Numerical Studies of Quantum Entanglement

In this notebook, we will perform some numerical studies of multiple-particle quantum mechanics. It is assumed that you are familiar with the basics of using Python 1D arrays to represent vectors, and 2D arrays to represent matrices/operators. For a detailed discussion of some of the topics covered below, you may optionally refer to Appendix D (Numerical Tensor Products) in the course notes, but that is not necessary to complete this notebook.

Numerical tensor products

Tensor products are implemented using the kron function from the numpy module.

1. Tensor products of vectors

Consider vectors $|a\rangle \in \mathscr{H}_A$ and $|b\rangle \in \mathscr{H}_B$, represented by 1D arrays a and b. Their tensor product is computed as follows:

$|a\rangle \otimes |b\rangle \quad \leftrightarrow\quad$ kron(a, b)

The result is a 1D array of length $\mathrm{dim}(\mathscr{H}_A\otimes\mathscr{H}_B) = \mathrm{dim}(\mathscr{H}_A) \mathrm{dim}(\mathscr{H}_B)$. Note that $\mathscr{H}_A$ and $\mathscr{H}_B$ need not have the same dimensionality.

Here is an example:

In [1]:
import numpy as np

a   = np.array([2., -1.])     # vector in a 2D space
b   = np.array([1., 2., 3.])  # vector in a 3D space
psi = np.kron(a, b)           # vector in the 6D tensor product space


[ 2.  4.  6. -1. -2. -3.]

We can verify the above example in bra-ket notation. Let $\{|m\rangle, |n\rangle\}$ be the basis for space $\mathscr{H}_A$, and let $\{|p\rangle, |q\rangle, |r\rangle\}$ be the basis for space $\mathscr{H}_B$:

$$\begin{aligned}|a\rangle &= 2|m\rangle - |n\rangle \\ |b\rangle &= 1|p\rangle + 2|q\rangle + 3|r\rangle \\ \Rightarrow \;\; |a\rangle \otimes |b \rangle &= 2|m\rangle |p\rangle + 4|m\rangle |q\rangle + 6|m\rangle |r\rangle - |n\rangle |p\rangle -2 |n\rangle |q\rangle - 3|n\rangle |r\rangle \end{aligned}$$

Note that the basis vectors are in a specific order, and kron(a,b) is NOT generally the same as kron(b,a):

In [2]:
foo = np.kron(b, a)  # This doesn't give the same result as kron(a, b)

[ 2. -1.  4. -2.  6. -3.]

2. Tensor products of arrays

Consider operators $\hat{O}_A$ and $\hat{O}_B$, whose matrix components are given by 2D arrays OA and OB. Their tensor product is computed as follows:

$\hat{O}_A \otimes \hat{O}_B \quad\leftrightarrow\quad$ kron(OA, OB).

This is a 2D array of size $\mathrm{dim}(\mathscr{H}_A\otimes\mathscr{H}_B) \, \times \, \mathrm{dim}(\mathscr{H}_A\otimes\mathscr{H}_B)$.

Here is an example to verify that

$$\Big(\hat{O}_A \otimes \hat{O}_B \Big) \Big(|\psi_A\rangle \otimes |\psi_B\rangle\Big) = \Big(\hat{O}_A |\psi_A\rangle\Big) \otimes \Big(\hat{O}_B |\psi_B\rangle\Big) $$

In [7]:
## Define new example vectors a and b, this time as complex arrays...
a  = np.array([2.+1j, 1j],     dtype=complex)
b  = np.array([-1j, 2., 1-1j], dtype=complex)

## Define two example operators (2D arrays), OA and OB:
OA = np.array([[2., 1.], [1j, 1.]], dtype=complex)
OB = np.array([[1., 2j, 3.], [0., 4., 0.], [1., 0., 1j]], dtype=complex)

O_total = np.kron(OA, OB)                     # Tensor product of OA and OB

OAa =, a)                           # OA * a is a vector (1D array)
OBb =, b)                           # OB * b is a vector (1D array)

print("LHS: ",, np.kron(a, b)))  # LHS
print("RHS: ",  np.kron(OAa, OBb))               # RHS

LHS:  [12. +9.j 32.+24.j  4. +3.j -3. +9.j -8.+24.j -1. +3.j]
RHS:  [12. +9.j 32.+24.j  4. +3.j -3. +9.j -8.+24.j -1. +3.j]

Task 1: Calculate measurement probabilities (6 marks)

As before, let Hilbert space $\mathscr{H}_A$ be spanned by $\{|m\rangle, |n\rangle\}$, and let Hilbert space $\mathscr{H}_B$ be spanned by $\{|p\rangle, |q\rangle, |r\rangle\}$. Consider the state

$$|\psi\rangle = \frac{1}{\sqrt{3}} |m\rangle |p\rangle + \frac{1}{3} |n\rangle |q\rangle + \frac{\sqrt{2}}{3} |m\rangle |q\rangle + \frac{1}{\sqrt{3}} |n\rangle |r\rangle.$$

Write code to compute the following measurement probabilities:

  • Probability of obtaining result $m$ by doing a measurement on $A$
  • Probability of obtaining result $n$ by doing a measurement on $A$
  • Probability of obtaining result $p$ by doing a measurement on $B$
  • Probability of obtaining result $q$ by doing a measurement on $B$
  • Probability of obtaining result $r$ by doing a measurement on $B$

Your code should make use of projection operators; don't just solve the problem analytically and write the answers into the program. Some additional hints are given below.

In [11]:
## Define the |m>, |n>, |p>, |q>, and |r> vectors as 1D arrays.
m = np.array([1., 0.], dtype=complex)
n = np.array([0., 1.], dtype=complex)
p = np.array([1., 0., 0.], dtype=complex)
q = np.array([0., 1., 0.], dtype=complex)
r = np.array([0., 0., 1.], dtype=complex)

## Insert the rest of the code here...

Hints for Task 1

  • To calculate (say) the probability of obtaining a result $m$ on $A$, construct the operator $$\hat{\Pi}_m = \Big(|m\rangle\langle m|\Big)\otimes \hat{I}_B $$ where $\hat{I}_B$ is the identity operator for $\mathscr{H}_B$. Then compute $$| \psi'\rangle = \hat{\Pi}_m |\psi\rangle.$$ The desired probability is $P_m = \langle \psi' | \psi'\rangle.$
  • To compute a matrix-vector product $\hat{Q} |v\rangle$, use the function: dot(Q, v).

  • To compute an inner product $\langle u|v\rangle$, use the function: dot(u.conj(), v). Note the complex conjugate on the bra (the first input).

  • To compute an outer product $|u\rangle\langle v|$, use the np.outer function: outer(u, v.conj()). Note the complex conjugate on the bra (the second input).

  • To generate an identity matrix, use the np.eye function: e.g., eye(2) or eye(3).

Partial projections

Computing density matrices requires performing partial projections. There are two cases to worry about.

1. Left projections

A partial projection acting from the left can be implemented via the recipe

$\quad \langle \alpha | \otimes \hat{O}_B \quad \leftrightarrow \quad$ kron(alpha.conj(), OB)

$\quad \hat{O}_A \otimes \langle \beta| \quad\leftrightarrow \quad$ kron(OA, beta.conj())

The following example verifies that

$$\begin{aligned}\Big(\langle \alpha | \otimes \hat{O}_B\Big) \Big(|a\rangle |b\rangle\Big) &= \langle \alpha | a\rangle \Big(\hat{O}_B |b\rangle\Big) \;\;\in\;\;\mathscr{H}_B, \\ \Big(\hat{O}_A \otimes \langle \beta |\Big) \Big(|a\rangle |b\rangle\Big) &= \langle \beta | b\rangle \Big(\hat{O}_A |a\rangle\Big) \;\;\in\;\;\mathscr{H}_A.\end{aligned}$$

In [22]:
## Note: a, b, OA, and OB were defined in a previous code cell.

alpha     = np.array([2+1j, 1-2j], dtype=complex)
projector = np.kron(alpha.conj(), OB)
print("LHS1: ",, np.kron(a, b)))          # LHS of the first equation above
print("RHS1: ",, a) *, b))   # RHS of the first equation
print("Shape of the <alpha| x O_B matrix is", projector.shape)

beta      = np.array([2+1j, 1-2j, -1-1j], dtype=complex)
projector = np.kron(OA, beta.conj())
print("LHS2: ",, np.kron(a, b)))         # LHS of the second equation
print("RHS2: ",, b) *, a))   # RHS of the second equation
print("Shape of the O_A x <beta| matrix is", projector.shape)

LHS1:  [ 9.+3.j 24.+8.j  3.+1.j]
RHS1:  [ 9.+3.j 24.+8.j  3.+1.j]
Shape of the <alpha| x O_B matrix is (3, 6)
LHS2:  [ -8.+19.j -13. -1.j]
RHS2:  [ -8.+19.j -13. -1.j]
Shape of the O_A x <beta| matrix is (2, 6)

2. Right projections

Partial projections acting from the right are a bit trickier. We won't go into details, but here are the recipes:

$\quad |\alpha\rangle \otimes \hat{O}_B \quad \leftrightarrow \quad$ kron(alpha, OB.T).T

$\quad \hat{O}_A \otimes |\beta\rangle \quad \leftrightarrow \quad$ kron(OA.T, beta).T

The following example verifies that

$$\begin{aligned}\Big(\langle a|\langle b|\Big) \Big(|\alpha\rangle \otimes \hat{O}_B\Big) &= \langle a|\alpha\rangle \, \Big(\langle b|\hat{O}_B \Big) \\ \Big(\langle a|\langle b|\Big) \Big(\hat{O}_A \otimes |\beta\rangle\Big) &= \langle b|\beta\rangle\, \Big(\langle a|\hat{O}_A\Big)\end{aligned}$$

In [25]:
## Note: a, b, alpha, beta, and OB were defined previously.

projector1 = np.kron(alpha, OB.T).T
print("LHS1: ",,b).conj(), projector1))
print("RHS1: ",, alpha) *, OB))

projector2 = np.kron(OA.T, beta).T
print("LHS2: ",,b).conj(), projector2))
print("RHS2: ",, beta) *, OA))

LHS1:  [ 5. +5.j 18. -6.j  1.+13.j]
RHS1:  [ 5. +5.j 18. -6.j  1.+13.j]
LHS2:  [-3.-22.j -6.-10.j]
RHS2:  [-3.-22.j -6.-10.j]

Task 2: Calculating reduced density matrices (6 marks)

Using the above projection rules, write a Python function that takes a density matrix $\hat{\rho}$ (acting on some space $\mathscr{H}_A \otimes \mathscr{H}_B$), and returns the reduced density matrix $\hat{\rho}_A$. The reduced density matrix is defined as

$$\begin{aligned}\hat{\rho}_A &= \mathrm{Tr}_B \big[\, \hat{\rho}\, \big] \\ &= \sum_{b} \Big(\hat{I}_A \otimes \langle b|\Big) \; \hat{\rho} \;\Big(\hat{I}_A \otimes | b\rangle\Big)\end{aligned}$$

where $\hat{I}_A$ denotes the identity operator in $\mathscr{H}_A$ and $\sum_b$ denotes a sum over basis vectors $\{|b\rangle\}$ spanning $\mathscr{H}_B$.

Note: don't worry about optimizing the code for performance; focus on correctness.

In [27]:
## Function returning a reduced density matrix, traced over the B subspace.
## The parameter dimA specifies the dimensionality of the A subspace.
def reduced_density_matrix_A(rho, dimA):
    assert rho.shape[0] == rho.shape[1]    # rho must be a square matrix
    dimB = rho.shape[0] // dimA            # determine dim(H_B)

    ## Insert the rest of the code here...
    return np.eye(dimA) # FIXME

Hints for Task 2

To check whether you have written the function correctly, there are a couple of things you can do:

  • Check that if you supply a pure state density matrix as the input rho, the return value has all the necessary properties of a density matrix: e.g., it must be Hermitian, and all the eigenvalues are real numbers between 0 and 1, summing to 1.
  • Run the following code snippet to verify that the state $$|\psi\rangle = \frac{1}{\sqrt{2}} \Big(|\!+\!z\rangle\, |\!-\!z\rangle \,-\, |\!-\!z\rangle\,|\!+\!z\rangle\Big)$$ has the maximum possible entropy $k_B \log(2)$, as discussed in class:

In [32]:
up   = np.array([1.0, 0.0])
down = np.array([0.0, 1.0])

psi = 1/np.sqrt(2) * (np.kron(up, down) - np.kron(down, up))
rho = np.outer(psi, psi.conj())
rhoA = reduced_density_matrix_A(rho, 2)

from scipy.linalg import logm            # The matrix logarithm function
S = - np.trace(, logm(rhoA))).real

print("S = ", S)
print("Expected entropy = ", np.log(2))

S =  -0.0
Expected entropy =  0.6931471805599453

Task 3: Evolution of the entropy (8 marks)

Consider a 2D Hilbert space $\mathscr{H}_A$ coupled to an $N$-dimensional Hilbert space $\mathscr{H}_B$, with initial state

$$|\psi(t=0)\rangle = \frac{1}{\sqrt{2}}\Big(|\!+\!z\rangle + |\!-\!z\rangle\Big) \otimes |\psi_B\rangle,$$

where $|\psi_B\rangle \in \mathscr{H}_B$ is a randomly chosen vector with unit norm. Let the combined system evolve under the Hamiltonian

$$\hat{H} = \hat{\sigma}_z \otimes \hat{V},$$

where $\hat{\sigma}_z$ is a Pauli matrix and $\hat{V}$ is a randomly chosen Hermitian operator. A convenient way to generate $\hat{V}$ is to take

$$ \begin{aligned}A_{ij} &\sim u_{ij} + i v_{ij}, \;\;\;\mathrm{where}\;\;u_{ij},v_{ij}\sim N(0,1)\\ \hat{V} &= \frac{1}{2\sqrt{d}} \left(\hat{A} + \hat{A}^\dagger\right).\end{aligned}$$

with $N(0,1)$ representing the standard normal distribution.

Compute the entanglement entropy as a function of time. Compare two cases: (i) $d$ on the order of unity, and (ii) $d \gg 1$.

In [41]:
## Here's some starter code that draws a random V matrix and plots a histogram
## of its eigenvalues. Replace this code with what you actually want to do...

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

d = 500
A = np.random.randn(d,d) + 1j*np.random.randn(d,d)
V = 1/2/np.sqrt(d) * (A + A.T.conj())

from scipy.linalg import eigvalsh  # Eigenvalue solver for Hermitian matrices
E = eigvalsh(V)
plt.hist(E, bins=40) # The eigenvalues follow the Wigner-Dyson distribution, falling between [-2,2].