By: Nick Shaw
Date: 2016-07-01
Project: P2 from the Udacity Data Analyst Nano Degree
Data describing passengers on the Titanic will be used to investigate the following questions:
The data used is from the Kaggle Titanic Dataset and can be found here.
Python with the help of pandas, numpy and matlibplot will be used for the investigation.
This project has a github page here.
In [147]:
# Start of code. This block is for imports, global variables, common functions and any setup needed for the investigation
%matplotlib inline
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
#Set some common formatting
matplotlib.rcParams.update({'font.size': 20})
matplotlib.rcParams.update({'figure.titlesize': 24})
matplotlib.rcParams.update({'axes.labelsize': 20})
matplotlib.rcParams.update({'figure.figsize': (18,12)})
#For some reason setting 'font.size' does not effect the ytick and xtick font sizes.
matplotlib.rcParams.update({'ytick.labelsize': 20})
matplotlib.rcParams.update({'xtick.labelsize': 20})
#Set some color maps to keep common color schemes
sexColors = ['limegreen','dodgerblue']
classColors = ['gold','silver','rosybrown']
survivedColors = ['lightcoral','plum']
# The following function is used to create counts and percentages in the pie
def make_autopct(values):
def my_autopct(pct):
total = sum(values)
val = int(round(pct*total/100.0))
return '{p:.2f}% ({v:d})'.format(p=pct,v=val)
return my_autopct
In [148]:
# Open the csv and load into pandas dataframe
df = pd.read_csv('train.csv')
Now that the dataset is loaded, check if any rows contain bad data for the variables we are looking at.
In [149]:
#Use the pandas.isnull function to find any missing data
nullSex = df[pd.isnull(df['Sex'])]['PassengerId'].count()
nullClass = df[pd.isnull(df['Pclass'])]['PassengerId'].count()
nullSibSp = df[pd.isnull(df['SibSp'])]['PassengerId'].count()
print "Rows with no sex: %d\nRows with no pClass: %d\nRows with no SibSp: %d" % (nullSex,nullClass,nullSibSp)
No missing data found, so we don't need to worry about cleaning the data for this investigation.
In [150]:
sexNumbers = df.groupby('Sex')['Sex'].count()
figsize=(8, 8),
autopct = make_autopct(sexNumbers),
title='Passengers on Titanic Sex Distribution',
colors = sexColors)
About 2/3 of the passengers are male and the other 1/3 female.
It might be interesting to compare this with passenger data from other ships in that era, or ships/trains/planes today.
In [151]:
classNumbers = df.groupby('Pclass')['Pclass'].count()
figsize=(8, 8),
autopct= make_autopct(classNumbers),
title='Passengers on Titanic Class Distribution',
labels = ['First Class', 'Second Class', 'Third Class'],
3rd Class makes up the majority of the passengers. There are a similar number of 1st and 2nd class passengers.
It might be interesting to compare this with passenger data from other ships in that era, or ships/trains/planes today.
In [152]:
# Group passenegers into male and female, and then group by class and count the number of passengers in the groups
femaleVsClass = df[df['Sex'] == 'female'].groupby(['Pclass'])['Pclass'].count()
maleVsClass = df[df['Sex'] == 'male'].groupby(['Pclass'])['Pclass'].count()
# Combine the male and female results (for better graphing)
sexVsClass = pd.concat([femaleVsClass, maleVsClass], axis=1, keys=['females','males'])
#Plot the results
figsize=(16, 8),
title='Passengers on Titanic Class Distribution for Males and Females',
labels = ['First Class', 'Second Class', 'Third Class'],
The biggest difference is that a higher pct of males are in 3rd class then the % of females in third class.
One thought I have is that maybe there are more poor single men on the trip trying to get to America to start a new life. Let's see.
In [153]:
# Find the amount of males and females in all classes and group by the sibsp (sibblings or spouses on board)
# Since there are a different number of males and females in all classes, compare the results using % of total
male1AllClassTotal = df[(df['Sex'] == 'male')]['Pclass'].count()
maleAllClass = df[(df['Sex'] == 'male')].groupby(['SibSp'])['SibSp'].count()/male1AllClassTotal * 100
femaleAllClassTotal = df[(df['Sex'] == 'female')]['Pclass'].count()
femaleAllClass = df[(df['Sex'] == 'female')].groupby(['SibSp'])['SibSp'].count()/femaleAllClassTotal * 100
# Combine the males and females in all class to display on same graph
sexVsAllClass = pd.concat([femaleAllClass, maleAllClass], axis=1, keys=['females %','males %'])
# Find the amount of males and females in first class and group by the sibsp (sibblings or spouses on board)
# Since there are a different number of males and females in first class, compare the results using % of total
male1stClassTotal = df[(df['Sex'] == 'male') & (df['Pclass'] == 1)]['Pclass'].count()
male1stClass = df[(df['Sex'] == 'male') & (df['Pclass'] == 1)].groupby(['SibSp'])['SibSp'].count()/male1stClassTotal * 100
female1stClassTotal = df[(df['Sex'] == 'female') & (df['Pclass'] == 1)]['Pclass'].count()
female1stClass = df[(df['Sex'] == 'female') & (df['Pclass'] == 1)].groupby(['SibSp'])['SibSp'].count()/female1stClassTotal * 100
# Combine the males and females in first class to display on same graph
sexVs1stClass = pd.concat([female1stClass, male1stClass], axis=1, keys=['females %','males %'])
# Find the amount of males and females in second class and group by the sibsp (sibblings or spouses on board)
# Since there are a different number of males and females in second class, compare the results using % of total
male2ndClassTotal = df[(df['Sex'] == 'male') & (df['Pclass'] == 2)]['Pclass'].count()
male2ndClass = df[(df['Sex'] == 'male') & (df['Pclass'] == 2)].groupby(['SibSp'])['SibSp'].count()/male2ndClassTotal * 100
female2ndClassTotal = df[(df['Sex'] == 'female') & (df['Pclass'] == 2)]['Pclass'].count()
female2ndClass = df[(df['Sex'] == 'female') & (df['Pclass'] == 2)].groupby(['SibSp'])['SibSp'].count()/female2ndClassTotal * 100
# Combine the males and females in second class to display on same graph
sexVs2ndClass = pd.concat([female2ndClass, male2ndClass], axis=1, keys=['females %','males %'])
# Find the amount of males and females in third class and group by the sibsp (sibblings or spouses on board)
# Since there are a different number of males and females in third class, compare the results using % of total
male3rdClassTotal = df[(df['Sex'] == 'male') & (df['Pclass'] == 3)]['Pclass'].count()
male3rdClass = df[(df['Sex'] == 'male') & (df['Pclass'] == 3)].groupby(['SibSp'])['SibSp'].count()/male3rdClassTotal * 100
female3rdClassTotal = df[(df['Sex'] == 'female') & (df['Pclass'] == 3)]['Pclass'].count()
female3rdClass = df[(df['Sex'] == 'female') & (df['Pclass'] == 3)].groupby(['SibSp'])['SibSp'].count()/female3rdClassTotal * 100
# Combine the males and females in third class to display on same graph
sexVs3rdClass = pd.concat([female3rdClass, male3rdClass], axis=1, keys=['females %','males %'])
# Display the results
print pd.concat([sexVsAllClass, sexVs1stClass,sexVs2ndClass,sexVs3rdClass], axis=1, keys=['All','First','Second','Third'])
a1 =
a1.set_title('All Passengers',fontsize=24)
a1.set_xlabel('Number of Siblings or Spouses',fontsize=20)
a1.set_ylabel('% Of Total',fontsize=20)
a2 =
a2.set_title('1st Class Passengers',fontsize=24)
a2.set_xlabel('Number of Siblings or Spouses',fontsize=20)
a2.set_ylabel('% Of Total',fontsize=20)
a3 =
a3.set_title('2nd Class Passengers',fontsize=24)
a3.set_xlabel('Number of Siblings or Spouses',fontsize=20)
a3.set_ylabel('% Of Total',fontsize=20)
a4 =
a4.set_title('3rd Class Passengers',fontsize=24)
a4.set_xlabel('Number of Siblings or Spouses',fontsize=20)
a4.set_ylabel('% Of Total',fontsize=20)
Class does not seem to make much of a difference when it comes to the amount of men and women with siblings or spouses aboard. The % of men aboard with no spouses of siblings aboard is higher then the % of women. It would suggest that men were more likely to travel alone then women regardless of class.
One interesting thing (could be an out-lier) is that there are a few larger families in third class.
This investigation does not take into account the fact that the number of men with spouses or siblings could be effected by the number of women with siblings and spouses and vs versa.
Anything discussed in this section is based on the data in train.csv from the Kaggle website which only includes 891/2224 of the passengers. I can't find out which of the 891 passengers were selected so it is hard to know if there is any bias in the data (eg, was the crew included?). Therefor any conclusions only apply to the passengers included in the set.
For the question, 'Does the age of a passenger have any effect on their survival? What effect does sex have?', the variables will be investigated independently, then see what effect they have on each other.
Data loaded from trian.csv.
The data has already been loaded in section 2.1.
In [154]:
#Use the pandas.isnull function to find any missing data
nullSex = df[pd.isnull(df['Sex'])]['PassengerId'].count()
nullAge = df[pd.isnull(df['Age'])]['PassengerId'].count()
nullSurvived = df[pd.isnull(df['Survived'])]['PassengerId'].count()
totalRows = df['PassengerId'].count()
print "Rows with no Sex: %d\nRows with no Age: %d\nRows with no Survived: %d\nTotal: %d" % (nullSex,nullAge,nullSurvived,totalRows)
It appears some rows with passenger age is missing. For this investigation, rows with missing age information will be discarded.
In [155]:
# Remove rows with a null age (blank age) from the dataframe
df = df[pd.notnull(df['Age'])]
nullAge = df[pd.isnull(df['Age'])]['PassengerId'].count()
totalRows = df['PassengerId'].count()
print "Rows with no Age: %d\nTotal: %d" % (nullAge,totalRows)
For readability, add a column in the dataframe call 'Lived or Died' which has a string representation of whether a passenger survived.
In [156]:
# Add a column called 'Live or Died' with a string representation of the Survivedd column (which is 0 or 1)
d = {0: 'Died', 1: 'Lived'}
df['Lived or Died'] = df['Survived'].map(d)
In [157]:
# Use group by to find numbers of passengers how survived. Break down into all, men and women
survivedAllNumbers = df.groupby('Lived or Died')['Lived or Died'].count()
survivedMenNumbers = df[df['Sex']=='male'].groupby('Lived or Died')['Lived or Died'].count()
survivedWomenNumbers = df[df['Sex']=='female'].groupby('Lived or Died')['Lived or Died'].count()
# Combine survival numbers for display
survivedNumbers = pd.concat([survivedAllNumbers, survivedMenNumbers,survivedWomenNumbers], axis=1, keys=['All','Men','Women'])
# Display the not
figsize=(18, 6),
title='Passengers on Titanic Survival Rates',
More died then were saved. If you were a man it was much more unfortunate as most perished, with women having a much better (but still not perfect) survival rate.
In [158]:
# Describe the datasets in one chart using a concat of the describes of all, males and females.
print pd.concat([df['Age'].describe(),
df[df['Sex'] == 'male']['Age'].describe(),
df[df['Sex'] == 'female']['Age'].describe()],axis=1,
# Show histograms of the total population, then for males and females sepperatly
plt.title('Histogram of Passenger Age for all Passengers on the Titanic',fontsize=24)
plt.title('Histogram of Females on Titanic',fontsize=24)
plt.title('Histogram of Males on Titanic',fontsize=24)
There are more males then females. The distribution looks pretty close with the average age of males is slightly higher, and there are a higher % of very young females then males.
In [165]:
#Use seaborn to create graphs that use logistic regression to predict the survival % at different ages
#Show both population as a whole and split up males and females.
sns.set_context("notebook", font_scale=3)
g = sns.lmplot(x='Age',
g.set(xlim=(0,80),title='Survival Rate of All Passengers Using Logistic Regression')
g = sns.lmplot(x='Age',
g.set(xlim=(0,80),title='Survival Rate of Passengers, Seperated by Sex, Using Logistic Regression')
In general, being younger increases the chances of survival on the Titanic, but it changes a bit if you break it down by sexes.
Anything discussed in this section is based on the data in train.csv from the Kaggle website which only includes 891/2224 of the passengers. I can't find out which of the 891 passengers were selected so it is hard to know if there is any bias in the data (eg, was the crew included?). Therefor any conclusions only apply to the passengers included in the set.