This notebook provides a user interface to the Texas A&M Oil Spill Calculator (TAMOC
) simulation
modules for simulating an accidental subsea oil spill. Additional example scripts are distributed
with the TAMOC
software in the ./bin
directory. These scripts are a good starting place for
developing simulation scripts that can iterate through several blowout scenarios automatically. This
notebook provides a simple means to define a single spill case, run the simulation and save the results
to the hard disk.
In [1]:
from tamoc import ambient
from tamoc import dbm
from tamoc import stratified_plume_model
The first step in any spill simulation is to define the ambient CTD data. The TAMOC
provides the tools needed to read in CTD data from text files and organize it into the
netCDF files used by the TAMOC
simulation modules. Examples of how to do this are provided in
the ./bin/ambient
directory of the TAMOC
distribution. Here, we use the CTD data created by
test files and stored in the ./test/output
directory. Please be sure that all of
the unit tests have passed by running:
py.test -v
from the command prompt within the TAMOC
distribution directory. This will create the necessary
netCDF datasets used in this Notebook. You may also edit this notebook to point to netCDF datasets
that have been created elsewhere.
In [2]:
# Enter the dataset name and relative path from this directory to the CTD dataset
ctd_file = '../test/output/'
In [3]:
# Initialize the stratified plume model with this CTD dataset
ctd = ambient.Profile(ctd_file, chem_names='all')
spm = stratified_plume_model.Model(ctd)
disp_phases = []
The release conditions are defined by the release depth (m), the effective circular radius of the release port (m), and the temperature of the released fluids (K).
In [4]:
# Enter the release conditions
z0 = 1000.
R = 0.15
T0 = 273.15 + 35.
This model allows the user to specify an arbitrary number of gas and liquid phase fluid particles, each
with a different mass flux and initial diameter. The first step is to create a fluid particle object
with the composition information and equations of state; this is done using the
module. Examples
of how to work with this module are provided in ./bin/dbm
. The names of the components of the
mixture must match the key words in the ./tamoc/data/ChemData.csv
file. If new chemical names are
needed, they should first be added to that database.
In [5]:
# Enter the composition of the released gas at the release point
composition = ['methane', 'ethane', 'propane', 'oxygen']
mol_frac = [0.93, 0.05, 0.02, 0.0]
In [6]:
# Initialize a DBM object for handling the gas phase
gas = dbm.FluidParticle(composition)
Gas bubbles are added to the simulation by putting stratified_plume_model.Particle
objects into
the disp_phases
list. This can be done any number of ways. Here, we use the helper functions
defined in stratified_plume_model.particle_from_mb0
which initializes a Particle
object based
on a given initial diameter (m) and total mass flux (kg/s) specified at the release. In order to
input a size distribution, multiple sizes can be specified as in the following.
In [7]:
# Enter the gas bubble size distribution and mass fluxes associated with each size
de = np.array([0.04, 0.03, 0.02, 0.01, 0.0075, 0.005])
m0 = np.array([0.5, 1.5, 2.5, 3.5, 1.5, 0.5])
# Enter the spreading ratio associated with each bubble size
lambda_1 = np.array([0.75, 0.8, 0.85, 0.9, 0.9, 0.95])
In [8]:
# Append these particles to the disp_phases list
for i in range(len(de)):
disp_phases.append(stratified_plume_model.particle_from_mb0(ctd, z0, gas, mol_frac,
m0[i], de[i], lambda_1[i],
Following the same procedure as for the gas but with different equations of state, liquid droplets can be added to the simulation. Start, by defining a new set of equations of state. Here, we assume a non-dissolving oil phase.
In [9]:
# Enter the composition of the release liquid oil at the release point
composition = ['inert']
rho_o = 890. # density in kg/m^3
gamma = 30. # API gravity in deg API
beta = 0.0007 # thermal expansion coefficient in K^(-1)
co = 2.90075e-9 # isothermal compressibility coefficient in Pa^(-1)
In [10]:
# Initialize a DBM object for handling the oil phase
oil = dbm.InsolubleParticle(True, True, rho_o, gamma, beta, co)
Oil droplets are added to the simulation in exactly the same way as for the gas bubbles above. Here, we demonstrate including several droplet sizes describing a prescribed size distribution.
In [11]:
# Enter the oil droplet size distribution and mass fluxes associated with each size
de = np.array([0.02, 0.01, 0.0075, 0.005, 0.003])
m0 = np.array([1., 2.5, 5., 1., 0.5])
# Enter the spreading ratio associated with each droplet size
lambda_1 = np.array([0.85, 0.90, 0.95, 0.95, 1.])
In [12]:
# Append these particles to the disp_phases list
for i in range(len(de)):
disp_phases.append(stratified_plume_model.particle_from_mb0(ctd, z0, oil, mol_frac,
m0[i], de[i], lambda_1[i],
A few more parameters can be set to specify the way the simulation executes. These include the maximum number of iterations allowed to seek convergence between the inner and outer plume solutions, the relative error tolerance desired that defines acceptable convergence, and the maximum depth step (m) to use in saving the model solution. There are defined in the following.
In [13]:
# Enter the simulation parameters
max_iterations = 15
err_tolerance = 0.2
output_dz_max = 10.
In [14]:
# Run the simulation
spm.simulate(disp_phases, z0, R, maxit=max_iterations, toler=err_tolerance,
delta_z = output_dz_max)
The simulation results can be saved to a netCDF file, which can be used to continue analysis
within the TAMOC
Python package, or an ascii text file for importing to another analysis
package, such as Excel or Matlab. To save the data, specify a base output name with relative
file path, a path to the CTD data, and a description of the CTD data.
In [ ]:
# Enter the information for saving the simulation
f_name = '../test/output/ntbk_blowout'
ctd_description = 'CTD data from Brooks McCall in file ./test/output/'
In [ ]:
# Save a netCDF file for reuse by TAMOC
spm.save_sim(f_name + '.nc', ctd_file, ctd_description)
# Save an ASCII text file for export to other programs
spm.save_txt(f_name + 'ASCII', ctd_file, ctd_description)
In [ ]: