We'd like to score the teams based on 100 realizations of their models — most of which are stochastic and take a random seed parameter. Please see the notebooks with _VALIDATION
suffixes to see how the realizations we generated. Each one of those notebooks generartes a file called <team>_100_realizations.npy
, which is what we are consuming here.
This notebook is super hacky I'm afraid.
In [1]:
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline
from sklearn.metrics import confusion_matrix, f1_score
from utils import accuracy, accuracy_adjacent, display_cm, facies_labels
Using globals. I am a miserable person.
In [2]:
PRED = pd.read_csv('prediction_depths.csv')
PRED.set_index(["Well Name", "Depth"], inplace=True)
In [3]:
TRUE = pd.read_csv('blind_stuart_crawford_core_facies.csv')
TRUE.rename(columns={'Depth.ft': 'Depth'}, inplace=True)
TRUE.rename(columns={'WellName': 'Well Name'}, inplace=True)
TRUE.set_index(["Well Name", "Depth"], inplace=True)
In [4]:
def get_accuracies(y_preds):
Get the F1 scores from all the y_preds.
y_blind is a 1D array. y_preds is a 2D array.
accs = []
for y_pred in y_preds:
PRED['Facies'] = y_pred
all_data = PRED.join(TRUE, how='inner')
y_blind = all_data['LithCode'].values
y_pred = all_data['Facies'].values
y_pred = y_pred[y_blind!=11]
y_blind = y_blind[y_blind!=11]
cv_conf = confusion_matrix(y_blind, y_pred)
return np.array(accs)
In [5]:
from glob import glob
from os import path
import operator
scores, medians = {}, {}
for f in glob('./*/*_100_realizations.npy'):
team = path.basename(f).split('_')[0]
y_preds = np.load(f)
scores[team] = get_accuracies(y_preds)
medians[team] = np.median(scores[team])
plt.hist(pd.Series(scores[team]), alpha=0.5)
for t, m in sorted(medians.items(), key=operator.itemgetter(1), reverse=True):
print("{:20s}{:.4f}".format(t, m))
In [6]:
s = pd.Series(scores['LA-Team'])
In [7]:
In [ ]: