The data has the transactions codified under one column called 'appeal'. Also, the charitable column indicates whether the transaction indicates whether or not a service was returned in return for the contribution.
The exercise in this notebook is to study this field to determine which appeals are campaigns and which are donations. Also, for the events, we want to establish an approximate date when the event took place.
We will add the following columns which have the following meanings:
Field | Data Type | Notes |
is_service | boolean | Was a service returned in exchange for the contribution". We will seed it with the 'charitable' flag (charitable flag indicates whether or not a tax receipt was given) and change it based on more analysis. |
channel | string | The primary marketing channel leading to this transaction. Possible values are TV, NL, Web, Volunteer, Mail, Radio. If nothing, it is set to 'Other'. |
The data should look like this:
is_service | channel |
is_service=True | channel='Volunteer' |
is_service=False | channel ='TV' |
is_service=False | channel ='TV' |
is_service=False | channel ='Web' |
is_service=False | channel ='NL' |
is_service=False | channel ='Radio' |
is_service=False | ... |
Campaigns are volunteer intensive activities (like banquets, events, booths, etc). All campaigns have channel set to Volunteer and vice versa. Unlike other methods, they can only be targeted to a specific location at a specific time. Campaigns typically last for shorter durations (an year or less) .. with some caveats:
Run this analysis only for data where is_service==True and channel=='Volunteer' to determine the different campaigns:
In [1]:
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline
In [2]:
<style>table {float:center}</style>
In [3]:
df = pd.read_pickle('out/11/donations.pkl')
In [4]:
## Seed with the charitable flag
df["is_service"] = ~df.charitable
# Matching funds don't get receipts. But they are not services either.
df.loc[df.appeal.str.contains('matching', case=False), 'is_service'] = False
df.loc[df.appeal.str.contains('Fund', case=False), 'is_service'] = False
df.loc[df.appeal.str.contains('event', case=False), 'is_service'] = True
In [5]:
df["channel"] = np.nan
## Categorize as TV, Funds, Web, NL, Volunteer, Mail, etc
df.loc[pd.isnull( & df.appeal.str.startswith('Ev_'), 'channel'] = 'Volunteer'
df.loc[pd.isnull( & df.appeal.str.startswith('Event'), 'channel'] = 'Volunteer'
df.loc[pd.isnull( & df.appeal.str.startswith('Booth'), 'channel'] = 'Volunteer'
df.loc[pd.isnull( & df.appeal.str.startswith('Banquet'), 'channel'] = 'Volunteer'
df.loc[pd.isnull( & df.appeal.str.contains('Champion', case=False), 'channel'] = 'Volunteer'
df.loc[pd.isnull( & df.appeal.str.contains('Volunteer', case=False), 'channel'] = 'Volunteer'
df.loc[pd.isnull( & df.appeal.str.contains('AnilLal', case=False), 'channel'] = 'Volunteer'
df.loc[pd.isnull( & df.appeal.str.contains('DrRamani', case=False), 'channel'] = 'Volunteer'
df.loc[pd.isnull( & df.appeal.str.contains('Poker', case=False), 'channel'] = 'Volunteer'
df.loc[pd.isnull( & df.appeal.str.contains('thankyou', case=False), 'channel'] = 'ThankYou'
df.loc[pd.isnull( & (df.appeal == 'Funds_TV'), 'channel'] = 'TV'
df.loc[pd.isnull( & (df.appeal == 'Funds_mail'), 'channel'] = 'Mail'
df.loc[pd.isnull( & (df.appeal == 'Funds_AKKA2006_Mail'), 'channel'] = 'Mail'
df.loc[pd.isnull( & (df.appeal == 'Funds_NL'), 'channel'] = 'Newsletter'
df.loc[pd.isnull( & (df.appeal == 'Funds_Internet'), 'channel'] = 'Web'
df.loc[pd.isnull( & (df.appeal == 'Funds_Web'), 'channel'] = 'Web'
df.loc[pd.isnull( & (df.appeal == 'Funds_Web_Groudspring'), 'channel'] = 'Web'
df.loc[pd.isnull( & (df.appeal == 'Funds_Radio'), 'channel'] = 'Radio'
df.loc[pd.isnull( & (df.appeal == 'Funds_Givingcampaign'), 'channel'] = 'Funds_Givingcampaign'
df.loc[pd.isnull( & df.appeal.str.contains('matching', case=False), 'channel'] = 'Matching'
df.loc[pd.isnull( & df.appeal.str.contains('payroll', case=False), 'channel'] = 'Payroll'
# If a service was provided, it must involve a volunteer. (Check with SEF on this)
df.loc[df.is_service==True, 'channel'] = 'Volunteer'
## This should be the last line since we are setting the default values
df.loc[pd.isnull(, 'channel'] = 'Other'
In [6]:
# This script for analyzing the results from the previous step (and revise it if need be)
appealstr = 'svgives'
print df[df.appeal.str.contains(appealstr, case=False)].appeal.unique()
x = df[df.appeal.str.contains(appealstr, case=False)]\
.groupby(['appeal', 'activity_year', 'is_service']).amount.sum()\
.sort_index(level='activity_year', ascending=True).to_frame()
x.unstack().fillna(0).plot(kind='bar', stacked=True, title='Appeal by amount')
x = df[df.appeal.str.contains(appealstr, case=False)]\
.groupby(['appeal', 'activity_year', 'is_service']).size()\
.sort_index(level='activity_year', ascending=True).to_frame()
x.unstack().fillna(0).plot(kind='bar', stacked=True, title='Appeal by number of donations')
In [7]:
from haversine import haversine
def get_activity_locations(appeal_group):
input: dataframe group for a single appeal that has a columns for zipcode, latitude, longitude, counts
output: list of campaign groups ordered by the frequency of donors from that region that accounts for
80% of the data. The other zipcodes are just assigned to campaign groups that are already created.
maxiter = (appeal_group.shape[0] * 0.8)
centers = list()
locations = list()
# Aggregate over each zipcode and iterate in the decreasing order of frequency of number of transactions
for (zipcode, latitude, longitude), counts in \
.groupby(['zipcode', 'latitude', 'longitude'])\
.agg({'zipcode': np.size})\
.sort_values(by='zipcode', ascending=False)\
maxiter -= counts
# Initialization
if len(centers) == 0:
target_campaign_id = 0
centers.append([, zipcode, target_campaign_id, latitude, longitude])
is_center = True
distances = [haversine((latitude, longitude), (c_lat, c_lon), miles=True)
for c_name, c_zipcode, c_campaign_id, c_lat, c_lon in centers]
min_distance = distances[np.argmin(distances)]
# create a new center if it is too far from existing centers and we haven't reached the limit,
# else just use the closest center that we have
if (maxiter > 0) and (min_distance > 150.0):
target_campaign_id = len(centers)
centers.append([, zipcode, target_campaign_id, latitude, longitude])
is_center = True
# Otherwise, just use the closest center
target_campaign_id = centers[np.argmin(distances)][2]
is_center = (int(min_distance)==0)
# Finally, record the location with the target campaign_id
locations.append([, zipcode, target_campaign_id, is_center])
return locations
In [8]:
locations = df[('Volunteer') & (df.is_service==True)]\
.groupby(['appeal'])[['zipcode', 'latitude', 'longitude']]\
campaign_locations = pd.DataFrame([item for sublist in locations.values for item in sublist],
columns=['appeal', 'zipcode', 'campaign_location_id', 'is_location_center'])
In [9]:
print df[('Volunteer') & (df.is_service==True)][['appeal', 'zipcode']].drop_duplicates().shape
print campaign_locations.shape
In [10]:
df = df.merge(campaign_locations, how='left', on=['appeal', 'zipcode'])
In [11]:
def get_activity_months(appeal_group):
input: dataframe group for a single appeal that has a columns for activity month.
output: list of campaign groups ordered by the frequency of contiguous months that accounts for
80% of the data. The other months are just assigned to campaign groups that are already created.
maxiter = (appeal_group.shape[0] * 0.8)
centers = list()
months = list()
# Aggregate over each month and iterate in the decreasing order of frequency of number of transactions
for (activity_ym), counts in \
.agg({'activity_ym': np.size})\
.sort_values(by='activity_ym', ascending=False)\
maxiter -= counts
# Initialization
if len(centers) == 0:
target_campaign_id = len(centers)
centers.append([, activity_ym, target_campaign_id])
is_center = True
# Search for months that are contiguous to the current centers
month_diffs = [abs(activity_ym - c_activity_ym)
for c_name, c_activity_ym, campaign_id in centers]
min_diff = month_diffs[np.argmin(month_diffs)]
# create a new center if it is too far from existing centers and we haven't reached the limit,
# else just use the closest center that we have
if (maxiter > 0) and (min_diff > 2):
target_campaign_id = len(centers)
centers.append([, activity_ym, target_campaign_id])
is_center = True
# Otherwise, just use the closest center
target_campaign_id = centers[np.argmin(month_diffs)][2]
is_center = (min_diff==0)
# Finally, record the location with the target campaign_id
months.append([, activity_ym, target_campaign_id, is_center])
return months
In [12]:
months = df[('Volunteer') & (df.is_service==True)]\
campaign_months = pd.DataFrame([item for sublist in months.values for item in sublist],
columns=['appeal', 'activity_ym', 'campaign_month_id', 'is_month_center'])
In [13]:
print campaign_months.shape
print df[('Volunteer') & (df.is_service==True)][['appeal', 'activity_ym']].drop_duplicates().shape
In [14]:
df = df.merge(campaign_months, how='left', on=['appeal', 'activity_ym'])
In [15]:
# We only want to set the campaign_id on a subset of the data where it makes sense
print df.campaign_month_id.unique()
print df.campaign_location_id.unique()
In [16]:
In [17]:
# How many appeals got split into multiple campaign months
In [18]:
# How many appeals got split into multiple campaign locations
In [19]:
In [20]:
!mkdir -p out/21
In [21]:
In [ ]: