In [3]:
%matplotlib inline
In [4]:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
In [5]:
from showit import image
In [6]:
from import imsave, imread
In [7]:
directory = '/Users/nick/Dropbox/work/freeman/figures/2016-11-25/zooms/'
In [8]:
stack = imread(directory + 'avg_eq.tif')
In [9]:
img = stack[0]
In [10]:
In [9]:
def closing(self, size):
Close a region using morphological operators.
size : int
Size of closing in pixels
if size > 0:
from scipy.ndimage.morphology import binary_closing
size = (size * 2) + 1
coords = self.coordinates
tmp = zeros(self.extent + size * 2)
coords = (coords - self.bbox[0:len(] + size)
tmp[coords.T.tolist()] = 1
tmp = binary_closing(tmp, ones((size, size)))
new = asarray(where(tmp)).T + self.bbox[0:len(] - size
new = [c for c in new if all(c >= 0)]
return self
return one(new)
In [10]:
from numpy import percentile, where
In [11]:
def norm(im, a=0, b=100):
im = im.astype('float')
return (im.clip(percentile(im,a),percentile(im,b))-percentile(im,a))/(percentile(im,b)-percentile(im,a))
In [12]:
from regional import one
In [13]:
def detect_thershold(image, threshold):
image = norm(image,0,100)
x = where(image>threshold)
y = closing(one([[x[0][ii], x[1][ii]] for ii in range(len(x[0]))]),1)
return many([y])
In [14]:
regions = [detect_thershold(x,0.5) for x in stack]
blend = array([overlay(regions[i], image=stack[i]) for i in range(stack.shape[0])])
In [ ]:
In [187]:
path = directory + 'threshold.tif'
imsave(path, (255*blend).astype('uint8'), plugin='tifffile', photometric='rgb')
In [15]:
from cell_magic_wand import cell_magic_wand_single_point
In [16]:
from skimage.morphology import disk, rectangle
from skimage.filters.rank import median
In [17]:
from regional import one
In [18]:
from regional import many
In [19]:
from numpy import array, where, zeros, ones, asarray, percentile
In [20]:
def detect_wand(image):
roi,_ = array(cell_magic_wand_single_point(image, [image.shape[0]/2, image.shape[1]/2], 4, 11, roughness=10))
x = where(roi)
y = closing(one([[x[0][ii], x[1][ii]] for ii in range(len(x[0]))]),1)
return many([y])
In [26]:
regions = [detect_wand(x) for x in stack]
blend = array([overlay(regions[i], image=stack[i]) for i in range(stack.shape[0])])
In [27]:
In [196]:
path = directory + 'wand.tif'
imsave(path, (255*blend).astype('uint8'), plugin='tifffile', photometric='rgb')
In [1]:
from single_cell_detect import watershed_edge as detect
In [11]:
mask = detect(stack[1], dilationSize=1, radial=True, filterSize=5)
In [2]:
from numpy import where, array
from regional import one
def mask_to_region(mask):
coordinates = where(mask)
return one([[coordinates[0][ii], coordinates[1][ii]] for ii in range(len(coordinates[0]))])
In [34]:
regions = [mask_to_region(detect(x, dilationSize=2, radial=True, filterSize=5)) for x in stack]
blend = array([overlay(regions[i], image=stack[i]) for i in range(stack.shape[0])])
In [35]:
In [36]:
path = directory + 'avg_p.tif'
imsave(path, (255*blend).astype('uint8'), plugin='tifffile', photometric='rgb')
In [3]:
from single_cell_detect import watershed_edge as detect
In [1]:
from import coins
In [2]:
img = coins()[:100,:100]
In [4]:
mask = detect(img, dilationSize=1, radial=True, filterSize=5)
In [5]:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
In [6]:
fig, axes = plt.subplots(ncols=2, figsize=(6, 3), sharex=True, sharey=True, subplot_kw={'adjustable':'box-forced'})
ax0, ax1 = axes
ax0.imshow(img,, interpolation='nearest')
ax1.imshow(mask,, interpolation='nearest')
for ax in axes:
fig.subplots_adjust(hspace=0.01, wspace=0.01, top=0.9, bottom=0, left=0, right=1)
In [49]:
In [44]:
In [ ]:
In [130]:
#img = norm(stack.mean(axis=0),0,100)
img = norm(stack[0],0,100)
regions = detect_wand(img)
blend = overlay(regions, image=img/2)
In [131]:
In [32]:
from numpy import pi
from cell_magic_wand import image_cart_to_polar, image_polar_to_cart
In [401]:
phase_width = int(2 * pi * 12 * 10)
polar_image = image_cart_to_polar(img, [img.shape[0]/2, img.shape[1]/2], 1, 12, phase_width=phase_width, zoom_factor=2)
In [360]:
In [388]:
tmp = norm(median(norm(polar_image,0,100), rectangle(1,10)),25,75)
In [402]:
tmp = norm(polar_image,25,75)
In [403]:
In [404]:
from skimage.filters import sobel_h, sobel_v, sobel
edge_sobel = sobel_h(tmp)
In [405]:
edge_sobel = sobel_h(tmp)
In [406]:
wv = edge_sobel.max()-edge_sobel
wv[0,:] = 0
In [407]:
In [ ]:
In [480]:
cart_mask = mask_polar_to_cart(wv, [img.shape[0]/2, img.shape[1]/2], 1, 11, img.shape, zoom_factor=2)
In [ ]:
cart_mask[img.shape[0]/2, img.shape[1]/2]
In [410]:
from skimage.morphology import watershed
In [463]:
markersC = zeros(img.shape)
markersC[img.shape[0]/2, img.shape[1]/2] = 1
markersE = zeros(img.shape)
markersE[0, :] = 1
markersE[-1, :] = 1
markersE[:, 0] = 1
markersE[:, -1] = 1
In [493]:
labels = watershed(tmp, 2*markersC + markersE)
In [490]:
In [491]:
tmp = sobel(img)
In [492]:
In [489]:
In [494]:
In [ ]:
In [ ]:
In [ ]:
In [ ]:
In [ ]:
In [ ]:
In [ ]:
In [ ]:
In [ ]:
In [ ]:
In [ ]:
In [154]:
from skimage.feature import canny
from skimage.measure import find_contours
In [201]:
contours = find_contours(polar_image, 0.4)
In [202]:
for n, contour in enumerate(contours):
plt.plot(contour[:, 1], contour[:, 0], linewidth=2)
plt.xlim([0, 600])
In [ ]:
In [ ]:
In [151]:
tmp = canny(polar_image, sigma=2)
In [ ]:
In [ ]:
In [ ]:
In [152]:
In [ ]:
In [106]:
In [ ]:
In [ ]:
In [ ]:
In [ ]:
In [ ]:
In [ ]:
In [ ]:
In [1113]:
def detect_wand_3d(image):
roi = array(cell_magic_wand_3d(image, [image.shape[1]/2+1, image.shape[2]/2+1], 3, 10))
x = where(roi)
y = closing(one([[x[0][ii], x[1][ii]] for ii in range(len(x[0]))]),1)
return ExtractionModel([y])
In [1114]:
from numpy import dstack
In [1115]:
from numpy import asarray
In [1116]:
modelWandList = [detect_wand_3d(dstack((avg[i], corr[i])).transpose(2,0,1)) for i in range(len(avg))]
modelWand = replacecenters(modelWandList, centercoords)
results = compare(modelWand, modelCompare, threshold = 5)
In [ ]:
In [1105]:
templateLC = corr.mean(axis=0)
In [1104]:
template = avg.mean(axis=0)
template = template + template.T
In [211]:
def qc(modelList, imageBlock):
def qcR(region, image):
return image[region.coordinates].mean()
return [qcR(modelList[ii].regions[0], imageBlock[ii]) for ii in range(len(modelList))]
In [ ]:
def qc(modelList, imageBlock):
def qcR(region, image):
return image[region.coordinates].mean()
return [qcR(modelList[ii].regions[0], imageBlock[ii]) for ii in range(len(modelList))]
In [676]:
qc_corr = qc(modelWandList, corr)
In [573]:
qc_corrRand = qc(modelWandList, corr)
In [677]:
plt.hist([qc_corrRand, qc_corr], bins = 30);
#plt.hist(qc_corr, bins = 30);
In [800]:
def detectcenters(corr, thresh, fwhm=8):
template = makeGaussian(corr.shape[1], fwhm)
rescaled = array([x*template for x in corr])
return [ExtractionModel([array(where(x>thresh)).T]) for x in rescaled]
In [809]:
template = makeGaussian(corr.shape[1], 8)
rescaled = array([x*template for x in corr])*avg
In [810]:
In [817]:
from numpy import linspace
d = []
vals = linspace(50, 300, 50)
for thresh in vals:
modelList = detectcenters(corr*avg, thresh, fwhm=8)
modelEmb = replacecenters(modelList, centercoords)
results = compare(modelEmb, modelCompare, threshold = 5)
d.append([results['inclusion'], results['exclusion']])
d = array(d)
In [818]:
from numpy import argmax
arg = argmax((d[:,0]**2+d[:,1]**2))
In [819]:
plt.figure(figsize=(4, 4))
plt.plot(d[:,0], d[:,1]);
#plt.plot(dd[:,0], dd[:,1]);
plt.plot(0.77, 0.79, marker='o');
plt.plot(0.839, 0.865, marker='o');
plt.xlim([0.6, 1]);
plt.ylim([0.6, 1]);
In [820]:
plt.plot(vals, d[:,0]);
plt.plot(vals, d[:,1]);
In [825]:
thresh = 100
modelList = detectcenters(corr*avg, thresh, fwhm=8)
modelEmb = replacecenters(modelList, centercoords)
compare(modelEmb, modelCompare, threshold = 5)
In [913]:
compareRegions = [many([array([y - round('int') + [size+1, size+1] for y in x.coordinates])]) for x in modelCompare.regions]
blend = array([overlay(modelList[i].regions, image=avg[i], compare=compareRegions[i]) for i in range(avg.shape[0])])
#blend = array([overlay(newRegions[i], image=avg[i]) for i in range(avg.shape[0])])
In [917]:
In [66]:
path = '/tier2/freeman/Nick/neurofinder/neurofinder.02.00/results/Qgt-regions-zoom.tif'
imsave(path, (255*blend).astype('uint8'), plugin='tifffile', photometric='rgb')
In [1101]:
from numpy import concatenate
blendL = array([overlay(modelWandList[i].regions, image=avg[i], compare=modelWandListC[i].regions) for i in range(avg.shape[0])])
blendR = array([overlay(modelWandList[i].regions, image=norm(corr,3,99)[i], compare=modelWandListC[i].regions) for i in range(avg.shape[0])])
joined = concatenate((blendL, blendR), axis=2)
In [1102]:
In [1103]:
path = '/tier2/freeman/Nick/neurofinder/neurofinder.02.00/results/avg_corr_wand3.tif'
imsave(path, (255*joined).astype('uint8'), plugin='tifffile', photometric='rgb')
In [107]:
modelEmbMerged = modelEmb.merge(overlap=0.1, max_iter=2, k_nearest=10)
In [108]:
In [113]:
compare(modelEmbMerged, modelCompare, threshold = 5)
In [871]:
blend = overlay(modelWand.regions, image=mean, compare=modelCompare.regions, threshold=5, correct=False)
fig = plt.figure(figsize=[10,10])
ax = plt.axes()
image(blend, ax=ax)
plt.xlim([0, blend.shape[1]]);
plt.ylim([blend.shape[0], 0]);
In [872]:
path = '/tier2/freeman/Nick/neurofinder/neurofinder.02.00/results/overlay-wand-avg.tif'
imsave(path, (255*blend).astype('uint8'), plugin='tifffile', photometric='rgb')
In [692]:'/tier2/freeman/Nick/neurofinder/neurofinder.02.00/regions/regions-gtBoundary.json')
In [29]:
from numpy import arange, newaxis, exp, log
def makeGaussian(size, fwhm = 3, center=None):
""" Make a square gaussian kernel.
size is the length of a side of the square
fwhm is full-width-half-maximum, which
can be thought of as an effective radius.
x = arange(0, size, 1, float)
y = x[:, newaxis]
if center is None:
x0 = y0 = size // 2
x0 = center[0]
y0 = center[1]
return exp(-4*log(2) * ((x-x0)**2 + (y-y0)**2) / fwhm**2)
In [30]:
def detectcenters(corr, thresh, fwhm=8):
template = makeGaussian(corr.shape[1], fwhm)
rescaled = array([x*template for x in corr])
return [ExtractionModel([array(where(x>thresh)).T]) for x in rescaled]
In [14]:
from numpy import maximum, percentile, full, nan, where, tile, inf, isnan
from neurofinder import match
from regional import many
In [15]:
def overlay(regions, image=None, compare=None, threshold=inf, correct=False):
if image is not None:
if image.max() > 1:
clim = 3*percentile(image, 90)
im = (image.astype(float)/clim).clip(0,1)
im = image
size = im.shape
size = (max([r.bbox[2] for r in regions])+1, max([r.bbox[3] for r in regions])+1)
if compare is not None:
sizeCompare = (max([r.bbox[2] for r in compare])+1, max([r.bbox[3] for r in compare])+1)
size = (maximum(size[0], sizeCompare[0]), maximum(size[1], sizeCompare[1]))
im = full(size, 0.0)
if compare is not None:
matches = match(regions, compare, threshold)
matchesCompare = full(compare.count,nan)
for ii in where(~isnan(matches))[0]:
matchesCompare[matches[ii]] = ii
if any(~isnan(matches)):
hits = many([regions[i] for i in where(~isnan(matches))[0]])
#h = hits.mask(size, background='black', fill='green', stroke='white')
h = hits.mask(size, background='black', fill=None, stroke=[0, 0.7, 0])
h = full((size[0], size[1], 3), 0.0)
if any(isnan(matches)):
falseAlarms = many([regions[i] for i in where(isnan(matches))[0]])
#fA = falseAlarms.mask(size, background='black', fill=[.7, 0, 0], stroke='white')
fA = falseAlarms.mask(size, background='black', fill=None, stroke=[0.7, 0.7, 0])
fA = full((size[0], size[1], 3), 0.0)
if any(~isnan(matchesCompare)):
truePositives = many([compare[i] for i in where(~isnan(matchesCompare))[0]])
#tP = truePositives.mask(size, background='black', fill='blue', stroke='black')
tP = truePositives.mask(size, background='black', fill=None, stroke=[0, 0, 0.7])
tP = full((size[0], size[1], 3), 0.0)
if any(isnan(matchesCompare)):
misses = many([compare[i] for i in where(isnan(matchesCompare))[0]])
#m = misses.mask(size, background='black', fill='red', stroke='black')
m = misses.mask(size, background='black', fill=None, stroke=[0.7, 0, 0])
m = full((size[0], size[1], 3), 0.0)
if correct:
mask = maximum(tP, h)
mask = maximum(maximum(maximum(tP, fA), h), m)
#mask = regions.mask(size, background='black', fill=[.7, 0, 0], stroke='white')
mask = regions.mask(size, background='black', fill=None, stroke=[.7, 0, 0])
base = tile(im,(3,1,1)).transpose(1,2,0)
return maximum(base, mask)
In [16]:
from neurofinder import centers, shapes
In [17]:
def compare(a, b, threshold=inf):
recall, precision = centers(a.regions, b.regions, threshold)
inclusion, exclusion = shapes(a.regions, b.regions, threshold)
return {'recall':recall, 'precision':precision, 'inclusion':inclusion, 'exclusion':exclusion, 'threshold':threshold}