Scott Prahl
January 2019, version 2.2
So clouds are one of the big reasons that Mie scattering is useful. This notebook covers the basics of log normal distributions and shows a few calculations using miepython.
One conclusion of this notebook is that for relatively large water droplets, the Henyey-Greenstein phase function is a poor approximation for the forward scattered light.
In [1]:
# execute this cell first
%matplotlib inline
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
#needed for lognormal distribution
from scipy import stats
# if miepython is missing, do `pip install miepython`
import miepython as mp
Scattering depends on the size distribution of droplets as well as the droplet density. In general, the distributions have been modelled as log-normal or as a gamma function. This notebook focuses on the log-normal distribution.
Fog data from Podzimek, "Droplet Concentration and Size Distribution in Haze and Fog", Studia geoph. et geod. 41 (1997).
For the first trick I'll show that the log-normal distribution is just a plain old normal distribution but with a logarthmic horizontal axis. Also note that the mean droplet size and the most common size (mode) differ.
In [2]:
fogtype='Monte Di Procida Fog (Type A)' # most common fog
r_g=4.69 # in microns
sigma_g = 1.504 # in microns
shape = np.log(sigma_g)
mode = np.exp(np.log(r_g) - np.log(sigma_g)**2)
mean = np.exp(np.log(r_g) + np.log(sigma_g)**2/2)
r = np.linspace(0.1, 20, num) # values for x-axis
pdf = stats.lognorm.pdf(r, shape, scale=r_g) # probability distribution
# Figure on linear scale
plt.plot(r, pdf)
plt.vlines(mode, 0, pdf.max(), linestyle=':', label='Mode')
plt.vlines(mean, 0, stats.lognorm.pdf(mean, shape, scale=r_g), linestyle='--', color='green', label='Mean')
plt.annotate('mode = 4.0 microns', xy=(4.5,0.22))
plt.annotate('mean = 5.1 microns', xy=(5.5,0.18))
plt.xlabel('Radius (microns)')
plt.ylabel('Probabilty Density Function')
plt.semilogx(r, pdf)
plt.vlines(mode, 0, pdf.max(), linestyle=':', label='Mode')
plt.vlines(mean, 0, stats.lognorm.pdf(mean, shape, scale=r_g), linestyle='--', color='green', label='Mean')
plt.annotate('mode = 4.0 microns', xy=(4.5,0.22))
plt.annotate('mean = 5.1 microns', xy=(5.5,0.18))
plt.xlabel('Radius (microns)')
plt.ylabel('Probabilty Density Function')
So the average cosine of the scattering phase function is often called the scattering asymmetry or just the scattering anisotropy. The value lies between -1 (completely back scattering) and +1 (total forward scattering). For these fog values, the scattering is pretty strongly forward scattering.
In [3]:
num=400 #number of droplet sizes to process
# distribution of droplet sizes in fog
fogtype='Monte Di Procida Fog (Type A)'
r_g=4.69 # in microns
sigma_g = 1.504 # in microns
shape = np.log(sigma_g)
mode = np.exp(np.log(r_g) - np.log(sigma_g)**2)
mean = np.exp(np.log(r_g) + np.log(sigma_g)**2/2)
r = np.linspace(0.1, 20, num) # values for x-axis
pdf = stats.lognorm.pdf(r, shape, scale=r_g) # probability distribution
# scattering cross section for each droplet size
lambdaa = 0.550 # in microns
m = 1.33
x = 2*np.pi*r/lambdaa
qext, qsca, qback, g = mp.mie(m,x)
plt.xlabel('Radius (microns)')
plt.ylabel('Scattering Anisotropy')
plt.vlines(mode, 0.85, 1, linestyle=':', label='Mode')
plt.vlines(mean, 0.7, 0.85, linestyle='--', color='green', label='Mean')
plt.annotate('mode radius = 4.0 microns', xy=(4.3,0.9))
plt.annotate('mean radius = 5.1 microns', xy=(5.5,0.75))
In [4]:
num=100 # number of angles
# scattering cross section for each droplet size
lambdaa = 0.550 # in microns
m = 1.33
r = 4.5 # in microns
x = 2*np.pi*r/lambdaa
mu = np.linspace(-1,1,num)
s1,s2 = mp.mie_S1_S2(m,x,mu)
scatter = 0.5*(abs(s1)**2+abs(s2)**2)
plt.xlabel(r'Exit Angle $\cos\theta$')
plt.ylabel('Unpolarized Scattering Function')
plt.title(r'Water Droplet ($\lambda=550$nm, r=4.5$\mu$m)')
The graph above does not really do justice to how strongly forward scattering the water droplets are! Here is a close up of four droplet radii (1,5,10,20) microns. The most common fog size (5 micron) has a FWHM of 2.5°
In [5]:
num=100 # number of angles
# scattering cross section for each droplet size
lambdaa = 0.550
m = 1.33
r = 4.5
theta = np.linspace(0,5,num)
mu = np.cos(theta*np.pi/180)
r = np.array([1,5,10,20])
kolor = np.array(['red','green','blue','black'])
for i in range(4) :
x = 2*np.pi*r[i]/lambdaa
s1,s2 = mp.mie_S1_S2(m,x,mu)
scatter = 0.5*(abs(s1)**2+abs(s2)**2)
plt.annotate('r=%.0f'%r[0], xy=(3.8,0.84), color=kolor[0])
plt.annotate('r=%.0f'%r[1], xy=(1.8,0.5), color=kolor[1])
plt.annotate('r=%.0f'%r[2], xy=(1,0.3), color=kolor[2])
plt.annotate('r=%.0f'%r[3], xy=(-0.1,0.0), color=kolor[3])
plt.xlabel(r'Exit Angle $\theta$ (degrees)')
plt.ylabel('Normalized Scattering Function')
plt.title(r'Water Droplet ($\lambda=550$nm, r=4.5$\mu$m)')
How does the Mie scattering for a 5 micron droplet radius compare with Henyey-Greenstein?
First, need to make sure both scattering functions are normalized to the same overall value. If we integrate over all $4\pi$ steradians
$$ \int_{4\pi} S(\theta,\phi)\,d\phi\,\sin\theta d\theta = \int_0^{2\pi}\int_0^\pi S(\theta,\phi)\,d\phi\,\sin\theta d\theta = 2\pi\int_{-1}^1 S(\mu)\,d\mu $$This is can be approximated as
$$ 2\pi\int_{-1}^1 S(\mu)\,d\mu \approx 2\pi \sum S(\mu_i) \Delta\mu_i = 2\pi \Delta\mu \sum S(\mu_i) $$when all the scattering angles are equally spaced in $\cos\theta$.
The integral over all angles for Mie scattering is not 1. Instead it is $\pi x^2 Q_\mathrm{sca}$ as we see below.
In [6]:
def hg(g,costheta):
return (1/4/np.pi)*(1-g**2)/(1+g**2-2*g*costheta)**1.5
num=1000 # increase number of angles to improve integration
r=0.45 # in microns
lambdaa = 0.550 # in microns
m = 1.33
x = 2*np.pi*r/lambdaa
k = 2*np.pi/lambdaa
qext, qsca, qback, g = mp.mie(m,x)
mu = np.linspace(-1,1,num)
s1,s2 = mp.mie_S1_S2(m,x,mu)
miescatter = 0.5*(abs(s1)**2+abs(s2)**2)
hgscatter = hg(g,mu)
total = 2*np.pi*delta_mu*np.sum(miescatter)
print('mie integral= ',total)
total = 2*np.pi*delta_mu*np.sum(hgscatter)
print('hg integral= ', total)
Now we can see how bad the approximation is when using the Henyey-Greenstein function. Here is a log plot
In [7]:
lambdaa = 0.550
m = 1.33
x = 2*np.pi*r/lambdaa
theta = np.linspace(0,180,num)
mu = np.cos(theta*np.pi/180)
s1,s2 = mp.mie_S1_S2(m,x,mu)
miescatter = 0.5*(abs(s1)**2+abs(s2)**2)
plt.plot(theta,miescatter, color='blue')
plt.plot(theta,hg(g,mu), color='red')
plt.xlabel(r'Exit Angle $\theta$ (degrees)')
plt.ylabel('Normalized Scattering Function')
plt.title(r'Water Droplet ($\lambda=550$nm, r=4.5$\mu$m)')
plt.annotate('g=%.4f'%g, xy=(-150,0.9))
Here is some naive scaling on a non-log scale
In [8]:
num=500 # number of angles
r=4.5 # microns
lambdaa = 0.550 # microns
m = 1.33
x = 2*np.pi*r/lambdaa
theta = np.linspace(0,180,num)
mu = np.cos(theta*np.pi/180)
s1,s2 = mp.mie_S1_S2(m,x,mu)
miescatter = 0.5*(abs(s1)**2+abs(s2)**2)
hgscatter = hg(g,mu)
plt.plot(theta,hg(g,mu)/hg(g,1), color='red')
plt.plot(-theta,hg(g,mu)/hg(g,1), color='red')
plt.xlabel(r'Exit Angle $\theta$ (degrees)')
plt.ylabel('Normalized Scattering Function')
plt.title(r'Water Droplet ($\lambda=550$nm, r=4.5$\mu$m)')
plt.annotate('g=%.4f'%g, xy=(-150,0.9))
In [9]:
plt.plot(theta,hg(g,mu), color='red')
plt.plot(-theta,hg(g,mu), color='red')
plt.xlabel(r'Exit Angle $\theta$ (degrees)')
plt.ylabel('Unnormalized Scattering Function')
plt.title(r'Water Droplet ($\lambda=550$nm, r=4.5$\mu$m)')
plt.annotate('g=%.4f'%g, xy=(-150,0.9))
In [10]:
plt.plot(theta,hg(g,mu), color='red')
plt.plot(-theta,hg(g,mu), color='red')
plt.xlabel(r'Exit Angle $\theta$ (degrees)')
plt.ylabel('Normalized Scattering Function')
plt.title(r'Water Droplet ($\lambda=550$nm, r=4.5$\mu$m)')
plt.annotate('g=%.4f'%g, xy=(-150,0.9))
In [11]:
# distribution of droplet sizes in fog
r = np.linspace(0.1, 20, num) # values for x-axis
pdf = stats.lognorm.pdf(r, shape, scale=r_g) # probability distribution
# scattering cross section for each droplet size
lambdaa = 0.550
m = 1.33
x = 2*np.pi*r/lambdaa
qext, qsca, qback, g = mp.mie(m,x)
cross_section = qsca * np.pi*r**2*(1-g)
# weighted average of the cross_sections
mean_cross = 0
mean_r = 0
for i in range(num) :
mean_cross += cross_section[i] * pdf[i]
mean_r += cross_section[i] * pdf[i] * r[i]
mean_r /= mean_cross
mean_cross /= num
plt.plot((mean_r, mean_r),(0, 40))
plt.plot((0, 20),(mean_cross,mean_cross))
plt.xlabel('Radius (microns)')
plt.ylabel('Weighted Scattering Cross-Section (um2)')
plt.annotate('mean cross section =%.2f'%mean_cross, xy=(11,mean_cross+0.1))
plt.annotate('mean size =%.2f'%mean_r, xy=(mean_r,0.2))