Blind Speech Separation with GCC-NMF: Demo

Sean UN Wood, September 2016


This iPython Notebook is a demo of GCC-NMF blind source separation algorithm, combining:

  • Non-negative matrix factorization (NMF): unsupervised dictionary learning algorithm
  • Generalized cross-correlation (GCC): source localization method

Separation is performed directly on the stereo mixture signal using no additional data:

  • An NMF dictionary is first learned from the left and right mixture spectrograms, concatenated in time.
  • Dictionary atoms are then attributed to individual sources over time according to their time difference of arrival (TDOA) estimates, defining a binary coefficient mask for each source.
  • Masked coefficients are then used to reconstruct each source independently.

This demo separates the speech sources from the data/dev1_female3_liverec_130ms_1m_mix.wav mixture, taken from the SiSEC 2016 Underdetermined speech mixtures "dev1" dataset, and saves results to the data directory.


  1. Preliminary setup
  2. Input mixture signal
  3. Complex mixture spectrogram
  4. GCC-PHAT source localization
  5. NMF decomposition
  6. GCC-NMF coefficient mask generation
  7. Source spectrogram estimates reconstruction
  8. Source signal estimates reconstruction

1. Preliminary setup

Python imports

In [1]:
from gccNMF.gccNMFFunctions import *
from gccNMF.gccNMFPlotting import *

from IPython import display

%matplotlib inline

Parameter definitions

In [2]:
# Preprocessing params
windowSize = 1024
fftSize = windowSize
hopSize = 128
windowFunction = hanning

# TDOA params
numTDOAs = 128

# NMF params
dictionarySize = 128
numIterations = 100
sparsityAlpha = 0

# Input params    
mixtureFileNamePrefix = '../data/dev1_female3_liverec_130ms_1m'
microphoneSeparationInMetres = 1.0
numSources = 3

2. Input mixture signal

Load mixture signal from the wav file

In [3]:
mixtureFileName = getMixtureFileName(mixtureFileNamePrefix)
stereoSamples, sampleRate = loadMixtureSignal(mixtureFileName)

numChannels, numSamples = stereoSamples.shape
durationInSeconds = numSamples / float(sampleRate)

Plot mixture signal

In [4]:
describeMixtureSignal(stereoSamples, sampleRate)

figure(figsize=(14, 6))
plotMixtureSignal(stereoSamples, sampleRate)

display.display( display.Audio(mixtureFileName) )

Input mixture signal:
	sampleRate: 16000 samples/sec
	numChannels: 2
	numSamples: 160000
	dtype: float32
	duration: 10.00 seconds

3. Complex mixture spectrogram

Compute complex mixture spectrograms from input signal with an STFT

In [5]:
complexMixtureSpectrogram = computeComplexMixtureSpectrogram( stereoSamples, windowSize,
                                                              hopSize, windowFunction ) 
numChannels, numFrequencies, numTime = complexMixtureSpectrogram.shape
frequenciesInHz = getFrequenciesInHz(sampleRate, numFrequencies)
frequenciesInkHz = frequenciesInHz / 1000.0

Plot magnitude mixture spectrograms

In [6]:
describeMixtureSpectrograms(windowSize, hopSize, windowFunction, complexMixtureSpectrogram)

figure(figsize=(12, 8))
plotMixtureSpectrograms(complexMixtureSpectrogram, frequenciesInkHz, durationInSeconds)

	windowSize: 1024
	hopSize: 128
	windowFunction: <function hanning at 0x110f31d90>
	complexMixtureSpectrogram.shape = (numChannels, numFreq, numWindows): (2, 513, 1243)
	complexMixtureSpectrogram.dtype = complex64

4. Perform source localization with GCC-PHAT

Localize target TDOA indexes

In [7]:
spectralCoherenceV = complexMixtureSpectrogram[0] * complexMixtureSpectrogram[1].conj() \
                     / abs(complexMixtureSpectrogram[0]) / abs(complexMixtureSpectrogram[1])
angularSpectrogram = getAngularSpectrogram( spectralCoherenceV, frequenciesInHz,
                                            microphoneSeparationInMetres, numTDOAs )
meanAngularSpectrum = mean(angularSpectrogram, axis=-1) 
targetTDOAIndexes = estimateTargetTDOAIndexesFromAngularSpectrum( meanAngularSpectrum,
                                                                  numTDOAs, numSources)

Plot target localization

In [8]:
figure(figsize=(14, 6))
plotGCCPHATLocalization( spectralCoherenceV, angularSpectrogram, meanAngularSpectrum,
                         targetTDOAIndexes, microphoneSeparationInMetres, numTDOAs,
                         durationInSeconds )

5. Perform NMF decomposition of mixture spectrograms

Compute NMF decomposition, with left and right magnitude spectrograms concatenated in time

In [9]:
V = concatenate( abs(complexMixtureSpectrogram), axis=-1 )
W, H = performKLNMF(V, dictionarySize, numIterations, sparsityAlpha)

numChannels = stereoSamples.shape[0]
stereoH = array( hsplit(H, numChannels) )

Plot NMF decomposition

In [10]:
describeNMFDecomposition(V, W, H)

figure(figsize=(12, 12))
plotNMFDecomposition(V, W, H, frequenciesInkHz, durationInSeconds, numAtomsToPlot=15)

Input V:
    V.shape = (numFreq, numWindows): (513, 2486)
    V.dtype = float32
Dictionary W:
    W.shape = (numFreq, numAtoms): (513, 128)
    W.dtype = float32
Coefficients H:
    H.shape = (numAtoms, numWindows): (128, 2486)
    H.dtype = float32

6. Compute GCC-NMF target coefficient masks

Compute NMF coefficient masks for each target

In [11]:
targetTDOAGCCNMFs = getTargetTDOAGCCNMFs( spectralCoherenceV, microphoneSeparationInMetres,
                                          numTDOAs, frequenciesInHz, targetTDOAIndexes, W,
                                          stereoH )
targetCoefficientMasks = getTargetCoefficientMasks(targetTDOAGCCNMFs, numSources)

Plot NMF coefficient masks for each target, and resulting masked coefficients for each channel

In [12]:
figure(figsize=(12, 12))
plotCoefficientMasks(targetCoefficientMasks, stereoH, durationInSeconds)

7. Reconstruct source spectrogram estimates

Reconstruct source spectrogram estimates using masked NMF coefficients for each target, and each channel

In [13]:
targetSpectrogramEstimates = getTargetSpectrogramEstimates( targetCoefficientMasks,
                                                            complexMixtureSpectrogram, W,
                                                            stereoH )

Plot reconstructed source estimate spectrograms

In [14]:
figure(figsize=(12, 12))
plotTargetSpectrogramEstimates(targetSpectrogramEstimates, durationInSeconds, frequenciesInkHz)

8. Reconstruct time domain target signal estimates

Combine source estimate spectrograms with the input mixture spectrogram's phase, and perform the inverse STFT

In [15]:
targetSignalEstimates = getTargetSignalEstimates( targetSpectrogramEstimates, windowSize,
                                                  hopSize, windowFunction )
saveTargetSignalEstimates(targetSignalEstimates, sampleRate, mixtureFileNamePrefix)

Plot time domain source signal estimates

In [16]:
for sourceIndex in range(numSources):
    figure(figsize=(14, 2))
    fileName = getSourceEstimateFileName(mixtureFileNamePrefix, sourceIndex)
    plotTargetSignalEstimate( targetSignalEstimates[sourceIndex], sampleRate,
                              'Source %d' % (sourceIndex+1) )

In [ ]: