In [ ]:
%matplotlib inline

In [ ]:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import sympy as sym

import solowpy

In [ ]:
# define model parameters
ces_params = {'A0': 1.0, 'L0': 1.0, 'g': 0.02, 'n': 0.03, 's': 0.15,
              'delta': 0.05, 'alpha': 0.33, 'sigma': 1.01}

# create an instance of the solow.Model class
ces_model = solowpy.CESModel(params=ces_params)

5. Impulse response functions

Impulse response functions (IRFs) are a standard tool for analyzing the short run dynamics of dynamic macroeconomic models, such as the Solow growth model, in response to an exogenous shock. The solow.impulse_response.ImpulseResponse class has several attributes and methods for generating and analyzing impulse response functions.

In [ ]:
# use tab completion to see the available attributes and methods...

The solow.Model class provides access to all of the functionality of the solow.impulse_response.ImpulseResponse class through its irf attribute.

In [ ]:
# use tab completion to see the available attributes and methods...

Example: Impact of a change in the savings rate

One can analyze the impact of a doubling of the savings rate on model variables as follows.

In [ ]:
# 100% increase in the current savings rate...
ces_model.irf.impulse = {'s': 2.0 * ces_model.params['s']}

# in efficiency units...
ces_model.irf.kind = 'efficiency_units'

Take a look at the IRF for the savings rate shock. Note that while capital and output are unaffected at the t=0, both consumption and investment jump (in opposite directions!) in response to the change in the savings rate.

In [ ]:
# ordering of variables is t, k, y, c, i!

Example: Plotting an impulse response function

One can use a convenience method to to plot the impulse response functions for a particular variable.

In [ ]:
# check the docstring to see the call signature

In [ ]:
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(8,6))
ces_model.irf.plot_impulse_response(ax, variable='output')

Example: More complicated impulse responses are possible

Note that by defining impulses as dictionaries, one can analyze extremely general shocks. For example, suppose that an exogenous 5% increase in the growth rate of technology was accompanied by a simultaneous 10% fall in the savings rate.

In [ ]:
# more complicate shocks are possible
ces_model.irf.impulse = {'s': 0.9 * ces_model.params['s'], 'g': 1.05 * ces_model.params['g']}

# in efficiency units...
ces_model.irf.kind = 'per_capita'

In [ ]:
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(8,6))
ces_model.irf.plot_impulse_response(ax, variable='output', log=True)

Example: Interactive impulse reponse functions

Using IPython widgets makes it extremely easy to analyze the various impulse response functions.

In [ ]:
from IPython.html.widgets import fixed, interact, FloatSliderWidget

In [ ]:
def interactive_impulse_response(model, shock, param, variable, kind, log_scale):
    """Interactive impulse response plotting tool."""    
    # specify the impulse response
    model.irf.impulse = {param: shock * model.params[param]}
    model.irf.kind = kind
    # create the plot
    fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(8,6))
    model.irf.plot_impulse_response(ax, variable=variable, log=log_scale)

irf_widget = interact(interactive_impulse_response, 
                      shock = FloatSliderWidget(min=0.1, max=5.0, step=0.1, value=0.5),
                      param = ces_model.params.keys(),
                      variable=['capital', 'output', 'consumption', 'investment'],
                      kind=['efficiency_units', 'per_capita', 'levels'],

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