Psych 45: Stroop stats

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%matplotlib inline

import pandas as pd
import seaborn as sns
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
sns.set(style='ticks', context='poster', font_scale=1.5)

Import data file

In [2]:
data = pd.read_csv('/Users/annakhazenzon/Documents/teaching/psych45/Psych45/WWW/demo_files/Psych45_stroop_stats_2017.csv')
data.drop('when', axis=1, inplace=True)

data.time_normal = data.time_normal.str.strip(' ms').str.replace(',', '').astype(float)
data.time_interfere = data.time_interfere.str.strip(' ms').str.replace(',', '').astype(float)

data['time_diff'] = data.time_interfere - data.time_normal

Remove outliers

In [3]:
max_rt = data.time_interfere.mean() + 2*data.time_interfere.std()
data = data.loc[data.time_interfere < max_rt]

In [4]:

pct_correct time_normal time_interfere time_diff
0 100.0 603.61 873.47 269.86
1 100.0 842.58 1286.07 443.49
2 100.0 673.37 1100.48 427.11
3 100.0 1089.52 1210.64 121.12
4 100.0 1004.44 1149.34 144.90


Summary stats

In [5]:

pct_correct time_normal time_interfere time_diff
count 52.000000 52.000000 52.000000 52.000000
mean 96.877308 932.745000 1147.618077 214.873077
std 3.935884 209.726486 206.822008 208.334020
min 85.000000 603.610000 787.770000 -473.790000
25% 95.240000 814.987500 1031.130000 111.525000
50% 97.825000 881.405000 1134.630000 207.745000
75% 100.000000 1027.152500 1220.665000 320.887500
max 100.000000 1897.750000 1939.030000 877.780000

What is the distribution of overall accuracy?

In [6]:
g = sns.distplot(data.pct_correct, rug=True,
g.set_xlabel('% correct')

How does condition affect response time?

In [7]:
data_long = pd.melt(data, ['pct_correct'])
data_long = data_long.loc[data_long.variable.isin(['time_normal', 'time_interfere'])]
data_long.loc[data_long.variable == 'time_normal', 'variable'] = 'congruent'
data_long.loc[data_long.variable == 'time_interfere', 'variable'] = 'incongruent'

In [8]:
g = sns.factorplot(x='variable', y='value', 
                   aspect=1.5, ci=95,
                   data=data_long, palette='Set2')
g.set_ylabels('RT (ms)')

What is the distribution of RTs for incongruent vs. congruent trials?

How much longer does it take to respond to an incongruent vs. a congruent trial?

In [9]:
g = sns.distplot(data.time_diff, rug=True, 
                 color='mediumpurple', vertical=True)
g.set_ylabel('RT for incongruent > congruent trials (ms)')
g.hlines(0, 0, .003, linestyles='dashed')

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