In [1]:
### Load packages

from IPython.display import display, Image
import PIL
import imageio
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.gridspec as gridspec
import numpy as np
import os
from six.moves.urllib.request import urlretrieve
from six.moves import cPickle as pickle
from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression
import sys
import tarfile

In [2]:
### Define environment variables

HOMEDIR = os.environ["HOME"]

BASEDIR = os.path.join(HOMEDIR, "workspace", "jupyterlab", "TensorFlowUdacity")

DATADIR = os.path.join(BASEDIR, "data")
ORIGINALDATADIR = os.path.join(DATADIR, "notmnist", "original")
SANITIZEDDATADIR = os.path.join(DATADIR, "notmnist", "sanitized")

NOTMNISTLARGEDIR = os.path.join(ORIGINALDATADIR, "notmnist_large")
NOTMNISTSMALLDIR = os.path.join(ORIGINALDATADIR, "notmnist_small")

ORIGINALDATAFILE = os.path.join(ORIGINALDATADIR, 'notmnist.pickle')
SANITIZEDDATAFILE = os.path.join(SANITIZEDDATADIR, 'notmnist.pickle')

In [3]:
### Functions for getting array of directory paths and array of file paths

def get_dir_paths(root):
    return [os.path.join(root, n) for n in sorted(os.listdir(root)) if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(root, n))]

def get_file_paths(root):
    return [os.path.join(root, n) for n in sorted(os.listdir(root)) if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(root, n))]

In [4]:
### Get directory and file paths of training and test sets

train_data_paths = get_dir_paths(NOTMNISTLARGEDIR)
test_data_paths = get_dir_paths(NOTMNISTSMALLDIR)

Problem 1

In [5]:
## Display a sample of 5 images in their initial png format

nsamples = 5

for i in np.arange(nsamples):

In [6]:
## Set image properties

image_size = 28 # Pixel width and height
pixel_depth = 255.0  # Number of levels per pixel

In [7]:
## Read a sample image

image_file = np.random.choice(get_file_paths(np.random.choice(test_data_paths)))
image_data = imageio.imread(image_file).astype(float)

In [8]:
## Show type of image object



In [9]:
## Show dimensions of image object


(28, 28)

In [10]:
## Plot image using imshow

# display(Image(image_data))

In [11]:
## Plot image using a scatterplot

colors = [str(i/pixel_depth) for i in np.ravel(image_data)]
    np.tile(np.arange(image_size), image_size),
    np.repeat(np.flipud(np.arange(image_size)), image_size),

In [12]:
## Plot image using a scatterplot by setting cmap option

colors = [str(i/pixel_depth) for i in np.ravel(image_data)]
    np.tile(np.arange(image_size), image_size),
    np.repeat(np.flipud(np.arange(image_size)), image_size),

In [13]:
## Functions for normalizing and retrieving images

# Normalize image by pixel depth
def normalize_image(image, pixel_depth):
        array = imageio.imread(image)
    except ValueError:

    return (array.astype(float)-pixel_depth/2)/pixel_depth

# Retrieve original image from normalized image
def unnormalize_image(image, pixel_depth):
    return (pixel_depth*image+pixel_depth/2).astype(np.uint8)

In [14]:
## Function for loading data for a single letter

def load_letter(root, image_size, pixel_depth, verbose=True, min_nimages=1):
    """Load data for a single letter."""
    if verbose:
    image_files = get_file_paths(root)
    dataset = np.ndarray(shape=(len(image_files), image_size, image_size), dtype=np.float32)
    image_index = 0
    for image in image_files:
            image_data = normalize_image(image, pixel_depth)
            if image_data.shape != (image_size, image_size):
                raise Exception('Unexpected image shape: %s' % str(image_data.shape))
            dataset[image_index, :, :] = image_data
            image_index += 1
        except Exception:
            print('Skipping because of not being able to read: ', image)
    dataset = dataset[0:image_index, :, :]
    if image_index < min_nimages:
        raise Exception('Fewer images than expected: %d < %d' % (image_index, min_nimages))
    if verbose:    
        print('Full dataset tensor: ', dataset.shape)
        print('Mean: ', np.mean(dataset))
        print('Standard deviation: ', np.std(dataset))
    return dataset

In [15]:
## Test load_letter() function by loading data for letter C

letter_data = load_letter(test_data_paths[2], image_size, pixel_depth)

Full dataset tensor:  (1873, 28, 28)
Mean:  -0.14152053
Standard deviation:  0.44269028

In [16]:
## Show dimensions of loaded data for letter C


(1873, 28, 28)

In [17]:
## Show dimensions of data for the first image of letter C

letter_data[0, :, :].shape

(28, 28)

In [18]:
## Function for generating pickle filenames

def generate_pickle_names(root):
    dataset_files = []
    for d in root:
        pickle_file = d + '.pickle'
    return dataset_files

In [19]:
## Function for pickling data of all letters

def pickle_letters(root, image_size, pixel_depth, verbose=True, min_nimages=1, force=False):
    pickle_files = generate_pickle_names(root)
    n = len(root)
    for i in np.arange(n):
        if os.path.exists(pickle_files[i]) and not force:
            print('%s already present, skipping pickling' % pickle_files[i])
            print('Pickling %s' % pickle_files[i])
            dataset = load_letter(root[i], image_size, pixel_depth, verbose=verbose, min_nimages=min_nimages)
                with open(pickle_files[i], 'wb') as f:
                    pickle.dump(dataset, f, pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)
            except Exception as e:
                print('Unable to save data to', pickle_files[i], ':', e)
    return pickle_files

In [20]:
### Pickle training set

train_files = pickle_letters(train_data_paths, image_size, pixel_depth)

/Users/theodore/workspace/jupyterlab/TensorFlowUdacity/data/notmnist/original/notmnist_large/A.pickle already present, skipping pickling
/Users/theodore/workspace/jupyterlab/TensorFlowUdacity/data/notmnist/original/notmnist_large/B.pickle already present, skipping pickling
/Users/theodore/workspace/jupyterlab/TensorFlowUdacity/data/notmnist/original/notmnist_large/C.pickle already present, skipping pickling
/Users/theodore/workspace/jupyterlab/TensorFlowUdacity/data/notmnist/original/notmnist_large/D.pickle already present, skipping pickling
/Users/theodore/workspace/jupyterlab/TensorFlowUdacity/data/notmnist/original/notmnist_large/E.pickle already present, skipping pickling
/Users/theodore/workspace/jupyterlab/TensorFlowUdacity/data/notmnist/original/notmnist_large/F.pickle already present, skipping pickling
/Users/theodore/workspace/jupyterlab/TensorFlowUdacity/data/notmnist/original/notmnist_large/G.pickle already present, skipping pickling
/Users/theodore/workspace/jupyterlab/TensorFlowUdacity/data/notmnist/original/notmnist_large/H.pickle already present, skipping pickling
/Users/theodore/workspace/jupyterlab/TensorFlowUdacity/data/notmnist/original/notmnist_large/I.pickle already present, skipping pickling
/Users/theodore/workspace/jupyterlab/TensorFlowUdacity/data/notmnist/original/notmnist_large/J.pickle already present, skipping pickling

In [21]:
### Pickle test set

test_files = pickle_letters(test_data_paths, image_size, pixel_depth)

/Users/theodore/workspace/jupyterlab/TensorFlowUdacity/data/notmnist/original/notmnist_small/A.pickle already present, skipping pickling
/Users/theodore/workspace/jupyterlab/TensorFlowUdacity/data/notmnist/original/notmnist_small/B.pickle already present, skipping pickling
/Users/theodore/workspace/jupyterlab/TensorFlowUdacity/data/notmnist/original/notmnist_small/C.pickle already present, skipping pickling
/Users/theodore/workspace/jupyterlab/TensorFlowUdacity/data/notmnist/original/notmnist_small/D.pickle already present, skipping pickling
/Users/theodore/workspace/jupyterlab/TensorFlowUdacity/data/notmnist/original/notmnist_small/E.pickle already present, skipping pickling
/Users/theodore/workspace/jupyterlab/TensorFlowUdacity/data/notmnist/original/notmnist_small/F.pickle already present, skipping pickling
/Users/theodore/workspace/jupyterlab/TensorFlowUdacity/data/notmnist/original/notmnist_small/G.pickle already present, skipping pickling
/Users/theodore/workspace/jupyterlab/TensorFlowUdacity/data/notmnist/original/notmnist_small/H.pickle already present, skipping pickling
/Users/theodore/workspace/jupyterlab/TensorFlowUdacity/data/notmnist/original/notmnist_small/I.pickle already present, skipping pickling
/Users/theodore/workspace/jupyterlab/TensorFlowUdacity/data/notmnist/original/notmnist_small/J.pickle already present, skipping pickling

Problem 2

In [22]:
## Test pickling by loading pickle for letter D

letter_data = np.load(os.path.join(NOTMNISTLARGEDIR, "D.pickle"))

In [23]:
## Show dimensions of data loaded from pickle of letter D


(52911, 28, 28)

In [24]:
## Plot fifth image of letter D from loaded pickle using imshow

plt.imshow(letter_data[4, :, :])

Problem 3

In [25]:
## Check if training sets are balanced across letter classes using absolute frequencies

ntrainsets = len(train_data_paths)

train_stats = np.empty(shape=ntrainsets, dtype=np.int64)

for i in np.arange(ntrainsets):
    letter_data = np.load(".".join([train_data_paths[i], "pickle"]))
    train_stats[i] = letter_data.shape[0]


array([52909, 52911, 52912, 52911, 52912, 52912, 52912, 52912, 52912,

In [26]:
## Check if training sets are balanced across letter classes using percentages

train_stats_perc = 100*train_stats/np.float32(sum(train_stats))


array([ 9.99954641,  9.9999244 , 10.0001134 ,  9.9999244 , 10.0001134 ,
       10.0001134 , 10.0001134 , 10.0001134 , 10.0001134 ,  9.9999244 ])

In [27]:
## Check if test sets are balanced across letter classes using absolute frequencies

ntestsets = len(test_data_paths)

test_stats = np.empty(shape=ntestsets, dtype=np.int64)

for i in np.arange(ntrainsets):
    letter_data = np.load(".".join([test_data_paths[i], "pickle"]))
    test_stats[i] = letter_data.shape[0]


array([1872, 1873, 1873, 1873, 1873, 1872, 1872, 1872, 1872, 1872])

In [28]:
## Check if test sets are balanced across letter classes using percentages

test_stats_perc = 100*test_stats/np.float32(sum(test_stats))


array([ 9.9978637 , 10.00320444, 10.00320444, 10.00320444, 10.00320444,
        9.9978637 ,  9.9978637 ,  9.9978637 ,  9.9978637 ,  9.9978637 ])

In [29]:
## Function for allocating array to host all image sub-arrays into it

def allocate_image_space(nimages, image_size):
    if nimages > 0:
        dataset = np.ndarray((nimages, image_size, image_size), dtype=np.float32)
        labels = np.ndarray(nimages, dtype=np.int32)
        dataset, labels = None, None
    return dataset, labels

In [30]:
## Function for merging letter images to create train, validation and test sets

def merge_images(pickle_files, image_size, ntrain, nvalidation=0):
    train_dataset, train_labels = allocate_image_space(ntrain, image_size)
    validation_dataset, validation_labels = allocate_image_space(nvalidation, image_size)
    nclasses = len(pickle_files)
    ntrain_per_class = ntrain//nclasses
    nvalidation_per_class = nvalidation//nclasses
    total_per_class = ntrain_per_class+nvalidation_per_class
    train_start, validation_start = 0, 0
    train_end, validation_end = ntrain_per_class, nvalidation_per_class
    for label, pickle_file in enumerate(pickle_files):
            with open(pickle_file, 'rb') as f:
                letter_data = pickle.load(f)
                # Shuffle the letters to have random training and validation set
                train_dataset[train_start:train_end, :, :] = letter_data[:ntrain_per_class, :, :]
                train_labels[train_start:train_end] = label
                train_start += ntrain_per_class
                train_end += ntrain_per_class
                if validation_dataset is not None:
                    validation_dataset[validation_start:validation_end, :, :] = \
                        letter_data[ntrain_per_class:total_per_class, :, :]
                    validation_labels[validation_start:validation_end] = label
                    validation_start += nvalidation_per_class
                    validation_end += nvalidation_per_class
        except Exception as e:
            print('Unable to process data from', pickle_file, ':', e)
    return train_dataset, train_labels, validation_dataset, validation_labels

In [31]:
## Set number of train, validation and test images

ntrain = 200000
nvalidation = 10000
ntest = 10000

In [32]:
## Generate train and validation datasets

train_dataset, train_labels, validation_dataset, validation_labels = merge_images(train_files, 28, ntrain, nvalidation)

In [33]:
## Generate test dataset

test_dataset, test_labels, _, _ = merge_images(test_files, 28, ntest)

In [34]:
## Show dimensions of train, validation and test datasets

print('Training: ', train_dataset.shape, train_labels.shape)
print('Validation: ', validation_dataset.shape, validation_labels.shape)
print('Testing: ', test_dataset.shape, test_labels.shape)

Training:  (200000, 28, 28) (200000,)
Validation:  (10000, 28, 28) (10000,)
Testing:  (10000, 28, 28) (10000,)

In [35]:
## Function for shuffling image datasets

def randomize(dataset, labels):
    permutation = np.random.permutation(labels.shape[0])
    shuffled_dataset = dataset[permutation, :, :]
    shuffled_labels = labels[permutation]
    return shuffled_dataset, shuffled_labels

In [36]:
## Shuffle train, validation and test datasets

train_dataset, train_labels = randomize(train_dataset, train_labels)
validation_dataset, validation_labels = randomize(validation_dataset, validation_labels)
test_dataset, test_labels = randomize(test_dataset, test_labels)

Problem 4

In [37]:
## Display a sample of 3 images in their initial png format

samples = np.random.choice(3, 3, replace=False)

fig = plt.figure()
gs = gridspec.GridSpec(1, 3)
plt.imshow(train_dataset[samples[0], :, :])
plt.imshow(train_dataset[samples[1], :, :])
plt.imshow(train_dataset[samples[2], :, :])

In [38]:
## Count number of letters per class in shuffled train dataset using labels

np.unique(train_labels, return_counts=True)

(array([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9], dtype=int32),
 array([20000, 20000, 20000, 20000, 20000, 20000, 20000, 20000, 20000,

In [39]:
## Count number of letters per class in shuffled validation dataset using labels

np.unique(validation_labels, return_counts=True)

(array([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9], dtype=int32),
 array([1000, 1000, 1000, 1000, 1000, 1000, 1000, 1000, 1000, 1000]))

In [40]:
## Count number of letters per class in shuffled test dataset using labels

np.unique(test_labels, return_counts=True)

(array([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9], dtype=int32),
 array([1000, 1000, 1000, 1000, 1000, 1000, 1000, 1000, 1000, 1000]))

In [41]:
## Function for saving an object to a pickle file

def save_to_pickle(pickle_file, object, force=False):
    if os.path.exists(pickle_file) and not force:
        print('%s already present, skipping pickling' % pickle_file)
            f = open(pickle_file, 'wb')
            pickle.dump(object, f, pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)
        except Exception as e:
            print('Unable to save object to', pickle_file, ':', e)

In [42]:
## Save train, validation and test datasets to pickle file

        'train_dataset': train_dataset,
        'train_labels': train_labels,
        'validation_dataset': validation_dataset,
        'validation_labels': validation_labels,
        'test_dataset': test_dataset,
        'test_labels': test_labels,

/Users/theodore/workspace/jupyterlab/TensorFlowUdacity/data/notmnist/original/notmnist.pickle already present, skipping pickling

In [43]:
## Size of picle file containing train, validation and test datasets

print('Compressed pickle size: %d' % os.stat(ORIGINALDATAFILE).st_size)

Compressed pickle size: 690800516

Problem 5

To check whether two images are duplicates it suffices to check if their matrix representations are equal. The main limitation of this approach is that it only detecs exact duplicates. There are other methods for identifying near duplicates.

There are two main classes of methods for detecting near duplicates among images. One of these two method classes is known as image fingerprinting or image hashing. The main idea of image hashing is to construct a unique numerical value, known as image hash, from the contents of the image. The hash plays the role of a fingerprint in the sense that it uniquely identifies its associated image. Images that are “similar” should have “similar” hashes.

Another class of algorithms compares a pair of images by computing a metric of similarity based on the contents of both images. Various similarity metrics are used in practice, such as the mean squared error (MSE) or the structural similarity index (SSIM).

In this notebook, near-duplicates are found using image hashing.

Finding near-duplicates using image hashing

Difference hashing (dHash) algorithm

One potential approach to image hash creation is to make use of cryptographic hashing algorithms such as MD5 or SHA-1. However, if an image has been edited even slightly, the avalance effect of the cryptographic algorithm would generate a hash for the slightly edited image very different from the hash of the original image.

For this reason, alternative hashing algorithms are used for image hashing. In what follows, the difference hashing algorithm (dHash) will be presented. dHash computes the difference in brightness between adjacent pixels. It is a simple algorithm to implement. Its main steps are the following:

  1. Grayscale the image.
  2. Shrink the image.
  3. Compare the intensity values of adjacent pixels row-wise. Introduce a binary classification scheme to compare adjacent pixels; if the intensity value of the preceding pixel is higher than the intensity value of the succeeding pixel in the row, then label the difference between the two adjacent pixels as 1, otherwise as 0.
  4. Convert the resulting binary vector of ones and zeros to a hexadecimal string, which is the image hash.

In [44]:
## Function for computing the difference hash (dHash) of an image

# The input argument hsize is the hash size
def image_dhash(image, hsize=8):
    # Grayscale and shrink the image
    icon = PIL.Image.fromarray(image).convert('L').resize((hsize+1, hsize), PIL.Image.ANTIALIAS)
    icon = np.array(icon)
    # Compare intensity values of adjacent pixels row-wise
    diff = np.empty([hsize, hsize], dtype=np.bool_)
    for row in np.arange(hsize):
        for col in np.arange(hsize):
            diff[row, col] = icon[row, col] > icon[row, col+1]
    # Convert binary vector to hexadecimal string
    hexadecimal = np.empty(hsize, dtype=np.dtype(('U', int(hsize/4))))
    for i in np.arange(hsize):
        hexadecimal[i] = hex(int(''.join(str(b) for b in np.flipud(diff[i, :].astype(int))), 2))[2:].rjust(2, '0')
    return ''.join(hexadecimal)

In [45]:
## Set hash size, which will be used for generate difference hashes of images

hash_size = 8

In [46]:
## Compute difference hashes of images in the train dataset

train_dhashes = np.empty(ntrain, dtype=np.dtype(('U', int((hash_size**2)/4))))

for i in np.arange(ntrain):
    train_dhashes[i] = image_dhash(unnormalize_image(train_dataset[i, :, :], pixel_depth))

In [47]:
## Compute difference hashes of images in the validation dataset

validation_dhashes = np.empty(nvalidation, dtype=np.dtype(('U', int((hash_size**2)/4))))

for i in np.arange(nvalidation):
    validation_dhashes[i] = image_dhash(unnormalize_image(validation_dataset[i, :, :], pixel_depth))

In [48]:
## Compute difference hashes of images in the test dataset

test_dhashes = np.empty(ntest, dtype=np.dtype(('U', int((hash_size**2)/4))))

for i in np.arange(ntest):
    test_dhashes[i] = image_dhash(unnormalize_image(test_dataset[i, :, :], pixel_depth))
Removing near-duplicates within each of train, validation and test dataset

In [49]:
## Get locations of images in the train dataset after excluding near-duplicates

unique_train_dhashes, unique_train_locations = np.unique(train_dhashes, return_index=True)

print('Number of images in train dataset: %d' % ntrain)
print('Number of images in train dataset after excluding near-duplicates: %d' % np.size(unique_train_locations))
print('%.2f%% of images in train dataset kept' % round(100*np.float32(np.size(unique_train_locations))/ntrain, 2))

Number of images in train dataset: 200000
Number of images in train dataset after excluding near-duplicates: 156047
78.02% of images in train dataset kept

In [50]:
## Get locations of images in the validation dataset after excluding near-duplicates

unique_validation_dhashes, unique_validation_locations = np.unique(validation_dhashes, return_index=True)

print('Number of images in validation dataset: %d' % nvalidation)
print('Number of images in validation dataset after excluding near-duplicates: %d' % np.size(unique_validation_locations))
    '%.2f%% of images in validation dataset kept' % round(100*np.float32(np.size(unique_validation_locations))/nvalidation, 2)

Number of images in validation dataset: 10000
Number of images in validation dataset after excluding near-duplicates: 9307
93.07% of images in validation dataset kept

In [51]:
## Get locations of images in the test dataset after excluding near-duplicates

unique_test_dhashes, unique_test_locations = np.unique(test_dhashes, return_index=True)

print('Total number of images in test dataset: %d' % ntest)
print('Number of images in test dataset after excluding near-duplicates: %d' % np.size(unique_test_locations))
print('%.2f%% of images in test dataset kept' % round(100*np.float32(np.size(unique_test_locations))/ntest, 2))

Total number of images in test dataset: 10000
Number of images in test dataset after excluding near-duplicates: 9006
90.06% of images in test dataset kept
Removing near-duplicates between train, validation and test datasets

In [52]:
## Function for returning locations (array indices) of unique images between datasets
## Uniqueness of images is defined on the basis of uniqueness of dHashes
## The returned indices are a subset of scannedlocs
## scannedlocs is a subset of baselocs

def unique_image_crosslocations(scannedset, scannedlocs, baseset, baselocs):
    indices = np.array([], dtype=np.int64)
    for i in scannedlocs:
        if scannedset[i] not in baseset[baselocs]:
            indices = np.append(indices, i)
    return indices

In [53]:
## Get locations of images whose dHashes appear in train but not in test set

unique_train_locations_vs_test = unique_image_crosslocations(
    train_dhashes, unique_train_locations, test_dhashes, unique_test_locations

print('Number of unique images within train dataset: %d' % np.size(unique_train_locations))
print('Number of unique images in train dataset not in test set: %d' % np.size(unique_train_locations_vs_test))
    '%.2f%% of unique images in train dataset kept'
    % round(100*np.float32(np.size(unique_train_locations_vs_test))/np.size(unique_train_locations), 2)

Number of unique images within train dataset: 156047
Number of unique images in train dataset not in test set: 153370
98.28% of unique images in train dataset kept

In [54]:
## Get locations of images whose dHashes appear in train only

unique_train_locations_vs_validation = unique_image_crosslocations(
    train_dhashes, unique_train_locations_vs_test, validation_dhashes, unique_validation_locations

ntrain_sanitized = np.size(unique_train_locations_vs_validation)

print('Number of unique images in train set and not in test set: %d' % np.size(unique_train_locations_vs_test))
print('Number of unique images in train set and not in test or validation set: %d' % ntrain_sanitized)
    '%.2f%% of unique images in train dataset kept'
    % round(100*np.float32(ntrain_sanitized)/np.size(unique_train_locations_vs_test), 2)
    '%.2f%% of images from original train dataset kept'
    % round(100*np.float32(np.size(unique_train_locations_vs_validation))/ntrain, 2)

Number of unique images in train set and not in test set: 153370
Number of unique images in train set and not in test or validation set: 151349
98.68% of unique images in train dataset kept
75.67% of images from original train dataset kept

In [55]:
## Get locations of images whose dHashes appear in validation but not in test set

unique_validation_locations_vs_test = unique_image_crosslocations(
    validation_dhashes, unique_validation_locations, test_dhashes, unique_test_locations

nvalidation_sanitized = np.size(unique_validation_locations_vs_test)
ntest_sanitized = np.size(unique_test_locations)

print('Number of unique images within validation dataset: %d' % np.size(unique_validation_locations))
print('Number of unique images in validation set and not in test set: %d' % nvalidation_sanitized)
    '%.2f%% of unique images in validation dataset kept'
    % round(100*np.float32(nvalidation_sanitized)/np.size(unique_validation_locations), 2)
print('%.2f%% of images from original validation dataset kept' % round(100*np.float32(nvalidation_sanitized)/nvalidation, 2))

Number of unique images within validation dataset: 9307
Number of unique images in validation set and not in test set: 8882
95.43% of unique images in validation dataset kept
88.82% of images from original validation dataset kept

In [56]:
## Summary of number of images in sanitized datasets

print('Number of images in original train set: %d' % ntrain)
print('Number of images in sanitized train set: %d' % ntrain_sanitized)
    '%.2f%% of images from original train set kept in sanitized train set' % round(100*np.float32(ntrain_sanitized)/ntrain, 2)


print('Number of images in original validation set: %d' % nvalidation)
print('Number of images in sanitized validation set: %d' % nvalidation_sanitized)
    '%.2f%% of images from original validation set kept in sanitized validation set'
    % round(100*np.float32(nvalidation_sanitized)/nvalidation, 2)


print('Number of images in original test set: %d' % ntest)
print('Number of images in sanitized test set: %d' % ntest_sanitized)
print('%.2f%% of images from original test set kept in sanitized test set' % round(100*np.float32(ntest_sanitized)/ntest, 2))

Number of images in original train set: 200000
Number of images in sanitized train set: 151349
75.67% of images from original train set kept in sanitized train set

Number of images in original validation set: 10000
Number of images in sanitized validation set: 8882
88.82% of images from original validation set kept in sanitized validation set

Number of images in original test set: 10000
Number of images in sanitized test set: 9006
90.06% of images from original test set kept in sanitized test set
Finding near-duplicates using Hamming distance

The dHashes of two images can be compared by calculating the Hamming distance of the dHashes, which is the count of differing characters between the two dHashes. The closer the Hamming distance to 0, the more similar the two images.

In what follows, a function for computing the Hamming distance of two dHashes of equal length and a function for finding the number of unique images between two datasets with respect to a given Hamming distance lower bound are provided for demonstration purposes. In practice, the sanitized datasets have been generated by keeping images with unique dHashes, which corresponds to the case of images whose pairwise dHashes have Hamming distance equal to the hash length (16). This choice was made for the sake of computational efficiency.

In [57]:
## Return the Hamming distance between equal-length hashes

def hamming_distance(h1, h2):
    if len(h1) != len(h2):
        raise ValueError("Undefined for hashes of unequal length")
    return sum(c1 != c2 for c1, c2 in zip(h1, h2))

In [58]:
## Function for returning locations (array indices) of unique images between datasets
## Uniqueness of images is defined on the basis of a given Hamming distance lower bound
## The returned indices are a subset of scannedlocs
## scannedlocs is a subset of baselocs

def unique_image_hamming_crosslocations(scannedset, scannedlocs, baseset, baselocs, lb, monitor=None):
    indices = np.array([], dtype=np.int64)
    if monitor is not None:
        k = 0
        n = np.size(scannedlocs)
    for i in scannedlocs:
        if monitor is not None:
            k += 1
            if k % monitor == 0:
                print('%.2f%% completed' % round(100*np.float32(k)/n, 2))
        u = True
        for j in baselocs:
            if hamming_distance(scannedset[i], baseset[j]) < lb:
                u = False
        if u:
            indices = np.append(indices, i)
    return indices

In [59]:
# unique_image_hamming_crosslocations(
#   validation_dhashes,
#   unique_validation_locations,
#   test_dhashes,
#   unique_test_locations,
#   1,
#   1000
# )
Store sanitized train, validation and test datasets

In [60]:
## Save sanitized train, validation and test datasets to pickle file

        'train_dataset': train_dataset[unique_train_locations_vs_validation, :, :],
        'train_labels': train_labels[unique_train_locations_vs_validation],
        'ntrain' : np.size(unique_train_locations_vs_validation),
        'validation_dataset': validation_dataset[unique_validation_locations_vs_test, :, :],
        'validation_labels': validation_labels[unique_validation_locations_vs_test],
        'nvalidation': np.size(unique_validation_locations_vs_test),
        'test_dataset': test_dataset[unique_test_locations, :, :],
        'test_labels': test_labels[unique_test_locations],
        'ntest' : np.size(unique_test_locations)

In [61]:
## Size of picle file containing sanitized train, validation and test datasets

print('Compressed pickle size: %d' % os.stat(SANITIZEDDATAFILE).st_size)

Compressed pickle size: 531404738

Problem 6

In [62]:
## Load pickled sanitized train, validation and test datasets

with open(SANITIZEDDATAFILE, 'rb') as f:
    sane_datasets = pickle.load(f)

In [63]:
## Construct test set to be used for logistic regression
## Retain all images in the sanitized test set

test_indices = np.arange(sane_datasets['ntest'])

n_test = np.size(test_indices)

test_X = sane_datasets['test_dataset'][test_indices, :, :]
test_X = test_X.reshape(n_test, np.shape(test_X)[1]*np.shape(test_X)[2])

test_y = sane_datasets['test_labels'][test_indices]

In [64]:
## Construct train set to be used for logistic regression
## Randomly pick 50 images from the sanitized train set

ntrain_subset = 50

train_indices = np.random.choice(np.arange(sane_datasets['ntrain']), ntrain_subset, replace=False)

train_X = sane_datasets['train_dataset'][train_indices, :, :]
train_X = train_X.reshape(ntrain_subset, np.shape(train_X)[1]*np.shape(train_X)[2])

train_y = sane_datasets['train_labels'][train_indices]

In [65]:
## Define logistic regression model

logreg = LogisticRegression(C=1e5, multi_class='multinomial', solver='lbfgs')

In [66]:
## Fit logistic regression model to the 50 training points, train_y)

LogisticRegression(C=100000.0, class_weight=None, dual=False,
          fit_intercept=True, intercept_scaling=1, max_iter=100,
          multi_class='multinomial', n_jobs=1, penalty='l2',
          random_state=None, solver='lbfgs', tol=0.0001, verbose=0,

In [67]:
## Get the configuration of the logistic regression model


In [68]:
## Get estimated coefficients


array([[-0.06677404, -0.0784468 , -0.0802654 , ...,  0.2205588 ,
         0.21568758,  0.07232977],
       [ 0.00521114, -0.00550089, -0.02111442, ..., -0.10676885,
        -0.10761905, -0.0885733 ],
       [-0.02037239, -0.0649424 , -0.06377041, ..., -0.11157294,
        -0.1382328 , -0.05678951],
       [-0.0228336 , -0.01790573, -0.00271907, ...,  0.07713733,
         0.06305956,  0.03745627],
       [ 0.07488687,  0.06859938,  0.07711285, ...,  0.08164788,
         0.06924369,  0.07657117],
       [-0.07981855, -0.09573171, -0.1015685 , ..., -0.13456752,
        -0.12982394, -0.08907142]])

In [69]:
## Get mean accuracy of built model on the test set

logreg.score(test_X, test_y)


In [70]:
print('Number of images in test set: %d' % n_test)
print('Number of correctly predicted images in test set: %d' % sum(np.equal(logreg.predict(test_X), test_y)))
    '%.2f%% of images in test set correctly predicted'
    % round(np.float32(sum(np.equal(logreg.predict(test_X), test_y)))/n_test, 2)

Number of images in test set: 9006
Number of correctly predicted images in test set: 5362
0.60% of images in test set correctly predicted

In [71]:
## Fit logistic regression on a train set consisting of 100 samples

ntrain_subset = 100

train_indices = np.random.choice(np.arange(sane_datasets['ntrain']), ntrain_subset, replace=False)

train_X = sane_datasets['train_dataset'][train_indices, :, :]
train_X = train_X.reshape(ntrain_subset, np.shape(train_X)[1]*np.shape(train_X)[2])

train_y = sane_datasets['train_labels'][train_indices]

logreg = LogisticRegression(C=1e5, multi_class='multinomial', solver='lbfgs'), train_y)

logreg.score(test_X, test_y)


In [72]:
## Fit logistic regression on a train set consisting of 1000 samples

ntrain_subset = 1000

train_indices = np.random.choice(np.arange(sane_datasets['ntrain']), ntrain_subset, replace=False)

train_X = sane_datasets['train_dataset'][train_indices, :, :]
train_X = train_X.reshape(ntrain_subset, np.shape(train_X)[1]*np.shape(train_X)[2])

train_y = sane_datasets['train_labels'][train_indices]

logreg = LogisticRegression(C=1e5, multi_class='multinomial', solver='lbfgs'), train_y)

logreg.score(test_X, test_y)


In [73]:
## Fit logistic regression on a train set consisting of 5000 samples

ntrain_subset = 5000

train_indices = np.random.choice(np.arange(sane_datasets['ntrain']), ntrain_subset, replace=False)

train_X = sane_datasets['train_dataset'][train_indices, :, :]
train_X = train_X.reshape(ntrain_subset, np.shape(train_X)[1]*np.shape(train_X)[2])

train_y = sane_datasets['train_labels'][train_indices]

logreg = LogisticRegression(C=1e5, multi_class='multinomial', solver='lbfgs'), train_y)

logreg.score(test_X, test_y)


In [74]:
## Fit logistic regression on the whole train set

train_X = sane_datasets['train_dataset']
train_X = train_X.reshape(sane_datasets['ntrain'], np.shape(train_X)[1]*np.shape(train_X)[2])

train_y = sane_datasets['train_labels']

logreg = LogisticRegression(C=1e5, multi_class='multinomial', solver='lbfgs'), train_y)

logreg.score(test_X, test_y)
