ]:
import nnabla as nn
# Optional: If you want to use GPU
from nnabla.ext_utils import get_extension_context
ctx = get_extension_context("cudnn")
ext = nn.ext_utils.import_extension_module("cudnn")
In [ ]:
channels, image_height, image_width = sample_image.shape # use info from the image we got
# input variables for the validation network
image_valid = nn.Variable((batch_size, channels, image_height, image_width))
label_valid = nn.Variable((batch_size, 1))
input_image_valid = {"image": image_valid, "label": label_valid}
# input variables for the training network
image_train = nn.Variable((batch_size, channels, image_height, image_width))
label_train = nn.Variable((batch_size, 1))
input_image_train = {"image": image_train, "label": label_train}
If you take a look at the Model's API Reference, you can find use_up_to
option. Specifying one of the pre-defined strings when calling the model, the computation graph will be constructed up to the layer you specify. For example, in case of ResNet18
, you can choose one of the following as the last layer of the graph.
For finetuning, it is common to replace only the upper layers with the new (not trained) ones and re-use the lower layers with their pretrained weights. Also, pretrained models have been trained on a classification task on ImageNet, which has 1000 categories, so the output of the classifier
layer has the output shape (batch_size, 1000)
that wouldn't fit our current dataset.
For this reason, here we construct the graph up to the pool
layer, which corresponds to the global average pooling
layer in the original graph, and connect it to the additional affine (fully-connected) layer for 101-way classification. For finetuning, it is common to train only the weights for the newly added layers (in this case, the last affine layer), but in this tutorial, we will update the weights for all layers in the graph. Also, when creating a training graph, you need to set training=True
In [ ]:
import nnabla.parametric_functions as PF
y_train = model(image_train, force_global_pooling=True, use_up_to="pool", training=True)
with nn.parameter_scope("finetuning_fc"):
pred_train = PF.affine(y_train, 101) # adding the affine layer to the graph.
NOTE: You need to specify force_global_pooling=True
when the input shape is different from what the model expects. You can check the model's default input shape by typing model.input_shape
In [ ]:
y_valid = model(image_valid,
force_global_pooling=True, use_up_to="pool", training=False)
with nn.parameter_scope("finetuning_fc"):
pred_valid = PF.affine(y_valid, 101)
pred_valid.persistent = True # to keep the value when get `forward(clear_buffer=True)`-ed.
In [ ]:
import nnabla.functions as F
def loss_function(pred, label):
Compute loss.
loss = F.mean(F.softmax_cross_entropy(pred, label))
return loss
loss_valid = loss_function(pred_valid, label_valid)
top_1_error_valid = F.mean(F.top_n_error(pred_valid, label_valid))
loss_train = loss_function(pred_train, label_train)
top_1_error_train = F.mean(F.top_n_error(pred_train, label_train))
In [ ]:
import nnabla.solvers as S
solver = S.Momentum(0.01) # you can choose others as well
In [ ]:
num_epoch = 10 # arbitrary
one_epoch = data_iterator_train.size // batch_size
max_iter = num_epoch * one_epoch
val_iter = data_iterator_valid.size // batch_size
In [ ]:
def run_validation(pred_valid, loss_valid, top_1_error_valid,
input_image_valid, data_iterator_valid,
with_visualized=False, num_visualized=3):
assert num_visualized < pred_valid.shape[0], "too many images to plot."
val_iter = data_iterator_valid.size // pred_valid.shape[0]
ve = 0.
vloss = 0.
for j in range(val_iter):
v_image, v_label =
input_image_valid["image"].d = v_image
input_image_valid["label"].d = v_label
nn.forward_all([loss_valid, top_1_error_valid], clear_no_need_grad=True)
vloss += loss_valid.d.copy()
ve += top_1_error_valid.d.copy()
vloss /= val_iter
ve /= val_iter
if with_visualized:
ind = 1
random_start = np.random.randint(pred_valid.shape[0] - num_visualized)
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12., 12.))
for n in range(random_start, random_start + num_visualized):
sample_image, sample_label = v_image[n], v_label[n]
ax = fig.add_subplot(1, num_visualized, ind)
with nn.auto_forward():
predicted_id = np.argmax(F.softmax(pred_valid)[n].d)
result = "true label_id: {} - predicted as {}".format(str(sample_label[0]), str(predicted_id))
ind += 1
return ve, vloss
In [14]:
_, _ = run_validation(pred_valid, loss_valid, top_1_error_valid, input_image_valid, data_iterator_valid, with_visualized=True)
As you can see, the model fails to classify images properly. Now, let's begin the finetuning and see how performance improves.
Let's prepare the monitor for training.
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from nnabla.monitor import Monitor, MonitorSeries, MonitorTimeElapsed
monitor = Monitor("tmp.monitor")
monitor_loss = MonitorSeries("Training loss", monitor, interval=200)
monitor_err = MonitorSeries("Training error", monitor, interval=200)
monitor_vloss = MonitorSeries("Test loss", monitor, interval=200)
monitor_verr = MonitorSeries("Test error", monitor, interval=200)
In [16]:
# Training-loop
for i in range(max_iter):
image, label =
input_image_train["image"].d = image
input_image_train["label"].d = label
nn.forward_all([loss_train, top_1_error_train], clear_no_need_grad=True)
monitor_loss.add(i, loss_train.d.copy())
monitor_err.add(i, top_1_error_train.d.copy())
# update parameters
if i % 200 == 0:
ve, vloss = run_validation(pred_valid, loss_valid, top_1_error_valid,
input_image_valid, data_iterator_valid,
with_visualized=False, num_visualized=3)
monitor_vloss.add(i, vloss)
monitor_verr.add(i, ve)
As you see, the loss and error rate is decreasing as the finetuning progresses. Let's see the classification result after finetuning.
In [17]:
_, _ = run_validation(pred_valid, loss_valid, top_1_error_valid, input_image_valid, data_iterator_valid, with_visualized=True)
You can see now the model is able to classify the image properly.
we have a convenient script named
. By using this, you can try finetuning with different models even on your original dataset.
To do this, you need to prepare your own dataset and do some preprocessing. We will explain how to do this in the following.
Suppose you have a lot of images which can be used for image classification. You need to organize your data in a certain manner. Here, we will explain that with another dataset, Stanford Dogs Dataset.
First, visit the official page and download images.tar
(here is the direct link). Next, untar the archive and then you will see a directory named Images
. Inside that directory, there are many subdirectories and each subdirectory stores images which belong to 1 category. For example, a directory n02099712-Labrador_retriever
contains labrador retriever's images only. So if you want to use your own dataset, you need to organize your images and directiories in the same way like the following;
├── subdirectory_for_category_A
│ ├── image_0.jpg
│ ├── image_1.jpg
│ ├── image_2.jpg
│ ├── ...
├── subdirectory_for_category_B
│ ├── image_0.jpg
│ ├── ...
├── subdirectory_for_category_C
│ ├── image_0.jpg
│ ├── ...
├── subdirectory_for_category_D
│ ├── image_0.jpg
│ ├── ...
The numbers of images in each category can vary, do not have to be exactly the same. Once you arrange your dataset, now you're good to go!
Now that you prepare and organize your dataset, the only thing you have to do is to create a .csv
file which will be used in
. To do so, you can use NNabla's Python Command Line Interface. Just type like the following.
nnabla_cli create_image_classification_dataset -i <path to parent directory> -o <output directory which contains "preprocessed" images> -c <number of channels> -w <width> -g <height> -m <padding or trimming> -s <whether apply shuffle or not> -f1 <name of the output csv file for training data> -f2 <name of the output csv file for test data> -r2 <ratio(%) of test data to training data>
If you do that on Stanford Dogs Dataset,
nnabla_cli create_image_classification_dataset -i Images -o arranged_images -c 3 -w 128 -g 128 -m padding -s true -f1 stanford_dog_train.csv -f2 stanford_dog_test.csv -r2 20
Note that output .csv
file will be stored in the same directory you specified with -o option. For more information, please check the docs.
After executing the command above, you can start finetuning on your dataset.
All you need is just to type one line.
python --model <model name> --train-csv <.csv file containing training data> --test-csv <.csv file containing test data>
It will execute finetuning on your dataset!
In [ ]:
run --model ResNet34 --epoch 10 --train-csv ~/nnabla_data/stanford_dog_arranged/stanford_dog_train.csv --test-csv ~/nnabla_data/stanford_dog_arranged/stanford_dog_test.csv --shuffle True
Once the finetuning finished, let's use it for inference! The script above has saved the parameters at every certain iteration you specified. So now call the same model you trained and this time let's use the finetuned parameters in the following way.
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from nnabla.models.imagenet import ResNet34
import nnabla as nn
param_path = "params_XXX.h5" # specify the path to the saved parameter (.h5)
model = ResNet34()
batch_size = 1 # just for inference
input_shape = (batch_size, ) + model.input_shape
Then define an input Variable and a network for inference. Note that you need to construct the network exactly the same way as done in finetuning script (layer configuration, parameters names, and so on...).
In [ ]:
x = nn.Variable(input_shape) # input Variable
pooled = model(x, use_up_to="pool", training=False)
with nn.parameter_scope("finetuning"):
with nn.parameter_scope("last_fc"):
pred = PF.affine(pooled, 120)
Load the parameters which you finetuned above. You can use nn.load_parameters()
to load the parameters. Once you call this, the parameters stored in the params.h5
will be stored in global scope. You can check the parameters are different before and after nn.load_parameters()
by using nn.get_parameters()
In [ ]:
nn.load_parameters(param_path) # load the finetuned parameters.