GUI overview

Instrument view

The Instrument View is used to create new scattering instruments and adjust their settings. To add a new instrument click Add button in the top left corner.

This tutorial covers only the GISAS instrument. Other instrument types will be presented in later tutorials.

The instrument view consists of the instrument selector located on the left and the instrument settings window located on the right.

Beam Parameters

  • Intensity, photons (or neutrons)
  • X-ray/neutron Wavelength, nm
  • Inclination angle, degree
  • Azimuthal angle, degree

Beam divergency can be set up via Distribution parameter. Click the magnifying glass to start the Extended distribution viewer.

Detector parameters

This tutorial will cover only the rectangular detector, since it is the most popular detector type for GISAS instruments. More information about BornAgain detector types one can find on BornAgain web page.

Rectangular detector is defined by following parameters:

  • Nbins - number of detector pixels (horizontal for X axis and vertical for Y axis)
  • Width - width of the detector, mm
  • Height - height of the detector, mm
  • Alignment - the way how the detector aligned with respect to the direct beam, sample, etc.
  • Resolution function - detector resolution. For the moment only 2D Gaussian is supported. Simulated result will be convolved with the given function to account for detector resolution.


  • u0 (dbeam) - direct beam X coordinate, mm
  • v0 (dbeam) - direct beam Y coordinate, mm
  • Distance - distance from sample to detector, mm

Sample View

The Sample View allows you to design the sample via a drag-and-drop interface. It consists of five main parts

  • The item toolbox (1) contains a variety of items for building a sample
  • The sample canvas (2) is used to assemble the sample
  • The sample tree view (3) represents the hierarchy of the objects composing the sample
  • The property editor (4) can be used to edit the parameters of the currently selected item
  • The script view (5) shows the automatically generated Python script

Material editor

Material editor accounts for properties of the materials, such as refractive indices (alternatively SLD) or magnetization. To start the wigdet, click the Material Editor button on the top panel.

Simulation view

The Simulation View contains three important elements

  • The Data selection box for selecting the instrument and the sample to simulate.
  • The Simulation Parameters box for changing the main simulation parameters
  • The Run Simulation and Export to Python Script buttons

Job view

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