Studio 3: Responsive and Material Design

In this Studio assignment we will be introduced to two concepts, responsive design and material design. This assignment will cap off our studies into web design as we move into the end of the semester.

This Studio will be due Sunday, April 22nd, 11:59pm Eastern

Grading and Submission Instructions

To submit, write your responses to the following questions in a Word document, then upload it to Blackboard under this week's folder in Current Assignments.

Studios are due the Sunday after they are assigned, at 11:59pm eastern time.

Studios are each worth 3% of your final grade. Scoring on your submission will be based on the following rubric:

0% - Student does not submit on time or submits plagiarized or unacceptable work. Double check that you have attached the right file, as usually students get zeros because they upload a previous week's Lab by accident.

1% - Student answers all questions for Parts 1 and 2, but not Part 3, with sufficient and accurate responses.

3% - Great work, maximum points! Student answers all questions with sufficient and accurate responses.

Part 1

First, watch our first "studio video" for this assignment, listed below (~5 minutes). As you watch, there almost certainly will be technical terms mentioned that are not defined or questions you may wonder that the video does not answer. When you come upon one of these, jot them down. Then, after completing the video, answer the questions below.

Responsive Web Design Tutorial and Explanation

  1. Was the speaker clear in their demonstration? Was the sound and video quality clear? Was the speaker professional in their delivery and did they provide sufficient background information/links to the tools they are using?
  2. Summarize what skills, techniques, concepts, etc. we are learning in this course that the speaker demonstrated. How did they use these skills, etc. to accomplish their goals? Be specific in your examples.
  3. What is the "final product" that the video teaches us how to make? How would you rate this final product: Good? Bad? Amazing? Total Loser? Needs Improvement? Just "Meh"?
  4. What technical terms/questions did you jot down while you watched the video? Pick at least two, then do online research to find answers to them yourself (as always, include links to your citations).

Part 2

To provide background information to the information presented in the second video, you may read through the following spec:

Next, do the same as before for this video (~7 minutes), taking notes and jotting down questions as you watch, and afterwards answer the questions below.

Bootstrap and Material Design Lite Project Tutorial

  1. Was the speaker clear in their demonstration? Was the sound and video quality clear? Was the speaker professional in their delivery and did they provide sufficient background information/links to the tools they are using?
  2. Summarize what skills, techniques, concepts, etc. we are learning in this course that the speaker demonstrated. How did they use these skills, etc. to accomplish their goals? Be specific in your examples.
  3. What is the "final product" that the video teaches us how to make? How would you rate this final product: Good? Bad? Amazing? Total Loser? Needs Improvement? Just "Meh"?
  4. What technical terms/questions did you jot down while you watched the video? Pick at least two, then do online research to find answers to them yourself (as always, include links to your citations).

Part 3

Finally, answer these two general questions:

  1. For this question, write a post to the Studio Discussion forum (under the "Ask the Instructor and Other Discussion Boards" tab on Blackboard), and title your post something like "Bryan Knowles, Studio #1". First, post your answer to Part 1 Question 4 and Part 2 Question 4 (the research questions). Then, choose one:
    • Look for a video tutorial that is on the same or similar topic and is about the same length as these videos, share the link in your post, and then briefly summarize that video in your post.
    • Get the example from the video to work for your computer/setup, and post a screenshot of your code and website and discuss any difficulties/successes you had in getting this example to work.
  2. What skills, techniques, tools, lines of thinking, designs, etc. from all videos you watched in today's Studio would you like to "steal" for your own work, or how do these things compare to the work you are researching in this class? How do the skills, etc. that the speakers demonstrate compare? How do their "final products" compare?