Jupyter tutorial (part 1)

Welcome to the Jupyter tutorial for SPMS faculty. This tutorial will teach you how to use Jupyter to set up web-based course notes with pretty formatting, $\LaTeX$ mathematical equations, interactive graphs, HTML5 animations, and embeddable YouTube videos.

The tutorial is divided into three parts:

  • Part 1 describes the basics of using Jupyter.
  • Part 2 describes how to program interactive graphs using the Widget library.
  • Part 3 describes advanced topics: customizing Python and CSS defaults, server deployment (including version control), and exporting to $\LaTeX$/PDF.

Using Jupyter

Getting started

If you're running GNU/Linux, you should be able to install Jupyter using the standard package manager. On all other operating systems, it is easiest to install the Anaconda distribution. This is a Python distribution that contains Jupyter and other commonly-required modules like Scientific Python (Scipy). For other installation options, see here.

In all cases, I highly recommend choosing the Python 3 version. Nowadays, Python 2 is meant for legacy code, and all new code ought to be written in Python 3 by default.

From now on, we'll assume you're reading this tutorial in a Jupyter notebook session, running within a browser on your computer.

Basic Jupyter notebook usage

A Jupyter notebook is a document in which human-language text can be interspersed with computer code. It is divided into discrete segments, called cells. Each cell is either a Markdown cell (containing formatted human-language text) or a code cell (containing code). This cell, for instance, is a Markdown cell. As for code cells, their purpose can be instructional (e.g., for students to study and modify in a programming class), or merely functional (e.g., for embedding YouTube videos in the notebook).

When you first open a Jupyter notebook, all the cells are set up for viewing. You are in Command Mode, which lets you navigate and view the notebook, using the scroll bar or mouse-wheel. You can also left-click on a cell to select it; the currently selected cell is indicated by a highlighted border and left margin.

Still in Command Mode, you can run the program in a code cell by selecting it, and then using the Cell &rightarrow Run Cells menu item. (Instead of the menu item, you can also use the "run" tool bar item, or the keyboard shortcut Ctrl-Enter.) Try it on the code cell below:

In [1]:
from ipywidgets import interact, ToggleButtons

def test_msg(x):
    print('We are: ' + x)

interact(test_msg, x = ToggleButtons(description="Are we cool?", options=['cool', 'uncool']));

We are: uncool

Running this program generates two interactive buttons, which you can click on to generate a silly message. For now, don't worry about understanding the code; we'll cover that material later.

To change the contents of a cell, select it and type Enter (or just left-click on the text area if it's a code cell). This brings you into Edit Mode. After making whatever changes you like, exit Edit Mode by typing Ctrl-Enter, or the Cell &rightarrow Run Cells menu option, or the "run" tool bar item.

Go ahead and try editing this Markdown cell. Then return to Command Mode to see your changes take effect.

Important Keyboard Shortcuts

Jupyter provides an extensive list of keyboard shortcuts for both Command Mode and Edit Mode. Type h (for help) in Command Mode to show them. Some of the most useful ones are summarized here:

In Command Mode:

  • Enter : Enter Edit Mode.
  • Ctrl-Enter : Run cell.
  • a : Insert new cell above.
  • b : Insert new cell below.

In Edit Mode:

  • Ctrl-Enter : Finish editing; run/display cell and go to Command Mode.
  • Ctrl-Shift-Minus : Split the markdown cell at the current position.
  • Ctrl-x/Ctrl-c/Ctrl-v/Ctrl-z : Cut/copy/paste/undo.

Editing basics: Markdown cells

In Jupyter notebooks, human-language text should be put in markdown cells. Markdown is a markup language that's much simpler to read and write than HTML (at the expense of precision and power). It makes it very easy to implement 99% of the formatting/highlighting needed in a typical Jupyter document. When you run a Markdown cell (e.g. typing Ctrl-Enter from Edit Mode), the Jupyter notebook converts the Markdown into HTML, and displays it nicely in the browser.

There are lots of introductions to Markdown on the web. This tutorial, for instance, is pretty good. Here, we'll just give a whirlwind tour. Simply enter Edit Mode and see how the various formatting elements are written in Markdown:

Section/Subsection titles (lines beginning with # characters)

Also subsubsections...

Also subsubsubsections, etc...

Text can be highlighted by surrounding with asterisks: one asterisk for emphasis, two asterisks for strong statements, and three for strong emphases.

  1. To make ordered lists:
  2. Just start the line with a number, followed by a period.
  3. Any non-conforming line terminates the list.
  4. This syntax doesn't allow for sub-lists.

You can also use the HTML <ol> markup to implement more complex lists (this allows for sublists, etc.) Likewise,

  • To make bullet-point lists:
  • Use lines beginning with *.
  • This syntax doesn't allow for sub-lists.

You can use the HTML <ul> markup to implement more complex unordered lists.

You can include hyperlinks, like this one to jupyter.org. You can include internal hyperlinks within the same Jupyter document, like this one to the Shortcuts cell. (The destination to jump to was defined by adding the special tag <a name="shortcuts"></a> in the target Markdown cell; this tag is hidden when displaying the Markdown cell.) You can even link to other Jupyter notebooks on the same host.

To include images, use the HTML <img> tag:

Markdown can also include $\LaTeX$ expressions. These can be embedded into text by surrounding them with $ characters, like this: $y = ax + b$. You can also have stand-alone equations surrounded by double-dollar ($$) characters, like this:

$$\begin{align}z^2 &= (x+iy)^2 \\&= x^2 + 2x(iy) + (iy)^2 \\&= x^2 - y^2 + 2ixy\end{align}$$

Note that LaTeX's align environment is particularly useful for creating multi-line equations, like in the above example.

**Also, Tables**
Markdown also supports standard HTML tables, like in this example. Tables are useful containers for lengthy examples and asides. You can also put equations inside table cells:
$$\frac{df}{dx} = - \gamma x.$$

Editing basics: Python code cells

Basic plotting

Whereas markdown cells contain human-language text, code cells are used for computer code. Jupyter supports many different programming languages, but we will assume the default: Python 3.

The most common purpose of a code cell is to show a Python program that plots something. Here is a simple example, which plots the function $y = \tan(x)$:

In [4]:
%matplotlib inline
from scipy import *
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

## Plot tan(x) over an appropriate x range.
x = linspace(-6., 6., 200)
y = tan(x)
plt.plot(x, y)

## Format the figure nicely.
plt.title('y = tan(x)')
plt.ylim(-10., 10.);

Here is what the various lines of code do:

  • The first line, %matplotlib inline, is a "magic line" that indicates to Jupyter that the plot should be embedded in the Jupyter notebook, rather than opening a new OS window. (If you run the program as stand-alone Python code, outside Jupyter, this line should be omitted.)
  • The next two lines are Python import statements that load the Scipy (Scientific Python) and Matplotlib-Pyplot modules. Modules are what Python calls "programming libraries", and these particular ones provide specialized functions for scientific programming and plotting.
    Technical note: the contents of the scipy module are loaded directly into our program's namespace, whereas matplotlib.pyplot is assigned to the short-hand plt. That's why, later in the program, we call Scipy's linspace function directly as linspace, whereas Matplotlib's plot function is called as plt.plot.
  • The next several lines generate arrays of $x$ and $y$ data. They use the linspace and tan functions, from the Scipy module (actually, they're from Numpy, or Numeric Python, of which Scipy is a superset; no need to worry about the distinction for now).
  • Various functions from matplotlib.pyplot are called to set the axis labels, plot title, etc. (Note: in a stand-alone Python program, you would also need to add a final line, plt.show(), to open an OS window to actually show the plot. We don't need to do it here, because the figure is generated within the Jupyter notebook itself.)
  • The last line ends with a semi-colon (;). This is just a bit of sugar-coating to tell Jupyter to avoid displaying the return value of that final line (i.e., whatever is returned by the plt.ylim function call). We don't need to see this return value, since we're only interested in seeing the plotted graph. (If you like, try removing the semi-colon and running the program again, and see what difference it makes.)

YouTube videos

You don't necessary need to use code cells for scientific programming and plotting. You can put any general-purpose Python program in there.

For instance, you could have a program that displays a YouTube video player. This effectively turns your Jupyter notebook into a document with embedded video! This is accomplished using the IPython.display.YouTubeVideo class that's conveniently provided by the IPython.display module:

In [4]:
from IPython.display import YouTubeVideo
YouTubeVideo("xfr64zoBTAQ", showinfo=1) # Replace string with desired YT video ID
