In [179]:
%matplotlib inline
from IPython.core.display import display, HTML
display(HTML("<style>.container { width:80% !important; }</style>"))
import IPython
IPython.auto_scroll_threshold = 9999;
import glob, numpy, os, subprocess, sys
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import Plot_lakes_results as plot
import pandas as pd
pd.options.display.max_columns = 100
pd.options.display.max_rows = 200
import matplotlib as mpl
mpl.rcParams['ytick.labelsize'] = 12
mpl.rcParams['xtick.labelsize'] = 12
mpl.rcParams['font.size'] = 12
import spotpy
import datetime
pd.set_option('display.max_rows', 500)
In [180]:
def run_vic(filename = "/home2/svimal/Projects/VIC/Canada/Results/lake_52.625_-107.125"):
subprocess.check_output(["bash", "/home2/svimal/Projects/VIC/Canada/"])#, shell=True)
soil = pd.read_csv(filename, sep='\t', names = ["YEAR", "MONTH" ,"DAY" , "ICE_FRACT", "DEPTH","ICE_HEIGHT" ,"SURF_AREA", "VOLUME"])
simSeries = list(soil.DEPTH.values)
return simSeries
In [181]:
def get_veggies(soil_ID):
global_veg_param = "/home2/svimal/Projects/VIC/Tian_0.25_global_params/vicinput/global_lai_0.25deg.txt"
with open(global_veg_param, "r") as f:
data_veg_global = f.readlines()
for i, line_veg_global in enumerate(data_veg_global):
if len(line_veg_global.split(" "))== 2 and float(line_veg_global.split(" ")[1]) != 0:
veg_ID = int(line_veg_global.split(" ")[0])
if veg_ID == soil_ID:
veggies = []
while len(data_veg_global[i+j].split(" "))!= 2:
return veggies
In [182]:
redberry_obs_file = "/home2/svimal/Data/Canada/Redberry_Levels/Daily__Sep-6-2017_01_25_49AM.csv"
candle_obs_file = "/home2/svimal/Data/Canada/Candle_Levels/Daily__Oct-7-2017_01_36_50AM.csv"
redberry_sim_filename = "/home2/svimal/Projects/VIC/Canada/Results/lake_52.625_-107.125"
candle_sim_filename = "/home2/svimal/Projects/VIC/Canada/Results/lake_53.875_-105.375"
def plot_lake(obs_filename, sim_filename, text, i, year = 2000):
# Redberry Observations
lake_f = sim_filename
df_obs = pd.read_csv(obs_filename, sep = "," , skiprows=2)
df_obs = df_obs.drop(df_obs.columns[[0,1,2,6,8,10,12,14,16,18,20,22,24,26,28]], axis=1)
df_obs.columns = "year day 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12".split(" ")
df_obs.index = df_obs["year"]
df_obs["day 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12".split(" ")]
obs = df_obs.set_index('day', append=True).rename_axis('month', 1).stack()
obs.index = pd.to_datetime(obs.reset_index().iloc[:, :3], errors='coerce')
obs = obs.loc[obs.index.dropna()]
df_lake = pd.read_csv(lake_f, header=None, delim_whitespace=True,
date = str(df_lake['YEAR'][0]) + '-' + str(df_lake['MONTH'][0])+ '-' + str(df_lake['DAY'][0])
obs = obs - obs.loc['1990-1-1':'2006-12-31'].mean() + df_lake.DEPTH.mean()
# Bias Correction
#df_lake["DEPTH"] = df_lake.DEPTH + df_lake.DEPTH*(df_lake.DEPTH.mean()/obs.mean())
df_lake.index = pd.date_range(date, periods=len(df_lake), freq="D")
plt.figure(i, dpi=150, figsize=(15,5))
for y in range(1980, 2006):
obs.loc[str(y)+'-1-1':str(y)+'-12-31'].plot(color="b"); df_lake.DEPTH.loc[str(y)+'-1-1':str(y)+'-12-31'].plot(color="crimson")
plt.legend(["Observed","VIC Simulated"])
plt.ylabel("Lake Depth (m)");plt.ylim(0,20);plt.title(text);
plt.figure(i+3,dpi=150, figsize=(15,5))
obs.loc[str(year)+'-1-1':str(year)+'-12-31'].plot(color="b"); df_lake.DEPTH.loc[str(year)+'-1-1':str(year)+'-12-31'].plot(color="crimson")
plt.legend(["Observed","VIC Simulated"]);plt.ylabel("Lake Depth (m)");plt.ylim(0,20);plt.title(str(year)+" " + text);
plot_lake(redberry_obs_file, redberry_sim_filename, "Redberry", 3, year=1990)
plot_lake(candle_obs_file, candle_sim_filename, "Candle", 4, year=2005)
In [183]:
def plot_same_range():
# Observation
redberry_obs_filename = "/home2/svimal/Data/Canada/Redberry_Levels/Daily__Sep-6-2017_01_25_49AM.csv"
df_obs = pd.read_csv(redberry_obs_filename, sep = "," , skiprows=2)
df_obs = df_obs.drop(df_obs.columns[[0,1,2,6,8,10,12,14,16,18,20,22,24,26,28]], axis=1)
df_obs.columns = "year day 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12".split(" ")
df_obs.index = df_obs["year"]; df_obs["day 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12".split(" ")]
obs = df_obs.set_index('day', append=True).rename_axis('month', 1).stack()
obs.index = pd.to_datetime(obs.reset_index().iloc[:, :3], errors='coerce')
obs = obs.loc[obs.index.dropna()]
# Simulation
redberry_sim_filename = "/home2/svimal/Projects/VIC/Canada/Results/lake_52.625_-107.125"
df_sim = pd.read_csv(redberry_sim_filename, header=None, delim_whitespace=True,
date = str(df_sim['YEAR'][0]) + '-' + str(df_sim['MONTH'][0])+ '-' + str(df_sim['DAY'][0])
df_sim.index = pd.date_range(date, periods=len(df_sim), freq="D")
# Standardization
depth = (df_sim.DEPTH - df_sim.DEPTH.mean() )/df_sim.DEPTH.std()
obs = (obs - obs.loc['1990-1-1':'2006-12-31'].mean())/obs.std() #+ df_sim.DEPTH.mean()
# Selecting the right range
o = obs[df_sim.index].dropna()
s = depth.where(o!=np.nan).dropna()
#print o.head(), s.head()
#print len(o), len(s)
plt.figure(dpi=150, figsize=(15,2))
o.plot(); s.plot()
plt.legend(["Observed", "Simulated"])
plt.title("Redberry Lake")
#print spotpy_setup().objectivefunction(s, o)
In [184]:
def write_soil_file(soil):
sep=str(' '), columns=None, header=False, index=False,
mode='w', line_terminator='\n')
In [185]:
forcing_files = list( set(glob.glob("/home2/svimal/Projects/VIC/Canada/Forcing_Data/*")) - set(glob.glob("/home2/svimal/Projects/VIC/Canada/Forcing_Data/*.jpg")))
soil_param = "/home2/svimal/Projects/VIC/Tian_0.25_global_params/vicinput/global_soil_calib_smoothed_tz"
with open(soil_param, "r") as f:
data_global = f.readlines()
soil_param_file = []
veg_param_file = []
for f in forcing_files:
lat = float(f.split("_")[-2])
lon = float(f.split("_")[-1]) # .strip("-")
#print lat, lon
for line_global in data_global:
lat_global = float(line_global.split()[2])
lon_global = float(line_global.split()[3])
dist = numpy.sqrt((lon - lon_global)**2 + (lat - lat_global)**2 )
if dist < 0.2: # Find the nearest global grid to each local grid
#print dist, lat, lon
soil_param_file.append(line_global.split(line_global.split(" ")[2])[0] \
+ str(lat) + " "+ str(lon) + line_global.split(line_global.split(" ")[3])[1][0:-2])
soil_ID = line_global.split(" ")[1]
veggies = get_veggies(int(soil_ID))
no_tiles = str(len(veggies)/2)
veg_param_file.append(soil_ID+ " " + no_tiles + "\n")
In [186]:
veg_param = "/home2/svimal/Projects/VIC/Canada/VicSetup/Veg_Params"
with open(veg_param, "w") as f:
for line in veg_param_file:
In [187]:
#18.540 0.17193 18.430 0.14833 18.240 0.12472 17.894 0.10110 17.179 0.07748 16.540 0.05387 14.905 0.04665 13.270 0.03809 11.635 0.02693
redberry_candle = "172764 0 9 14.55 0.01 15 1\n18.0 0.1644 16.0 0.1444 14.0 0.1203 13.0 0.1102 12.0 0.1010 11.0 0.0910 10.0 0.0850 9.0 0.07515 8.7 0.06509 8.54 0.05193 8.43 0.040 7.894 0.0311 6.54 0.02387 5.905 0.01665 4.27 0.005\n\
177308 0 9 15 0.01 15.3924 1\n18.0 0.2644 16.0 0.2444 14.0 0.2203 13.0 0.2102 12.0 0.2010 11.0 0.1910 10.0 0.1850 9.0 0.17515 8.7 0.16509 8.54 0.15193 8.43 0.140 7.894 0.1311 6.54 0.12387 5.905 0.11665 4.27 0.050\n"
with open("/home2/svimal/Projects/VIC/Canada/VicSetup/Lake_Params_NoSEA", "w") as l:
for line in soil_param_file:
ID = line.split()[1]
l.write(ID + " -1 9 15 0.01 15.3924 1\n18.0 0.2644 16.0 0.2444 14.0 0.2203 13.0 0.2102 12.0 0.2010 11.0 0.1910 10.0 0.1850 9.0 0.17515 8.7 0.16509 8.54 0.15193 8.43 0.140 7.894 0.1311 6.54 0.12387 5.905 0.11665 4.27 0.050\n")
In [188]:
line_global.split(line_global.split(" ")[2])[0] \
+ str(lat) + " "+ str(lon) + line_global.split(line_global.split(" ")[3])[1][0:-2]
soil = pd.DataFrame([x.split(" ") for x in soil_param_file])
names = "RunNo, GridID, Lat, Lon, Infilt, Ds, DsMax, Ws, c, Exp1, Exp2, Exp3, Ksat1, Ksat2, Ksat3, Phi1, Phi2, Phi3, \
init_moist1, init_moist2, init_moist3, avg_elev, soilD1, soilD2, soilD3, SoilT, SoilTempD, BubP1, BubP2, BubP3, \
BD1, BD2, BD3, QCont1, QCont2, QCont3, SoilDen1, SoilDen2, SoilDen3, GMT, SMCP1, SMCP2, SMCP3, WP1, WP2, WP3, \
SoilRough, SR_Snow, AvgPrecip, ResMois1, ResMois2, ResMois3, FS".split(", ")
soil.columns = names
soil.RunNo = 0
# Put Redberry Lake and Candle Lake on top
Candle_id = list(soil.loc[(soil['Lat'] == "53.875") & soil['Lon'].isin(["-105.375"])].index)[0]
Redberry_id = list(soil.loc[(soil['Lat'] == "52.625") & soil['Lon'].isin(["-107.125"])].index)[0]
soil.loc[0], soil.loc[Redberry_id] = soil.loc[Redberry_id], soil.loc[0]
soil.loc[1], soil.loc[Candle_id] = soil.loc[Candle_id], soil.loc[1]
In [189]:[0,"RunNo"] = 1 # Run Redberry lake[1,"RunNo"] = 0 # Candle lake
In [190]:
soil.DsMax = 3
soil.Infilt = 0.40
soil.Ds = 0.03
soil.Ws = 0.70
soil.c = 2
soil.soilD1 = 0.1
soil.soilD2 = 0.2
soil.soilD3 = 1.5
soil.init_moist1 = 60
soil.init_moist2 = 150
soil.init_moist3 = 300
soil.FS = 0
plot_lake(redberry_obs_file, redberry_sim_filename, "Redberry Observed & Simulated", 3, year=1990)
#plot_lake(candle_obs_file, candle_sim_filename, "Candle Observed & Simulated", 4, year=1990)
In [191]:
Redberry = [52.625, -107.125]
sys.path.insert(0, '/home2/svimal/Projects/VIC/Canada/') # or: sys.path.insert(0, os.getcwd())
In [196]:
class vic_model(object):
def __init__(self,startTime,endTime): = startTime = endTime
def get_obs(self):
#obsSeries = [5.5,5.5,5.5,5.5,5.5]
#self.observations = obsSeries
# Observation
redberry_obs_filename = "/home2/svimal/Data/Canada/Redberry_Levels/Daily__Sep-6-2017_01_25_49AM.csv"
df_obs = pd.read_csv(redberry_obs_filename, sep = "," , skiprows=2)
df_obs = df_obs.drop(df_obs.columns[[0,1,2,6,8,10,12,14,16,18,20,22,24,26,28]], axis=1)
df_obs.columns = "year day 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12".split(" ")
df_obs.index = df_obs["year"]; df_obs["day 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12".split(" ")]
obs = df_obs.set_index('day', append=True).rename_axis('month', 1).stack()
obs.index = pd.to_datetime(obs.reset_index().iloc[:, :3], errors='coerce')
obs = obs.loc[obs.index.dropna()]
# Simulation
redberry_sim_filename = "/home2/svimal/Projects/VIC/Canada/Results/lake_52.625_-107.125"
df_sim = pd.read_csv(redberry_sim_filename, header=None, delim_whitespace=True,
date = str(df_sim['YEAR'][0]) + '-' + str(df_sim['MONTH'][0])+ '-' + str(df_sim['DAY'][0])
df_sim.index = pd.date_range(date, periods=len(df_sim), freq="D")
# Standardization
depth = (df_sim.DEPTH - df_sim.DEPTH.mean() )/df_sim.DEPTH.std()
obs = (obs - obs.loc['1990-1-1':'2006-12-31'].mean())/obs.std() #+ df_sim.DEPTH.mean()
# Selecting the right range
o = obs[df_sim.index].dropna()
s = depth.where(o!=np.nan).dropna()
self.observations = list(o)
#print type(list(o)), list(o)[0]
#print len(s), len(o)
def run_vic(self, binfilt=None,Ws=None,DsMax=None,Ds=None,soil_d2=None,soil_d3=None):
#simSeries = [binfilt+Ws+Ds+soil_d2+soil_d3 for x in range(5)]
soil.DsMax = DsMax
soil.Infilt = binfilt
soil.Ds = Ds
soil.Ws = Ws
soil.c = 2
soil.soilD1 = 0.1
soil.soilD2 = soil_d2
soil.soilD3 = soil_d3
# Observation
redberry_obs_filename = "/home2/svimal/Data/Canada/Redberry_Levels/Daily__Sep-6-2017_01_25_49AM.csv"
df_obs = pd.read_csv(redberry_obs_filename, sep = "," , skiprows=2)
df_obs = df_obs.drop(df_obs.columns[[0,1,2,6,8,10,12,14,16,18,20,22,24,26,28]], axis=1)
df_obs.columns = "year day 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12".split(" ")
df_obs.index = df_obs["year"]; df_obs["day 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12".split(" ")]
obs = df_obs.set_index('day', append=True).rename_axis('month', 1).stack()
obs.index = pd.to_datetime(obs.reset_index().iloc[:, :3], errors='coerce')
obs = obs.loc[obs.index.dropna()]
# Simulation
redberry_sim_filename = "/home2/svimal/Projects/VIC/Canada/Results/lake_52.625_-107.125"
df_sim = pd.read_csv(redberry_sim_filename, header=None, delim_whitespace=True,
date = str(df_sim['YEAR'][0]) + '-' + str(df_sim['MONTH'][0])+ '-' + str(df_sim['DAY'][0])
df_sim.index = pd.date_range(date, periods=len(df_sim), freq="D")
# Standardization
depth = (df_sim.DEPTH - df_sim.DEPTH.mean() )/df_sim.DEPTH.std()
obs = (obs - obs.loc['1990-1-1':'2006-12-31'].mean())/obs.std() #+ df_sim.DEPTH.mean()
# Selecting the right range
o = obs[df_sim.index].dropna()
s = depth.where(o!=np.nan).dropna()
simSeries = list(s)
#print len(s), len(o)
return simSeries
class spotpy_setup(object):
def __init__(self):
self.datastart =,1,1) # calibration start
self.dataend =,12,31) # calibration end
self.vicmodel = vic_model(self.datastart,self.dataend) # routine to run model
# model parameters to calibrate
self.params = [spotpy.parameter.Uniform('binfil',0.01,0.5),
spotpy.parameter.Uniform('Soil D2',0.1,1.5),
spotpy.parameter.Uniform('Soil D3',0.3,2)
self.soil = soil
def parameters(self):
return spotpy.parameter.generate(self.params)
def simulation(self,vector):
simulations= self.vicmodel.run_vic(binfilt=vector[0],Ws=vector[1],DsMax=vector[2],Ds=vector[3],soil_d2=vector[4],soil_d3=vector[5])
return simulations
def evaluation(self,evaldates=False):
return self.vicmodel.observations
def objectivefunction(self,simulation,evaluation):
l = len(evaluation)
objectivefunction= -spotpy.objectivefunctions.rmse(evaluation[l/2:],simulation[l/2:])
#print "Start", self.datastart, "End", self.dataend
return objectivefunction
In [ ]:
cal_setup = spotpy_setup()
#startTime =
sampler = spotpy.algorithms.sceua(cal_setup,dbname='SCEUA_VIC2',dbformat='csv')
# run calibration process
In [209]:
results = [] # empty list to append iteration results
In [253]:
pos = spotpy.analyser.get_posterior(results)
per = spotpy.analyser.get_percentiles(results)
plt.figure(dpi=150, figsize=(15,3))
for i in range(5): plt.plot(per[i][0:-10], color=str(i/5.0))
plt.plot(evaluation[0:-10], color="r")
plt.legend("5, 25, 50, 75, 95, Observation".split(", "), title="Percentile", fontsize=8)
plt.title(u"Lake depth from best (percentile) runs - depth is standardized (μ=0;σ=1) ")
plt.ylabel(u"Lake depth (in meter)"); plt.xlabel("Days between 1980 and 2006 where we have observated lake depth")
In [254]:
results = sampler.getdata() # Load the results
In [213]:
In [214]:
evaluation = spotpy_setup().evaluation()
simulation = spotpy_setup().simulation([0.19358489489,0.365624550985,1.0182822638,0.187749009682,0.948439716484,1.53954852853])
spotpy_setup().objectivefunction(simulation, evaluation)
#print results[0]().dtype.names[1:6]
#print list(results[0]()[-1])[1:6]
In [ ]:
simulation = spotpy_setup().simulation([0.37150373842200002, 0.93204422343000004, 0.040459913128700002, 0.22689123758099999, 0.546199744288])
#[0.42193107, 0.6736872, 0.143702, 1.16165977, 1.62129933])
spotpy_setup().objectivefunction(simulation, evaluation)
In [ ]:
plot_lake(redberry_obs_file, redberry_sim_filename, "Redberry Observed & Simulated", 3, year=1990)
In [38]:
IPython.OutputArea.prototype._should_scroll = function(lines) {
return false;
In [255]:
%matplotlib inline
from import ConfigManager
cm = ConfigManager().update('notebook', {'limit_output': 1000})
from ipywidgets import interactive
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
# Best set [ 0.27499073 0.72366531 0.11720323 0.32699777 1.92498418]
def f(binfil, Ws, DsMax, Ds, d2, d3):
simulation = spotpy_setup().simulation([binfil, Ws, DsMax, Ds, d2, d3])
interactive_plot = interactive(f, binfil=(0.01, 1, 0.1), Ws=(0.1, 1, 0.2), DsMax = (0.1, 10, 1), Ds = (0.01, 1, 0.2), d2=(0.01, 0.5, 0.05), d3=(0.1, 2, 0.2))
output = interactive_plot.children[-1]
output.layout.height = '350px'
print "Done!"