This notebook serves as supporting material for topics covered in Chapter 3 - Solving Problems by Searching and Chapter 4 - Beyond Classical Search from the book Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach. This notebook uses implementations from module. Let's start by importing everything from search module.
In [1]:
from search import *
Here, we learn about problem solving. Building goal-based agents that can plan ahead to solve problems, in particular, navigation problem/route finding problem. First, we will start the problem solving by precisely defining problems and their solutions. We will look at several general-purpose search algorithms. Broadly, search algorithms are classified into two types:
Don't miss the visualisations of these algorithms solving the route-finding problem defined on Romania map at the end of this notebook.
In [2]:
%psource Problem
The Problem
class has six methods.
__init__(self, initial, goal)
: This is what is called a constructor
and is the first method called when you create an instance of the class. initial
specifies the initial state of our search problem. It represents the start state from where our agent begins its task of exploration to find the goal state(s) which is given in the goal
parameter.actions(self, state)
: This method returns all the possible actions agent can execute in the given state state
.result(self, state, action)
: This returns the resulting state if action action
is taken in the state state
. This Problem
class only deals with deterministic outcomes. So we know for sure what every action in a state would result to.goal_test(self, state)
: Given a graph state, it checks if it is a terminal state. If the state is indeed a goal state, value of True
is returned. Else, of course, False
is returned.path_cost(self, c, state1, action, state2)
: Return the cost of the path that arrives at state2
as a result of taking action
from state1
, assuming total cost of c
to get up to state1
.value(self, state)
: This acts as a bit of extra information in problems where we try to optimise a value when we cannot do a goal test.We will use the abstract class Problem
to define our real problem named GraphProblem
. You can see how we define GraphProblem
by running the next cell.
In [3]:
%psource GraphProblem
Now it's time to define our problem. We will define it by passing initial
, goal
, graph
to GraphProblem
. So, our problem is to find the goal state starting from the given initial state on the provided graph. Have a look at our romania_map, which is an Undirected Graph containing a dict of nodes as keys and neighbours as values.
In [4]:
romania_map = UndirectedGraph(dict(
Arad=dict(Zerind=75, Sibiu=140, Timisoara=118),
Bucharest=dict(Urziceni=85, Pitesti=101, Giurgiu=90, Fagaras=211),
Craiova=dict(Drobeta=120, Rimnicu=146, Pitesti=138),
Iasi=dict(Vaslui=92, Neamt=87),
Lugoj=dict(Timisoara=111, Mehadia=70),
Oradea=dict(Zerind=71, Sibiu=151),
romania_map.locations = dict(
Arad=(91, 492), Bucharest=(400, 327), Craiova=(253, 288),
Drobeta=(165, 299), Eforie=(562, 293), Fagaras=(305, 449),
Giurgiu=(375, 270), Hirsova=(534, 350), Iasi=(473, 506),
Lugoj=(165, 379), Mehadia=(168, 339), Neamt=(406, 537),
Oradea=(131, 571), Pitesti=(320, 368), Rimnicu=(233, 410),
Sibiu=(207, 457), Timisoara=(94, 410), Urziceni=(456, 350),
Vaslui=(509, 444), Zerind=(108, 531))
It is pretty straightforward to understand this romania_map
. The first node Arad has three neighbours named Zerind, Sibiu, Timisoara. Each of these nodes are 75, 140, 118 units apart from Arad respectively. And the same goes with other nodes.
And romania_map.locations
contains the positions of each of the nodes. We will use the straight line distance (which is different from the one provided in romania_map
) between two cities in algorithms like A*-search and Recursive Best First Search.
Define a problem: Hmm... say we want to start exploring from Arad and try to find Bucharest in our romania_map. So, this is how we do it.
In [5]:
romania_problem = GraphProblem('Arad', 'Bucharest', romania_map)
Have a look at romania_locations
. It is a dictionary defined in search module. We will use these location values to draw the romania graph using networkx.
In [6]:
romania_locations = romania_map.locations
Let's start the visualisations by importing necessary modules. We use networkx and matplotlib to show the map in the notebook and we use ipywidgets to interact with the map to see how the searching algorithm works.
In [7]:
%matplotlib inline
import networkx as nx
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib import lines
from ipywidgets import interact
import ipywidgets as widgets
from IPython.display import display
import time
Let's get started by initializing an empty graph. We will add nodes, place the nodes in their location as shown in the book, add edges to the graph.
In [8]:
# initialise a graph
G = nx.Graph()
# use this while labeling nodes in the map
node_labels = dict()
# use this to modify colors of nodes while exploring the graph.
# This is the only dict we send to `show_map(node_colors)` while drawing the map
node_colors = dict()
for n, p in romania_locations.items():
# add nodes from romania_locations
# add nodes to node_labels
node_labels[n] = n
# node_colors to color nodes while exploring romania map
node_colors[n] = "white"
# we'll save the initial node colors to a dict to use later
initial_node_colors = dict(node_colors)
# positions for node labels
node_label_pos = { k:[v[0],v[1]-10] for k,v in romania_locations.items() }
# use this while labeling edges
edge_labels = dict()
# add edges between cities in romania map - UndirectedGraph defined in
for node in romania_map.nodes():
connections = romania_map.get(node)
for connection in connections.keys():
distance = connections[connection]
# add edges to the graph
G.add_edge(node, connection)
# add distances to edge_labels
edge_labels[(node, connection)] = distance
We have completed building our graph based on romania_map and its locations. It's time to display it here in the notebook. This function show_map(node_colors)
helps us do that. We will be calling this function later on to display the map at each and every interval step while searching, using variety of algorithms from the book.
In [9]:
def show_map(node_colors):
# set the size of the plot
# draw the graph (both nodes and edges) with locations from romania_locations
nx.draw(G, pos = romania_locations, node_color = [node_colors[node] for node in G.nodes()])
# draw labels for nodes
node_label_handles = nx.draw_networkx_labels(G, pos = node_label_pos, labels = node_labels, font_size = 14)
# add a white bounding box behind the node labels
[label.set_bbox(dict(facecolor='white', edgecolor='none')) for label in node_label_handles.values()]
# add edge lables to the graph
nx.draw_networkx_edge_labels(G, pos = romania_locations, edge_labels=edge_labels, font_size = 14)
# add a legend
white_circle = lines.Line2D([], [], color="white", marker='o', markersize=15, markerfacecolor="white")
orange_circle = lines.Line2D([], [], color="orange", marker='o', markersize=15, markerfacecolor="orange")
red_circle = lines.Line2D([], [], color="red", marker='o', markersize=15, markerfacecolor="red")
gray_circle = lines.Line2D([], [], color="gray", marker='o', markersize=15, markerfacecolor="gray")
green_circle = lines.Line2D([], [], color="green", marker='o', markersize=15, markerfacecolor="green")
plt.legend((white_circle, orange_circle, red_circle, gray_circle, green_circle),
('Un-explored', 'Frontier', 'Currently Exploring', 'Explored', 'Final Solution'),
numpoints=1,prop={'size':16}, loc=(.8,.75))
# show the plot. No need to use in notebooks. nx.draw will show the graph itself.
We can simply call the function with node_colors dictionary object to display it.
In [10]:
Voila! You see, the romania map as shown in the Figure[3.2] in the book. Now, see how different searching algorithms perform with our problem statements.
In this section, we have visualisations of the following searching algorithms:
We add the colors to the nodes to have a nice visualisation when displaying. So, these are the different colors we are using in these visuals:
Now, we will define some helper methods to display interactive buttons and sliders when visualising search algorithms.
In [11]:
def final_path_colors(problem, solution):
"returns a node_colors dict of the final path provided the problem and solution"
# get initial node colors
final_colors = dict(initial_node_colors)
# color all the nodes in solution and starting node to green
final_colors[problem.initial] = "green"
for node in solution:
final_colors[node] = "green"
return final_colors
def display_visual(user_input, algorithm=None, problem=None):
if user_input == False:
def slider_callback(iteration):
# don't show graph for the first time running the cell calling this function
def visualize_callback(Visualize):
if Visualize is True:
button.value = False
global all_node_colors
iterations, all_node_colors, node = algorithm(problem)
solution = node.solution()
all_node_colors.append(final_path_colors(problem, solution))
slider.max = len(all_node_colors) - 1
for i in range(slider.max + 1):
slider.value = i
slider = widgets.IntSlider(min=0, max=1, step=1, value=0)
slider_visual = widgets.interactive(slider_callback, iteration = slider)
button = widgets.ToggleButton(value = False)
button_visual = widgets.interactive(visualize_callback, Visualize = button)
if user_input == True:
node_colors = dict(initial_node_colors)
if algorithm == None:
algorithms = {"Breadth First Tree Search": breadth_first_tree_search, "Breadth First Search": breadth_first_search, "Uniform Cost Search": uniform_cost_search, "A-star Search": astar_search}
algo_dropdown = widgets.Dropdown(description = "Search algorithm: ", options = sorted(list(algorithms.keys())), value = "Breadth First Tree Search")
def slider_callback(iteration):
# don't show graph for the first time running the cell calling this function
def visualize_callback(Visualize):
if Visualize is True:
button.value = False
problem = GraphProblem(start_dropdown.value, end_dropdown.value, romania_map)
global all_node_colors
if algorithm == None:
user_algorithm = algorithms[algo_dropdown.value]
# print(user_algorithm)
# print(problem)
iterations, all_node_colors, node = user_algorithm(problem)
solution = node.solution()
all_node_colors.append(final_path_colors(problem, solution))
slider.max = len(all_node_colors) - 1
for i in range(slider.max + 1):
slider.value = i
# time.sleep(.5)
start_dropdown = widgets.Dropdown(description = "Start city: ", options = sorted(list(node_colors.keys())), value = "Arad")
end_dropdown = widgets.Dropdown(description = "Goal city: ", options = sorted(list(node_colors.keys())), value = "Fagaras")
button = widgets.ToggleButton(value = False)
button_visual = widgets.interactive(visualize_callback, Visualize = button)
slider = widgets.IntSlider(min=0, max=1, step=1, value=0)
slider_visual = widgets.interactive(slider_callback, iteration = slider)
In [12]:
def tree_search(problem, frontier):
"""Search through the successors of a problem to find a goal.
The argument frontier should be an empty queue.
Don't worry about repeated paths to a state. [Figure 3.7]"""
# we use these two variables at the time of visualisations
iterations = 0
all_node_colors = []
node_colors = dict(initial_node_colors)
#Adding first node to the queue
node_colors[Node(problem.initial).state] = "orange"
iterations += 1
while frontier:
#Popping first node of queue
node = frontier.pop()
# modify the currently searching node to red
node_colors[node.state] = "red"
iterations += 1
if problem.goal_test(node.state):
# modify goal node to green after reaching the goal
node_colors[node.state] = "green"
iterations += 1
return(iterations, all_node_colors, node)
for n in node.expand(problem):
node_colors[n.state] = "orange"
iterations += 1
# modify the color of explored nodes to gray
node_colors[node.state] = "gray"
iterations += 1
return None
def breadth_first_tree_search(problem):
"Search the shallowest nodes in the search tree first."
iterations, all_node_colors, node = tree_search(problem, FIFOQueue())
return(iterations, all_node_colors, node)
Now, we use ipywidgets to display a slider, a button and our romania map. By sliding the slider we can have a look at all the intermediate steps of a particular search algorithm. By pressing the button Visualize, you can see all the steps without interacting with the slider. These two helper functions are the callback functions which are called when we interact with the slider and the button.
In [13]:
all_node_colors = []
romania_problem = GraphProblem('Arad', 'Fagaras', romania_map)
display_visual(user_input = False, algorithm = breadth_first_tree_search, problem = romania_problem)
In [14]:
def breadth_first_search(problem):
"[Figure 3.11]"
# we use these two variables at the time of visualisations
iterations = 0
all_node_colors = []
node_colors = dict(initial_node_colors)
node = Node(problem.initial)
node_colors[node.state] = "red"
iterations += 1
if problem.goal_test(node.state):
node_colors[node.state] = "green"
iterations += 1
return(iterations, all_node_colors, node)
frontier = FIFOQueue()
# modify the color of frontier nodes to blue
node_colors[node.state] = "orange"
iterations += 1
explored = set()
while frontier:
node = frontier.pop()
node_colors[node.state] = "red"
iterations += 1
for child in node.expand(problem):
if child.state not in explored and child not in frontier:
if problem.goal_test(child.state):
node_colors[child.state] = "green"
iterations += 1
return(iterations, all_node_colors, child)
node_colors[child.state] = "orange"
iterations += 1
node_colors[node.state] = "gray"
iterations += 1
return None
In [15]:
all_node_colors = []
romania_problem = GraphProblem('Arad', 'Bucharest', romania_map)
display_visual(user_input = False, algorithm = breadth_first_search, problem = romania_problem)
In [16]:
def best_first_graph_search(problem, f):
"""Search the nodes with the lowest f scores first.
You specify the function f(node) that you want to minimize; for example,
if f is a heuristic estimate to the goal, then we have greedy best
first search; if f is node.depth then we have breadth-first search.
There is a subtlety: the line "f = memoize(f, 'f')" means that the f
values will be cached on the nodes as they are computed. So after doing
a best first search you can examine the f values of the path returned."""
# we use these two variables at the time of visualisations
iterations = 0
all_node_colors = []
node_colors = dict(initial_node_colors)
f = memoize(f, 'f')
node = Node(problem.initial)
node_colors[node.state] = "red"
iterations += 1
if problem.goal_test(node.state):
node_colors[node.state] = "green"
iterations += 1
return(iterations, all_node_colors, node)
frontier = PriorityQueue(min, f)
node_colors[node.state] = "orange"
iterations += 1
explored = set()
while frontier:
node = frontier.pop()
node_colors[node.state] = "red"
iterations += 1
if problem.goal_test(node.state):
node_colors[node.state] = "green"
iterations += 1
return(iterations, all_node_colors, node)
for child in node.expand(problem):
if child.state not in explored and child not in frontier:
node_colors[child.state] = "orange"
iterations += 1
elif child in frontier:
incumbent = frontier[child]
if f(child) < f(incumbent):
del frontier[incumbent]
node_colors[child.state] = "orange"
iterations += 1
node_colors[node.state] = "gray"
iterations += 1
return None
def uniform_cost_search(problem):
"[Figure 3.14]"
iterations, all_node_colors, node = best_first_graph_search(problem, lambda node: node.path_cost)
return(iterations, all_node_colors, node)
In [17]:
all_node_colors = []
romania_problem = GraphProblem('Arad', 'Bucharest', romania_map)
display_visual(user_input = False, algorithm = uniform_cost_search, problem = romania_problem)
In [18]:
def best_first_graph_search(problem, f):
"""Search the nodes with the lowest f scores first.
You specify the function f(node) that you want to minimize; for example,
if f is a heuristic estimate to the goal, then we have greedy best
first search; if f is node.depth then we have breadth-first search.
There is a subtlety: the line "f = memoize(f, 'f')" means that the f
values will be cached on the nodes as they are computed. So after doing
a best first search you can examine the f values of the path returned."""
# we use these two variables at the time of visualisations
iterations = 0
all_node_colors = []
node_colors = dict(initial_node_colors)
f = memoize(f, 'f')
node = Node(problem.initial)
node_colors[node.state] = "red"
iterations += 1
if problem.goal_test(node.state):
node_colors[node.state] = "green"
iterations += 1
return(iterations, all_node_colors, node)
frontier = PriorityQueue(min, f)
node_colors[node.state] = "orange"
iterations += 1
explored = set()
while frontier:
node = frontier.pop()
node_colors[node.state] = "red"
iterations += 1
if problem.goal_test(node.state):
node_colors[node.state] = "green"
iterations += 1
return(iterations, all_node_colors, node)
for child in node.expand(problem):
if child.state not in explored and child not in frontier:
node_colors[child.state] = "orange"
iterations += 1
elif child in frontier:
incumbent = frontier[child]
if f(child) < f(incumbent):
del frontier[incumbent]
node_colors[child.state] = "orange"
iterations += 1
node_colors[node.state] = "gray"
iterations += 1
return None
def astar_search(problem, h=None):
"""A* search is best-first graph search with f(n) = g(n)+h(n).
You need to specify the h function when you call astar_search, or
else in your Problem subclass."""
h = memoize(h or problem.h, 'h')
iterations, all_node_colors, node = best_first_graph_search(problem, lambda n: n.path_cost + h(n))
return(iterations, all_node_colors, node)
In [19]:
all_node_colors = []
romania_problem = GraphProblem('Arad', 'Bucharest', romania_map)
display_visual(user_input = False, algorithm = astar_search, problem = romania_problem)
In [20]:
all_node_colors = []
# display_visual(user_input = True, algorithm = breadth_first_tree_search)
display_visual(user_input = True)
In [ ]: