The benefit ot the module is to make easy the definition a new contrast class (see for example New sensitivity analysis subordinated to a contrast
Implementing such contrast and apply it within the pygosa
module relies on:
method as function of y
and t
method as function that takes into account a data sample and returns the
quantity of interest;Of course, the underlying contrast should be associated to the quantity of interest defined in get_rist_value
. As an example, we illustrate how to define the mean contrast
class in less than 10 lines and applying the contrast to compute the sensitivity factors:
In [1]:
import openturns as ot
import numpy as np
import pygosa
%pylab inline
We define Sobol
use-case, which is very common in case of sensitivity analysis:
In [2]:
model = ot.SymbolicFunction(["x1","x2","x3"], ["sin(x1) + 7*sin(x2)^2 + 0.1*(x3^4)*sin(x1)"])
dist = ot.ComposedDistribution( 3 * [ot.Uniform(-np.pi, np.pi)] )
In [3]:
mcsp = pygosa.SensitivityDesign(dist=dist, model=model, size=5000)
Hereafter we define a new contrast class that helps evaluating sensitivities of $\mathbb{E}(Y^2)$. The contrast class should :
method with signature contrast(self, y,t, **kwargs)
. It should have kwargs
as arguments even if not usedget_risk_value
method with signature get_risk_value(self, data, **kwargs)
. Same remark concerning kwargs
In [4]:
class Moment2SA(pygosa.ContrastSensitivityAnalysis):
def __init__(self, design):
super(Moment2SA, self).__init__(design)
# contrast method
def contrast(self, y,t, **kwargs):
Contrast for moment of second order
return (y*y-t)*(y*y-t)
# Define risk function (second order moment)
# moments2 = var + mean * mean
def get_risk_value(self, data, **kwargs):
mu = ot.Sample(data).computeMean()
var = ot.Sample(data).computeVariance()
return np.array(mu) * np.array(mu) + np.array(var)
The previous class is a contrast similar to those provided by the module. We can thus easily apply it using the previous design:
In [5]:
sam = Moment2SA(mcsp)
factors_m = sam.compute_factors()
fig, ax = sam.boxplot()
In [6]: