''' This file reads the heatmap data from the npy file produced by 'read_heatmap_from_txts.ipynb'. It detects the differences in activations between different classes. It also visualizes which class invoke which filter most. '''
In [1]:
import os.path
import numpy as np
import pickle
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline
In [2]:
# define th CLASSES and indices
CLASSES = ('aeroplane', 'bicycle', 'bird', 'boat',
'bottle', 'bus', 'car', 'cat', 'chair',
'cow', 'diningtable', 'dog', 'horse',
'motorbike', 'person', 'pottedplant',
'sheep', 'sofa', 'train', 'tvmonitor')
class_to_ind = dict(list(zip(CLASSES, list(range(len(CLASSES))))))
SUB_CLAS = ('bicycle', 'bus', 'car','motorbike', 'person')
In [3]:
def list_normalizer(ori_list):
normalize every element in the input list to the range of 0-1
max_val = ori_list.max()
min_val = ori_list.min()
if max_val == 0:
return ori_list
normalized_list = [(i-min_val)/(max_val-min_val) for i in ori_list]
return normalized_list
def display_all_act(norm_hm_one_layer):
bins = np.linspace(-10,10,50)
for clas in CLASSES[1:]:
ind = class_to_ind[clas]
_,_,_ = plt.hist(norm_hm_one_layer[ind],50,alpha=0.5,label=clas)
plt.legend(loc='upper right')
def detect_diff_one_layer(norm_hm_one_layer,RANKING=True,DISPLAY_ALL=False,DISPLAY_DIFF=False):
detect the difference in activations for two sets within one layer
interest_average = np.zeros((norm_hm_one_layer.shape[1],))
uninterest_average = np.zeros((norm_hm_one_layer.shape[1],))
diff_ind = np.zeros((norm_hm_one_layer.shape[1],))
amplifier = 1
for clas in CLASSES:
ind = class_to_ind[clas]
if clas in SUB_CLAS:
interest_average[:] += norm_hm_one_layer[ind]
uninterest_average[:] += norm_hm_one_layer[ind]
interest_average = interest_average/len(SUB_CLAS)
uninterest_average = uninterest_average/15.
# display all activations for different sets
bins = np.linspace(-10, 10, 50)
_,_,_ = plt.hist(uninterest_average,100,alpha=0.5, label='not interest')
_,_,_ = plt.hist(interest_average,100,alpha=0.5, label='interest')
plt.legend(loc='upper right')
# dsplay activation differences between two sets
diff_ind = (interest_average - uninterest_average)*amplifier
_,_,_ = plt.hist(diff_ind,50,alpha=0.5)
diff_ind = np.argsort(diff_ind)[::-1]
return diff_ind
def detect_diff_all(hm_path,RANKING=True,DISPLAY_ALL=False,DISPLAY_DIFF=False,DISPLAY_EVERY_CLASS=False):
detect the activations difference in different layers
hm_all = np.load(hm_path).item()
norm_hm_all = {}
hm_ind = {} # dictionary to record the diff_ind for every layer
sub_clas_index = [class_to_ind[i] for i in SUB_CLAS]
# for key in hm_all: # for evey layer
for i in range(13):
key = '%dth_layer'%(i)
norm_hm_all[key] = np.zeros(hm_all[key].shape,np.float32)
for i,sub_list in enumerate(hm_all[key]): # for every row in the layer
norm_hm_all[key][i,:] = sub_list
hm_ind[key] = detect_diff_one_layer(norm_hm_all[key],RANKING,DISPLAY_ALL,DISPLAY_DIFF) # [21, 64/...]
print 'this is %s layer'%key
return hm_ind
In [4]:
# plot activation-magnitute versus filter number
def detect_diff_all_2(hm_path,RANKING=True,DISPLAY_ALL=False,DISPLAY_DIFF=False,DISPLAY_EVERY_CLASS=False):
detect the activations difference in different layers
hm_all = np.load(hm_path).item()
norm_hm_all = {}
hm_ind = {} # dictionary to record the diff_ind for every layer
sub_clas_index = [class_to_ind[i] for i in SUB_CLAS]
# for key in hm_all: # for evey layer
for i in range(13):
key = '%dth_layer'%(i)
norm_hm_all[key] = np.zeros(hm_all[key].shape,np.float32)
for i,sub_list in enumerate(hm_all[key]): # for every row in the layer
norm_hm_all[key][i,:] = sub_list
hm_ind[key] = display_each_feature_map_one_layer(norm_hm_all[key])
print 'this is %s layer'%key
return hm_ind
def display_each_feature_map_one_layer(norm_hm_one_layer):
num_filter = norm_hm_one_layer.shape[1]
uninteresting_values = np.zeros((num_filter),np.float32)
interesting_values = np.zeros((num_filter),np.float32)
for clas in CLASSES:
ind = class_to_ind[clas]
if clas in SUB_CLAS:
interesting_values += norm_hm_one_layer[ind]
uninteresting_values += norm_hm_one_layer[ind]
interesting_values = interesting_values/len(SUB_CLAS)
uninteresting_values = uninteresting_values/len(CLASSES)
In [5]:
from scipy.stats import entropy
# plot activation-magnitute versus filter number
def detect_diff_all_divergence(hm_path):
detect the activations difference in different layers
hm_all = np.load(hm_path).item()
norm_hm_all = {}
hm_ind = {} # dictionary to record the diff_ind for every layer
sub_clas_index = [class_to_ind[i] for i in SUB_CLAS]
# for key in hm_all: # for evey layer
for i in range(13):
key = '%dth_layer'%(i)
norm_hm_all[key] = np.zeros(hm_all[key].shape,np.float32)
for i,sub_list in enumerate(hm_all[key]): # for every row in the layer
norm_hm_all[key][i,:] = sub_list
hm_ind[key] = KL_divergence(norm_hm_all[key])
return hm_ind
entropies_interesting2un = []
def KL_divergence(norm_hm_one_layer):
num_filter = norm_hm_one_layer.shape[1]
uninteresting_values = np.zeros((num_filter),np.float32)
interesting_values = np.zeros((num_filter),np.float32)
for clas in CLASSES:
ind = class_to_ind[clas]
if clas in SUB_CLAS:
interesting_values += norm_hm_one_layer[ind]
uninteresting_values += norm_hm_one_layer[ind]
interesting_values = interesting_values/len(SUB_CLAS)
uninteresting_values = uninteresting_values/len(CLASSES)
n_interesting, _, _ = plt.hist(interesting_values,bins = 50)
n_uninteresting, _, _ = plt.hist(uninteresting_values, bins = 50)
n_interesting = n_interesting/num_filter
n_uninteresting = n_uninteresting/num_filter
entropies_interesting2un.append(entropy(n_interesting, n_uninteresting))
In [6]:
# inspect the activations for two sets of classes
hm_path = 'activations_res/original.npy'
hm_sorted = detect_diff_all_2(hm_path,RANKING=False,DISPLAY_ALL=True)
In [7]:
# inspect the activations for two sets of classes
hm_path = 'activations_res/penalty0.01_iter200000.npy'
hm_sorted = detect_diff_all_2(hm_path,RANKING=False,DISPLAY_ALL=True)
In [7]:
hm_path = 'activations_res/original_image_res.npy'
In [26]:
# inspect the activations for two sets of classes
hm_path = 'activations_res/classification-based_res.npy'
hm_sorted = detect_diff_all_2(hm_path,RANKING=False,DISPLAY_ALL=True)
In [8]:
# inspect the activations for two sets of classes
hm_path = 'activations_res/original.npy'
hm_sorted = detect_diff_all(hm_path,RANKING=False,DISPLAY_ALL=True)
In [9]:
# inspect the activations for two sets of classes
hm_path = './activations_res/penalty0.01_iter200000.npy'
hm_sorted = detect_diff_all(hm_path,RANKING=False,DISPLAY_ALL=True)
In [31]:
# inspect the difference between two sets of classes
hm_path = './activations_res/original.npy'
hm_sorted = detect_diff_all(hm_path,False,False,True)
In [77]:
# inspect the difference between two sets of classes
hm_path = './activations_res/res.npy'
hm_sorted = detect_diff_all(hm_path,False)
print hm_sorted['1th_acts'].shape
In [38]:
for key in hm_sorted:
print key,hm_sorted[key].shape
In [39]:
for i in range(1,2):
diffs = hm_sorted['%dth_acts'%i]
print diffs.min(), diffs.max()
In [46]:
data = hm_sorted['5th_acts']
_,_,_ = plt.hist(data,20,facecolor='green',alpha=0.75)
In [ ]: