This worksheet produces figures for:
Leaf-scale experiments reveal important omission in the Penman-Monteith equation
Schymanski, S.J. and D. Or
Author: Stan Schymanski (
In [1]:
%%capture storage
# The above redirects all output of the below commands to the variable 'storage' instead of displaying it.
# It can be viewed by typing: 'storage()'
# Setup of worksheet, incl. importing of packages and defining general custom functions
from shutil import copyfile # for copying files between directories
from matplotlib.ticker import MaxNLocator
import csv
import datetime
import time
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.dates as mdates
In [2]:
# From leaf_chamber_eqs, Leaf_enbalance2s_eqs and E_PM_eqs
dict_vars1 = dict_vars.copy()
dict_vars = dict_vars1.copy()
fun_loadvars(vardict=dict_vars) # re-loading variable definitions
In [3]:
path_figs = 'figures/'
path_data = 'data/'
path_data_orig = '/home/sschyman/Documents/STEP/Lab_data/leaf_chamber/'
In [4]:
def fun_SS(vdict1):
Steady-state T_l, R_ll, H_l and E_l under forced conditions.
Parameters are given in a dictionary (vdict) with the following entries:
a_s, a_sh, L_l, P_a, P_wa, R_s, Re_c, T_a, g_sw, v_w
vdict = vdict1.copy()
if not T_w in vdict1.keys():
vdict[T_w] = vdict[T_a]
# Nusselt number
vdict[nu_a] = eq_nua.rhs().subs(vdict)
vdict[Re] = eq_Re.rhs().subs(vdict)
vdict[Nu] = eq_Nu_forced_all.rhs().subs(vdict)
# h_c
vdict[k_a] = eq_ka.rhs().subs(vdict)
vdict[h_c] = eq_hc.rhs().subs(vdict)
# gbw
vdict[D_va] = eq_Dva.rhs().subs(vdict)
vdict[alpha_a] = eq_alphaa.rhs().subs(vdict)
vdict[rho_a] = eq_rhoa.rhs().subs(vdict)
vdict[Le] = eq_Le.rhs().subs(vdict)
vdict[g_bw] = eq_gbw_hc.rhs().subs(vdict)
# Hl, Rll
vdict[R_ll] = eq_Rll.rhs().subs(vdict)
vdict[H_l] = eq_Hl.rhs().subs(vdict)
# El
vdict[g_tw] = eq_gtw.rhs().subs(vdict)
vdict[C_wa] = eq_Cwl.rhs()(P_wl = P_wa, T_l = T_a).subs(vdict)
vdict[P_wl] = eq_Pwl.rhs().subs(vdict)
vdict[C_wl] = eq_Cwl.rhs().subs(vdict)
vdict[E_lmol] = eq_Elmol.rhs().subs(vdict)
vdict[E_l] = eq_El.rhs().subs(eq_Elmol).subs(vdict)
# Tl
try: vdict[T_l] = find_root((eq_Rs_enbal - R_s).rhs().subs(vdict), 273, 373)
except: print 'something missing: ' + str((eq_Rs_enbal - R_s).rhs().subs(vdict))
# Re-inserting T_l
Tlss = vdict[T_l]
for name1 in [C_wl, P_wl, R_ll, H_l, E_l, E_lmol]:
vdict[name1] = vdict[name1].subs(T_l = Tlss)
# Test for steady state
if n((E_l + H_l + R_ll - R_s).subs(vdict))>1.:
return 'error in energy balance: El + Hl + Rll - R_s = ' + str(n((E_l + H_l + R_ll - R_s).subs(vdict)))
return vdict
In [5]:
# Test using data from Fig. 8 in Ball et al. 1988
vdict = cdict.copy()
vdict[a_s] = 1
vdict[L_l] = 0.07
vdict[P_a] = 101325
vdict[P_wa] = 20/1000*101325
vdict[R_s] = 400
vdict[Re_c] = 3000
vdict[T_a] = 273+30
vdict[T_w] = vdict[T_a]
vdict[g_sw] = 0.15/40
vdict[v_w] = 1.
resdict = fun_SS(vdict)
dict_print(resdict, list_names = [H_l, E_l, T_l])
In [6]:
# for model by Ball et al. 1988
var2('g_svmol', 'Stomatal condutance to vapour in molar units', mole/meter^2/second)
var2('c_pmol', 'Molar heat capacity of air', value = 29.2, units = joule/mole/kelvin) # Units in the appendix are wrongly given as J mol/K
var2('L_E', 'Latent heat of vaporisation of water', value = 44000, units = joule/mole)
var2('r_bstar', 'Boundary layer resistance to heat transfer from unit area of leaf', meter^2*second/mole)
var2('r_b', 'Boundary layer resistnace to vapour transfer', meter^2*second/mole)
var2('r_s', 'Stomatal resistance to vapour transfer', meter^2*second/mole)
eq_Hl_Ball = H_l == c_pmol*(T_l - T_a)/r_bstar
eq_El_Ball = E_l == L_E*(P_wl - P_wa)/P_a/(r_s + r_b)
eq_rbstar = r_bstar == (3.8*L_A^(1/4)*v_w^(-1/2))
eq_rb = r_b == (1.78/a_s*r_bstar)
print units_check(eq_Hl_Ball).simplify_full()
print units_check(eq_El_Ball).simplify_full()
In [7]:
def fun_SS_Ball(vdict1):
Steady-state T_l, h_c, g_bv, g_tv, R_ll, H_l and E_l under forced conditions.
h_c and g_bv are calculated using Appendix in Ball et al. (1988).
see Ball_1988_Maintenance_of_Leaf2.pdf
Parameters are given in a dictionary (vdict) with the following entries:
a_s, L_l, P_a, P_wa, R_s, Re_c, T_a, g_svmol, v_w
vdict = vdict1.copy()
if not L_A in vdict.keys():
vdict[L_A] = (pi()*L_l^2).subs(vdict)
if not T_w in vdict.keys():
vdict[T_w] = vdict[T_a]
vdict[r_s] = (1/(40*g_sw)).subs(vdict)
vdict[r_bstar] = eq_rbstar.rhs().subs(vdict).n() #two-sided resistance for sensible heat flux
vdict[r_bstar] = eq_rbstar.rhs().subs(vdict)
print 'r_bstar = ' + str(vdict[r_bstar])
vdict[r_b] = eq_rb.rhs().subs(vdict) # one-sided resistance to latent heat flux
Rll = eq_Rll.rhs().subs(vdict)
Hl = eq_Hl_Ball.rhs().subs(vdict)
El = eq_El_Ball.rhs().subs(eq_Pwl).subs(vdict)
enbal = El + Hl + Rll - R_s == 0
#print enbal(R_ll = Rll, H_l = Hl, E_l = El).subs(vdict)
Tss = find_root(enbal(R_ll = Rll, H_l = Hl, E_l = El).subs(vdict), 273, 373)
Rll1 = Rll(T_l = Tss)
Hl1= Hl(T_l = Tss)
El1 = El(T_l = Tss)
# Test for steady state
if (El1 + Hl1 + Rll1 - vdict[R_s])>1.:
print (El, Hl, Rll, vdict[R_s])
print Tss
return 'error in energy balance'
Pwl = eq_Pwl.rhs()(T_l = Tss).subs(vdict)
return {'Tl_ball':n(Tss), 'Rll_ball':n(Rll1), 'Hl_ball':n(Hl1), 'El_ball':n(El1), 'rs_ball': vdict[r_s], 'rbstar_ball': vdict[r_bstar], 'rb_ball': vdict[r_b]}
In [8]:
# Fig. 8 in Ball et al. 1988
vdict = cdict.copy()
vdict[a_s] = 1
vdict[L_l] = 0.07
vdict[P_a] = 101325
vdict[P_wa] = 20/1000*101325
vdict[R_s] = 400
vdict[Re_c] = 3000
vdict[T_a] = 273+30
vdict[T_w] = vdict[T_a]
vdict[g_sw] = 0.15/40
vdict[v_w] = 1.
ssdict = fun_SS(vdict)
#print ssdict
balldict = fun_SS_Ball(vdict)
#print balldict
print 'h_c(Ball): ' + str((c_pmol/balldict['rbstar_ball']).subs(vdict))
print 'g_vmol(Ball): ' + str((1/(r_b + r_s))(r_b = balldict['rb_ball'], r_s = balldict['rs_ball']))
print 'g_vmol(SS): ' + str(eq_gtwmol_gtw(T_l = T_a).subs(eq_gtw).subs(ssdict).subs(vdict))
print 'T_l(Ball): ' + str(balldict['Tl_ball'])
print 'T_l(SS): ' + str(ssdict[T_l])
print 'T_a: ' + str(vdict[T_a])
According to Fig. 8 in Ball et al., 1988, steady-state leaf temperature should be higher by 10 K than air temperature! Here it is only 6.
In [9]:
def fun_SS_PM(vdict1):
Analytical equations from Worksheet E_PM_eqs, including detailed steady-state.
vdict = vdict1.copy()
if not L_A in vdict1.keys():
vdict[L_A] = (pi()*L_l^2).subs(vdict1)
if not T_w in vdict1.keys():
vdict[T_w] = vdict[T_a]
if not P_wa in vdict1.keys():
print 'P_wa is missing'
ss = fun_SS(vdict)
vdict[P_was] = eq_Pwl.rhs()(T_l = T_a).subs(vdict)
vdict[Delta_eTa] = eq_Deltaeta_T.rhs().subs(vdict)
vdict[k_a] = eq_ka.rhs().subs(vdict)
vdict[nu_a] = eq_nua.rhs().subs(vdict)
vdict[Re] = eq_Re.rhs().subs(vdict)
vdict[Nu] = eq_Nu_forced_all.rhs().subs(vdict)
vdict[h_c] = eq_hc.rhs().subs(vdict)
vdict[P_N2] = eq_PN2.rhs().subs(vdict)
vdict[P_O2] = eq_PO2.rhs().subs(vdict)
vdict[alpha_a] = eq_alphaa.rhs().subs(vdict)
vdict[k_a] = eq_ka.rhs().subs(vdict)
vdict[D_va] = eq_Dva.rhs().subs(vdict)
vdict[Le] = eq_Le.rhs().subs(vdict)
vdict[rho_a] = eq_rhoa_Pwa_Ta.rhs().subs(vdict)
vdict[g_bw] = eq_gbw_hc.rhs().subs(vdict)
vdict[g_tw] = eq_gtw.rhs().subs(vdict)
vdict[g_twmol] = eq_gtwmol_gtw_iso.rhs().subs(vdict)
# Generalized Penman, getting Rll first
vdict_GPRll = vdict.copy()
vdict_GPRll[R_ll] = 0.
vdict_GPRll[T_l] = eq_Tl_Delta.rhs().subs(eq_ce_conv, eq_ch_hc).subs(vdict_GPRll)
vdict_GPRll[R_ll] = eq_Rll.rhs().subs(vdict_GPRll)
vdict_GPRll[E_l] = eq_El_Delta.rhs().subs(eq_ce_conv, eq_ch_hc).subs(vdict_GPRll)
vdict_GPRll[H_l] = eq_Hl_Delta.rhs().subs(eq_ce_conv, eq_ch_hc).subs(vdict_GPRll)
# Using linearised R_ll solution
vdict_lin = vdict.copy()
namesdict = [E_l, H_l, T_l, R_ll]
vdict_lin[E_l] = eq_El_Delta_Rlllin.rhs().subs(eq_ce_conv, eq_ch_hc).subs(vdict_lin)
vdict_lin[H_l] = eq_Hl_Delta_Rlllin.rhs().subs(eq_ce_conv, eq_ch_hc).subs(vdict_lin)
vdict_lin[T_l] = eq_Tl_Delta_Rlllin.rhs().subs(eq_ce_conv, eq_ch_hc).subs(vdict_lin)
vdict_lin[R_ll] = eq_Rll_tang.rhs().subs(vdict_lin)
# 'R_N = R_s:' MU-book, P. 79, under cloudy skies, implying that R_ll = 0
vdict2 = vdict.copy()
vdict2[R_ll] = 0
# Generalized Penman
vdict_GP = vdict2.copy()
vdict_GP[E_l] = eq_El_Delta.rhs().subs(eq_ce_conv, eq_ch_hc).subs(vdict_GP)
vdict_GP[H_l] = eq_Hl_Delta.rhs().subs(eq_ce_conv, eq_ch_hc).subs(vdict_GP)
vdict_GP[T_l] = eq_Tl_Delta.rhs().subs(eq_ce_conv, eq_ch_hc).subs(vdict_GP)
# Penman-stomata
vdict_PS = vdict2.copy()
vdict_PS[S] = eq_S_gbw_gsw.rhs().subs(vdict_PS)
vdict_PS[f_u] = eq_fu_gbw.rhs().subs(vdict_PS)
vdict_PS[gamma_v] = eq_gammav_as.rhs().subs(vdict_PS)
vdict_PS[E_l] = eq_El_P52.rhs().subs(vdict_PS)
vdict_PS[H_l] = eq_Hl_P52.rhs().subs(vdict_PS)
vdict_PS[T_l] = eq_Tl_P52.rhs().subs(vdict_PS)
# PM equation
vdict_PM = vdict2.copy()
vdict_PM[r_s] = 1/vdict_PM[g_sw]
vdict_PM[r_a] = eq_ra_hc.rhs().subs(vdict_PM)
vdict_PM[gamma_v] = eq_gammav_MU.rhs().subs(vdict_PM)
vdict_PM[epsilon] = eq_epsilon.rhs().subs(vdict_PM)
vdict_PM[E_l] = eq_El_PM2.rhs().subs(vdict_PM)
vdict_PM[H_l] = (R_s - R_ll - E_l).subs(vdict_PM)
# MU equation
vdict_MU = vdict2.copy()
vdict_MU[n_MU] = (a_sh/a_s).subs(vdict_MU)
vdict_MU[r_s] = 1/vdict_MU[g_sw]
vdict_MU[r_a] = eq_ra_hc.rhs().subs(vdict_MU)
vdict_MU[gamma_v] = eq_gammav_MU.rhs().subs(vdict_MU)
vdict_MU[E_l] = eq_El_MU2.rhs().subs(vdict_MU)
vdict_MU[H_l] = (R_s - R_ll - E_l).subs(vdict_MU)
# 'Corrected MU-equation: '
vdict_MUc = vdict2.copy()
vdict_MUc[r_s] = 1/vdict_MUc[g_sw]
vdict_MUc[r_a] = eq_ra_hc.rhs().subs(vdict_MUc)
vdict_MUc[gamma_v] = eq_gammav_MU.rhs().subs(vdict_MUc)
vdict_MUc[E_l] = eq_El_MU_corr.rhs().subs(vdict_MUc)
vdict_MUc[H_l] = (R_s - R_ll - E_l).subs(vdict_MUc)
resdict = ss.copy()
str1 = 'GPRll'
namesdict = [E_l, H_l, T_l, R_ll]
for name1 in namesdict:
resdict[str1+'_'+str(name1)] = eval('vdict_'+str1)[name1]
str1 = 'lin'
namesdict = [E_l, H_l, T_l, R_ll]
for name1 in namesdict:
resdict[str1+'_'+str(name1)] = eval('vdict_'+str1)[name1]
str1 = 'GP'
namesdict = [E_l, H_l, T_l]
for name1 in namesdict:
resdict[str1+'_'+str(name1)] = eval('vdict_'+str1)[name1]
str1 = 'PS'
namesdict = [E_l, H_l, T_l]
for name1 in namesdict:
resdict[str1+'_'+str(name1)] = eval('vdict_'+str1)[name1]
str1 = 'PM'
namesdict = [E_l, H_l]
for name1 in namesdict:
resdict[str1+'_'+str(name1)] = eval('vdict_'+str1)[name1]
str1 = 'MU'
namesdict = [E_l, H_l]
for name1 in namesdict:
resdict[str1+'_'+str(name1)] = eval('vdict_'+str1)[name1]
str1 = 'MUc'
namesdict = [E_l, H_l]
for name1 in namesdict:
resdict[str1+'_'+str(name1)] = eval('vdict_'+str1)[name1]
return resdict
In [10]:
def fun_read_csv(fname1, lc_datetime_format = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", lc_timepos = [], split1 = ';'):
Reads file written by leaf_chamber_read_data and saves them as lc_data
If csv file fname1 does not exist in path_data, copies the file from path_data_orig to path_data
before opening and reading into numpy array. Contents of data file are printed as table before returning numpy array.
lc_timepos = lc_timepos[:]
fname = path_data + fname1
reader = csv.reader(open(fname, 'r'), delimiter=split1, quotechar='"')
copyfile(path_data_orig + fname1, fname)
reader = csv.reader(open(fname, 'r'), delimiter=split1, quotechar='"')
htmldata = []
lc_nameslist =
htmldata[-1][-1] = htmldata[-1][-1]+ '...................................................' # To avoid very thick rows
#print htmldata
lc_formatslist = ['S200' for i in srange(len(lc_nameslist))]
lc_unitslist =
#print lc_unitslist
ncols = len(lc_nameslist)
lc_datetime_format = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"
csvdata = []
with open(fname, 'r') as file_out:
rows = file_out.readlines()
# Determining dtypes
for row in rows[2:]:
row1 = row.strip('\r\n').split(split1)
for i in srange(len(row1)-1):
blah = float(row1[i])
lc_formatslist[i] = 'float'
blah = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(time.mktime(time.strptime(row1[i].strip(), lc_datetime_format)))
lc_formatslist[i] = 'datetime64[us]'
lc_formatslist[i] = 'S200'
lc_timepos = list(set(lc_timepos)) # to get unique values, i.e. drop repeated positions
for row in rows[2:]:
row1 = row.strip('\r\n').split(split1)
for i in lc_timepos:
row1[i] = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(time.mktime(time.strptime(row1[i].strip(), lc_datetime_format)))
except Exception, e:
print "failed because: %s" % e
print lc_timepos
print row1
row2 = tuple(row1)
lc_data = np.array(csvdata,dtype = zip(lc_nameslist,lc_formatslist))
print 'Error in dtype'
return csvdata
pretty_print(table(htmldata, header_row=True, align='center'))
return lc_data
In [11]:
def fun_read_campbell(fname1, nr_datetime_format = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f", datelen = 21, datelast = '.0'):
Reads Campbell data logger file and returns numpy array.
If file fname1 does not exist in path_data, copies the file from path_data_orig to path_data
before opening.
import sys, traceback
fname = path_data + fname1
reader = csv.reader(open(fname, 'rb'), delimiter=',', quotechar='"')
copyfile(path_data_orig + fname1, fname)
reader = csv.reader(open(fname, 'rb'), delimiter=',', quotechar='"')
nr_nameslist =
print nr_nameslist
nr_unitslist =
#print nr_unitslist
ncols = len(nr_nameslist)
csvdata = []
contd = True
while contd:
row1 =
date1 = row1[0]
# Need to add milliseconds if missing
if len(date1) < datelen: date1 = date1+datelast
row1[0] = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(time.mktime(time.strptime(date1.strip(), nr_datetime_format)))
row2 = tuple(row1)
except StopIteration:
contd = False
print row1
#contd = False
#print csvdata
nr_formatslist = ['datetime64[us]', 'int']
for i in srange(len(nr_nameslist) - 2):
nr_data = np.array(csvdata,dtype = zip(nr_nameslist,nr_formatslist))
return nr_data
In [12]:
def fun_read_li(li_fname, prefix1 = ['1900-01-01_']):
Reads Licor data file and returns as numpy array. If data contains several days, add a prefix for each day.
If file li_fname does not exist in path_data, copies the file from path_data_orig to path_data
before opening.
time_format = "%H:%M:%S"
datetime_format = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"
fname = path_data + li_fname
reader = csv.reader(open(fname, 'rb'), delimiter='\t')
copyfile(path_data_orig + li_fname, fname)
reader = csv.reader(open(fname, 'rb'), delimiter='\t')
row = ['']
csvdata = []
outdata = []
nameflag = 'n'
dataflag = 'n'
prefpos = 0
timeold = 0
for row in reader:
#print row
if dataflag == 'n':
if row[0][0]!='<':
print row
if row == ['$STARTOFDATA$']:
print ' '
print 'NEW data set'
print 'length previous = '+str(len(csvdata))
if len(csvdata)>1: # Converting csvdata to np.array and adding to outdata
li_formatslist = ['int','datetime64[us]']
for i in srange(len(li_nameslist) - 3):
li_data = np.array(csvdata,dtype = zip(li_nameslist,li_formatslist))
# Starting new data series
csvdata = []
nameflag = 'y'
if len(row)>1:
if nameflag == 'y':
li_nameslist = row
nameflag = 'n'
dataflag = 'y'
elif dataflag == 'y':
row1 = row[:]
prefix = prefix1[prefpos]
TS = prefix[0:10] + " " + row[1].strip()
row1[1] = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(time.mktime(time.strptime(TS, datetime_format)))
if timeold!=0:
if row1[1]<timeold: # increment to next date if new time smaller old time
prefpos = prefpos + 1
TS = prefix[0:10] + " " + row[1].strip()
row1[1] = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(time.mktime(time.strptime(TS, datetime_format)))
timeold = row1[1]
row3 = tuple(row1)
print 'failed'
elif dataflag == 'y':
print row
li_formatslist = ['int','datetime64[us]']
for i in srange(len(li_nameslist) - 3):
li_data = np.array(csvdata,dtype = zip(li_nameslist,li_formatslist))
print 'number of data sets: '+str(len(outdata))
return outdata
In [13]:
eq_gsw_gtw = solve(eq_gtw, g_sw)[0]
In [14]:
eq_gtw_Elmol = solve(eq_Elmol.subs(eq_Cwa, eq_Cwl), g_tw)[0]
In [15]:
eq_hc_Hl = solve(eq_Hl, h_c)[0]
In [16]:
def fun_results(lc_data, vdict1 = {}, poslist = [], nameRs = '', ndict1 = {}, Pwinoffset = 0, Tdewfac = 1.06, \
Tdewoffset = -2.45):
Simulates steady-state conditions for every data set contained in lc_data
and returns a numpy array with input data and results. Mapping of fields in lc_data
is given in ndict, e.g.
ndict = {R_s: '', T_d: 'T_dew', T_l: 'T_leaf_in', Q_in: 'fan_power_avg', S_a: 'Rn_above_leaf', S_b: 'Rn_below_leaf', S_s: 'Rn_beside_leaf', T_in: 'T_in1', F_in_v: 'Air_inflow', v_w: 'Wind', T_a: 'T_chamber', E_lmol: 'water_flow_avg'}
If vdict1 is not given or values are missing, predefined values are assumed. Pwinoffset allows accounting for bias in Cellkraft P_w_in by negative 50 to negative 200 Pa, see LI6400_data_repaired2.sws.
sage: fun_results(lc_data, vdict1 = {}, poslist = [1,2,4])
poslist = poslist[:]
def fun_subs(expr, vdict):
Substitutes vdict in equation and returns result.
In case of a ValueError, e.g. because an entry is NaN,
returns NaN, rather than interrupting because of exception.
return float(expr.subs(vdict))
#print expr.subs(vdict)
return float('NaN')
ndict = {R_s: '', T_d: 'T_dew', T_l: 'T_leaf_in', Q_in: 'fan_power_avg', S_a: 'Rn_above_leaf', S_b: 'Rn_below_leaf', S_s: 'Rn_beside_leaf', \
T_in: 'T_in1', F_in_v: 'Air_inflow', v_w: 'Wind', T_a: 'T_chamber', E_lmol: 'water_flow_avg'}
if len(ndict1)>0:
ndict = fun_dict(ndict,ndict1)
# Standard values
vdict = cdict.copy()
vdict[L_l] = 0.03 # 3x3 cm area
vdict[a_s] = 1 # one sided stomata
vdict[alpha_l] = 0 # assuming 0 albedo
vdict[g_sw] = 999 # unlimiting, filter paper only
vdict[P_a] = 101325
vdict[Re_c] = 3000
vdict[R_s] = 0
vdict[T_r] = vdict[T0]
vdict[P_a] = 101325
if len(vdict1)>0:
vdict = fun_dict(vdict,vdict1)
if L_A not in vdict.keys():
vdict[L_A] = vdict[L_l]^2
if R_d in vdict.keys():
vdict[R_s] = eq_Rs_Rd.rhs().subs(vdict)
#print vdict
results = []
allinput = []
if len(poslist) == 0:
poslist = srange(len(lc_data))
for i in poslist:
rdict1 = {} # For storing results that are not in vdict, e.g. if keys are strings rather than variables.
# Tdew reported by Cellkraft is biased (see worksheet Cellkraft_tests). Corrections range between y=1.09*x - 2.42 and y=1.06*x - 2.45
Tdew = Tdewfac*lc_data[ndict[T_d]][i]+Tdewoffset+vdict[T0]
if P_w_in in ndict1:
vdict[P_w_in] = lc_data[ndict[P_w_in]][i]
vdict[P_w_in] = eq_Pwl.rhs().subs(T_l = Tdew).subs(vdict) + Pwinoffset
Qin = lc_data[ndict[Q_in]][i]
Tlmeas = lc_data[ndict[T_l]][i]+vdict[T0]
Rn_above = lc_data[ndict[S_a]][i]
Rn_below = lc_data[ndict[S_b]][i]
#Rn_beside = abs(lc_data[ndict[S_s]][i])
Rn_leaf = eq_Rbalance.rhs()(S_a = Rn_above, S_b = Rn_below)
rdict1['Rn_leaf'] = Rn_leaf
if len(ndict[R_s])>0:
vdict[R_d] = abs(lc_data[ndict[R_s]][i])
vdict[R_s] = eq_Rs_Rd.rhs().subs(vdict)
#print 'R_s from ' + nameRs
vdict[T_in] = lc_data[ndict[T_in]][i]+vdict[T0]
vdict[F_in_va_n] = lc_data[ndict[F_in_v]][i]/1000/60
vdict[F_in_v] = eq_Finv_Finva_ref.rhs().subs(vdict)
vdict[F_in_mola] = eq_Finmola_Finva_ref.rhs().subs(vdict)
vdict[F_in_molw] = eq_Finmolw_Finmola_Pwa.rhs().subs(vdict)
#print 'F_in_v = ' + str(vdict[F_in_v])
#print vdict[P_v_in]
vdict[v_w] = lc_data[ndict[v_w]][i]
vdict[T_a] = lc_data[ndict[T_a]][i]+ 273.15
if T_w not in vdict1.keys():
vdict[T_w] = vdict[T_a]
Elmolmeas = lc_data[ndict[E_lmol]][i]*1e-6/60/vdict[L_A]/vdict[M_w]
Elmeas = eq_El_Elmol.rhs()(E_lmol = Elmolmeas).subs(vdict)
vdict[P_wa] = eq_Pwout_Elmol.rhs().subs(E_lmol = Elmolmeas).subs(vdict)
vdict[F_out_molw] = eq_Foutmolw_Finmolw_Elmol.rhs().subs(E_lmol = Elmolmeas).subs(vdict)
#print 'P_w_out = ' + str(vdict[P_wa])
#Hlmeas = eq_Hl_Tin_Tout.rhs().subs(E_lmol = Elmolmeas, P_a = 101325, T_out = T_a, Q_in = Qin).subs(vdict)
Hlmeas = eq_Hl_Tin_Tout_Fmol.rhs().subs(E_lmol = Elmolmeas, P_a = 101325, T_out = T_a, Q_in = Qin).subs(vdict)
Balldict = fun_SS_Ball(vdict)
PMdict = fun_SS_PM(vdict)
# Inferring g_tw and g_sw from Elmolmeas, Tlmeas, P_wa and g_bw
vdict1 = vdict.copy()
vdict1[E_lmol] = Elmolmeas
vdict1[T_l] = Tlmeas
vdict1[P_wl] = eq_Pwl.rhs().subs(vdict1)
vdict1[g_bw] = PMdict[g_bw]
vdict1[g_tw] = fun_subs(eq_gtw_Elmol.rhs(), vdict1)
vdict1[g_sw] = fun_subs(eq_gsw_gtw.rhs(),vdict1)
# Inferring h_c from Hlmeas, Tlmeas and Tameas
vdict1[H_l] = Hlmeas
vdict1[h_c] = fun_subs(eq_hc_Hl.rhs(),vdict1)
#resdict = dict(vdict.items() + SSdict.items() + rdict1.items() + Balldict.items() + PMdict.items())
resdict = dict(vdict.items() + rdict1.items() + Balldict.items() + PMdict.items())
resdict['Tlmeas'] = Tlmeas
resdict['Elmeas'] = Elmeas
resdict['Elmolmeas'] = Elmolmeas
resdict['Hlmeas'] = Hlmeas
resdict['g_twmeas'] = vdict1[g_tw]
resdict['g_swmeas'] = vdict1[g_sw]
resdict['h_cmeas'] = vdict1[h_c]
results.append(tuple(list(lc_data[i]) + resdict.values()))
#print resdict
names = [blah[0] for blah in lc_data.dtype.descr] + resdict.keys()
nameslist = [str(names[i]) for i in srange(len(names))]
formatslist = [blah[1] for blah in lc_data.dtype.descr] + ['f8' for i in srange(len(nameslist))]
#print results
#print zip(nameslist,formatslist)
results = np.array(results,dtype = zip(nameslist,formatslist))
print results
results1 = np.nan_to_num(results) # Converts any NaN to something that can be expressed as a float
print nameslist
print formatslist
print vdict
print results
return results
return results
In [17]:
def fun_plot_diag(results1, varname1 = 'v_w', axeslabel1 = 'Wind speed (m s$^{-1}$)', Emods = [('E_l', '(mod.)', '-')], Hmods = [('H_l', '(mod.)', '-')], Rmods = [('R_ll', '(mod.)', '-')],\
energy=True, esums = False, esumsmod = False, rll = False, Hobs = True, fsize = 20, lfsize = 20, axfsize = 1.2, psize = 100, figsize1=[8,6], dpi1 = 50,\
leglength = 2, lwidth = 2, fname = False):
Sorts results1 for variable varname1 and plots diagnostic plots
for energy, esums, leaftemp, alltemps (set either of them to False
if not desired).
sage: fun_plot_diag(results1, varname1 = 'v_w', axeslabel1 = 'Wind speed (m s$^{-1}$)', Emods = [('E_l', '(mod.)', '-')], Hmods = [('H_l', '(mod.)', '-')], Tmods = [('T_l', '(mod.)', '-')], energy=True, esums = True, leaftemp = True, alltemps = alltemps = [('T_leaf1', 'TC1', 'v'), ('T_leaf2', 'TC2', '^'), ('T_leaf_IR', 'TCIR', '.')], fsize = 10, lfsize = 'large', axfsize = 1.2, psize = 100, figsize1=[7,5], fname = False, fext = '.png')
# Sorting array along v_w
results2 = results1.copy()
results2 = np.sort(results2, order = varname1)
pos_vw = srange(len(results2))
xdata = results2[varname1][pos_vw]
Talist = results2['T_a'][pos_vw]
if energy:
P = list_plot(zip(xdata,results2['Elmeas'][pos_vw]), frame = True, axes = False, plotjoined=False, marker='o', size=psize, legend_label = '$E_l$ (obs.)')
for i in srange(len(Emods)):
tup1 = Emods[i]
if len(tup1)<4:
tup1 = tuple(list(tup1) + ['blue'])
P += list_plot(zip(xdata,results2[tup1[0]][pos_vw]), color = tup1[3], plotjoined=True, thickness = lwidth, linestyle=tup1[2], marker=None, legend_label = '$E_l$ ' + tup1[1])
if Hobs:
P += list_plot(zip(xdata,results2['Hlmeas'][pos_vw]), marker='o', faceted = True, color = 'white', markeredgecolor = 'black', size=psize, plotjoined=False, legend_label = '$H_l$ (obs.)')
for i in srange(len(Hmods)):
tup1 = Hmods[i]
if len(tup1)<4:
tup1 = tuple(list(tup1) + ['black'])
P += list_plot(zip(xdata,results2[tup1[0]][pos_vw]), color = tup1[3], plotjoined=True, thickness = lwidth, linestyle=tup1[2], marker=None, legend_label = '$H_l$ ' + tup1[1])
P.axes_labels([axeslabel1, 'Energy flux from leaf (W m$^{-2}$)'])
if esums:
P += list_plot(zip(xdata,results2['Elmeas'][pos_vw]+results2['Hlmeas'][pos_vw]), frame = True, axes = False, plotjoined=False, marker='s', faceted = True, color = 'red', markeredgecolor = 'black', size=psize, legend_label = '$E_l + H_l$ (obs.)')
if esumsmod:
for i in srange(len(Hmods)):
P += list_plot(zip(xdata,results2[Emods[i][0]][pos_vw]+results2[Hmods[i][0]][pos_vw]), frame = True, axes = False, plotjoined=True, thickness = 2*lwidth, linestyle=Emods[i][2], color = 'red', marker=None, legend_label = '$E_l + H_l$ ' + Emods[i][1])
if rll:
if 'Rn_leaf' in results2.dtype.names:
P += list_plot(zip(xdata,results2['Rn_leaf'][pos_vw]), plotjoined=False, marker='o', faceted = True, color = 'red', markeredgecolor = 'black', size=psize, legend_label = '$R_{nleaf}$ (obs.)')
for i in srange(len(Rmods)):
P += list_plot(zip(xdata,results2['R_s'][pos_vw] - results2[Rmods[i][0]][pos_vw]), frame = True, axes = False, plotjoined=True, color = 'red', thickness = 2*lwidth, linestyle=Rmods[i][2], marker=None, legend_label = '$R_s - R_{ll}$ ' + Rmods[i][1])
P.axes_labels([axeslabel1, 'Energy flux from leaf (W m$^{-2}$)']) = dpi1, fontsize = fsize, axes_labels_size = axfsize, fig_tight = True, figsize=figsize1, aspect_ratio = 'automatic', legend_font_size = lfsize, legend_loc=(1.01,0), legend_handlelength=leglength)
if fname:, fontsize = fsize, axes_labels_size = axfsize, fig_tight = True, figsize=figsize1, aspect_ratio = 'automatic', legend_font_size = lfsize, legend_loc=(1.01,0), legend_handlelength=leglength)
In [18]:
fname = 'exp_35_4_Tdew.csv'
lc_data_orig = fun_read_csv(fname, lc_timepos = [0, 16, 25, 26, 30, 31])
lc_data = lc_data_orig.copy()
lc_data['water_flow_avg'] = -lc_data_orig['water_flow_avg'] # Making flow positive
lc_data_orig = lc_data.copy()
lc_data_35_Pwa = lc_data.copy()
In [19]:
# Fig. 6b
vdict = cdict.copy()
vdict[a_s] = 1
vdict[L_l] = 0.03
vdict[P_a] = 101325.
vdict[R_s] = 0
vdict[Re_c] = 3000.
vdict[g_sw] = 0.035 # According to perforated_foils_LO: range 0.023-0.051
results_orig = fun_results(lc_data, vdict1 = vdict)
results1 = results_orig.copy()
results_35 = results_orig.copy()
list_vars = ['R_s', 'P_wa', 'T_a', 'v_w', 'g_sw']
for var1 in list_vars:
print var1 + ' = (' + str(min(results1[var1])) + ', ' + str(max(results1[var1])) + ') ' + str(udict[eval(var1)]/eval(var1))
fname = path_figs + '35_Pwa.eps'
fun_plot_diag(results1, varname1 = 'P_wa', axeslabel1 = 'Vapour pressure (Pa)', Emods = [('E_l', '(mod.)', '-')], Hmods = [('H_l', '(mod.)', '-')], \
Rmods = [('R_ll', '(mod.)', '-')], esums = True, rll = True, dpi1=50, fname=fname)
In [20]:
# fig. 7b
fname = path_figs + '35_Pwa_anal.eps'
fun_plot_diag(results1, varname1 = 'P_wa', axeslabel1 = 'Vapour pressure (Pa)', Emods = [('lin_E_l', '(Rlin)', '-'), ('PS_E_l', '(MUc)', '-.'), ('PM_E_l', '(PM)', '--'), ('MU_E_l', '(MU)', ':')], \
Hmods = [('lin_H_l', '(Rlin)', '-'), ('PS_H_l', '(MUc)', '-.'), ('PM_H_l', '(PM)', '--'), ('MU_H_l', '(MU)', ':')], fname=fname)
In [21]:
fname = 'exp_35_4_vw.csv'
lc_data_orig = fun_read_csv(fname, lc_timepos = [])
lc_data = lc_data_orig.copy()
lc_data['water_flow_avg'] = -lc_data_orig['water_flow_avg'] # Making flow positive
lc_data_orig = lc_data.copy()
In [22]:
# Fig. 6a
vdict = cdict.copy()
vdict[a_s] = 1
vdict[L_l] = 0.03
vdict[P_a] = 101325.
vdict[R_s] = 0
vdict[Re_c] = 3000.
#vdict[g_sw] = (0.028+0.051)/2 # According to perforated_foils_LO: range 0.027--0.042
vdict[g_sw] = 0.042
print vdict[g_sw]
results_orig = fun_results(lc_data, vdict)
results1 = results_orig.copy()
list_vars = ['R_s', 'P_wa', 'T_a', 'v_w', 'g_sw']
for var1 in list_vars:
print var1 + ' = (' + str(min(results1[var1])) + ', ' + str(max(results1[var1])) + ') ' + str(udict[eval(var1)]/eval(var1))
fname = path_figs + '35_vw.eps'
fun_plot_diag(results1, Emods = [('E_l', '(mod.)', '-')], Hmods = [('H_l', '(mod.)', '-')], \
Rmods = [('R_ll', '(mod.)', '-')], esums = True, rll = True, dpi1=50, fname=fname)
In [23]:
# Fig. 7a
fname = path_figs + '35_vw_anal.eps'
fun_plot_diag(results1, Emods = [('lin_E_l', '(Rlin)', '-'), ('PS_E_l', '(MUc)', '-.'), ('PM_E_l', '(PM)', '--'), ('MU_E_l', '(MU)', ':')], \
Hmods = [('lin_H_l', '(Rlin)', '-'), ('PS_H_l', '(MUc)', '-.'), ('PM_H_l', '(PM)', '--'), ('MU_H_l', '(MU)', ':')], fname=fname)
In [24]:
fname1 = 'new_tunnel_chamber_2Tin_leaf.csv'
fname = path_data + fname1
reader = csv.reader(open(fname, 'rb'), delimiter=',', quotechar='"')
copyfile(path_data_orig + fname1, fname)
reader = csv.reader(open(fname, 'rb'), delimiter=',', quotechar='"')
nameslist =
unitslist =
ncols = len(nameslist)
print ncols
print nameslist
print unitslist
csvdata = []
for row in reader :
row1 = np.array(row)
# replacing empty fields by NaN
row1[row1==''] = 'NaN'
row = tuple(row1)
formatslist = []
for i in srange(len(unitslist)):
if unitslist[i] == '':
data = np.array(csvdata,dtype = zip(nameslist,formatslist))
data_orig = data.copy()
tabledata = []
for i in srange(len(data)):
line1 = data[i]
tabledata.append(list(line1) )
#print tabledata
In [25]:
In [26]:
# Identifying the data sets with low and high wind speed
pos_vlow = [3,4,5,6,7,9]
pos_vhigh = [10,11]
In [27]:
# Fig. 6c
vdict = cdict.copy()
vdict[a_s] = 1
vdict[L_l] = 0.03
vdict[P_a] = 101325.
vdict[R_s] = 0
vdict[Re_c] = 3000.
vdict[g_sw] = 0.0065 # Range: 0.005 to 0.01
ndict = {R_s: '', T_d: 'Tdew humidifier', T_l: 'Tlin', Q_in: 'Fan power', S_a: 'Rn_above_leaf', S_b: 'Rn_below_leaf', S_s: 'Rn_beside_leaf', T_in: 'Incoming2 Temp_C(5)', F_in_v: 'Inflow rate', v_w: 'Wind speed', T_a: 'chamber air Temp_C(1) ', E_lmol: 'Sensirion'}
results_orig = fun_results(data, vdict1=vdict, ndict1=ndict)
results1 = results_orig[pos_vlow]
list_vars = ['R_s', 'P_wa', 'T_a', 'v_w', 'g_sw']
for var1 in list_vars:
print var1 + ' = (' + str(min(results1[var1])) + ', ' + str(max(results1[var1])) + ') ' + str(udict[eval(var1)]/eval(var1))
fname = path_figs + '7_Pwa.eps'
fun_plot_diag(results1, varname1 = 'P_wa', axeslabel1 = 'Vapour pressure (Pa)', Emods = [('E_l', '(mod.)', '-')], Hmods = [('H_l', '(mod.)', '-')], \
Rmods = [('R_ll', '(mod.)', '-')], esums = True, rll = True, dpi1=50, fname=fname)
In [28]:
fname = path_figs + '7_Pwa_anal.eps'
fun_plot_diag(results1, varname1 = 'P_wa', axeslabel1 = 'Vapour pressure (Pa)', Emods = [('lin_E_l', '(Rlin)', '-'), ('PS_E_l', '(MUc)', '-.'), ('PM_E_l', '(PM)', '--'), ('MU_E_l', '(MU)', ':')], \
Hmods = [('lin_H_l', '(Rlin)', '-'), ('PS_H_l', '(MUc)', '-.'), ('PM_H_l', '(PM)', '--'), ('MU_H_l', '(MU)', ':')], fname=fname)
In [29]:
lfsize = 12
axfsize = 18
figsize1 = [6,5]
psize = 24
varname1 = 'P_wa'
axeslabel1 = 'Vapour pressure (Pa)'
Emods = [('E_l', '(mod., 35)', ':')]
Hmods = [('H_l', '(mod., 35)', ':')]
lwidth = 3
# 35 holes data
results2 = results_35.copy()
results2 = np.sort(results2, order = varname1)
pos_vw = srange(len(results2))
xdata = results2[varname1][pos_vw]
Talist = results2['T_a'][pos_vw]
P = list_plot(zip(xdata,results2['Elmeas'][pos_vw]), frame = True, axes = False, plotjoined=False, marker='s', size=psize, legend_label = '$E_l$ (obs., 35)')
for i in srange(len(Emods)):
tup1 = Emods[i]
if len(tup1)<4:
tup1 = tuple(list(tup1) + ['blue'])
P += list_plot(zip(xdata,results2[tup1[0]][pos_vw]), color = tup1[3], plotjoined=True, thickness = lwidth, linestyle=tup1[2], marker=None, legend_label = '$E_l$ ' + tup1[1])
P += list_plot(zip(xdata,results2['Hlmeas'][pos_vw]), marker='s', faceted = True, color = 'white', markeredgecolor = 'black', size=psize, plotjoined=False, legend_label = '$H_l$ (obs., 35)')
for i in srange(len(Hmods)):
tup1 = Hmods[i]
if len(tup1)<4:
tup1 = tuple(list(tup1) + ['black'])
P += list_plot(zip(xdata,results2[tup1[0]][pos_vw]), color = tup1[3], plotjoined=True, thickness = lwidth, linestyle=tup1[2], marker=None, legend_label = '$H_l$ ' + tup1[1])
# Now adding 7 pores / mm2
#Emods = [('E_l', '(S-mod.)', '-'), ('El_ball', '(B-mod.)', '--')]
#Hmods = [('H_l', '(S-mod.)', '-'), ('Hl_ball', '(B-mod.)', '--')]
Emods = [('E_l', '(mod., 7)', '--')]
Hmods = [('H_l', '(mod., 7)', '--')]
lwidth = 2
# Sorting array along v_w
results2 = results1.copy()
results2 = np.sort(results2, order = varname1)
pos_vw = srange(len(results2))
xdata = results2[varname1][pos_vw]
Talist = results2['T_a'][pos_vw]
P += list_plot(zip(xdata,results2['Elmeas'][pos_vw]), frame = True, axes = False, plotjoined=False, marker='o', size=psize, legend_label = '$E_l$ (obs., 7)')
for i in srange(len(Emods)):
tup1 = Emods[i]
if len(tup1)<4:
tup1 = tuple(list(tup1) + ['blue'])
P += list_plot(zip(xdata,results2[tup1[0]][pos_vw]), color = tup1[3], plotjoined=True, thickness = lwidth, linestyle=tup1[2], marker=None, legend_label = '$E_l$ ' + tup1[1])
P += list_plot(zip(xdata,results2['Hlmeas'][pos_vw]), marker='o', faceted = True, color = 'white', markeredgecolor = 'black', size=psize, plotjoined=False, legend_label = '$H_l$ (obs., 7)')
for i in srange(len(Hmods)):
tup1 = Hmods[i]
if len(tup1)<4:
tup1 = tuple(list(tup1) + ['black'])
P += list_plot(zip(xdata,results2[tup1[0]][pos_vw]), color = tup1[3], plotjoined=True, thickness = lwidth, linestyle=tup1[2], marker=None, legend_label = '$H_l$ ' + tup1[1])
P.axes_labels([axeslabel1, 'Energy flux from leaf (W m$^{-2}$)']) = lfsize, fig_tight = True, figsize=figsize1, aspect_ratio = 'automatic', legend_font_size = lfsize, legend_handlelength=leglength, legend_loc=(1.01,0.))
In [30]:
# Fig. 8a
# Conditions similar to experiment with 35.4 holes/mm2
vdict = cdict.copy()
vdict[a_s] = 1.0 # one sided stomata
vdict[g_sw] = 0.045
vdict[T_a] = 295
vdict[T_w] = vdict[T_a] # Wall temperature equal to air temperature
vdict[P_a] = 101325
rha = 0.5
vdict[P_wa] = rha*eq_Pwl.rhs()(T_l = T_a).subs(vdict)
vdict[L_l] = 0.03
#vdict[L_A] = vdict[L_l]^2
vdict[Re_c] = 3000
vdict[R_s] = 0.
#vdict[Q_in] = 0
vdict[v_w] = 1.0
resdict = fun_SS_PM(vdict)
dict_results = {}
for key1 in resdict.keys():
dict_results[key1] = [resdict[key1]]
list_Rs = srange(0, 800, 100)
for Rs in list_Rs:
vdict[R_s] = Rs
resdict = fun_SS_PM(vdict)
for key1 in resdict.keys():
dict_results1 = {}
for key1 in dict_results.keys():
dict_results1[key1] = np.array(dict_results[key1])
results1 = dict_results1.copy()
list_vars = [R_s, P_wa, T_a, v_w, g_sw]
for var1 in list_vars:
print str(var1) + ' = (' + str(min(results1[var1])) + ', ' + str(max(results1[var1])) + ') ' + str(udict[var1]/var1)
xdata = dict_results1[R_s]
vary = [(dict_results1[E_l], 'x', 'blue', '$E_{l}$ (S-mod.)'), (dict_results1[H_l], 'x', 'black', '$H_{l}$ (S-mod.)'), (dict_results1['lin_E_l'], '-', 'blue', '$E_{l}$ (Rlin)'), (dict_results1['lin_H_l'], '-', 'black', '$H_{l}$ (Rlin)'), (dict_results1['PM_E_l'], '--', 'blue', '$E_{l}$ (PM)'), (dict_results1['PM_H_l'], '--', 'black', '$H_{l}$ (PM)')]
fsize = 20
lfsize = 20
axfsize = 1.2
psize = 100
xlabel = 'Absorbed shortwave radiation (W m$^{-2}$)'
ylabel = 'Energy flux from leaf (W m$^{-2}$)'
i = 0
P = list_plot(zip(xdata, vary[i][0]), plotjoined=False, marker=vary[i][1], size=psize, faceted = True, color = vary[i][2], legend_label=vary[i][3])
for i in srange(1,2):
P += list_plot(zip(xdata, vary[i][0]), plotjoined=False, marker=vary[i][1], size=psize, color = vary[i][2], legend_label=vary[i][3])
for i in srange(2,len(vary)):
P += list_plot(zip(xdata, vary[i][0]), plotjoined=True, linestyle = vary[i][1], color=vary[i][2], legend_label=vary[i][3])
P.axes_labels([xlabel, ylabel]) = fsize, axes_labels_size = axfsize, fig_tight = True, figsize=figsize1, aspect_ratio = 'automatic', legend_font_size = lfsize, legend_loc=(1.01,0)) + 'numexp_Rs.png', fontsize = fsize, axes_labels_size = axfsize, fig_tight = True, figsize=figsize1, aspect_ratio = 'automatic', legend_font_size = 14, legend_loc=(1.01,0))
In [31]:
# Fig. 8b
# Conditions similar to experiment with 35.4 holes/mm2, 350 W/m2 irradiance
Tlow = 282.
Thigh = 300.
vdict = cdict.copy()
vdict[a_s] = 1.0 # one sided stomata
vdict[g_sw] = 0.045
vdict[T_a] = Tlow
vdict[T_w] = vdict[T_a] # Wall temperature equal to air temperature
vdict[P_a] = 101325
rha = 0.5
vdict[P_wa] = rha*eq_Pwl.rhs()(T_l = T_a).subs(vdict)
vdict[L_l] = 0.03
#vdict[L_A] = vdict[L_l]^2
vdict[Re_c] = 3000
vdict[R_s] = 350.
#vdict[Q_in] = 0
vdict[v_w] = 1.0
resdict = fun_SS_PM(vdict)
dict_results = {}
for key1 in resdict.keys():
dict_results[key1] = [resdict[key1]]
list_Ta = srange(Tlow, Thigh, 2)
for Ta in list_Ta:
vdict[T_a] = Ta
vdict[T_w] = vdict[T_a] # Wall temperature equal to air temperature
resdict = fun_SS_PM(vdict)
for key1 in resdict.keys():
dict_results1 = {}
for key1 in dict_results.keys():
dict_results1[key1] = np.array(dict_results[key1])
results1 = dict_results1.copy()
list_vars = [R_s, P_wa, T_a, v_w, g_sw]
for var1 in list_vars:
print str(var1) + ' = (' + str(min(results1[var1])) + ', ' + str(max(results1[var1])) + ') ' + str(udict[var1]/var1)
xdata = dict_results1[T_a]
vary = [(dict_results1[E_l], 'x', 'blue', '$E_{l}$ (S-mod.)'), (dict_results1[H_l], 'x', 'black', '$H_{l}$ (S-mod.)'), (dict_results1['lin_E_l'], '-', 'blue', '$E_{l}$ (Rlin)'), (dict_results1['lin_H_l'], '-', 'black', '$H_{l}$ (Rlin)'), (dict_results1['PM_E_l'], '--', 'blue', '$E_{l}$ (PM)'), (dict_results1['PM_H_l'], '--', 'black', '$H_{l}$ (PM)')]
fsize = 20
lfsize = 20
axfsize = 1.2
psize = 100
xlabel = 'Air temperature (K)'
ylabel = 'Energy flux from leaf (W m$^{-2}$)'
i = 0
P = list_plot(zip(xdata, vary[i][0]), plotjoined=False, marker=vary[i][1], size=psize, color = vary[i][2], legend_label=vary[i][3])
for i in srange(1,2):
P += list_plot(zip(xdata, vary[i][0]), plotjoined=False, marker=vary[i][1], size=psize, color = vary[i][2], legend_label=vary[i][3])
for i in srange(2,len(vary)):
P += list_plot(zip(xdata, vary[i][0]), plotjoined=True, linestyle = vary[i][1], color=vary[i][2], legend_label=vary[i][3])
P.axes_labels([xlabel, ylabel]) = fsize, axes_labels_size = axfsize, fig_tight = True, figsize=figsize1, aspect_ratio = 'automatic', legend_font_size = lfsize, legend_loc=(1.01,0)) + 'numexp_T.png', fontsize = fsize, axes_labels_size = axfsize, fig_tight = True, figsize=figsize1, aspect_ratio = 'automatic', legend_font_size = 14, legend_loc=(1.01,0))
In [ ]: