This notebook will assess consistency of Singularity Hub builds for three different container collections:
For each, an optimal outcome is to see no significant differences between size estimated for the build, and build time in seconds. We hypothesize that our software pipeline and infrastructure for Singularity Hub will make this the case. The code to download the metrics is provided in this repo folder (
), and was run to produce the contents of results.pkl
that is read in the example.
In [1]:
import numpy
import os
import pickle
container_names = ['vsoch/singularity-hello-world',
base = "/home/vanessa/Documents/Work/singularity/hub"
results = pickle.load(open('%s/results.pkl' %base,'rb'))
df = results['df']
metrics = ['size','build_time_seconds']
In [7]:
from scipy import stats
import pandas
# means and standard deviation, and T statistic
metrics_df = pandas.DataFrame(columns=['size_mean','size_std','build_time_mean','build_time_std'])
for container_name in container_names:
sizes = df[].size
times = df[].build_time_seconds
metrics_df.loc[container_name] = [sizes.mean(),sizes.std(),times.mean(),times.std()]
metrics_df.columns = ['Size Mean (GB)','Size STD (GB)','Build Time Mean (sec)','Build Time STD (sec)']
From the above, we see that there is absolutely no variance for sizes of images, however there is variance for the build times. We would really want to know if 200 seconds (3 1.3 minutes) is significantly different given the total build time, etc.
We can use a one sample T-test to determine if any of the values in the distribution of build times are significantly different from the mean (p<=0.05)
In [8]:
for container_name in container_names:
times = df[].build_time_seconds
times_t = stats.ttest_1samp(times,times.mean())
metrics_df.loc[container_name,'Build Time T-Stat'] = times_t.statistic
metrics_df.loc[container_name,'Build Time P-Value'] = times_t.pvalue
In [10]:
%matplotlib inline
import seaborn as sns
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# Set up the matplotlib figure
sns.set(style="white", palette="muted", color_codes=True)
for c in range(len(container_names)):
container_name = container_names[c]
values = df[ == container_name].build_time_seconds.tolist()
sns.distplot(values, kde=False, rug=True)
sns.plt.title('Build Time (sec): %s' %(container_name))
This larger range of times for bigger images is not surprising because pe-predictive requires download of python's nltk, which is a huge package, and likely the huge variance has to do with differences in downloading those files, and then installing all required parsers, corpus, etc. with'all')
. Quantum state diffusion is also a large image that requires many Python dependencies, and they come from the anaconda (conda) package manager. vsoch/singularity-hello-world
represents the build process for a container that requires no download, but just image generation with specifications for the image by the bootstrap file. In this case, Docker image layers were downloaded for the base, and a custom runscript generated. It obviously is very fast.
In [ ]: