Data cleanup

This notebook is meant for cleaning up the donation data.

The following is a summary of some of the cleanup tasks from this notebook:

  1. Load the csv file that has the donors
  2. Strip out whitespace from all the columns
  3. Fill na with empty strings
  4. Change column data types (after examining for correctness)
  5. Cleanup amounts column - removed negative (totals to -641910.46 dollars) and zero values
  6. Cleanup state codes.
  7. Removed donations that are outside of US - about \$30,000 USD
  8. Removed donations totaling to 9.5 million dollars that came from anonymous donors (as outliers)
  9. If there is no location information or it is inaccurate, move it to a different, move it to a different dataframe
  10. Update the city and state names when not present based on the zipcodes dataset.

In [1]:
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import locale
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from bokeh.plotting import figure, show
from bokeh.models import ColumnDataSource, HoverTool

%matplotlib inline
from bokeh.plotting import output_notebook

Loading BokehJS ...

In [2]:
_ = locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, '')
thousands_sep = lambda x: locale.format("%.2f", x, grouping=True)
print thousands_sep(1234567890.76543)

getdate_ym = lambda x: str(x.year) + "_" + str(x.month)
getdate_ymd = lambda x: str(x.month) + "/" + str( + "/" + str(x.year)
dates = pd.DatetimeIndex(['2010-10-17', '2011-05-13', "2012-01-15"])
map(getdate_ym, dates)
map(getdate_ymd, dates)

['10/17/2010', '5/13/2011', '1/15/2012']

Load csv

In [3]:
df = pd.read_csv('in/gifts_Feb2016_2.csv')
source_columns = ['donor_id', 'amount_initial', 'donation_date', 'appeal', 'fund', 'city', 'state', 'zipcode_initial', 'charitable', 'sales']
df.columns = source_columns

In [4]:

<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
Int64Index: 240015 entries, 0 to 240014
Data columns (total 10 columns):
donor_id           240015 non-null object
amount_initial     240015 non-null object
donation_date      240015 non-null object
appeal             239989 non-null object
fund               240014 non-null object
city               240015 non-null object
state              240015 non-null object
zipcode_initial    240015 non-null object
charitable         240015 non-null int64
sales              240015 non-null int64
dtypes: int64(2), object(8)
memory usage: 12.8+ MB

In [5]:
strip_func = lambda x: x.strip() if isinstance(x, str) else x
df = df.applymap(strip_func)

Address nan column values

In [6]:
df.replace({'appeal': {'0': ''}}, inplace=True)
df.appeal.fillna('', inplace=True)'', inplace=True)

Change column types and drop unused columns

In [7]:
df.donation_date = pd.to_datetime(df.donation_date)
df.charitable = df.charitable.astype('bool')
df['zipcode'] = df.zipcode_initial.str[0:5]

In [8]:
fill_zipcode = lambda x: '0'*(5-len(str(x))) + str(x)
x1 = pd.DataFrame([[1, '8820'], [2, 8820]], columns=['a','b'])
x1.b = x1.b.apply(fill_zipcode)

a b
0 1 08820
1 2 08820

In [9]:
df.zipcode = df.zipcode.apply(fill_zipcode)

Cleanup amounts

In [10]:
## Ensure that all amounts are dollar figures
df[~df.amount_initial.str.startswith('-$') & ~df.amount_initial.str.startswith('$')]

donor_id amount_initial donation_date appeal fund city state zipcode_initial charitable sales zipcode
219085 B909F70A2B 97ACBD2F90 1899-12-31 00:00:00 Mosher Dr San Jose CA True 0 000CA

In [11]:
## drop row with invalid data
df.drop(df[df.donation_date == '1899-12-31'].index, axis=0, inplace=True)

In [12]:
df['amount_cleanup'] = df.amount_initial.str.replace(',', '')
df['amount_cleanup'] = df.amount_cleanup.str.replace('$', '')
df['amount'] = df.amount_cleanup.astype(float)

In [13]:
## Make sure we did not throw away valid numbers by checking with the original value
df[(df.amount == 0)].amount_initial.unique()

array(['$0.00'], dtype=object)

Outlier data

In [14]:
# There are some outliers in the data, quite a few of them are recent.
_ = plt.scatter(df[df.amount > 5000].amount.values, df[df.amount > 5000].donation_date.values)

In [15]:
# Fun little thing to try out bokeh (we can hover and detect the culprits)
def plot_data(df):
    dates = map(getdate_ym, pd.DatetimeIndex(df[df.amount > 5000].donation_date))
    amounts = map(thousands_sep, df[df.amount > 5000].amount)
    x = df[df.amount > 5000].donation_date.values
    y = df[df.amount > 5000].amount.values
    donor_ids = df[df.amount > 5000].donor_id.values
    states = df[df.amount > 5000].state.values

    source = ColumnDataSource(

    hover = HoverTool(
                ("date", "@dates"),
                ("amount", "@amounts"),
                ("donor", "@donor_ids"),
                ("states", "@states"),

    p = figure(plot_width=400, plot_height=400, title=None, tools=[hover])'x', 'y', size=5, source=source)


In [16]:
plot_data(df.query('amount > 5000'))

In [17]:
# All the Outliers seem to have the following properties: state == YY and specific donorid.
# Plot the remaining data outside of these to check that we caught all the outliers.
plot_data(df[~df.index.isin(df.query('state == "YY" and amount > 5000').index)])

In [18]:
# Outlier data
df[(df.state == 'YY') & (df.amount >= 45000)]

donor_id amount_initial donation_date appeal fund city state zipcode_initial charitable sales zipcode amount_cleanup amount
3381 _0S804O0L4 $750000.00 2008-10-31 Funds_mail Project_Gujarat YYYY YY YYYY True 0 0YYYY 750000.00 750000
3427 _0S804O0L4 $45000.00 2010-06-02 Funds_mail Project_Punjab YYYY YY YYYY True 0 0YYYY 45000.00 45000
3432 _0S804O0L4 $1250000.00 2010-10-18 Funds_NL Project_Punjab YYYY YY YYYY True 0 0YYYY 1250000.00 1250000
3448 _0S804O0L4 $1000000.00 2012-09-12 Funds_DirectDeposit Funds_Capital Projects YYYY YY YYYY True 0 0YYYY 1000000.00 1000000
3449 _0S804O0L4 $1500000.00 2012-09-12 Funds_DirectDeposit Project_Uttarpradesh YYYY YY YYYY True 0 0YYYY 1500000.00 1500000
3470 _0S804O0L4 $5000000.00 2014-08-07 Telephone Funds_Capital Projects YYYY YY YYYY True 0 0YYYY 5000000.00 5000000

In [19]:
df[(df.state == 'YY') & (df.amount >= 45000)]\
    .sort_values(by='amount', ascending=False)\

Exchanged emails with Anil and confirmed the decision to drop the outlier for the anonymous donor with the 9.5 million dollars.

In [20]:
df.drop(df[(df.state == 'YY') & (df.amount >= 45000)].index, inplace=True)

In [21]:
print 'After dropping the anonymous donor, total amounts from the unknown state as a percentage of all amounts is: '\
    , thousands_sep(100*df[(df.state == 'YY')].amount.sum()/df.amount.sum()), '%'

After dropping the anonymous donor, total amounts from the unknown state as a percentage of all amounts is:  0.07 %

Amounts with zero values

In [22]:
## Some funds have zero amounts associated with them.
## They mostly look like costs - expense fees, transaction fees, administrative fees
## Let us examine if we can safely drop them from our analysis

df[df.amount_initial == '$0.00'].groupby(['fund', 'appeal'])['donor_id'].count()

fund                appeal              
Cataract Surgery    Bank_ACH                  1
                    Funds_DirectDeposit       1
                    Funds_mail                1
Event_Registration  Event_Walkathon_2008      1
Event_Ticket Money  Event_Dandia              1
Link to Zeros       Funds_LinktoZero        493
                    Funds_Magazine            1
Tax Refund          Funds_LinktoZero          1
Name: donor_id, dtype: int64

Dropping rows with zero amounts (after confirmation with SEF office)

In [23]:
df.drop(df[df.amount == 0].index, axis=0, inplace=True)

Negative amounts

In [24]:
## What is the total amount of the negative?
print 'Total negative amount is: ', df[df.amount < 0].amount.sum()

Total negative amount is:  -688259.87

In [25]:
# Add if condition to make this re-runnable
if df[df.amount < 0].amount.sum() > 0:
    print 'Amounts grouped by fund and appeal, sorted by most negative amounts'
    df[df.amount < 0]\
        .groupby(['fund', 'appeal'])['amount',]\

    df[df.amount < 0]\
        .groupby(['fund', 'appeal'])['amount',]\

Dropping rows with negative amounts (after confirmation with SEF office)

In [26]:
df.drop(df[df.amount < 0].index, axis=0, inplace=True)

Investigate invalid state codes

In [27]:

<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
Int64Index: 237877 entries, 0 to 240014
Data columns (total 13 columns):
donor_id           237877 non-null object
amount_initial     237877 non-null object
donation_date      237877 non-null datetime64[ns]
appeal             237877 non-null object
fund               237877 non-null object
city               237877 non-null object
state              237877 non-null object
zipcode_initial    237877 non-null object
charitable         237877 non-null bool
sales              237877 non-null int64
zipcode            237877 non-null object
amount_cleanup     237877 non-null object
amount             237877 non-null float64
dtypes: bool(1), datetime64[ns](1), float64(1), int64(1), object(9)
memory usage: 15.7+ MB

In [28]:

array(['', 'CA', 'NJ', 'TX', 'VA', 'WA', 'IL', 'KY', 'DE', 'NY', 'TN',
       'WI', 'FL', 'MA', 'GA', 'NC', 'MI', 'PA', 'AZ', 'MD', 'OK', 'NH',
       'CT', 'OH', 'OR', 'KS', 'MT', 'YY', 'MS', 'CO', 'MN', 'ID', 'NV',
       'AP', 'IN', 'MO', 'NE', 'LA', 'ON', 'AL', 'SD', 'AR', 'IA', 'ND',
       'SC', 'UT', 'HY', 'DC', 'ME', 'HI', 'UK', 'VI', 'NM', 'RI', 'WY',
       'PR', 'AB', 'WV', 'CF', 'AK', 'VT', 'Co', 'Ny', 'ja', 'Ca', 'BC',
       '56', 'IO'], dtype=object)

In [29]:
## States imported from
states = pd.read_csv('in/state_table.csv')
states.rename(columns={'abbreviation': 'state'}, inplace=True)

In [30]:
all_states = pd.merge(states, pd.DataFrame(df.state.unique(), columns=['state']), on='state', how='right')
invalid_states = all_states[pd.isnull(].state

In [31]:

56        1
AB        1
AP       17
BC        1
CF        1
Ca        1
Co        1
HY        1
IO        1
Ny        5
ON       62
PR        5
UK        1
VI        6
YY      267
ja        1
Name: state, dtype: int64

In [32]:
df[df.state.isin(['56', 'AB', 'BC', 'CF', 'Ca', 'Co', 'HY', 'IO', 'Ny', 'PR', 'UK', 'VI', 'ja'])]

donor_id amount_initial donation_date appeal fund city state zipcode_initial charitable sales zipcode amount_cleanup amount
36809 _16D0ZPFVU $30.00 2004-02-20 Funds_Web Cataract Surgery Shivam Road HY 500044 True 0 50004 30.00 30
62847 _1LZ0QH4BH $300.00 2005-09-19 Funds_mail Cataract Surgery London, England UK W93EF True 0 W93EF 300.00 300
62974 _1M60X2OEP $10000.00 2005-09-16 Funds_Volunteer Project_Gujarat Christiansted VI 00821-1042 True 0 00821 10000.00 10000
62975 _1M60X2OEP $1000.00 2008-08-21 Funds_Volunteer Project_Gujarat Christiansted VI 00821-1042 True 0 00821 1000.00 1000
62976 _1M60X2OEP $1000.00 2008-08-21 Funds_Volunteer Project_Gujarat Christiansted VI 00821-1042 True 0 00821 1000.00 1000
62977 _1M60X2OEP $1000.00 2008-08-21 Funds_Volunteer Project_Gujarat Christiansted VI 00821-1042 True 0 00821 1000.00 1000
62978 _1M60X2OEP $1000.00 2008-08-21 Funds_Volunteer Project_Gujarat Christiansted VI 00821-1042 True 0 00821 1000.00 1000
80316 _1TB0VOC6W $434.00 2006-06-01 Funds_mail Cataract Surgery Condado PR 00907-1627 True 0 00907 434.00 434
86200 _1WG0TMRWC $1001.00 2006-09-28 Funds_Akka2006_Event Project_Bangalore Calgary Canada AB T3A4W2 True 0 T3A4W 1001.00 1001
106207 _24410PTQD $30.00 2007-06-24 Booth_AAPI_2007 Cataract Surgery Boca Raton CF 33498-4811 True 0 33498 30.00 30
171505 1F8992859F $50.00 2015-09-08 Event_SoCal_Iwalk Cataract Surgery Englwood Co 80113 True 0 80113 50.00 50
173516 25D1FCAD14 $1000.00 2010-07-16 Funds_mail Project_Punjab St Thomas VI 802 True 0 00802 1000.00 1000
184777 432B9ACA71 $30.00 2015-11-19 Funds_mail Cataract Surgery Fresh Medows Ny 11365 True 0 11365 30.00 30
184778 432B9ACA71 $30.00 2015-11-19 Funds_mail Cataract Surgery Fresh Medows Ny 11365 True 0 11365 30.00 30
184779 432B9ACA71 $30.00 2015-11-19 Funds_mail Cataract Surgery Fresh Medows Ny 11365 True 0 11365 30.00 30
184780 432B9ACA71 $30.00 2015-11-19 Funds_mail Cataract Surgery Fresh Medows Ny 11365 True 0 11365 30.00 30
184781 432B9ACA71 $30.00 2015-11-19 Funds_mail Cataract Surgery Fresh Medows Ny 11365 True 0 11365 30.00 30
185537 45B7ED1FAD $200.00 2014-08-31 Funds_TV Cataract Surgery Celebration ja 34747 True 0 34747 200.00 200
187634 4CA4D3FFE8 $30.00 2015-02-13 Funds_mail Cataract Surgery Fremont Ca 94536 True 0 94536 30.00 30
200637 78CB632E70 $500.00 2013-08-29 Event_ShreyaGhosal_WA Event_Ticket Money Surrey BC V3T5E4 False 0 V3T5E 500.00 500
203104 81B16776A6 $7500.00 2014-03-26 Event_Sangam_2014 Event_Sponsorship Bangalore 56 True 0 00000 7500.00 7500
216420 AF89DAF2C5 $90.00 2010-08-31 Mallik_Paranandi Project_Punjab Gurabo PR 778 True 0 00778 90.00 90
216421 AF89DAF2C5 $90.00 2010-11-12 Mallik_Paranandi Project_Punjab Gurabo PR 778 False 0 00778 90.00 90
216422 AF89DAF2C5 $90.00 2014-06-30 Funds_Web Cataract Surgery Gurabo PR 778 True 0 00778 90.00 90
216423 AF89DAF2C5 $90.00 2014-09-02 Funds_Matching Cataract Surgery Gurabo PR 778 False 0 00778 90.00 90
239893 FF695D470E $800.00 2009-07-15 CAR_Auction_City Administrative Costs Iowa City IO 52245 True 0 52245 800.00 800

In [33]:
<style>table {float:left}</style>

Explanation for invalid state codes:

State Count Action Explanation
YY 268 None All these rows are bogus entries (City and Zip are also YYYYs) - about 20% of the donation amount has this
ON 62 Remove This is the state of Ontario, Canada
AP 18 Remove This is data for Hyderabad
VI 6 Remove Virgin Islands
PR 5 Remove Peurto Rico
Ny 5 NY Same as NY - rename Ny as NY
56 1 Remove This is one donation from Bangalore, Karnataka
HY 1 Remove Hyderabad
BC 1 Remove British Columbia, Canada
IO 1 IA Changed to Iowa - based on city and zip code
AB 1 Remove AB stands for Alberta, Canada
Ca 1 CA Same as California - rename Ca to CA
Co 1 CO Same as Colarado - rename Co to CO
CF 1 FL Changed to Florida based on zip code and city
ja 1 FL Change to FL based on zip code and city
UK 1 Remove London, UK
KA 1 Remove Bangalore, Karnataka

In [34]:
state_renames = {'Ny': 'NY', 'IO': 'IA', 'Ca' : 'CA', 'Co' : 'CO', 'CF' : 'FL', 'ja' : 'FL'}
df.replace({'state': state_renames}, inplace=True)

Dropping data for non-US locations

In [35]:
non_usa_states = ['ON', 'AP', 'VI', 'PR', '56', 'HY', 'BC', 'AB', 'UK', 'KA']
print 'Total amount for locations outside USA: ', sum(df[df.state.isin(non_usa_states)].amount)
#### Total amount for locations outside USA:  30710.63

Total amount for locations outside USA:  30710.63

In [36]:
df.drop(df[df.state.isin(non_usa_states)].index, axis=0, inplace=True)

Investigate donations with state of YY

In [37]:
print 'Percentage of amount for unknown (YY) state : {:.2f}'.format(100*df[df.state == 'YY'].amount.sum()/df.amount.sum())

Percentage of amount for unknown (YY) state : 0.07

In [38]:
print 'Total amount for the unknown state excluding outliers: ', df[(df.state == 'YY') & (df.amount < 45000)].amount.sum()
print 'Total amount for the unknown state: ', df[(df.state == 'YY')].amount.sum()
print 'Total amount: ', df.amount.sum()

Total amount for the unknown state excluding outliers:  33822.33
Total amount for the unknown state:  33822.33
Total amount:  45113291.39

We will add these donations to the noloc_df below (which is the donations that have empty strings for the city/state/zipcode.

Investigate empty city, state and zip code

Pecentage of total amount from donations with no location: 3.087

Moving all the data with no location to a different dataframe.

We will investigate the data that does have location information for correctness of location and then merge the no location data back at the end.

In [39]:
print 'Pecentage of total amount from donations with no location: ', 100*sum(df[( == '') & (df.state == '') & (df.zipcode_initial == '')].amount)/sum(df.amount)

Pecentage of total amount from donations with no location:  3.50179796536

In [40]:
noloc_df = df[( == '') & (df.state == '') & (df.zipcode_initial == '')].copy()
df = df[~(( == '') & (df.state == '') & (df.zipcode_initial == ''))].copy()

In [41]:
print df.shape[0] + noloc_df.shape[0]


In [42]:
noloc_df = noloc_df.append(df[(df.state == 'YY')])
df = df[~(df.state == 'YY')]

In [43]:
# Verify that we transferred all the rows over correctly. This total must match the total from above.
print df.shape[0] + noloc_df.shape[0]


Investigate City in ('YYY','yyy')

These entries have invalid location information and will be added to the noloc_df dataframe.

In [44]:
noloc_df = noloc_df.append(df[( == 'yyy') | ( == 'yyyy')])
df = df[~(( == 'yyy') | ( == 'yyyy'))]

In [45]:
# Verify that we transferred all the rows over correctly. This total must match the total from above.
print df.shape[0] + noloc_df.shape[0]


Investigate empty state but non-empty city

Percentage of total amount for data with City but no state: 0.566

In [46]:
print 'Percentage of total amount for data with City but no state: {:.3f}'.format(100*sum(df[df.state == ''].amount)/sum(df.amount))
df[((df.state == '') & ( != ''))][['city','zipcode','amount']].sort_values('city', ascending=True).to_csv('out/0/City_No_State.csv')

Percentage of total amount for data with City but no state: 0.566

By visually examining the cities for rows that don't have a state, we can see that all the cities are coming from Canada and India and some from other countries (except two entries). So we will correct these two entries and drop all the other rows as they are not relevant to the USA.

In [47]:
index = df[(df.donor_id == '-28K0T47RF') & (df.donation_date == '2007-11-30') & ( == 'Cupertino')].index
df.ix[index,'state'] = 'CA'
index = df[(df.donor_id == '9F4812A118') & (df.donation_date == '2012-06-30') & ( == 'San Juan')].index
df.ix[index,'state'] = 'WA'
df.ix[index,'zipcode'] = 98250

In [48]:
# Verified that these remaining entries are for non-US location
print 'Total amount for non-USA location: ', df[((df.state == '') & ( != ''))].amount.sum()

Total amount for non-USA location:  233054.97

In [49]:
df.drop(df[((df.state == '') & ( != ''))].index, inplace=True)

Investigate empty city and zipcode but valid US state

Percentage of total amount for data with valid US state, but no city, zipcode: 4.509

Most of this amount (1.7 of 1.8 million) is coming from about 600 donors in California. We already know that about California is a major contributor to donations.

Although, we can do some analytics based on just the US state using this data, it complicates the analysis that does not substantiate the knowledge gain.

Therefore, we are dropping the state column from these rows and moving over this data to the dataset that has no location (the one that we created earlier) to simplify our analysis.

In [50]:
print 'Percentage of total amount for data with valid US state, but no city, zipcode: {:.3f}'.format(100*sum(df[( == '') & (df.zipcode_initial == '')].amount)/sum(df.amount))

Percentage of total amount for data with valid US state, but no city, zipcode: 3.837

In [51]:
# Verify that we transferred all the rows over correctly. This total must match the total from above.
print df.shape[0] + noloc_df.shape[0]


In [52]:
stateonly_df = df[( == '') & (df.zipcode_initial == '')].copy()
stateonly_df.state = ''

## Move the rows with just the state over to the noloc_df dataset
noloc_df = pd.concat([noloc_df, stateonly_df])
df = df[~(( == '') & (df.zipcode_initial == ''))].copy()

In [53]:
# Verify that we transferred all the rows over correctly. This total must match the total from above.
print df.shape[0] + noloc_df.shape[0]


In [54]:
print 100*sum(df[ == ''].amount)/sum(df.amount)

print len(df[ == '']), len(df[df.zipcode_initial == ''])
print sum(df[ == ''].amount), sum(df[df.zipcode_initial == ''].amount)
print sum(df[( == '') & (df.zipcode_initial != '')].amount),\
    sum(df[( != '') & (df.zipcode_initial == '')].amount)

print sum(df.amount)

173 18
16968.3 13004.95
16968.3 13004.95

Investigating empty city and empty state with non-empty zip code

Since we have the zip code data from the US census data, we can use that to fill in the city and state

In [55]:
## Zip codes from
zipcodes = pd.read_csv('in/zbp13totals.txt', dtype={'zip': object})
zipcodes = zipcodes[['zip', 'city', 'stabbr']]
zipcodes = zipcodes.rename(columns = {'zip':'zipcode', 'stabbr': 'state', 'city': 'city'}) =
zipcodes.zipcode = zipcodes.zipcode.astype('str')

In [56]:
## If we know the zip code, we can populate the city by using the zipcodes data
df.replace({'city': {'': np.nan}, 'state': {'': np.nan}}, inplace=True)

## Set the index correctly for update to work. Then reset it back.
df.set_index(['zipcode'], inplace=True)
zipcodes.set_index(['zipcode'], inplace=True)

df.update(zipcodes, join='left', overwrite=False, raise_conflict=False)

In [57]:
df.reset_index(drop=False, inplace=True)
zipcodes.reset_index(drop=False, inplace=True)

In [58]:
zipcodesdetail = pd.read_csv('in/zip_code_database.csv')

In [59]:
zipcodesdetail = zipcodesdetail[ == 'US'][['zip', 'primary_city', 'county', 'state', 'timezone', 'latitude', 'longitude']]
zipcodesdetail = zipcodesdetail.rename(columns = {'zip':'zipcode', 'primary_city': 'city'})

In [60]:
# The zip codes dataset has quite a few missing values. Filling in what we need for now.
# If this happens again, search for a different data source!!
zipcodesdetail.loc[( == 'Frisco') & (zipcodesdetail.state == 'TX') & (pd.isnull(zipcodesdetail.county)), 'county'] = 'Denton'

In [61]:
# Strip the ' County' portion from the county names
def getcounty(county):
    if pd.isnull(county):
        return county
    elif county.endswith(' County'):
        return county[:-7]
        return county

zipcodesdetail.county = zipcodesdetail['county'].apply(getcounty)

In [62]:
zipcodesdetail.zipcode = zipcodesdetail.zipcode.apply(fill_zipcode)

In [63]:
newcols = np.array(list(set(df.columns).union(zipcodesdetail.columns)))

In [64]:
df = pd.merge(df, zipcodesdetail, on=['state', 'city', 'zipcode'], how='inner', suffixes=('_x', ''))[newcols]

In [65]:
# For some reason, the data types are being reset. So setting them back to their expected data types.
df.donation_date = df.donation_date.apply(pd.to_datetime)
df.charitable = df.charitable.apply(bool)
df.amount = df.amount.apply(int)

Investigate invalid zip codes

In [66]:
all_zipcodes = pd.merge(df, zipcodes, on='zipcode', how='left')

donation_date city_x fund amount_initial amount_cleanup zipcode longitude sales county charitable amount state_x donor_id timezone latitude zipcode_initial appeal city_y state_y

In [67]:
## There seems to be only one row with an invalid zip code. Let's drop it.
df.drop(df[df.zipcode_initial.isin(['GU214ND','94000'])].index, axis=0, inplace=True)

Final check on all location data to confirm that we have no rows with empty state, city or location

In [68]:
print 'No state: count of rows: ', len(df[df.state == ''].amount),\
      'Total amount: ', sum(df[df.state == ''].amount)
print 'No zipcode: count of rows: ', len(df[df.zipcode == ''].amount),\
      'Total amount: ', sum(df[df.zipcode == ''].amount)
print 'No city: count of rows: ', len(df[ == ''].amount),\
      'Total amount: ', sum(df[ == ''].amount)

No state: count of rows:  0 Total amount:  0
No zipcode: count of rows:  0 Total amount:  0
No city: count of rows:  0 Total amount:  0

In [69]:
# Examining data - top 10 states by amount and number of donors
print df.groupby('state')['amount',].sum().sort_values(by='amount', ascending=False)[0:10]
print df.groupby('state')['donor_id',].count().sort_values(by='donor_id', ascending=False)[0:10]

CA     20843907
NJ      3429857
WA      3051742
NY      2950386
TX      2853985
IL       985315
PA       639535
FL       582481
MI       454949
VA       408576
CA       109435
NJ        20900
WA        20350
NY        10994
TX         9756
IL         6867
PA         4300
VA         2767
NC         2024
AZ         1931

In [70]:
print noloc_df.state.unique()
print noloc_df.zipcode.unique()

['' 'YY' 'CA']
['' 'YYYY' 'YY' 'YYYYY' 'YYY' 'yyy']
['00000' '0YYYY' '000YY' '00YYY']

In [71]:
noloc_df['city'] = ''
noloc_df['state'] = ''
noloc_df['zipcode'] = ''

In [72]:
print df.shape[0] + noloc_df.shape[0]


In [73]:
df.shape, noloc_df.shape

((207335, 17), (18805, 13))

In [74]:
# The input data has the latest zip code for each donor. So we cannot observe any movement even if there was any since
# all donations by a given donor will only have the same exact zipcode.
x1 = pd.DataFrame(df.groupby(['donor_id','zipcode']).zipcode.nunique())
x1[x1.zipcode != 1]

donor_id zipcode

In [75]:
# The noloc_df and the df with location values have no donors in common - so we cannot use the donor
# location information from df to detect the location in noloc_df.


In [76]:
df.rename(columns={'donation_date': 'activity_date'}, inplace=True)
df['activity_year'] = df.activity_date.apply(lambda x: x.year)
df['activity_month'] = df.activity_date.apply(lambda x: x.month)
df['activity_dow'] = df.activity_date.apply(lambda x: x.dayofweek)
df['activity_ym'] = df['activity_date'].map(lambda x: 100*x.year + x.month)
df['activity_yq'] = df['activity_date'].map(lambda x: 10*x.year + (x.month-1)//3)
df['activity_ymd'] = df['activity_date'].map(lambda x: 10000*x.year + 100*x.month +

In [77]:
# Drop the zipcode_initial (for privacy reasons)
df.drop('zipcode_initial', axis=1, inplace=True)

All done! Let's save our dataframes for the next stage of processing

In [78]:
!mkdir -p out/0

In [79]:
df[df.donor_id == '_1D50SWTKX'].sort_values(by='activity_date').tail()

activity_date city fund amount_initial amount_cleanup zipcode longitude sales county charitable ... donor_id timezone latitude appeal activity_year activity_month activity_dow activity_ym activity_yq activity_ymd
178547 2015-09-21 Kenmore Cataract Surgery $250.00 250.00 98028 -122.24 0 King True ... _1D50SWTKX America/Los_Angeles 47.75 Funds_Givingcampaign 2015 9 0 201509 20152 20150921
178548 2015-11-23 Kenmore Cataract Surgery $250.00 250.00 98028 -122.24 0 King False ... _1D50SWTKX America/Los_Angeles 47.75 Funds_Matching 2015 11 0 201511 20153 20151123
178549 2015-11-23 Kenmore Cataract Surgery $250.00 250.00 98028 -122.24 0 King True ... _1D50SWTKX America/Los_Angeles 47.75 Funds_Givingcampaign 2015 11 0 201511 20153 20151123
178550 2016-01-26 Kenmore Project_MadhyaPradesh $200.00 200.00 98028 -122.24 0 King False ... _1D50SWTKX America/Los_Angeles 47.75 Funds_Matching 2016 1 1 201601 20160 20160126
178551 2016-01-26 Kenmore Cataract Surgery $200.00 200.00 98028 -122.24 0 King True ... _1D50SWTKX America/Los_Angeles 47.75 Funds_Givingcampaign 2016 1 1 201601 20160 20160126

5 rows × 22 columns

In [80]:

Index([u'activity_date', u'city', u'fund', u'amount_initial',
       u'amount_cleanup', u'zipcode', u'longitude', u'sales', u'county',
       u'charitable', u'amount', u'state', u'donor_id', u'timezone',
       u'latitude', u'appeal', u'activity_year', u'activity_month',
       u'activity_dow', u'activity_ym', u'activity_yq', u'activity_ymd'],

In [81]:

(207335, 22)