Spherical waves

Let the potential $V$ be constant within some region of 3D space (which could be finite or infinite). Within this region, the Schrödinger wave equation reduces to the Helmholtz equation:

$$\left[\nabla^2 + k^2\right] \psi(\mathbf{r}) = 0, \;\;\;\mathrm{where}\;\; k = \sqrt{\frac{2m(E-V)}{\hbar^2}}.$$

For $E > V$, it is well-known that there exist solutions consisting of plane waves with wavenumber $k$. However, we can also find spherical wave solutions. Given a choice of coordinate origin, we define spherical coordinates $(r, \theta, \phi)$. Then the spherical wave solutions have the form

$$\psi(r,\theta,\phi) = A_\ell(kr) Y_{\ell m}(\theta,\phi), \;\;\;\mathrm{where} \;\; A_\ell(z) = \Big\{ j_\ell(z) \;\;\mathrm{or}\;\; y_\ell(z) \Big\}.$$

Here, $j_\ell$ is called a spherical Bessel function of the first kind, $y_\ell$ is called a spherical Bessel function of the second kind, and the $Y_{\ell m}$ is called a spherical harmonic function. Let us first focus on the spherical Bessel functions, which determine the radial variation of the spherical waves.

Spherical Bessel functions

In Python, the spherical Bessel functions can be calculated using spherical_jn and spherical_yn from the scipy.special module. Note that these functions are real-valued when the inputs are real; but they can also accept complex inputs, in which case the values are complex-valued.

Here is an example:

In [3]:
from scipy import *
from scipy.special import spherical_jn, spherical_yn
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

z  = linspace(1e-6, 25, 200)
j0 = spherical_jn(0, z)    # Spherical Bessel function for l = 0

plt.plot(z, j0, label="J_0(z)")

Exercise 1: Modify the above code to (i) plot the spherical Bessel function $j_\ell$ for a few different values of $\ell$, and (ii) graphically verify the limiting expression

$$j_\ell(z)\; \overset{z\rightarrow\infty}{\longrightarrow} \; \frac{\sin(z-\frac{\ell\pi}{2})}{z}.$$

(For full credit, be sure to include all relevant axis/curve labels.)

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Exercise 2: Modify the above code to (i) plot the spherical Bessel functions of the second kind, $y_\ell$, for a few different values of $\ell$, and (ii) graphically verify the limiting expression

$$y_\ell(z)\; \overset{z\rightarrow\infty}{\longrightarrow} \; - \frac{\cos(z-\frac{\ell\pi}{2})}{z}$$

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Aside: derivatives of spherical Bessel functions

In physics problems involving spherical waves, we often need the derivatives of the spherical Bessel functions. You can obtain these by passing the optional derivative argument to spherical_jn or spherical_yn, as in the following example:

In [2]:
from scipy import *
from scipy.special import spherical_jn, spherical_yn
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

z   = linspace(1e-6, 25, 200)
j0  = spherical_jn(0, z)                  # Spherical Bessel function for l = 0
j0p = spherical_jn(0, z, derivative=True) # Its derivative

plt.plot(z, j0,  label="J_0")
plt.plot(z, j0p, label="J_0'")
plt.plot([0, z[-1]], [0, 0], color="grey", linestyle="dashed")

Spherical Hankel functions

The spherical Hankel functions are defined as the following combinations of the spherical Bessel functions:

$$h_{\ell}^\pm(z) = j_\ell(z) \pm i y_\ell(z).$$

The + sign refers to a spherical Hankel function of the first kind, and is used to describe "outgoing" waves. The - sign refers to a spherical Hankel function of the second kind, and is used to describe "incoming" waves. This is roughly analogous to the Euler relation $e^{\pm iz} = \cos(z) \pm i\sin(z)$. Note that whereas $j_\ell$ and $y_\ell$ are always real-valued, $h_\ell$ is complex-valued.

The following example plots $|h_0(z)|^2$ versus $z$. Note the following features:

  • The spherical Hankel function blows up at the origin, similar to the spherical Bessel function of the second kind
  • The magnitude of the spherical Hankel function varies smoothly, and does not oscillate. These features support the interpretation that the spherical Hankel function describes a fixed-intensity wavefunction travelling either outward from the coordinate origin, or inward to the origin.

In [6]:
from scipy import *
from scipy.special import spherical_jn, spherical_yn
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

z = linspace(1e-6, 10, 200)
l = 0

j0 = spherical_jn(0, z)
y0 = spherical_yn(0, z)
h0 = j0 + 1j * y0

plt.plot(z, abs(h0)**2, label='|h0|^2')
plt.ylim(0, 2)

Spherical harmonics

The spherical harmonic functions $Y_{\ell m}(\theta, \phi)$ describe the angular dependence of spherical waves. They can be computed using the sph_harm function from the scipy.special module.

Warning: The notation in the sph_harm documentation differs from the notation that we (and most physics textbooks) use! What the documentation called $\{n, m, \theta, \phi\}$ is what we call $\{\ell, m, \phi, \theta\}$. Note especially that $\theta$ and $\phi$ are swapped!!

The following example produces a plot showing how the spherical harmonic function varies along the upper hemisphere. The color map shows the value of $\mathrm{Re}[Y_{\ell m}(\theta,\phi)]$, and the radial coordinate in the plot corresponds to the $\theta$ coordinate, with $\theta \in [0, \pi/2]$.

In [22]:
from scipy import *
from scipy.special import sph_harm
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

## Set up mesh of azimuthal coordinates
phi    = linspace(0, 2*pi, 200)
theta  = linspace(1e-3, 0.5*pi, 200)
theta2d, phi2d = meshgrid(theta, phi)
rho2d  = sin(theta2d)

## Calculate the spherical harmonic
l, m = 4, 3
Y = sph_harm(m, l, phi2d, theta2d)

plt.pcolormesh(phi2d, rho2d, real(Y), cmap="bwr")

Excercise 3: Write a program to verify the mathematical identity

$$e^{i\mathbf{k} \cdot \mathbf{r}} = \sum_{\ell=0}^\infty \sum_{m=-\ell}^\ell 4 \pi j_{\ell}(kr) e^{i\ell\pi/2} \, Y_{\ell m}^*(\hat{\mathbf{k}}) \, Y_{\ell m}(\hat{\mathbf{r}})$$

where $\hat{\mathbf{k}}$ denotes the angular coordinates corresponding to the vector $\mathbf{k}$, and $\hat{\mathbf{r}}$ denotes the angular coordinates corresponding to the vector $\mathbf{r}$. You are free to choose exactly how to perform this verification; for example, you could calculate the left- and right- hand sides for one or more choices of $\mathbf{k}$ and $\mathbf{r}$, or you could plot some sort of graph. Include ample comments to explain what your program is doing.

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