Abstract for ICDL (March 23rd, 2015) Internship report
In [99]:
import cPickle
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import os
import sys
from numpy import array, mean, std, sqrt
from explaupoppydiva.drawer import Drawer
logs = '../logs/'
log_dirs = [
iterations = 10000
eval_at = range(1, iterations + 1, iterations / 50)
In [100]:
import sys
import explaupoppydiva.config as config
sys.modules['config'] = config
pickled_logs = {}
for log_dir in log_dirs:
for xp_dir in os.listdir(os.path.join(logs,log_dir)) + ['']:
if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(logs, log_dir, xp_dir)):
print os.path.join(logs, log_dir, xp_dir)
for log_file in os.listdir(os.path.join(logs, log_dir, xp_dir)):
file_path = os.path.join(logs, log_dir, xp_dir, log_file)
if file_path.endswith('.pickle'):
#print file_path
with open(file_path, 'r') as f:
pickled_logs[file_path] = cPickle.load(f)
except ValueError:
print "ValueError", file_path
In [101]:
%pylab inline
explorations = {}
for log_dir in log_dirs:
explorations[log_dir] = {}
fig_explo, ax = plt.subplots()
fig_explo.canvas.set_window_title('Exploration comparison for ' + log_dir)
for xp_dir in sorted(os.listdir(os.path.join(logs,log_dir))) + ['']:
if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(logs, log_dir, xp_dir)):
explo = {}
#print os.path.join(logs, log_dir, xp_dir)
for log_file in os.listdir(os.path.join(logs, log_dir, xp_dir)):
file_path = os.path.join(logs, log_dir, xp_dir, log_file)
if file_path.endswith('.pickle'):
#print file_path
if pickled_logs.has_key(file_path):
log = pickled_logs[file_path]
if len(log.explo) == len(log.config.eval_at):
explo[log_file] = array(log.explo)
if len(explo.values()) > 0:
l = len(explo.values()[0])
#print log.config.name
#print explo.values()
#print l
x = eval_at[:l]
y = mean(array(explo.values()), axis=0)
error = std(array(explo.values()), axis=0)
error = error / sqrt(len(explo)) # Standard error of the mean
color_cycle = ax._get_lines.color_cycle
next_color = next(color_cycle)
ax.plot(x, y, label = log.config.name, color=next_color)
ax.fill_between(x, y-error, y+error, alpha=0.2, label = log.config.name, color = next_color)
#ax.errorbar(eval_at[:l],, yerr=, label = log.config.name)
explorations[log_dir][xp_dir] = explo
plt.xlabel('Iterations', fontsize=18)
plt.ylabel('Explored cells', fontsize=18)
ax.legend(loc='lower right')
plt.savefig(logs + log_dir + '/explo-' + log_dir[0:-1] + '.png')
In [102]:
end_explo = {}
for log_dir in explorations:
end_explo[log_dir] = {}
for xp in explorations[log_dir]:
end_explo[log_dir][xp] = {}
end_explo[log_dir][xp] = [explorations[log_dir][xp][key][-1] for key in explorations[log_dir][xp]]
In [103]:
for log_dir in end_explo:
print log_dir
for xp in end_explo[log_dir]:
print " ", xp
print " ", end_explo[log_dir][xp]
Mann-Whitney U test: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mann%E2%80%93Whitney_U_test
One tail / two tail: http://www.ats.ucla.edu/stat/mult_pkg/faq/general/tail_tests.htm
In [107]:
from scipy.stats import mannwhitneyu
x = end_explo['2015-04-18_02-19-01-explaupoppydiva-riac-cube3']['MS1-RIAC-seq_10000']
y = end_explo['2015-04-18_02-19-01-explaupoppydiva-riac-cube3']['SEQ-RIAC-seq_10000']
print mannwhitneyu(x, y)
In [33]:
from scipy.stats import mannwhitneyu
x = end_explo['2015-04-11_12-08-52_cube3']['MOTOR_BABBLING-seq_10000']
y = end_explo['2015-04-11_12-08-52_cube3']['MS1-GOAL-BABBLING-seq_10000']
print mannwhitneyu(x, y)
In [45]:
import cPickle
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import os
import sys
from numpy import array, mean, std, sqrt
from explaupoppydiva.drawer import Drawer
logs = '../logs/'
log_dirs = [
iterations = 10000
eval_at = range(iterations / 10, iterations + 1, iterations / 10)
In [48]:
plot_explo = True
plot_explo_comp = True
explorations = {}
exploration_comp = {}
conditions_to_plot = [
for log_dir in log_dirs:
explorations[log_dir] = {}
exploration_comp[log_dir] = {}
if plot_explo:
fig_explo, ax_explo = plt.subplots()
fig_explo.canvas.set_window_title('Exploration comparison for ' + log_dir)
if plot_explo_comp:
fig_explo_comp, ax_explo_comp = plt.subplots()
fig_explo_comp.canvas.set_window_title('ExploComp comparison for ' + log_dir)
for xp_dir in sorted(os.listdir(os.path.join(logs,log_dir))) + ['']:
print xp_dir
if xp_dir in conditions_to_plot and os.path.isdir(os.path.join(logs, log_dir, xp_dir)):
comp = {}
explo = {}
explo_comp = {}
print os.path.join(logs, log_dir, xp_dir)
for log_file in os.listdir(os.path.join(logs, log_dir, xp_dir)):
file_path = os.path.join(logs, log_dir, xp_dir, log_file)
if file_path.endswith('.pickle'):
print file_path
with open(file_path, 'r') as f:
log = cPickle.load(f)
#print "explo", log.explo, "explocomp", log.explo_comp, "comp", log.eval_errors
if plot_explo:
if len(log.explo) == len(eval_at):
explo[log_file] = array(log.explo)
if plot_explo_comp:
if len(log.explo_comp) == len(eval_at):
explo_comp[log_file] = array(log.explo_comp)
except ValueError:
print "ValueError"
if plot_explo:
if len(explo.values()) > 0:
print "Explo", mean(array(explo.values()), axis=0)
l = len(explo.values()[0])
print log.config.name
#print explo.values()
#print l
x = eval_at[:l]
y = mean(array(explo.values()), axis=0)
error = std(array(explo.values()), axis=0)
error = error / sqrt(len(explo)) # Standard error of the mean
color_cycle = ax_explo._get_lines.color_cycle
next_color = next(color_cycle)
ax_explo.plot(x, y, label = log.config.name, color=next_color)
if len(explo.values()) > 1:
ax_explo.fill_between(x, y-error, y+error, alpha=0.2, label = log.config.name, color = next_color)
#ax.errorbar(eval_at[:l],, yerr=, label = log.config.name)
explorations[log_dir][xp_dir] = explo
if plot_explo_comp:
if len(explo_comp.values()) > 0:
print "ExploComp", explo_comp.values()
l = len(explo_comp.values()[0])
print log.config.name
#print explo_comp.values()
#print l
x = eval_at[:l]
y = mean(array(explo_comp.values()), axis=0)
error = std(array(explo_comp.values()), axis=0)
error = error / sqrt(len(explo_comp)) # Standard error of the mean
color_cycle = ax_explo_comp._get_lines.color_cycle
next_color = next(color_cycle)
ax_explo_comp.plot(x, y, label = log.config.name, color=next_color)
if len(explo_comp.values()) > 1:
ax_explo_comp.fill_between(x, y-error, y+error, alpha=0.2, label = log.config.name, color = next_color)
#ax_comp.errorbar(eval_at[:l],, yerr=, label = log.config.name)
exploration_comp[log_dir][xp_dir] = explo_comp
if plot_explo:
ax_explo.legend(loc='upper left')
plt.xlabel('Iterations', fontsize=18)
plt.ylabel('Explored cells', fontsize=18)
plt.savefig(logs + log_dir + '/explo-' + log_dir[0:-1] + '.png')
if plot_explo_comp:
ax_explo_comp.legend(loc='upper left')
plt.xlabel('Iterations', fontsize=18)
plt.ylabel('Reached cells', fontsize=18)
plt.savefig(logs + log_dir + '/explo_comp-' + log_dir[0:-1] + '.png')
In [54]:
end_explo = {}
for log_dir in explorations:
end_explo[log_dir] = {}
for xp in explorations[log_dir]:
end_explo[log_dir][xp] = {}
end_explo[log_dir][xp] = [explorations[log_dir][xp][key][-1] for key in explorations[log_dir][xp]]
print end_explo
end_explo_comp = {}
for log_dir in exploration_comp:
end_explo_comp[log_dir] = {}
for xp in exploration_comp[log_dir]:
end_explo_comp[log_dir][xp] = {}
end_explo_comp[log_dir][xp] = [exploration_comp[log_dir][xp][key][-1] for key in exploration_comp[log_dir][xp]]
print end_explo_comp
In [63]:
for log_dir in end_explo:
print log_dir
for xp in end_explo_comp[log_dir]:
print " ", xp
print " ", end_explo_comp[log_dir][xp]
In [61]:
from scipy.stats import mannwhitneyu
x = end_explo_comp['2015-04-30_12-54-30-explaupoppydiva-tree-cube3']['MOTOR_BABBLING-seq_10000']
y = end_explo_comp['2015-04-30_12-54-30-explaupoppydiva-tree-cube3']['TOP-DOWN-CMA-tree-seq_500']
print mannwhitneyu(x, y)
In [72]:
import cPickle
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from numpy import array, mean, std, sqrt
import os
import sys
from explaupoppydiva.drawer import Drawer
logs = '../logs/'
log_dirs = [
# '2015-05-27_15-07-24-Test-Arm-Seq',
# '2015-05-26_19-58-11-Test-Arm-Seq'
conditions_to_plot = [
plot_explo = True
iterations = 5000
explorations = {}
for log_dir in log_dirs:
explorations[log_dir] = {}
if plot_explo:
fig_explo, ax_explo = plt.subplots()
fig_explo.canvas.set_window_title('Exploration comparison for ' + log_dir)
for xp_dir in sorted(os.listdir(os.path.join(logs,log_dir)) + ['']):
print xp_dir
if xp_dir in conditions_to_plot and os.path.isdir(os.path.join(logs, log_dir, xp_dir)):
# if xp_dir[-3:] == '840':
# eval_at = range(1, iterations, 840/50)
# else:
# eval_at = range(1, iterations, iterations/50)
explo = {}
explo_comp = {}
comp = {}
#print os.path.join(logs, log_dir, xp_dir)
for log_file in os.listdir(os.path.join(logs, log_dir, xp_dir)):
file_path = os.path.join(logs, log_dir, xp_dir, log_file)
if file_path.endswith('.pickle'):
#print file_path
with open(file_path, 'r') as f:
log = cPickle.load(f)
#print "explo", log.explo#, "explocomp", log.explo_comp, "comp", mean(array(log.eval_errors[0]))
if plot_explo:
eval_at = range(1, iterations, iterations/len(log.explo))
explo[log_file] = array(log.explo)
# if len(log.explo) == len(eval_at):
# explo[log_file] = array(log.explo)
# elif len(log.explo) == 2*len(log.config.eval_at):
# explo[log_file] = array(log.explo)[range(0,len(log.explo),2)]
# else:
# print "Warning:", len(log.explo), len(eval_at)
except ValueError:
print "ValueError"
if plot_explo:
if len(explo.values()) > 0:
l = len(explo.values()[0])
#print log.config.name
#print explo.values()
#print l
if log.config.iter == 5000:
x = eval_at[:l]
e2 = range(1,1240,1240/50)
v = array(e2)
v[v > 300] = (v[v>300]-300)*5 + 300
x = list(v)
#print len(x), x, mean(array(explo.values()), axis=0)
y = mean(array(explo.values()), axis=0)
error = std(array(explo.values()), axis=0)
error = error / sqrt(len(explo)) # Standard error of the mean
color_cycle = ax_explo._get_lines.color_cycle
next_color = next(color_cycle)
ax_explo.plot(x, y, label = log.config.name, color=next_color)
ax_explo.fill_between(x, y-error, y+error, alpha=0.2, label = log.config.name, color = next_color)
#ax.errorbar(eval_at[:l],, yerr=, label = log.config.name)
explorations[log_dir][xp_dir] = explo
if plot_explo:
ax_explo.legend(loc='upper left')
plt.xlabel('Iterations', fontsize=18)
plt.ylabel('Explored cells', fontsize=18)
plt.savefig(logs + log_dir + '/explo-' + log_dir[0:] + '.png')
In [73]:
end_explo = {}
for log_dir in explorations:
end_explo[log_dir] = {}
for xp in explorations[log_dir]:
end_explo[log_dir][xp] = {}
end_explo[log_dir][xp] = [explorations[log_dir][xp][key][-1] for key in explorations[log_dir][xp]]
for log_dir in end_explo:
print log_dir
for xp in end_explo[log_dir]:
print " ", xp
print " ", end_explo[log_dir][xp]
In [85]:
from scipy.stats import mannwhitneyu
x = end_explo['2015-05-30_16-11-48-Test-Arm-Seq']['Arm-Seq-GB-H-seq_5000']
y = end_explo['2015-05-30_16-11-48-Test-Arm-Seq']['Arm-Seq-Tr-H-seq_5000']
u, p = mannwhitneyu(x, y)
print "U:", u, "p:", 2*p
In [87]:
import cPickle
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from numpy import array, mean, std, sqrt
import os
import sys
from explaupoppydiva.drawer import Drawer
logs = os.getenv('HOME') + '/scm/Flowers/explaupoppydiva/logs/'
log_dirs = [
conditions_to_plot = [
plot_explo = True
iterations = 3000
eval_at = range(1, iterations +1, iterations/10)
explorations = {}
for log_dir in log_dirs:
explorations[log_dir] = {}
if plot_explo:
fig_explo, ax_explo = plt.subplots()
fig_explo.canvas.set_window_title('Exploration comparison for ' + log_dir)
if plot_explo_comp:
fig_explo_comp, ax_explo_comp = plt.subplots()
fig_explo_comp.canvas.set_window_title('ExploComp comparison for ' + log_dir)
if plot_comp:
fig_comp, ax_comp = plt.subplots()
fig_comp.canvas.set_window_title('Comp comparison for ' + log_dir)
for xp_dir in os.listdir(os.path.join(logs,log_dir)) + ['']:
print xp_dir
if xp_dir in conditions_to_plot and os.path.isdir(os.path.join(logs, log_dir, xp_dir)):
explo = {}
explo_comp = {}
comp = {}
#print os.path.join(logs, log_dir, xp_dir)
for log_file in os.listdir(os.path.join(logs, log_dir, xp_dir)):
file_path = os.path.join(logs, log_dir, xp_dir, log_file)
if file_path.endswith('.pickle'):
#print file_path
with open(file_path, 'r') as f:
log = cPickle.load(f)
#print "explo", log.explo, "explocomp"#, log.explo_comp, "comp", mean(array(log.eval_errors[0]))
if plot_explo:
eval_at = range(1, iterations, iterations/len(log.explo))
explo[log_file] = array(log.explo)
# if len(log.explo) == len(eval_at):
# explo[log_file] = array(log.explo)
# if len(log.explo) == 2*len(log.config.eval_at):
# explo[log_file] = array(log.explo)[range(0,len(log.explo),2)]
except ValueError:
print "ValueError"
if plot_explo:
if len(explo.values()) > 0:
l = len(explo.values()[0])
#print log.config.name
#print explo.values()
#print l
x = eval_at[:l]
y = mean(array(explo.values()), axis=0)
error = std(array(explo.values()), axis=0)
error = error / sqrt(len(explo)) # Standard error of the mean
color_cycle = ax_explo._get_lines.color_cycle
next_color = next(color_cycle)
ax_explo.plot(x, y, label = log.config.name, color=next_color)
ax_explo.fill_between(x, y-error, y+error, alpha=0.2, label = log.config.name, color = next_color)
#ax.errorbar(eval_at[:l],, yerr=, label = log.config.name)
explorations[log_dir][xp_dir] = explo
if plot_explo:
ax_explo.legend(loc='upper left')
plt.xlabel('Iterations', fontsize=18)
plt.ylabel('Explored cells', fontsize=18)
plt.savefig(logs + log_dir + '/explo-' + log_dir[0:] + '.png')
In [90]:
end_explo = {}
for log_dir in explorations:
end_explo[log_dir] = {}
for xp in explorations[log_dir]:
end_explo[log_dir][xp] = {}
end_explo[log_dir][xp] = [explorations[log_dir][xp][key][-1] for key in explorations[log_dir][xp]]
for log_dir in end_explo:
print log_dir
for xp in end_explo[log_dir]:
print " ", xp
print " ", end_explo[log_dir][xp]
In [97]:
from scipy.stats import mannwhitneyu
x = end_explo['2015-05-27_11-51-43-ARM-DIVA']['Arm-Diva-GB-H-seq_3000']
y = end_explo['2015-05-27_11-51-43-ARM-DIVA']['Arm-Diva-Tr-H-seq_3000']
u, p = mannwhitneyu(x, y)
print "U:", u, "p:", 2*p
In [ ]: