
This is a test of SimulatedAnnealing.


In [1]:
import sys
from simulated_annealing import Temperature, SimulatedAnnealing

from random import uniform, gauss
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

Set Parameters

State in MetropolisSampler is np.array([float]).

The smaller the re_scaling be, the faster it anneals.

In [96]:
def temperature_of_time(t, re_scaling, max_temperature):
    """ int * int -> float
    return max_temperature / (1 + np.exp(t / re_scaling))

def initialize_state():
    """ None -> [float]
    return np.array([uniform(-10, 10) for i in range(dim)])

def markov_process(x, step_length):
    """ [float] -> [float]
    result = x.copy()
    for i, item in enumerate(result):
        result[i] = item + gauss(0, 1) * step_length  
    return result

Create SimulatedAnnealing Object

In [97]:
def get_sa(dim, iterations, re_scaling, max_temperature, step_length):
    sa = SimulatedAnnealing(
            lambda i: temperature_of_time(i, re_scaling, max_temperature),
            iterations, initialize_state,
            lambda x: markov_process(x, step_length)
    return sa

Target Function on Arbitrary Dimension

In [4]:
def N(mu, sigma):
    """ float * float -> ([float] -> float)
    return lambda x: np.exp(- np.sum(np.square((x - mu) / sigma)))

## Recall SimulatedAnnealing is searching the argmin, instead of argmax.
def target_function(x):
    """ [float] -> float
    return -1 * (N(0, 5)(x) + 100 * N(10, 3)(x))

Test on 1-Dim

In [98]:
dim = 1

## Needs tuning
iterations = int(10 ** 3)
re_scaling = int(iterations / 10)
max_temperature = 1000
step_length = 1

sa = get_sa(dim, iterations, re_scaling, max_temperature, step_length)

Get argmin

In [99]:
argmin = sa(target_function)
print('argmin = {0}'.format(argmin))
print('target(argmin) = {0}, which shall be about -100'.format(target_function(argmin)))

accept-ratio = 0.323
argmin = [ 9.95667729]
target(argmin) = -99.99810833511802, which shall be about -100
../sample/ RuntimeWarning: overflow encountered in exp
  return np.exp(-1 * target_function(state) / temperature())
../sample/ RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in double_scalars
  alpha = target_distribution(next_state) / target_distribution(init_state)

Plot the MCMC

In [100]:
def t(x):
    return np.log(-1 * target_function(x))

step_list = np.arange(len(sa.chain))
t_lst = [t(_) for _ in sa.chain]

plt.plot(step_list, t_lst)
plt.ylabel('log(-1 * value of target function)')

for i in range(dim):
    x_lst = [_[i] for _ in sa.chain]

    plt.plot(step_list, x_lst)



Test on 2-Dim

In [101]:
dim = 2

## Needs tuning
iterations = int(10 ** 3)
re_scaling = int(iterations / 10)
max_temperature = 1000
step_length = 1

sa = get_sa(dim, iterations, re_scaling, max_temperature, step_length)

Get argmin

In [111]:
argmin = sa(target_function)
print('argmin = {0}'.format(argmin))
print('target(argmin) = {0}, which shall be about -100'.format(target_function(argmin)))

accept-ratio = 0.223
argmin = [ 10.26492834  10.08530508]
target(argmin) = -99.1432352915566, which shall be about -100
../sample/ RuntimeWarning: overflow encountered in exp
  return np.exp(-1 * target_function(state) / temperature())
../sample/ RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in double_scalars
  alpha = target_distribution(next_state) / target_distribution(init_state)

Plot the MCMC

In [112]:
def t(x):
    return np.log(-1 * target_function(x))

step_list = np.arange(len(sa.chain))
t_lst = [t(_) for _ in sa.chain]

plt.plot(step_list, t_lst)
plt.ylabel('log(-1 * value of target function)')

for i in range(dim):
    x_lst = [_[i] for _ in sa.chain]

    plt.plot(step_list, x_lst)



Test on 4-Dim

In [227]:
dim = 4

## Needs tuning
iterations = int(10 ** 6)
re_scaling = int(iterations / 100)
max_temperature = 1000
step_length = 3

sa = get_sa(dim, iterations, re_scaling, max_temperature, step_length)

Get argmin

In [228]:
argmin = sa(target_function)
print('argmin = {0}'.format(argmin))
print('target(argmin) = {0}, which shall be about -100'.format(target_function(argmin)))

accept-ratio = 1.0
argmin = [ 1071.78249475  3311.77890841   398.09827239 -3522.74643613]
target(argmin) = -0.0, which shall be about -100

In [229]:
p = np.argmin([target_function(_) for _ in sa.chain])
argmin = sa.chain[p]

[-4.50064896  5.55315397  4.53323621  4.58453631]

Plot the MCMC

In [230]:
def t(x):
    return np.log(-1 * target_function(x))

step_list = np.arange(len(sa.chain))
t_lst = [t(_) for _ in sa.chain]

plt.plot(step_list, t_lst)
plt.ylabel('log(-1 * value of target function)')

for i in range(dim):
    x_lst = [_[i] for _ in sa.chain]

    plt.plot(step_list, x_lst)

/Users/shuiruge/anaconda/lib/python3.6/site-packages/ipykernel/ RuntimeWarning: divide by zero encountered in log
  from ipykernel import kernelapp as app

In [231]:
for axis_to_plot in range(dim):

    x_lst = [_[axis_to_plot] for _ in sa.chain]
    plt.plot(x_lst, t_lst)
    plt.ylabel('log(-1 * value of target function)')


As the dimension increases, the accept-ratio also increaes. That is, for a random move in the Markov process, the new value of target function is almost always greater than that of the temporal. So, we wonder why the greater dimenson triggers the greater value of the new value of target function in the random move?

The reason of so is that a random move has more probability of making sum([x[i] for i in range(dim)]) invariant as the dim increases.