In [1]:
import numpy as np
from skimage.measure import label, regionprops
from skimage.draw import line, set_color
import imageio
import cv2
import operator
import math
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline 
import time
from tqdm import tqdm_notebook
from PIL import Image
import argparse
# from Tkinter import *

In [2]:
#Find homography
source_pts = np.array([[100, 90], [475, 70], [425, 370], [75, 470]], dtype = 'float32') #pixels!
dst_pts = np.array([[0, 0], [100, 0], [80, 80], [0, 100]], dtype = 'float32') #cm

homography_matrix, _ = cv2.findHomography(source_pts, dst_pts, cv2.RANSAC, 5.0) #not sure what the 5.0 is really doing seems to work though
POINTMOO = np.array([[75,470]],dtype = 'float32')
dst_pt = cv2.perspectiveTransform(POINTMOO, homography_matrix)

In [3]:
#Locations of objects and distance thresholds (how close does the rat have to be to be near it)
familiarObject_center_x = 380
familiarObject_center_y = 160
realWorld_famObj_center = cv2.perspectiveTransform(np.array([np.array([[familiarObject_center_x,familiarObject_center_y]], dtype='float32')]), homography_matrix)
familiarObject_center_x_realWorld = realWorld_famObj_center[0][0][0]
familiarObject_center_y_realWorld = realWorld_famObj_center[0][0][1]
DistanceThreshold_familiarObject = 22;
numFrames_FamiliarObject = 0;

novelObject_center_x = 210
novelObject_center_y = 320
realWorld_novelObj_center = cv2.perspectiveTransform(np.array([np.array([[novelObject_center_x,novelObject_center_y]],dtype='float32')]), homography_matrix)
novelObject_center_x_realWorld = realWorld_novelObj_center[0][0][0]
novelObject_center_y_realWorld = realWorld_novelObj_center[0][0][1]
DistanceThrehshold_NovelObject = 22;
numFrames_NovelObject = 0;

In [4]:
#setup for background model and foreground tracking
if 'fgbg' not in locals():
    fgbg = cv2.createBackgroundSubtractorKNN()
morph_size = 2
shadowValue = 127
learnBG = False
showShadow = False

kernel = cv2.getStructuringElement(cv2.MORPH_ELLIPSE,(morph_size,morph_size))

In [5]:
#chop off first X seconds
import subprocess
seconds = "26"['ffmpeg','-i', 'Round2/Day3/Test-2-cropped.mkv', '-ss', seconds, 'Round2/Day3/Test-2-cropped-1.mkv'])


Actual Work Happens Below

In [ ]:
#File IO
numFrames_FamiliarObject = 0
numFrames_NovelObject = 0
reader = imageio.get_reader('Round2/Day3/Test-2-cropped-1.mkv')
fps = reader.get_meta_data()['fps']
print('input video file length is {} seconds'.format(reader.get_length()/(fps)))
print('input video file has a framerate of {} fps'.format(fps))
writer = imageio.get_writer('test-out.mp4', fps=fps)
frameWait = 45 #msec
pauseTime = 10.0 #sec

# refPt = []

# def click(event, x, y, flags, param):
#     # grab references to the global variables
#     global refPt
#     # if the left mouse button was clicked, record the starting
#     # (x, y) coordinates and indicate that cropping is being
#     # performed
#     if event == cv2.EVENT_LBUTTONDOWN:
#         refPt = [(x, y)]
#         posx = refPt[0]
#         posy = refPt[1]
#         return posx, posy


class Position:
    def __init__(self, m, n):
        self.coordinates = np.zeros((m, n))

    def select_coordinates(self, event, x, y, flags, param, nearx, neary):
        if event == cv2.EVENT_LBUTTONDOWN:
            #Set coordinates to mouse position
            self.coordinates[i, :] = [x, y]
position = Position(reader.get_length(), 2)
cv2.setMouseCallback('im', position.select_coordinates)
positioncoords = []

# centers1 = {}
# centers2 = {}

def dist_pts(y,x,yy,xx):
    ht = (abs(int(yy)-int(y)))**2
    wdth = (abs(int(xx)-int(x)))**2
    if ht == 0:
        dist = int(xx) - int(x)
    elif wdth == 0:
        dist = int(yy) - int(y)
        dist = math.sqrt(ht/wdth)
    return dist

#Read in file frame by frame. Perform position tracking background subtraction

for i, im in enumerate(reader):
    im =  cv2.cvtColor(im, cv2.COLOR_RGB2BGR)
    #im = im[10:470, 20:480]
    if i==0:
    cv2.imshow('im', im)
    #Wait frameWait before moving on to next frame
    k = cv2.waitKey(frameWait) & 0xFF
    if learnBG:
        fgmask = fgbg.apply(im)
        fgmask = fgbg.apply(im, learningRate=0)
    fgmask = cv2.morphologyEx(fgmask, cv2.MORPH_OPEN, kernel)
    fgmask = cv2.morphologyEx(fgmask, cv2.MORPH_CLOSE, cv2.getStructuringElement(cv2.MORPH_ELLIPSE,(8*morph_size,8*morph_size)))
    bg = fgbg.getBackgroundImage()
    # see
    label_img = label(fgmask)
    regions = regionprops(label_img)
    region_areas = []
    for props in regions:
    if len(region_areas) > 0:
        largestBlobIndex, _ = max(enumerate(region_areas), key=operator.itemgetter(1))
        # Find largest object in foreground
        ratBlob = regions[largestBlobIndex]
        # Find center coordinates of largest foreground object
        y0, x0 = ratBlob.centroid
        # Find angle between x axis and major axis of an ellipse around largest foreground object
        orient_ratBlob = ratBlob.orientation
        # Find coordinates of endpoints of major axis
        x1 = x0 + math.cos(orient_ratBlob) * 0.5 * ratBlob.major_axis_length
        y1 = y0 - math.sin(orient_ratBlob) * 0.5 * ratBlob.major_axis_length
        x2 = x0 - math.sin(orient_ratBlob) * 0.75 * ratBlob.minor_axis_length
        y2 = y0 - math.cos(orient_ratBlob) * 0.75 * ratBlob.minor_axis_length
        x3 = x0 + math.sin(orient_ratBlob) * 0.75 * ratBlob.minor_axis_length
        y3 = y0 + math.cos(orient_ratBlob) * 0.75 * ratBlob.minor_axis_length
        rr1, cc1 = line(int(y0), int(x0), int(y2), int(x2))
        rr2, cc2 = line(int(y0), int(x0), int(y3), int(x3))
        rr3, cc3 = line(int(y0)+1, int(x0), int(y2)+1, int(x2))
        rr4, cc4 = line(int(y0)+1, int(x0), int(y3)+1, int(x3))
        set_color(fgmask, (rr1, cc1), (0), 1)
        set_color(fgmask, (rr2, cc2), (0), 1)
        set_color(fgmask, (rr3, cc3), (0), 1)
        set_color(fgmask, (rr4, cc4), (0), 1)

        label_halves = label(fgmask)
        regions = regionprops(label_halves)
        if len(regions) > 1:
            rathalf1 = regions[0]
            y01, x01 = rathalf1.centroid
            x11 = x01 - math.cos(orient_ratBlob) * 0.5 * rathalf1.major_axis_length
            y11 = y01 + math.sin(orient_ratBlob) * 0.5 * rathalf1.major_axis_length
            x21 = x01 - math.sin(orient_ratBlob) * 1.0 * rathalf1.minor_axis_length
            y21 = y01 - math.cos(orient_ratBlob) * 1.0 * rathalf1.minor_axis_length
            x31 = x01 + math.sin(orient_ratBlob) * 1.0 * rathalf1.minor_axis_length
            y31 = y01 + math.cos(orient_ratBlob) * 1.0 * rathalf1.minor_axis_length
            rrh11, cch11 = line(int(y01), int(x01), int(y21), int(x21))
            rrh12, cch12 = line(int(y01), int(x01), int(y31), int(x31))
            rrh13, cch13 = line(int(y01)+1, int(x01), int(y21)+1, int(x21))
            rrh14, cch14 = line(int(y01)+1, int(x01), int(y31)+1, int(x31))
            set_color(fgmask, (rrh11, cch11), (0), 1)
            set_color(fgmask, (rrh12, cch12), (0), 1)
            set_color(fgmask, (rrh13, cch13), (0), 1)
            set_color(fgmask, (rrh14, cch14), (0), 1)
            label_quarters1 = label(fgmask)
            regions1 = regionprops(label_quarters1)
            ratquart1 = regions1[0]
            ratquart2 = regions1[1]
            rqy1, rqx1 = ratquart1.centroid
            rqy2, rqx2 = ratquart2.centroid
            if dist_pts(rqx1, rqy1, x0, y0) > dist_pts(rqx2, rqy2, x0, y0):
                hx1 = rqx1
                hy1 = rqy1
                hx1 = rqx2
                hy1 = rqy2
            rathalf2 = regions[1]
            y02, x02 = rathalf2.centroid
            x12 = x02 - math.cos(orient_ratBlob) * 0.5 * rathalf2.major_axis_length
            y12 = y02 + math.sin(orient_ratBlob) * 0.5 * rathalf2.major_axis_length
            x22 = x02 - math.sin(orient_ratBlob) * 1.0 * rathalf2.minor_axis_length
            y22 = y02 - math.cos(orient_ratBlob) * 1.0 * rathalf2.minor_axis_length
            x32 = x02 + math.sin(orient_ratBlob) * 1.0 * rathalf2.minor_axis_length
            y32 = y02 + math.cos(orient_ratBlob) * 1.0 * rathalf2.minor_axis_length
            rrh21, cch21 = line(int(y02), int(x02), int(y22), int(x22))
            rrh22, cch22 = line(int(y02), int(x02), int(y32), int(x32))
            rrh23, cch23 = line(int(y02)+1, int(x02), int(y22)+1, int(x22))
            rrh24, cch24 = line(int(y02)+1, int(x02), int(y32)+1, int(x32))
            set_color(fgmask, (rrh21, cch21), (0), 1)
            set_color(fgmask, (rrh22, cch22), (0), 1)
            set_color(fgmask, (rrh23, cch23), (0), 1)
            set_color(fgmask, (rrh24, cch24), (0), 1)
            label_quarters2 = label(fgmask)
            regions2 = regionprops(label_quarters2)
            ratquart3 = regions2[0]
            ratquart4 = regions2[1]
            rqy3, rqx3 = ratquart3.centroid
            rqy4, rqx4 = ratquart4.centroid
            if dist_pts(rqx3, rqy3, x0, y0) > dist_pts(rqx4, rqy4, x0, y0):
                hx2 = rqx3
                hy2 = rqy3
                hx2 = rqx4
                hy2 = rqy4
        if dist_pts(hx1, hy1, position.coordinates[i, 0], position.coordinates[i, 1]) < dist_pts(hx2, hy2, position.coordinates[i, 0], position.coordinates[i, 1]):
            position.coordinates[i, 0] = hx1
            position.coordinates[i, 1] = hy1
            position.coordinates[i, 0] = hx2
            position.coordinates[i, 1] = hy2
#             dist = lambda pt1, pt2: math.hypot(pt2[0]-pt1[0], pt2[1]-pt1[1])
#             dist(centers,centers)
#             def ptdiff(lst):
#                 return lambda p1,p2: (math.hypot(p1[0]-p2[0], p1[1]-p2[1]))
#             diff = ptdiff(centers)
#             print (diff)
#             diffcent = {}
#             diff = {}
#             for cent1 in centers1:
#                 for cent2 in centers2:
#                     dist = math.hypot(centers1[cent1][0]-centers2[cent2][0], centers1[cent1][1] - centers2[cent2][1])
#                     diffcent[cent2] = dist
#                 diff[cent1] = max(diffcent)
#             furthest_quarters = max(diff)
#             print (furthest_quarters)

        #draw tracking "dot",(int(position.coordinates[i, 0]),int(position.coordinates[i, 1])),10,(255,255,255),-11),(int(position.coordinates[i, 0]),int(position.coordinates[i, 1])),11,(0,0,255),1) # draw circle
        cv2.ellipse(im, (int(position.coordinates[i, 0]),int(position.coordinates[i, 1])), (10,10), 0, 0, 90,(0,0,255),-1 )
        cv2.ellipse(im, (int(position.coordinates[i, 0]),int(position.coordinates[i, 1])), (10,10), 0, 180, 270,(0,0,255),-1 ),(int(position.coordinates[i, 0]),int(position.coordinates[i, 1])),1,(0,255,0),1) # draw center
#         #cv2.putText(OriImage,pid,(int(cx)+10,int(cy)-10),cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_COMPLEX_SMALL,1,(255,180,180))
        # 'dot' location of familiar object,(familiarObject_center_x,familiarObject_center_y),1,(0,0,0),10) 
        # 'dot' location of novel object,(novelObject_center_x,novelObject_center_y),1,(0,0,0),10) 
        realWorldPoint = cv2.perspectiveTransform(np.array([np.array([[x0,y0]],dtype='float32')]), homography_matrix)
        realWorldX = realWorldPoint[0][0][0]
        realWorldY = realWorldPoint[0][0][1]
        distanceFromNovelObject = math.hypot(novelObject_center_x_realWorld - realWorldX, novelObject_center_y_realWorld - realWorldY)
        distanceFromFamiliarObject = math.hypot(familiarObject_center_x_realWorld - realWorldX, familiarObject_center_y_realWorld - realWorldY)
        if(distanceFromNovelObject < DistanceThrehshold_NovelObject):
            numFrames_NovelObject = numFrames_NovelObject + 1

        if(distanceFromFamiliarObject < DistanceThreshold_familiarObject):
            numFrames_FamiliarObject = numFrames_FamiliarObject + 1
    im =  cv2.cvtColor(im, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) # imageio writer takes RGB

    k = cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xff
#    if k!= 255:
#        print(k)
    if k == 32: # 'space'
        if learnBG:
            learnBG = False
            print('background learning OFF')
            learnBG = True
            print('background learning ON')
    if k == 115: # 's'
        if showShadow:
            showShadow = False
            shadowValue = 0
            print('shadows OFF')
            showShadow = True
            shadowValue = 127
            print('shadows ON')
    if k == 171 or k == 43: # '+'
        if morph_size < 20:
            morph_size +=5
            kernel = cv2.getStructuringElement(cv2.MORPH_ELLIPSE,(morph_size,morph_size))
    if k == 173 or k == 45: # '-'
        if morph_size > 2:
            morph_size -=1
            kernel = cv2.getStructuringElement(cv2.MORPH_ELLIPSE,(morph_size,morph_size))
    if k == 27:
print("Total amount of time spent with objects: {} seconds".format((numFrames_FamiliarObject/fps)+(numFrames_NovelObject/fps)))
print("Percentage of time spent with objects that was spent with the novel object: {}%".format((numFrames_NovelObject*100/fps)/((numFrames_FamiliarObject/fps)+(numFrames_NovelObject/fps))))
print('exited gracefully')

timeSpentFamObject = numFrames_FamiliarObject/fps
timeSpentNovObject = numFrames_NovelObject/fps

timeSpent = ('Familiar', 'Novel')
n_groups = len(timeSpent)
index = np.arange(n_groups)
bar_width = 0.1, [timeSpentFamObject, timeSpentNovObject], bar_width, color='blue', align='center', alpha=0.6)

plt.title("Time Spent with Objects")
plt.xticks(index, ('Familiar', 'Novel'))
plt.ylabel("Time (Seconds)")

In [ ]:
# centers = []
# centers.append(ratBlob.centroid)
# centers.append(rathalf1.centroid)
# centers.append(rathalf2.centroid)
# centers.append(ratquart1.centroid)
# # print(centers)
# diffs = []
# centlst = []
# centlst.append(zip(centers[0], centers[1]))
# centlst.append(zip(centers[0], centers[2]))
# centlst.append(zip(centers[0], centers[3]))
# centlst.append(zip(centers[1], centers[2]))
# centlst.append(zip(centers[1], centers[3]))
# centlst.append(zip(centers[2], centers[3]))
# def ptdiff(lst):
#     return lambda p1,p2: (math.hypot(p1[0]-p2[0], p1[1]-p2[1]))
# diff = ptdiff(centlst)
# print (diff)

In [ ]: