Mie Scattering Algorithms

Scott Prahl

2 March 2020, version 5

This Jupyter notebook shows the formulas used in miepython. This code is heavily influenced by Wiscomes MIEV0 code as documented in his paper on Mie scattering and his 1979 NCAR and 1996 NCAR publications.

There are a couple of things that set this code apart from other python Mie codes.

1) Instead of using the built-in special functions from SciPy, the calculation relies on the logarthmic derivative of the Ricatti-Bessel functions. This technique is significantly more accurate.

2) The code uses special cases for small spheres. This is faster and more accurate

3) The code works when the index of refraction m.real is zero or when m.imag is very large (negative).

The code has been tested up to sizes ($x=2\pi r/\lambda=10000$).

In [1]:
# execute this cell first
%matplotlib inline

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# need to use this form because private functions are tested
from miepython import *

The logarithmic derivative $D_n$.

This routine uses a continued fraction method to compute $D_n(z)$ proposed by Lentz. Lentz uses the notation $A_n$ instead of $D_n$, but I prefer the notation used by Bohren and Huffman. This method eliminates many weaknesses in previous algorithms using forward recursion.

The logarithmic derivative $D_n$ is defined as

$$ D_n = -\frac{n}{z} + \frac{J_{n-1/2}(z)}{J_{n+1/2}(z)} $$

Equation (5) in Lentz's paper can be used to obtain

$$ \frac{J_{n-1/2}(z)}{J_{n+1/2}(z)} = {2n+1 \over z} + {1\over\displaystyle -\frac{2n+3}{z} + {\strut 1 \over\displaystyle \frac{2n+5}{z} + {\strut 1 \over\displaystyle -\frac{2n+7}{z} + \cdots}}} $$

Now if

$$ \alpha_{i,j}=[a_i,a_{i-1},\ldots,a_j] = a_i + \frac{1}{\displaystyle a_{i-1} + \frac{\strut 1}{\displaystyle a_{i-2} + \cdots \frac{\strut 1 }{\displaystyle a_j}}} $$

we seek to create

$$ \alpha = \alpha_{1,1}\,\alpha_{2,1}\cdots \alpha_{j,1} \qquad \beta = \alpha_{2,2}\,\alpha_{3,2}\cdots \alpha_{j,2} $$

since Lentz showed that

$$ \frac{J_{n-1/2}(z)}{J_{n+1/2}(z)} \approx \frac{\alpha}{\beta} $$

The whole goal is to iterate until the $\alpha$ and $\beta$ are identical to the number of digits desired. Once this is achieved, then use equations this equation and the first equation for the logarithmic derivative to calculate $D_n(z)$.

First terms

The value of $a_j$ is

$$ a_j = (-1)^{j+1} {2n+2j-1\over z} $$

The first terms for $\alpha$ and $\beta$ are then

$$ \alpha = a_1 \left(a_2 + \frac{1}{a_1}\right) \qquad \beta = a_2 $$

Later terms

To calculate the next $\alpha$ and $\beta$, I use

$$ a_{j+1} = -a_j+(-1)^j\,{2\over z} $$

to find the next $a_j$ and

$$ \alpha_{j+1} = a_j + \frac{1}{\alpha_j}, \qquad\hbox{and}\qquad \beta_{j+1} = a_j + \frac{1}{\beta_j} $$

Calculating $D_n$

Use formula 7 from Wiscombe's paper to figure out if upwards or downwards recurrence should be used. Namely if

$$ m_{\rm Im}x\le 13.78 m_{\rm Re}^2 - 10.8 m_{\rm Re} + 3.9 $$

the upward recurrence would be stable.

The returned array D is set-up so that $D_n(z)=$ D[n]. Therefore the first value for $D_1(z)$ will not be D[0], but rather D[1].

$D_n$ by downwards recurrence.

Start downwards recurrence using by accurately calculating D[nstop] using the Lentz method, then find earlier terms of the logarithmic derivative $D_n(z)$ using the recurrence relation,

$$ D_{n-1}(z) = \frac{n}{z} - \frac{1}{D_n(z) + n/z} $$

This is a pretty straightforward procedure.

$D_n$ by upward recurrence.

Calculating the logarithmic derivative $D_n(\rho)$ using the upward recurrence relation,

$$ D_n(z) = \frac{1}{n/z - D_{n-1}(z)}-\frac{n}{z} $$

To calculate the initial value D[1] we use Wiscombe's representation that avoids overflow errors when the usual $D_0(x)=1/tan(z)$ is used.

$$ D_1(z) = -\frac{1}{z}+\frac{1-\exp(-2jz)}{[1-\exp(-2jz)]/z - j[1+\exp(-2jz)]} $$

In [2]:
m = 1
x = 1
nstop = 10

print("both techniques work up to 5")
print("    Lentz",n,miepython._Lentz_Dn(m*x,n).real)
dn = miepython._D_downwards(m*x,nstop)
dn = miepython._D_upwards(m*x,nstop)
print("  upwards",n,dn[n].real)

print("but upwards fails badly by n=9")
print("    Lentz",n,miepython._Lentz_Dn(m*x,n).real)
dn = miepython._D_downwards(m*x,nstop)
dn = miepython._D_upwards(m*x,nstop)
print("  upwards",n,dn[n].real)

both techniques work up to 5
    Lentz 5 5.922678838321971
downwards 5 5.922678838321968
  upwards 5 5.922678842006903
but upwards fails badly by n=9
    Lentz 9 9.952281984945753
downwards 9 9.952281984945756
  upwards 9 67.02345742657965

Calculating $A_n$ and $B_n$

OK, Here we go. We need to start up the arrays. First, recall (page 128 Bohren and Huffman) that

$$ \psi_n(x) = x j_n(x)\qquad\hbox{and}\qquad \xi_n(x) = x j_n(x) + i x y_n(x) $$

where $j_n$ and $y_n$ are spherical Bessel functions. The first few terms may be worked out as,

$$ \psi_0(x) = \sin x \qquad\hbox{and}\qquad \psi_1(x) = \frac{\sin x}{x} - \cos x $$


$$ \xi_0(x) = \psi_0 + i \cos x \qquad\hbox{and}\qquad \xi_1(x) = \psi_1 + i \left[\frac{\cos x}{x} + \sin x\right] $$

The main equations for $a_n$ and $b_n$ in Bohren and Huffman Equation (4.88).

$$ a_n = \frac{\Big[ D_n(mx)/m + n/x\Big] \psi_n(x)-\psi_{n-1}(x)} {\Big[ D_n(mx)/m + n/x\Big] \xi_n(x)- \xi_{n-1}(x)} $$


$$ b_n = \frac{\Big[m D_n(mx) + n/x\Big] \psi_n(x)-\psi_{n-1}(x)} {\Big[m D_n(mx) + n/x\Big] \xi_n(x)- \xi_{n-1}(x)} $$

The recurrence relations for $\psi$ and $\xi$ depend on the recursion relations for the spherical Bessel functions (page 96 equation 4.11)

$$ z_{n-1}(x) + z_{n+1}(x) = {2n+1\over x} z_n(x) $$

where $z_n$ might be either $j_n$ or $y_n$. Thus

$$ \psi_{n+1}(x) = {2n+1\over x} \psi_n(x) - \psi_{n-1}(x) \qquad\hbox{and}\qquad \xi_{n+1}(x) = {2n+1\over x} \xi_n(x) - \xi_{n-1}(x) $$

If the spheres are perfectly reflecting m.real=0 then Kerker gives equations for $a_n$ and $b_n$ that do not depend on $D_n$ at all

$$ a_n = \frac{n\psi_n(x)/x-\psi_{n-1}(x)} {n\xi_n(x)/x- \xi_{n-1}(x)} $$


$$ b_n = \frac{\psi_n(x)}{\xi_n(x)} $$

Therefore D[n] will directly correspond to $D_n$ in Bohren. However, a and b will be zero based arrays and so $a_1$=a[0] or $b_n$=b[n-1]

In [3]:
print("m=4/3 test, m=",m, " x=",x)
a, b = miepython._mie_An_Bn(m,x)
print("a_1=", a[0])
print("a_1= (0.531105889295-0.499031485631j)  #test")
print("b_1=", b[0])
print("b_1= (0.791924475935-0.405931152229j)  #test")

print("upward recurrence test, m=",m, " x=",x)
a, b = miepython._mie_An_Bn(m,x)
print("a_1=", a[0])
print("a_1= (0.546520203397-0.152373857258j)  #test")
print("b_1=", b[0])
print("b_1= (0.389714727888+0.227896075256j)  #test")

print("downward recurrence test, m=",m, " x=",x)
print("a_1=", a[0])
print("a_1= (0.322406907480-0.465063542971j)  #test")
print("b_1=", b[0])
print("b_1= (0.575167279092+0.492912495262j)  #test")

m=4/3 test, m= 1.3333333333333333  x= 50
a_1= (0.5311058892948325+0.4990314856310949j)
a_1= (0.531105889295-0.499031485631j)  #test
b_1= (0.7919244759351927+0.40593115222899945j)
b_1= (0.791924475935-0.405931152229j)  #test

upward recurrence test, m= (1.5-1j)  x= 2
a_1= (0.5465202033970914+0.15237385725759722j)
a_1= (0.546520203397-0.152373857258j)  #test
b_1= (0.38971472788794226-0.22789607525649086j)
b_1= (0.389714727888+0.227896075256j)  #test

downward recurrence test, m= (1.1-25j)  x= 2
a_1= (0.32240690748075784+0.4650635429715796j)
a_1= (0.322406907480-0.465063542971j)  #test
b_1= (0.5751672790921928-0.4929124952616458j)
b_1= (0.575167279092+0.492912495262j)  #test

Small Spheres

This calculates everything accurately for small spheres. This approximation is necessary because in the small particle or Rayleigh limit $x\rightarrow0$ the Mie formulas become ill-conditioned. The method was taken from Wiscombe's paper and has been tested for several complex indices of refraction.
Wiscombe uses this when

$$ x\vert m\vert\le0.1 $$

and says this routine should be accurate to six places.

The formula for ${\hat a}_1$ is

$$ {\hat a}_1 = 2i\frac{m^2-1}{3}\frac{1-0.1x^2+\frac{\displaystyle4m^2+5}{\displaystyle1400}x^4}{D} $$


$$ D=m^2+2+(1-0.7m^2)x^2-\frac{8m^4-385m^2+350}{1400}x^4+2i\frac{m^2-1}{3}x^3(1-0.1x^2) $$

Note that I have disabled the case when the sphere has no index of refraction. The perfectly conducting sphere equations are

The formula for ${\hat b}_1$ is

$$ {\hat b}_1 = ix^2\frac{m^2-1}{45} \frac{1+\frac{\displaystyle2m^2-5}{\displaystyle70}x^2}{1-\frac{\displaystyle2m^2-5}{\displaystyle30}x^2} $$

The formula for ${\hat a}_2$ is

$$ {\hat a}_2 = ix^2 \frac{m^2-1}{15} \frac{1-\frac{\displaystyle1}{\displaystyle14}x^2}{2m^2+3-\frac{\displaystyle2m^2-7}{\displaystyle14}x^2} $$

The scattering and extinction efficiencies are given by

$$ Q_\mathrm{ext} = 6x \cdot \mathcal{Re}\left[{\hat a}_1+{\hat b}_1+\frac{5}{3}{\hat a}_2\right] $$

and $$ Q_\mathrm{sca} = 6x^4 T $$


$$ T =\vert{\hat a}_1\vert^2+\vert{\hat b}_1\vert^2+\frac{5}{3}\vert{\hat a}_2\vert^2 $$

and the anisotropy (average cosine of the phase function) is

$$ g =\frac{1}{T}\cdot {\cal Re}\left[{\hat a}_1({\hat a}_2+{\hat b}_1)^*\right] $$

The backscattering efficiency $Q_\mathrm{back}$ is

$$ Q_\mathrm{back} = \frac{\vert S_1(-1)\vert^2 }{ x^2} $$

where $S_1(\mu)$ is

$$ \frac{S_1(-1)}{x}=\frac{3}{2}x^2\left[{\hat a}_1-{\hat b}_1-\frac{5}{3}{\hat a}_2\right] $$

In [4]:
qext, qsca, qback, g = miepython._small_mie(m,x)

print('The following should be nearly the same as those above:')

qext, qsca, qback, g = miepython.mie(m,x)

abs(m*x)= 0.09997142091617985
Qext= 0.013287673090500258
Qsca= 4.699313232220917e-06
Qabs= 0.013282973777268036
Qback= 7.0342827383458075e-06
g= 0.0008751930053081949

The following should be nearly the same as those above:

abs(m*x)= 0.1007230857350985
Qext= 0.0133881870400232
Qsca= 4.842269259059647e-06
Qabs= 0.01338334477076414
Qback= 7.248044689702778e-06
g= 0.0008883995075489132

Small Perfectly Reflecting Spheres

The above equations fail when m.real=0 so use these approximations when the sphere is small and refective

In [5]:
m = 0 - 0.01j
qext, qsca, qback, g = miepython._small_conducting_mie(m,x)
print("Qext =",qext)
print("Qsca =",qsca)
print("Qabs =",qext-qsca)
print("g    =",g)

print('The following should be nearly the same as those above:')

m = 0 - 0.01j
qext, qsca, qback2, g = miepython.mie(m,x)
print("Qext =",qext)
print("Qsca =",qsca)
print("Qabs =",qext-qsca)
print("g    =",g)

Qext = 0.00032096740755688995
Qsca = 0.00032096740755688995
Qabs = 0.0
Qback= 0.0008630007227881904
g    = -0.39735691065111844

The following should be nearly the same as those above:

Qext = 0.00033547238274947395
Qsca = 0.000335472382749474
Qabs = -5.421010862427522e-20
Qback= 0.0009019320002161996
g    = -0.39731049260469614

Mie scattering calculations

From page 120 of Bohren and Huffman the anisotropy is given by

$$ Q_{\rm sca}\langle \cos\theta\rangle = \frac{4}{x^2} \left[ \sum_{n=1}^{\infty} \frac{n(n+2)}{n+1} \mbox{Re}\lbrace a_na_{n+1}^*+b_nb_{n+1}^*\rbrace + \sum_{n=1}^{\infty} \frac{2n+1}{n(n+1)} \mbox{Re}\lbrace a_nb_n^*\rbrace\right] $$

For computation purposes, this must be rewritten as

$$ Q_{\rm sca}\langle \cos\theta\rangle = \frac{4}{x^2} \left[ \sum_{n=2}^{\infty} \frac{(n^2-1)}{n} \mbox{Re}\lbrace a_{n-1}a_n^*+b_{n-1}b_n^*\rbrace + \sum_{n=1}^{\infty} \frac{2n+1}{n(n+1)} \mbox{Re}\lbrace a_nb_n^*\rbrace\right] $$

From page 122 we find an expression for the backscattering efficiency

$$ Q_{\rm back} = \frac{\sigma_b}{\pi a^2} = \frac{1}{x^2} \left\vert \sum_{n=1}^{\infty} (2n+1)(-1)^n(a_n-b_n)\right\vert^2 $$

From page 103 we find an expression for the scattering cross section

$$ Q_{\rm sca} = \frac{\sigma_s}{\pi a^2} = \frac{2}{x^2}\sum_{n=1}^{\infty} (2n+1)(\vert a_n\vert^2+\vert b_n\vert^2) $$

The total extinction efficiency is also found on page 103 $$ Q_{\rm ext}= \frac{\sigma_t}{\pi a^2} = \frac{2}{x^2}\sum_{n=1}^{\infty} (2n+1)\cdot\mbox{Re}\{a_n+b_n\} $$

In [6]:
qext, qsca, qback, g = miepython.mie(1.55-0.0j,2*np.pi/0.6328*0.525)

Qext= 3.1054255314658765
Qsca= 3.1054255314658765
Qabs= 0.0
Qback= 2.925340649659009
g= 0.6331367580408949

In [7]:
qext, qsca, qback, g = miepython.mie(m,x)

Qext= 2.01970252082255
Qsca= 1.106932388925401
Qabs= 0.9127701318971491
Qback= 0.041533554644588716
g= 0.9508799127402504

In [8]:
qext, qsca, qback, g = miepython.mie(m,x)

Qext= 2.0043677096969206
Qsca= 1.2365743120721584
Qabs= 0.7677933976247622
Qback= 0.17241380051133232
g= 0.8463099581094649

Scattering Matrix

The scattering matrix is given by Equation 4.74 in Bohren and Huffman. Namely,

$$ S_1(\cos\theta) = \sum_{n=1}^\infty \frac{2n+1}{n(n+1)} \left[ a_n \pi_n(\cos\theta)+b_n\tau_n(\cos\theta)\right] $$


$$ S_2(\cos\theta) = \sum_{n=1}^\infty \frac{2n+1}{n(n+1)} \left[a_n \tau_n(\cos\theta)+b_n\pi_n(\cos\theta) \right] $$

If $\mu=\cos\theta$ then

$$ S_1(\mu) = \sum_{n=1}^\infty \frac{2n+1}{n(n+1)} \left[ a_n \pi_n(\mu)+b_n\tau_n(\mu)\right] $$


$$ S_2(\mu) = \sum_{n=1}^\infty \frac{2n+1}{n(n+1)} \left[a_n \tau_n(\mu)+b_n\pi_n(\mu) \right] $$

This means that for each angle $\mu$ we need to know $\tau_n(\mu)$ and $\pi_n(\mu)$ for every $a_n$ and $b_n$. Equation 4.47 in Bohren and Huffman states

$$ \pi_n(\mu) = \frac{2n-1}{ n-1}\mu \pi_{n-1}(\mu) - \frac{n}{ n-1} \pi_{n-2}(\mu) $$

and knowning that $\pi_0(\mu)=0$ and $\pi_1(\mu)=1$, all the rest can be found. Similarly

$$ \tau_n(\mu) = n\mu\pi_n(\mu)-(n+1)\pi_{n-1}(\mu) $$

so the plan is to use these recurrence relations to find $\pi_n(\mu)$ and $\tau_n(\mu)$ during the summation process.

The only real trick is to account for 0-based arrays when the sums above are 1-based.

In [9]:
mu = [0.0,0.5,1.0]

S1,S2 = miepython.mie_S1_S2(m,x,mu)
for i in range(len(mu)):
    print(mu[i], S2[i].real, S2[i].imag)

0.0 0.043082703780854124 -0.05982417019769806
0.5 -0.08406917971660792 0.138950305924677
1.0 1.2438024701591524 -0.1984324112177587

Test to match Bohren's Sample Calculation

In [10]:
# Test to match Bohren's Sample Calculation
theta = np.arange(0,181,9)
S1,S2 = miepython.mie_S1_S2(1.55,5.213,mu)
qext, qsca, qback, g = miepython.mie(m,x)
norm = np.sqrt(qext * x**2 * np.pi)
S1 /= norm
S2 /= norm

S11 = (abs(S2)**2 + abs(S1)**2)/2
S12 = (abs(S2)**2 - abs(S1)**2)/2
S33 = (S2 * S1.conjugate()).real
S34 = (S2 * S1.conjugate()).imag

# the minus in POL=-S12/S11 matches that Bohren
# the minus in front of -S34/S11 does not match Bohren's code!

print("ANGLE     S11         POL         S33         S34")
for i in range(len(mu)):
    print("%5d %10.8f % 10.8f % 10.8f % 10.8f" % (theta[i], S11[i]/S11[0], -S12[i]/S11[i], S33[i]/S11[i], -S34[i]/S11[i]))

ANGLE     S11         POL         S33         S34
    0 1.00000000 -0.00000000  1.00000000 -0.00000000
    9 0.78538504 -0.00458392  0.99940039  0.03431985
   18 0.35688492 -0.04578478  0.98602789  0.16016480
   27 0.07660207 -0.36455096  0.84366465  0.39412251
   36 0.03553383 -0.53498510  0.68714053 -0.49155756
   45 0.07019023  0.00954907  0.95986338 -0.28030538
   54 0.05743887  0.04782061  0.98536582  0.16360740
   63 0.02196833 -0.44040631  0.64814202  0.62125213
   72 0.01259465 -0.83204714  0.20344385 -0.51605054
   81 0.01737702  0.03419635  0.79548556 -0.60500689
   90 0.01246407  0.23055334  0.93743853  0.26087192
   99 0.00679199 -0.71323431 -0.00732217  0.70088744
  108 0.00954281 -0.75617653 -0.03954742 -0.65317154
  117 0.00863640 -0.28085850  0.53642012 -0.79584669
  126 0.00227521 -0.23864148  0.96777914  0.08033545
  135 0.00544047 -0.85116040  0.18710096 -0.49042758
  144 0.01602875 -0.70649116  0.49501921 -0.50579267
  153 0.01889077 -0.89109951  0.45322894 -0.02291691
  162 0.01952522 -0.78348591 -0.39140822  0.48264836
  171 0.03016127 -0.19626673 -0.96204724  0.18959028
  180 0.03831054 -0.00000000 -1.00000000 -0.00000000

In [11]:
qext, qsca, qback, g = miepython.mie(m,x)
plt.xlabel("Size Parameter (-)")
plt.ylabel("Backscattering Efficiency")

In [ ]: