
Do I sleep less on nights when I play Ultimate frisbee?

In [1]:
import pandas as pd
import os
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline
import seaborn as sns
import nba_py

import plotly.offline as py
import plotly.graph_objs as go

In [2]:

In [3]:
data_path = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), os.pardir, 'data', 'interim', 'sleep_data.csv')
df_sleep = pd.read_csv(data_path, index_col='shifted_datetime', parse_dates=True)

In [4]:
df_sleep.index += pd.Timedelta(hours=12)

In [5]:
sleep_day = df_sleep.resample('1D').sum().fillna(0)

In [6]:
data_path = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), os.pardir, 'data', 'interim', 'activity_data.csv')
df_activity = pd.read_csv(data_path, index_col='datetime', parse_dates=True)

In [7]:

Index(['calories', 'caloriesBMR', 'steps', 'distance', 'minutesSedentary',
       'minutesLightlyActive', 'minutesFairlyActive', 'minutesVeryActive'],

In [8]:
toplot = df_activity['minutesVeryActive']

data = []

        name='Minutes Very Active'

layout = go.Layout(
    title="Daily Very Active Minutes",

fig = {
    'data': data,
    'layout': layout,

py.iplot(fig, filename='DailyVeryActiveMinutes')

Lots of variation here. Can I relate this to Ultimate frisbee? Spring hat league started on April 14 and played once a week on Fridays until May 19. Meanwhile, I started playing summer club league on May 2. We play twice a week on Tuesdays and Thursdays with our last game on August 17.

In [9]:
dayofweek = df_activity.index.dayofweek

In [11]:
index_summerleague = df_activity.index >= '2017-05-02'

In [12]:
df_activity_summer = df_activity[index_summerleague]

In [13]:
summer_dayofweek = df_activity_summer.index.dayofweek

In [15]:
df_activity_summer['dayofweek'] = summer_dayofweek

In [16]:

calories caloriesBMR steps distance minutesSedentary minutesLightlyActive minutesFairlyActive minutesVeryActive
0 2900.615385 1727.000000 13510.461538 6.470530 640.153846 284.076923 39.615385 32.307692
1 2751.500000 1626.928571 13432.571429 6.440832 647.428571 247.000000 41.714286 32.428571
2 2745.230769 1727.000000 11590.923077 5.537409 665.769231 257.538462 37.076923 23.076923
3 2994.538462 1727.000000 15256.769231 7.295554 696.076923 275.923077 53.615385 35.615385
4 2970.692308 1727.000000 14798.923077 7.103748 644.923077 285.846154 41.538462 33.307692
5 3052.000000 1727.000000 14749.384615 7.045185 516.846154 378.230769 41.923077 16.538462
6 2957.538462 1727.000000 13567.307692 6.485205 578.538462 344.615385 36.076923 22.846154

Monday = 0, Sunday = 6. Saturday, Sunday, and Wednesday stand out as days where I have fewer Very Active minutes, but there is no obvious evidence that Tuesday and Thursday are days where I am running around chasing plastic for 1-2 hours. I suspect that part of the challenge here is that I ride my bike to work every day. It's 15 - 20 minutes each way, so if that time on the bike goes in to the "Very Active" bin according to Fitbit, then it will be mixed in with ultimate frisbee minutes. I might be able to filter out bike rides by looking at the start time of each activity. However, I will need to go back to the Fitbit API to extract that information.

In [17]:

calories caloriesBMR steps distance minutesSedentary minutesLightlyActive minutesFairlyActive minutesVeryActive
0 235.444805 0.000 3252.885888 1.558011 103.987055 60.164305 23.464649 17.726555
1 710.455298 374.433 4464.648538 2.153538 188.691737 98.802055 20.700905 19.393553
2 148.270110 0.000 1660.270784 0.789373 104.050592 46.421287 13.406849 8.911243
3 312.696769 0.000 4191.693257 2.001949 95.629896 49.026288 27.717439 16.795527
4 237.309357 0.000 3365.512800 1.642800 102.469883 47.303710 18.724384 18.652009
5 345.327381 0.000 4394.001395 2.100775 98.811138 84.196352 37.785494 12.169740
6 240.380468 0.000 3268.354157 1.565045 106.219596 53.914343 18.679140 19.398652

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