Support Vector Machines (SVM)

SVM is a supervised learning classification and regression algorithm based on transforming the input data and slice them with a straight line (hyper-plane).

The images I found on a reddit post is really clear in explaining the steps.

Problem: trying to seperate 2 classes (red and blue) that is not lineary-seperable in the current 2D coordinate (input space).

Step 1: using some kernel function to transform the coordinate to a new feature space.

The popular ones are Polynomial, RBF, and Sigmoid kernel.

Step 2: using hyperplane to seperate the 2 classes as best as we could -- meaning by the widest margin.

The closest data points to the plane are called "support vectors". These points are the foundation of the hyperplane.

Hard vs Soft margin

Hard doesn't allow some "slack" margin-space. Soft allows some slacking of the support vectors, therefore will introduce some mis-classification if the data is noisy. (image from this blog)

Coding Example

We are going to use SVM to seperate the 2 classes data below, it looks like a circle within another bigger one. A simple kernel should be sufficient for this.

For optimization, the common way is to use quadratic programming solver, however this example is so simple that it can be solve in a brute-force way.




In [1]:
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from random import randint
from pandas import Series,DataFrame
import seaborn as sns
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib
import math
%matplotlib inline
plt.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = (8, 6)
plt.rcParams['font.size'] = 14

In [2]:
from sklearn.datasets import make_gaussian_quantiles

df = pd.DataFrame(columns=['X0','X1','Y'])
X, Y = make_gaussian_quantiles(n_features=2, n_classes=2,n_samples=200, cov=1.0)
#change Y from [0 or 1] to [-1 or +1]
Y = Y*2 - 1
df['X0'],df['X1'],df['Y'] = X[:, 0],X[:, 1],Y

sns.lmplot(x='X0',y='X1',data=df,hue='Y',fit_reg=False, size=6)

<seaborn.axisgrid.FacetGrid at 0xc6872b0>

In [3]:
#simple kernel trick
K = X[:, 0]**2 + X[:, 1]**2
df['K'] = K

from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
import as cm
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d')
ax.view_init(elev=10., azim=0)
ax.scatter(xs=X[:, 0], ys=X[:, 1], zs=K, c=Y, cmap='winter' )


Finding the hyperplane (very simple version)

For this simple case, since K completely seperates the 2 classes of Y, we can find the closest K points to the cutoff -- such that:

$$ w \cdot k_{minus} + b = -1 $$$$ w \cdot k_{plus} + b = +1 $$

We can solve for $w$ and $b$ by

$$ w = \frac{2}{k_{plus} - k_{minus}} $$$$ b = 1 - w \cdot k_{plus} $$

In [4]:
# we can seperate them at the middle of K
zipped = zip(K,Y)
zipped.sort(key = lambda t: t[0])

k_minus = zipped[99][0]
k_plus = zipped[100][0]
w = 2.0 / (k_plus - k_minus)
b = 1 - w*k_plus
print 'k_minus = {:.2f}, k_plus = {:.2f}, w = {:.2f}, b = {:.2f}'.format(k_minus,k_plus,w,b)

k_minus = 1.41, k_plus = 1.44, w = 65.87, b = -93.94
[(1.3344980789974197, -1),
 (1.3592242423394016, -1),
 (1.3604700924543205, -1),
 (1.4103811245743447, -1),
 (1.4110501318062532, -1),
 (1.4414148376112319, 1),
 (1.4629012254160461, 1),
 (1.5109198568273576, 1),
 (1.5278989407002703, 1),
 (1.5282923917921378, 1)]

In [15]:
def d_func(f,cutoff=0.5): #threshold function
    #python function always pass obj by ref_name, array is mutable
    return np.where(f>=cutoff,1,-1)

df['Y_prob'] = w*df['K'] + b
df['Y_pred'] = d_func(df['Y_prob'],0.0)

In [17]:
from sklearn.metrics import confusion_matrix
cm_mat = confusion_matrix(df['Y'],df['Y_pred'])
print cm_mat.T
df_temp = pd.DataFrame(cm_mat.flatten()[np.newaxis].T,columns = ['values'])
df_temp = pd.DataFrame(cm_mat.flatten()[np.newaxis].T,columns = ['values'])
plt.figure(figsize = (6,4),dpi=600)
sns.heatmap(cm_mat.T, cbar=True ,annot=True, fmt=',.0f')

[[100   0]
 [  0 100]]
<matplotlib.text.Text at 0xcbc5400>

In [ ]: