Literate programming using IPython notebooks

Literate programming is a concept promoted by Donald Knuth, the famous computer scientist (and the author of the Art of Computer Programming.) According to this concept, computer programs should be written in a combination of the programming language (the usual source code) and the natural language, which explains the logic of the program.

When it comes to scientific programming, using comments for natural-language explanations is not always convenient. Moreover, it is limited, because such explanations may require figures, equations, and other common elements of scientific texts. IPython/Jupyter notebooks provide a convenient tool for combining different text elements with code. In this notebook, I show how to use them effective with SConstruct data-analysis workflows in Madagascar.

Madagascar interface

The only element that we will need from the Python interface to Madagascar is the view function.

In [1]:
from m8r import view

File magic

Instead of writing SConstruct as one file, we are going to break this file into different parts and include them in the IPython notebook using %%file magic. Each part will be a file with .scons suffix.

In the first part, we are downloading input data (a short gather) and converting it to RSF format.

In [6]:
%%file data.scons

# Download data 

# Convert and window
     dd form=native | window min2=-2 max2=2 | 
     put label1=Time label2=Offset unit1=s unit2=km

Overwriting data.scons

The shot gather comes from the collection of shot gathers by Yilmaz and Cumro.

The pipeline in the second Flow converts the data to the native format, windows the offsets to the range from -2 to +2 km, and adds apppropriate labels and units. Next, let us display the data with and without the time-power correction.

In [8]:
%%file display.scons

# two plots displayed side by side
Plot('data','grey title="(a) Original Data"')
     'pow pow1=3 | grey title="(b) Time Power Correction" ')

Result('tpow','data tpow2','SideBySideAniso')

Overwriting display.scons

The time-power correction is simply a multiplication of the data $d(t,x)$ by time $t$ to some power $\alpha$:

$$d_{\alpha}(t,x) = d(t,x)\,t^{\alpha}.$$

In the example above, $\alpha=2$. Try changing the value of the time power and observe the results.

Now that we defined our Result plot, we can display it using view().

In [9]:


How does it work?

The function view() is specified in as follows:

def view(name):
        from IPython.display import Image
        png = name+'.png'
        makefile = os.path.join(rsf.prog.RSFROOT,'include','Makefile')
        os.system('make -f %s %s' % (makefile,png))
        return Image(filename=png)
        print 'No IPython Image support'
        return None

It runs the make command to generate the image and imports it into IPython. The corresponding Makefile is

SConstruct: *.scons
    echo "from rsf.proj import *" > $@
    cat $^ >> $@
    echo "\nEnd()" >> $@

%.png: SConstruct
    scons Fig/$*.vpl
    vpconvert pen=gd fat=3 serifs=n bgcolor=w Fig/$*.vpl $@

It collects all *.scons files into one SConstruct file, uses scons to create the result figure, and converts the figure to the PNG format using vpconvert.

Cleaning up

In [1]:
!scons -cQ

Removed wz.25.H
Removed RSFROOT/data/Users/sergey/wz.25.H
Removed data.rsf
Removed RSFROOT/data/Users/sergey/data.rsf@
Removed data.vpl
Removed tpow2.vpl
Removed Fig/tpow.vpl

In [2]:
!rm *.png


This example notebook illustrate how you might combine Python/SConstruct commands with human-language explanations (including equations, links, figures, etc.) in the spirit of "literate programming". Feel free to experiment!

To convert a notebook to other formats, use ipython nbconvert.

In [ ]: