
In [28]:

In [29]:
    config = {
        'data_folder'   : 'probes',
        'RUN'           : 'run_BWA_JKL_23_JU_1_orig',
        'chromosome'    : 'SL2.40ch12',
        'scaffold'      : 'SL2.40sc05611',
        'out_folder'    : 'reports',
        'out_extensions': ['eps', 'png']

    if True:
        config['BAC'            ] = 'JBPP0904'
        config['BAC_coord_start'] = 967164
        config['BAC_coord_end'  ] = 970727
        config['BAC_coord'      ] = '%012d-%012d' % ( config['BAC_coord_start'], config['BAC_coord_end'  ] )
        config['RUN'            ] = 'run_BWA_JKL_23_JU_1_orig_PROBES'

In [30]:
    %run -i probes_cfg.ipynb

In [31]:
    %run -i probes_cfg_header.ipynb

Singularity Report

Run: run_BWA_JKL_23_JU_1_orig_PROBES

Chromosome: SL2.40ch12

Scaffold: SL2.40sc05611


BAC coord start: 967164

BAC coord end: 970727

	BAC            : JBPP0904
	BAC_coord      : 000000967164-000000970727
	BAC_coord_end  : 970727
	BAC_coord_start: 967164
	RUN            : run_BWA_JKL_23_JU_1_orig_PROBES
	chromosome     : SL2.40ch12
	data_folder    : probes
	out_extensions : ['eps', 'png', 'pdf']
	out_folder     : reports
	scaffold       : SL2.40sc05611
Max Rows     : 10000


In [32]:
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib import gridspec
import os
import operator

#import pylab

%pylab inline

pd.set_option('display.notebook_repr_html', True)
#pd.set_option('display.max_columns', 20)
#pd.set_option('display.max_rows', 25)

from IPython.display import HTML, display
def addHeader(level, text):
    display( HTML('''<h%(level)d>%(text)s</h%(level)d>''' % {'level':level, 'text':text}) )

Populating the interactive namespace from numpy and matplotlib


Input Files

In [33]:
addHeader(2,'Input Files')
config['agp_source_scaff_name'  ] = 'S_lycopersicum_chromosomes_from_scaffolds.2.40.agp'
config['agp_source_contig_name' ] = 'S_lycopersicum_chromosomes_from_contigs.2.40.agp'
config['fasta_name'             ] = 'S_lycopersicum_chromosomes.2.40.fa'
config['fasta_name2'            ] = 'S_lycopersicum_chromosomes'

config['cdna_alignments_name'   ] = 'ITAG2.3_cdna_alignments.gff3'
config['gene_models_name'       ] = 'ITAG2.3_gene_models.gff3'
config['genomic_reagents_name'  ] = 'ITAG2.3_genomic_reagents.gff3'
config['repeats_aggressive_name'] = 'ITAG2.3_repeats_aggressive.gff3'
config['repeats_name'           ] = 'ITAG2.3_repeats.gff3'

AgpSourceScaff          = "%(data_folder)s/extraGff/%(agp_source_scaff_name)s"   % config
AgpSourceContig         = "%(data_folder)s/extraGff/%(agp_source_contig_name)s"  % config
AgpContigFile           = "%(data_folder)s/agp/S_lycopersicum_scaffolds_from_contigs.2.40.agp.%(scaffold)s.agp.contig.agp.cov"  % config
AgpGapFile              = "%(data_folder)s/agp/S_lycopersicum_scaffolds_from_contigs.2.40.agp.%(scaffold)"     % config
AgpOtherFile            = "%(data_folder)s/agp/S_lycopersicum_scaffolds_from_contigs.2.40.agp.%(scaffold)s.agp.other.agp.cov"   % config
AgpUnknownFile          = "%(data_folder)s/agp/S_lycopersicum_scaffolds_from_contigs.2.40.agp.%(scaffold)s.agp.unknown.agp.cov" % config

FastaFile               = "%(data_folder)s/extraGff/%(fasta_name)s"              % config
cdna_alignments_name    = "%(data_folder)s/extraGff/%(cdna_alignments_name)s"    % config
gene_models_name        = "%(data_folder)s/extraGff/%(gene_models_name)s"        % config
genomic_reagents_name   = "%(data_folder)s/extraGff/%(genomic_reagents_name)s"   % config
repeats_aggressive_name = "%(data_folder)s/extraGff/%(repeats_aggressive_name)s" % config
repeats_name            = "%(data_folder)s/extraGff/%(repeats_name)s"            % config

KmerCoverageFile        = "%(data_folder)s/%(RUN)s/%(fasta_name2)s_S_lycopersicum_scaffolds.sam.%(chromosome)s.sam.%(scaffold)s.sam.cov.prop.cov" % config

SequencingCoverageFile  = "%(data_folder)s/mapping/out/%(fasta_name2)s_S_lycopersicum_chromosomes.pos.%(chromosome)s.pos.cov.%(scaffold)s.cov"    % config
SamFile                 = "%(data_folder)s/mapping/out/%(fasta_name2)s.fa_%(fasta_name2)s.sam.gz" % config

NsFile                  = "%(data_folder)s/Ns/"     % config


    config['in_base_name'] = "%(data_folder)s/%(RUN)s/S_lycopersicum_chromosomes.fa_S_lycopersicum_scaffolds.sam.%(chromosome)s.%(scaffold)s.%(BAC)s_primer.%(BAC_coord)s" % config
    KmerCoverageFile       =                                                                                                                                      "%(in_base_name)s.S_lycopersicum_chromosomes.fa_S_lycopersicum_scaffolds.sam.%(chromosome)s.sam.%(scaffold)s.sam.cov.prop.cov" % config
    SequencingCoverageFile =                                                                                                                                      "%(in_base_name)s.S_lycopersicum_chromosomes.fa_S_lycopersicum_chromosomes.pos.%(chromosome)s.pos.cov.%(scaffold)s.cov"        % config
    BlastCoverageFile      =                                                                                                                                      "%(in_base_name)s_Product.fasta.blast.cov"                                                         % config
    AgpContigFile          =                                                                                                                                      "%(in_base_name)s.S_lycopersicum_scaffolds_from_contigs.2.40.agp.%(scaffold)s.agp.contig.agp.cov"  % config
    AgpGapFile             =                                                                                                                                      "%(in_base_name)s.S_lycopersicum_scaffolds_from_contigs.2.40.agp.%(scaffold)"     % config
    AgpOtherFile           =                                                                                                                                      "%(in_base_name)s.S_lycopersicum_scaffolds_from_contigs.2.40.agp.%(scaffold)s.agp.other.agp.cov"   % config
    AgpUnknownFile         =                                                                                                                                      "%(in_base_name)s.S_lycopersicum_scaffolds_from_contigs.2.40.agp.%(scaffold)s.agp.unknown.agp.cov" % config
    NsFile                 =                                                                                                                                      "%(in_base_name)"    % config

infiles                 = [
    AgpSourceScaff          , AgpSourceContig         ,
    AgpContigFile           , AgpGapFile              ,
    AgpOtherFile            , AgpUnknownFile          ,
    FastaFile               , cdna_alignments_name    ,
    gene_models_name        , genomic_reagents_name   ,
    repeats_aggressive_name , repeats_name            ,
    KmerCoverageFile        , SequencingCoverageFile  ,
    SamFile                 , NsFile                  

print "%-23s: %-5s %s" % ( "AgpSourceScaff"         , os.path.exists(AgpSourceScaff)         , AgpSourceScaff          )
print "%-23s: %-5s %s" % ( "AgpSourceContig"        , os.path.exists(AgpSourceContig)        , AgpSourceContig         )
print "%-23s: %-5s %s" % ( "AgpContigFile"          , os.path.exists(AgpContigFile)          , AgpContigFile           )
print "%-23s: %-5s %s" % ( "AgpGapFile"             , os.path.exists(AgpGapFile)             , AgpGapFile              )
print "%-23s: %-5s %s" % ( "AgpOtherFile"           , os.path.exists(AgpOtherFile)           , AgpOtherFile            )
print "%-23s: %-5s %s" % ( "AgpUnknownFile"         , os.path.exists(AgpUnknownFile)         , AgpUnknownFile          )
print "%-23s: %-5s %s" % ( "FastaFile"              , os.path.exists(FastaFile)              , FastaFile               )
print "%-23s: %-5s %s" % ( "cdna_alignments_name"   , os.path.exists(cdna_alignments_name)   , cdna_alignments_name    )
print "%-23s: %-5s %s" % ( "gene_models_name"       , os.path.exists(gene_models_name)       , gene_models_name        )
print "%-23s: %-5s %s" % ( "genomic_reagents_name"  , os.path.exists(genomic_reagents_name)  , genomic_reagents_name   )
print "%-23s: %-5s %s" % ( "repeats_aggressive_name", os.path.exists(repeats_aggressive_name), repeats_aggressive_name )
print "%-23s: %-5s %s" % ( "repeats_name"           , os.path.exists(repeats_name)           , repeats_name            )
print "%-23s: %-5s %s" % ( "KmerCoverageFile"       , os.path.exists(KmerCoverageFile)       , KmerCoverageFile        )
print "%-23s: %-5s %s" % ( "SequencingCoverageFile" , os.path.exists(SequencingCoverageFile) , SequencingCoverageFile  )
print "%-23s: %-5s %s" % ( "SamFile"                , os.path.exists(SamFile)                , SamFile                 )
print "%-23s: %-5s %s" % ( "NsFile"                 , os.path.exists(NsFile)                 , NsFile                  )

    print "%-23s: %-5s %s" % ( "BlastCoverageFile" , os.path.exists(BlastCoverageFile)     , BlastCoverageFile      )

if not all([os.path.exists(x) for x in infiles]):
    print "missing file"

    print "all files present"


Input Files

AgpSourceScaff         : True  probes/extraGff/S_lycopersicum_chromosomes_from_scaffolds.2.40.agp
AgpSourceContig        : True  probes/extraGff/S_lycopersicum_chromosomes_from_contigs.2.40.agp
AgpContigFile          : True  probes/run_BWA_JKL_23_JU_1_orig_PROBES/S_lycopersicum_chromosomes.fa_S_lycopersicum_scaffolds.sam.SL2.40ch12.SL2.40sc05611.JBPP0904_primer.000000967164-000000970727.S_lycopersicum_scaffolds_from_contigs.2.40.agp.SL2.40sc05611.agp.contig.agp.cov
AgpGapFile             : True  probes/run_BWA_JKL_23_JU_1_orig_PROBES/
AgpOtherFile           : True  probes/run_BWA_JKL_23_JU_1_orig_PROBES/S_lycopersicum_chromosomes.fa_S_lycopersicum_scaffolds.sam.SL2.40ch12.SL2.40sc05611.JBPP0904_primer.000000967164-000000970727.S_lycopersicum_scaffolds_from_contigs.2.40.agp.SL2.40sc05611.agp.other.agp.cov
AgpUnknownFile         : True  probes/run_BWA_JKL_23_JU_1_orig_PROBES/S_lycopersicum_chromosomes.fa_S_lycopersicum_scaffolds.sam.SL2.40ch12.SL2.40sc05611.JBPP0904_primer.000000967164-000000970727.S_lycopersicum_scaffolds_from_contigs.2.40.agp.SL2.40sc05611.agp.unknown.agp.cov
FastaFile              : True  probes/extraGff/S_lycopersicum_chromosomes.2.40.fa
cdna_alignments_name   : True  probes/extraGff/ITAG2.3_cdna_alignments.gff3
gene_models_name       : True  probes/extraGff/ITAG2.3_gene_models.gff3
genomic_reagents_name  : True  probes/extraGff/ITAG2.3_genomic_reagents.gff3
repeats_aggressive_name: True  probes/extraGff/ITAG2.3_repeats_aggressive.gff3
repeats_name           : True  probes/extraGff/ITAG2.3_repeats.gff3
KmerCoverageFile       : True  probes/run_BWA_JKL_23_JU_1_orig_PROBES/S_lycopersicum_chromosomes.fa_S_lycopersicum_scaffolds.sam.SL2.40ch12.SL2.40sc05611.JBPP0904_primer.000000967164-000000970727.S_lycopersicum_chromosomes.fa_S_lycopersicum_scaffolds.sam.SL2.40ch12.sam.SL2.40sc05611.sam.cov.prop.cov
SequencingCoverageFile : True  probes/run_BWA_JKL_23_JU_1_orig_PROBES/S_lycopersicum_chromosomes.fa_S_lycopersicum_scaffolds.sam.SL2.40ch12.SL2.40sc05611.JBPP0904_primer.000000967164-000000970727.S_lycopersicum_chromosomes.fa_S_lycopersicum_chromosomes.pos.SL2.40ch12.pos.cov.SL2.40sc05611.cov
SamFile                : True  probes/mapping/out/S_lycopersicum_chromosomes.fa_S_lycopersicum_chromosomes.sam.gz
NsFile                 : True  probes/run_BWA_JKL_23_JU_1_orig_PROBES/
BlastCoverageFile      : True  probes/run_BWA_JKL_23_JU_1_orig_PROBES/S_lycopersicum_chromosomes.fa_S_lycopersicum_scaffolds.sam.SL2.40ch12.SL2.40sc05611.JBPP0904_primer.000000967164-000000970727_Product.fasta.blast.cov

all files present

Output Files

In [34]:
addHeader(2,'Output Files')

config['out_bn'        ] = "%(out_folder)s/%%s/%(RUN)s_%(chromosome)s_%(scaffold)s_prop" % config
config['out_bn_img'    ] = "%(out_bn)s.%%s.%%s"                                            % config

    config['out_bn'       ] = "%(out_folder)s/%%s/%(RUN)s_%(chromosome)s_%(scaffold)s_%(BAC)s_%(BAC_coord)s" % config
    config['out_bn_img'   ] = "%(out_bn)s.%%s.%%s"                                                             % config

output_files = {
    'all_data'                        : [ config['out_bn_img']  % (ext, 'raw_data'                        , 'csv'     ) for ext in config['out_extensions'] ],
    'all_data_full'                   : [ config['out_bn_img']  % (ext, 'K-raw_data'                      , 'full.csv') for ext in config['out_extensions'] ],
    'K-mer Coverage Stats'            : [ config['out_bn_img']  % (ext, 'K-mer_Coverage_Stats'            , ext       ) for ext in config['out_extensions'] ],
    'Sequencing Coverage Stats'       : [ config['out_bn_img']  % (ext, 'Sequencing_Coverage_Stats'       , ext       ) for ext in config['out_extensions'] ],
    'K-mer Coverage Distribution'     : [ config['out_bn_img']  % (ext, 'K-mer_Coverage_Distribution'     , ext       ) for ext in config['out_extensions'] ],
    'Sequencing Coverage Distribution': [ config['out_bn_img']  % (ext, 'Sequencing_Coverage_Distribution', ext       ) for ext in config['out_extensions'] ],
    'Gaps Distribution'               : [ config['out_bn_img']  % (ext, 'Gaps_Distribution'               , ext       ) for ext in config['out_extensions'] ],
    'Ns Distribution'                 : [ config['out_bn_img']  % (ext, 'Ns_Distribution'                 , ext       ) for ext in config['out_extensions'] ],
    'Combined graph'                  : [ config['out_bn_img']  % (ext, 'Combined_graph'                  , ext       ) for ext in config['out_extensions'] ]

    output_files['BLAST Coverage Stats'       ] = [ config['out_bn_img'] % (ext, 'BLAST_Coverage_Stats'       , ext) for ext in config['out_extensions'] ]
    output_files['BLAST Coverage Distribution'] = [ config['out_bn_img'] % (ext, 'BLAST_Coverage_Distribution', ext) for ext in config['out_extensions'] ]

for of in sorted(output_files.keys()):
    print "%-32s:\n - %s" % ( of, "\n - ".join( output_files[of] ) )

Output Files

BLAST Coverage Distribution     :
 - reports/eps/run_BWA_JKL_23_JU_1_orig_PROBES_SL2.40ch12_SL2.40sc05611_JBPP0904_000000967164-000000970727.BLAST_Coverage_Distribution.eps
 - reports/png/run_BWA_JKL_23_JU_1_orig_PROBES_SL2.40ch12_SL2.40sc05611_JBPP0904_000000967164-000000970727.BLAST_Coverage_Distribution.png
 - reports/pdf/run_BWA_JKL_23_JU_1_orig_PROBES_SL2.40ch12_SL2.40sc05611_JBPP0904_000000967164-000000970727.BLAST_Coverage_Distribution.pdf
BLAST Coverage Stats            :
 - reports/eps/run_BWA_JKL_23_JU_1_orig_PROBES_SL2.40ch12_SL2.40sc05611_JBPP0904_000000967164-000000970727.BLAST_Coverage_Stats.eps
 - reports/png/run_BWA_JKL_23_JU_1_orig_PROBES_SL2.40ch12_SL2.40sc05611_JBPP0904_000000967164-000000970727.BLAST_Coverage_Stats.png
 - reports/pdf/run_BWA_JKL_23_JU_1_orig_PROBES_SL2.40ch12_SL2.40sc05611_JBPP0904_000000967164-000000970727.BLAST_Coverage_Stats.pdf
Combined graph                  :
 - reports/eps/run_BWA_JKL_23_JU_1_orig_PROBES_SL2.40ch12_SL2.40sc05611_JBPP0904_000000967164-000000970727.Combined_graph.eps
 - reports/png/run_BWA_JKL_23_JU_1_orig_PROBES_SL2.40ch12_SL2.40sc05611_JBPP0904_000000967164-000000970727.Combined_graph.png
 - reports/pdf/run_BWA_JKL_23_JU_1_orig_PROBES_SL2.40ch12_SL2.40sc05611_JBPP0904_000000967164-000000970727.Combined_graph.pdf
Gaps Distribution               :
 - reports/eps/run_BWA_JKL_23_JU_1_orig_PROBES_SL2.40ch12_SL2.40sc05611_JBPP0904_000000967164-000000970727.Gaps_Distribution.eps
 - reports/png/run_BWA_JKL_23_JU_1_orig_PROBES_SL2.40ch12_SL2.40sc05611_JBPP0904_000000967164-000000970727.Gaps_Distribution.png
 - reports/pdf/run_BWA_JKL_23_JU_1_orig_PROBES_SL2.40ch12_SL2.40sc05611_JBPP0904_000000967164-000000970727.Gaps_Distribution.pdf
K-mer Coverage Distribution     :
 - reports/eps/run_BWA_JKL_23_JU_1_orig_PROBES_SL2.40ch12_SL2.40sc05611_JBPP0904_000000967164-000000970727.K-mer_Coverage_Distribution.eps
 - reports/png/run_BWA_JKL_23_JU_1_orig_PROBES_SL2.40ch12_SL2.40sc05611_JBPP0904_000000967164-000000970727.K-mer_Coverage_Distribution.png
 - reports/pdf/run_BWA_JKL_23_JU_1_orig_PROBES_SL2.40ch12_SL2.40sc05611_JBPP0904_000000967164-000000970727.K-mer_Coverage_Distribution.pdf
K-mer Coverage Stats            :
 - reports/eps/run_BWA_JKL_23_JU_1_orig_PROBES_SL2.40ch12_SL2.40sc05611_JBPP0904_000000967164-000000970727.K-mer_Coverage_Stats.eps
 - reports/png/run_BWA_JKL_23_JU_1_orig_PROBES_SL2.40ch12_SL2.40sc05611_JBPP0904_000000967164-000000970727.K-mer_Coverage_Stats.png
 - reports/pdf/run_BWA_JKL_23_JU_1_orig_PROBES_SL2.40ch12_SL2.40sc05611_JBPP0904_000000967164-000000970727.K-mer_Coverage_Stats.pdf
Ns Distribution                 :
 - reports/eps/run_BWA_JKL_23_JU_1_orig_PROBES_SL2.40ch12_SL2.40sc05611_JBPP0904_000000967164-000000970727.Ns_Distribution.eps
 - reports/png/run_BWA_JKL_23_JU_1_orig_PROBES_SL2.40ch12_SL2.40sc05611_JBPP0904_000000967164-000000970727.Ns_Distribution.png
 - reports/pdf/run_BWA_JKL_23_JU_1_orig_PROBES_SL2.40ch12_SL2.40sc05611_JBPP0904_000000967164-000000970727.Ns_Distribution.pdf
Sequencing Coverage Distribution:
 - reports/eps/run_BWA_JKL_23_JU_1_orig_PROBES_SL2.40ch12_SL2.40sc05611_JBPP0904_000000967164-000000970727.Sequencing_Coverage_Distribution.eps
 - reports/png/run_BWA_JKL_23_JU_1_orig_PROBES_SL2.40ch12_SL2.40sc05611_JBPP0904_000000967164-000000970727.Sequencing_Coverage_Distribution.png
 - reports/pdf/run_BWA_JKL_23_JU_1_orig_PROBES_SL2.40ch12_SL2.40sc05611_JBPP0904_000000967164-000000970727.Sequencing_Coverage_Distribution.pdf
Sequencing Coverage Stats       :
 - reports/eps/run_BWA_JKL_23_JU_1_orig_PROBES_SL2.40ch12_SL2.40sc05611_JBPP0904_000000967164-000000970727.Sequencing_Coverage_Stats.eps
 - reports/png/run_BWA_JKL_23_JU_1_orig_PROBES_SL2.40ch12_SL2.40sc05611_JBPP0904_000000967164-000000970727.Sequencing_Coverage_Stats.png
 - reports/pdf/run_BWA_JKL_23_JU_1_orig_PROBES_SL2.40ch12_SL2.40sc05611_JBPP0904_000000967164-000000970727.Sequencing_Coverage_Stats.pdf
all_data                        :
 - reports/eps/run_BWA_JKL_23_JU_1_orig_PROBES_SL2.40ch12_SL2.40sc05611_JBPP0904_000000967164-000000970727.raw_data.csv
 - reports/png/run_BWA_JKL_23_JU_1_orig_PROBES_SL2.40ch12_SL2.40sc05611_JBPP0904_000000967164-000000970727.raw_data.csv
 - reports/pdf/run_BWA_JKL_23_JU_1_orig_PROBES_SL2.40ch12_SL2.40sc05611_JBPP0904_000000967164-000000970727.raw_data.csv
all_data_full                   :
 - reports/eps/run_BWA_JKL_23_JU_1_orig_PROBES_SL2.40ch12_SL2.40sc05611_JBPP0904_000000967164-000000970727.K-raw_data.full.csv
 - reports/png/run_BWA_JKL_23_JU_1_orig_PROBES_SL2.40ch12_SL2.40sc05611_JBPP0904_000000967164-000000970727.K-raw_data.full.csv
 - reports/pdf/run_BWA_JKL_23_JU_1_orig_PROBES_SL2.40ch12_SL2.40sc05611_JBPP0904_000000967164-000000970727.K-raw_data.full.csv

In [35]:
col_type_int16 = np.int16
col_type_int32 = np.int32
col_type_int   = np.int64
col_type_flo   = np.float64
col_type_flo32 = np.float32
col_type_str   = np.object
col_type_str   = np.str
col_type_str   = np.str_
col_type_str   = np.string_
col_type_bol   = np.int8
col_type_char  = np.character
col_type_char  = np.dtype('a1')

In [36]:
import gzip
def open_file(infile, mode):
    if infile.endswith('.gz'):
        if 'b'not in mode:
            mode = mode + 'b'
        return, mode)
        return open(infile, mode)

In [37]:
class size_controller(object):
    def __init__(self, w, h):
        self.w = w
        self.h = h
    def __enter__(self):
        self.o = rcParams['figure.figsize']
        rcParams['figure.figsize'] = self.w, self.h
        return None
    def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback):
        rcParams['figure.figsize'] = self.o

In [38]:
class coortroller(object):
    def __init__(self, arr, keys):
        self.arr    = arr
        self.keys   = keys
    def add(self, chrom, start, end, value):
        chrom_start = self.keys[chrom]['cumm']
        add_start   = chrom_start + start
        add_end     = chrom_start + end
        #print "chromosome %s chromosome start %d start %d end %d real start %d real end %d value %d" % (chrom, chrom_start, start, end, add_start, add_end, value)
        #print self.arr[add_start-2:add_end+1]
        self.arr[add_start-1:add_end] += 1
        #print self.arr[add_start-2:add_end+1]

In [39]:
def parse_CSV( infile, col_info, delimiter="\t", comment="#", header=None, 
              skiprows=0, nrows=None, verbose=False, converters=None, print_log=True ):
    col_names = [cf[0] for cf in col_info]
    col_types = dict(zip([c[0] for c in col_info], [c[1] for c in col_info]))
    if print_log:
        print "parsing", infile
    if verbose or print_log:
        with open(infile, 'r') as fhd:
            f = 0
            for line in fhd:
                print line,
                f += 1
                if f == 5:
    data  = pd.read_csv(infile, header=header, names=col_names, dtype=col_types, nrows=nrows,
                        skiprows=skiprows, verbose=verbose, delimiter=delimiter, comment=comment, 

    if print_log:
        print "Loaded %d rows and %d columns" % ( data.shape[0], data.shape[1] )

    if verbose or print_log:
        print data.head(1)
        print data.tail(1)
    return data

In [40]:
def to_coverage(tab_data, col_name, start_name, end_name, chromTotalLen, chroms, dtype=col_type_bol, print_log=True, cov_data=None):
    if cov_data == None:
        cov_data    = np.zeros(chromTotalLen, dtype=dtype)
    data_controller   = coortroller(cov_data, chroms)
    total_coord_count = 0
    total_pos_count   = 0
    for col in tab_data[col_name].unique():
        if print_log:
            print col_name, col,
            print 'filtering data',
        cold = tab_data[ tab_data[col_name] == col ]

        if print_log:
            #print 'chromd', chromd.head()
            print 'adding coordinates',
        coord_count = 0
        pos_count   = 0
        for v in cold[[start_name, end_name]].iterrows():
            start        = min([v[1][0], v[1][1]])
            end          = max([v[1][0], v[1][1]])
            coord_count += 1
            pos_count   += end - start
            #print "Start:'" + str(start) + "' End: '" + str(end) + "'"
            data_controller.add(col, start, end, 1)
        total_coord_count += coord_count
        total_pos_count   += pos_count
        if print_log:
            print 'added %10d coordinates in a total of %10d positions' % ( coord_count, pos_count )
    if print_log:
        print 'added %10d coordinates in a total of %10d positions' % ( total_coord_count, total_pos_count )

    return cov_data

In [41]:
def process_process( proc ):
    if not proc['enabled']:
    addHeader(3, proc['title'])
    of = None
    if 'filter' in proc:
        of = proc['filter_out_file']
        of = proc['parser_parameters'][0][0]
    if 'cov' not in proc:
        if 'data' not in proc or 'data' not in proc['data']:
            if 'filter' in proc and 'filtered' not in proc:
                print "filtering"

                if   len( proc['filter_parameters'][0] ) == 2:
                    proc['filter_parameters'][0].append( proc['filter_in_file' ] )
                    proc['filter_parameters'][0].append( proc['filter_out_file'] )

                elif len( proc['filter_parameters'][0] ) == 4:
                    proc['filter_parameters'][0][2] = proc['filter_in_file' ]
                    proc['filter_parameters'][0][3] = proc['filter_out_file']

                proc['filter'           ]( *proc['filter_parameters'][0], **proc['filter_parameters'][1] )
                proc['parser_parameters'][0][0] = proc['filter_out_file']
                proc['filtered'         ] = True
            if os.path.exists(of + '.df.h5') and False:
                print "loading data from h5"
                proc['data']         = pd.HDFStore( of + '.df.h5' )

                print "loading data from raw"
                #proc['data']         = pd.HDFStore( of + '.df.h5' )
                #proc['data']['data'] = proc['parser'   ]( *proc['parser_parameters'   ][0], **proc['parser_parameters'   ][1] )
                proc['data']         = {}
                proc['data']['data'] = proc['parser'   ]( *proc['parser_parameters'   ][0], **proc['parser_parameters'   ][1] )

        converter_parameters = proc['converter_parameters'][0]
        converter_parameters.insert(0, proc['data']['data'])
        if os.path.exists(of + '.cov.npy'):
            print "loading coverage from pickle"
            proc['cov'] = np.load( open(of + '.cov.npy', 'rb') )

            print "loading coverage from raw"
            proc['cov'] = proc['converter']( *converter_parameters, **proc['converter_parameters'][1])
   open(of + '.cov.npy', 'wb'), proc['cov'] )

In [42]:
# A Active Finishing
# D Draft HTG (often phase1 and phase2 are called Draft, whether or not they have the draft keyword).
# F Finished HTG (phase3)
# G Whole Genome Finishing
# O Other sequence (typically means no HTG keyword)
# P Pre Draft
# W WGS contig
# N gap with specified size
# U gap of unknown size, defaulting to 100 bases.
#!touch {AgpSource}.tst
import os
def filter_col(col_num, col_val, infile, outfile, contains=None, misses=None, skip=None):
    if os.path.exists(outfile):
        print "output file %s exists" % outfile
    ext_str  = ""
    ext_str += " Contains: %s" % ", ".join(contains) if contains is not None else ""
    ext_str += " Misses: %s"   % ", ".join(misses  ) if misses   is not None else ""
    ext_str += " Skip: %s"     % ", ".join(skip    ) if skip     is not None else ""
    print "Filtering %s for %s. saving in %s.%s" % ( infile, ", ".join(col_val), outfile, ext_str )
    with open(outfile, 'w') as ofhd:
        with open(infile, 'r') as ifhd:
            for line in ifhd:
                lines = line.strip()
                if len(lines) == 0:
                if skip is not None:
                    if any([c in line for c in skip]):
                if lines[0] == "#":

                cols = lines.split("\t")
                if len(cols) <= col_num:
                if cols[col_num] in col_val:
                    cts = True
                    if contains is not None:
                        if not all([c in line for c in contains]):
                            cts = False
                    if misses is not None:
                        if any([c in line for c in misses]):
                            cts = False
                    if cts:

Read Files

In [43]:
addHeader(1,'Read Files')

Read Files

In [44]:


In [45]:
from collections import OrderedDict
import cPickle as pickle

chroms          = OrderedDict()
FastaFilePickle = FastaFile + '.pkl'

if os.path.exists(FastaFilePickle):
    print "loading fasta pickle"
    chroms = pickle.load(open(FastaFilePickle, 'rb'))
    print "loading fasta"
    lastChrom = None
    with open(FastaFile, 'r') as fhd:
        cumm = 0
        for line in fhd:
            line = line.strip()

            if len(line) == 0:

            if line[0] == ">":
                lastChrom  = line[1:]
                chroms[lastChrom] = { 'size': 0, 'cumm': cumm+1 }

            ll = len(line)
            chroms[lastChrom]['size'] += ll
            cumm += ll

    pickle.dump(chroms, open(FastaFilePickle,'wb'), pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)
print "\n".join( [ "%-15s size %12d cummulative size %12d" % ( x, chroms[x]['size'], chroms[x]['cumm'] ) for x in chroms ] )

loading fasta pickle
SL2.40ch00      size     21805821 cummulative size            1
SL2.40ch01      size     90304244 cummulative size     21805822
SL2.40ch02      size     49918294 cummulative size    112110066
SL2.40ch03      size     64840714 cummulative size    162028360
SL2.40ch04      size     64064312 cummulative size    226869074
SL2.40ch05      size     65021438 cummulative size    290933386
SL2.40ch06      size     46041636 cummulative size    355954824
SL2.40ch07      size     65268621 cummulative size    401996460
SL2.40ch08      size     63032657 cummulative size    467265081
SL2.40ch09      size     67662091 cummulative size    530297738
SL2.40ch10      size     64834305 cummulative size    597959829
SL2.40ch11      size     53386025 cummulative size    662794134
SL2.40ch12      size     65486253 cummulative size    716180159

In [46]:
chromTotalLen = sum([chroms[x]['size'] for x in chroms])
print "chromTotalLen", chromTotalLen

chromTotalLen 781666411

In [47]:


In [48]:
col_info_agp_w = [
    [ "Chromosome"                           , col_type_str  ], 
    [ "Start"                                , col_type_int  ], 
    [ "End"                                  , col_type_int  ], 
    [ "Seq"                                  , col_type_int  ], 
    [ "Type"                                 , col_type_char ], 
    [ "Scaffold"                             , col_type_str  ], 
    [ "Begin"                                , col_type_int  ],
    [ "Finish"                               , col_type_int  ],
    [ "Orientation"                          , col_type_char ]

col_info_agp_u = [
    [ "Chromosome"                           , col_type_str ], 
    [ "Start"                                , col_type_int ], 
    [ "End"                                  , col_type_int ], 
    [ "Seq"                                  , col_type_int ], 
    [ "Type"                                 , col_type_char], 
    [ "GapLength"                            , col_type_int ], 
    [ "GapType"                              , col_type_str ], 
    [ "Linkage"                              , col_type_str ]

col_info_agp_n = [
    [ "Chromosome"                           , col_type_str ], 
    [ "Start"                                , col_type_int ], 
    [ "End"                                  , col_type_int ], 
    [ "Seq"                                  , col_type_int ], 
    [ "Type"                                 , col_type_char], 
    [ "GapLength"                            , col_type_int ], 
    [ "GapType"                              , col_type_str ], 
    [ "Linkage"                              , col_type_str ],
    [ "Empty"                                , col_type_str ]

col_info_gff = [
    [ "Chromosome"                           , col_type_str ], 
    [ "Name"                                 , col_type_str ],
    [ "Type"                                 , col_type_str ],
    [ "Start"                                , col_type_int ], 
    [ "End"                                  , col_type_int ], 
    #[ "Qual"                                 , col_type_flo ], 
    [ "Qual"                                 , col_type_str ], 
    [ "Orientation"                          , col_type_char], 
    [ "Filter"                               , col_type_str ],
    [ "Info"                                 , col_type_str ]   

In [49]:
processes   = []
PARSE_AGP   = True
PARSE_GFF   = True

In [50]:
    agp_to_parse = [ 
        #f_file, f_type, f_filter, f_enabled, f_info in 
        [AgpSourceScaff , 'Scaffold', 'A', False, col_info_agp_w, col_type_bol], 
        [AgpSourceScaff , 'Scaffold', 'D', False, col_info_agp_w, col_type_bol], 
        [AgpSourceScaff , 'Scaffold', 'F', False, col_info_agp_w, col_type_bol], 
        [AgpSourceScaff , 'Scaffold', 'G', False, col_info_agp_w, col_type_bol], 
        [AgpSourceScaff , 'Scaffold', 'O', False, col_info_agp_w, col_type_bol], 
        [AgpSourceScaff , 'Scaffold', 'P', False, col_info_agp_w, col_type_bol], 
        [AgpSourceScaff , 'Scaffold', 'W', True , col_info_agp_w, col_type_bol], 
        [AgpSourceScaff , 'Scaffold', 'N', False, col_info_agp_n, col_type_bol], 
        [AgpSourceScaff , 'Scaffold', 'U', True , col_info_agp_u, col_type_bol],

        [AgpSourceContig, 'Contig'  , 'A', False, col_info_agp_w, col_type_bol], 
        [AgpSourceContig, 'Contig'  , 'D', False, col_info_agp_w, col_type_bol], 
        [AgpSourceContig, 'Contig'  , 'F', False, col_info_agp_w, col_type_bol], 
        [AgpSourceContig, 'Contig'  , 'G', False, col_info_agp_w, col_type_bol], 
        [AgpSourceContig, 'Contig'  , 'O', False, col_info_agp_w, col_type_bol], 
        [AgpSourceContig, 'Contig'  , 'P', False, col_info_agp_w, col_type_bol], 
        [AgpSourceContig, 'Contig'  , 'W', True , col_info_agp_w, col_type_bol], 
        [AgpSourceContig, 'Contig'  , 'N', True , col_info_agp_n, col_type_bol], 
        [AgpSourceContig, 'Contig'  , 'U', True , col_info_agp_u, col_type_bol]

In [51]:
    for f_file, f_type, f_filter, f_enabled, f_info, f_type in agp_to_parse:
        if not f_enabled:

        cfg = { 
                'title'            : 'AGP %s :: %s' % (f_filter, f_type),
                'name'             : 'AGP %s %s'    % (f_filter, f_type),
                'enabled'          : f_enabled,
                'filter'           : filter_col,
                'filter_in_file'   : f_file,
                'filter_out_file'  : f_file + '.%s.agp' % f_filter,
                'filter_parameters': [
                    [ 4, [f_filter            ] ],
                'parser'  : parse_CSV,
                'parser_parameters': [
                        'skiprows': 0, 
                        'nrows'   : NROWS,
                        'verbose' : PARSE_VERBOSE
                'converter': to_coverage,
                'converter_parameters': [
                    ["Chromosome", "Start", "End", chromTotalLen, chroms],
                    {'dtype'   : f_type}


In [52]:
    f_kwargs1={ 'skip':['###']}
    p_kwargs0={ 'skiprows': 0, 'nrows': NROWS, 'verbose': PARSE_VERBOSE }
    p_kwargs1={ 'skiprows': 1, 'nrows': NROWS, 'verbose': PARSE_VERBOSE }
    p_kwargs2={ 'skiprows': 1, 'nrows': NROWS, 'verbose': PARSE_VERBOSE }
    p_kwargs3={ 'skiprows': 1, 'nrows': NROWS, 'verbose': PARSE_VERBOSE }

    c_kwargs0 = {}
    c_kwargs1 = {'dtype': col_type_int16}

    #    f_file                 , f_type      , f_filter       , f_name          , f_enabled, f_info      , p_kwargs , f_kwargs       in 
    gff_to_parse = [ 
        [cdna_alignments_name   , 'cDNA'      , 'match'        , 'match'         , True     , col_info_gff, p_kwargs3, f_kwargs0, c_kwargs1], 
        [cdna_alignments_name   , 'cDNA'      , 'match_part'   , 'match_part'    , True     , col_info_gff, p_kwargs3, f_kwargs0, c_kwargs1], 

        [gene_models_name       , 'Gene Model', 'gene'         , 'gene'          , True     , col_info_gff, p_kwargs3, f_kwargs1, c_kwargs0], 
        [gene_models_name       , 'Gene Model', 'mRNA'         , 'mRNA'          , True     , col_info_gff, p_kwargs3, f_kwargs1, c_kwargs0], 
        [gene_models_name       , 'Gene Model', 'exon'         , 'exon'          , True     , col_info_gff, p_kwargs3, f_kwargs1, c_kwargs0], 
        [gene_models_name       , 'Gene Model', 'CDS'          , 'CDS'           , True     , col_info_gff, p_kwargs3, f_kwargs1, c_kwargs0], 
        [gene_models_name       , 'Gene Model', 'intron'       , 'intron'        , True     , col_info_gff, p_kwargs3, f_kwargs1, c_kwargs0], 

        [genomic_reagents_name  , 'BAC'       , 'BAC_clone'    , 'BAC_clone'     , True     , col_info_gff, p_kwargs3, f_kwargs0, c_kwargs0], 
        [genomic_reagents_name  , 'BAC'       , 'BAC_end'      , 'BAC_end'       , True     , col_info_gff, p_kwargs3, f_kwargs0, c_kwargs0], 

        [repeats_aggressive_name, 'Repeat'    , 'repeat_region', 'Copia'         , True     , col_info_gff, p_kwargs1, {'contains':['repeat_class=LTR/Copia;'     ], 'skip':['###']}, c_kwargs0], 
        [repeats_aggressive_name, 'Repeat'    , 'repeat_region', 'LTR'           , True     , col_info_gff, p_kwargs1, {'contains':['repeat_class=LTR;'           ], 'skip':['###']}, c_kwargs0],
        [repeats_aggressive_name, 'Repeat'    , 'repeat_region', 'Low_complexity', True     , col_info_gff, p_kwargs1, {'contains':['repeat_class=Low_complexity;'], 'skip':['###']}, c_kwargs0],
        [repeats_aggressive_name, 'Repeat'    , 'repeat_region', 'Gypsy'         , True     , col_info_gff, p_kwargs1, {'contains':['repeat_class=LTR/Gypsy;'     ], 'skip':['###']}, c_kwargs0],
        [repeats_aggressive_name, 'Repeat'    , 'repeat_region', 'Simple_repeat' , True     , col_info_gff, p_kwargs1, {'contains':['repeat_class=Simple_repeat;' ], 'skip':['###']}, c_kwargs0],
        [repeats_aggressive_name, 'Repeat'    , 'repeat_region', 'SINE'          , True     , col_info_gff, p_kwargs1, {'contains':['repeat_class=SINE;'          ], 'skip':['###']}, c_kwargs0],

        [repeats_name           , 'Repeat'    , 'repeat_region', 'Copia'         , False    , col_info_gff, p_kwargs1, {'contains':['repeat_class=LTR/Copia;'     ], 'skip':['###']}, c_kwargs0], 
        [repeats_name           , 'Repeat'    , 'repeat_region', 'LTR'           , False    , col_info_gff, p_kwargs1, {'contains':['repeat_class=LTR;'           ], 'skip':['###']}, c_kwargs0],
        [repeats_name           , 'Repeat'    , 'repeat_region', 'Low_complexity', False    , col_info_gff, p_kwargs1, {'contains':['repeat_class=Low_complexity;'], 'skip':['###']}, c_kwargs0],
        [repeats_name           , 'Repeat'    , 'repeat_region', 'Gypsy'         , False    , col_info_gff, p_kwargs1, {'contains':['repeat_class=LTR/Gypsy;'     ], 'skip':['###']}, c_kwargs0],
        [repeats_name           , 'Repeat'    , 'repeat_region', 'Simple_repeat' , False    , col_info_gff, p_kwargs1, {'contains':['repeat_class=Simple_repeat;' ], 'skip':['###']}, c_kwargs0],
        [repeats_name           , 'Repeat'    , 'repeat_region', 'SINE'          , False    , col_info_gff, p_kwargs1, {'contains':['repeat_class=SINE;'          ], 'skip':['###']}, c_kwargs0],

In [53]:
    for  f_file                 , f_type      , f_filter       , f_name          , f_enabled, f_info      , p_kwargs , f_kwargs, c_kwargs       in gff_to_parse:
        if not f_enabled:

                'title'            : 'GFF %s :: %s :: %s' % (f_filter, f_type, f_name),
                'name'             : 'GFF %s %s %s'       % (f_filter, f_type, f_name),
                'enabled'          : f_enabled,
                'filter'           : filter_col,
                'filter_in_file'   : f_file,
                'filter_out_file'  : f_file + '.%s.agp' % f_name,
                'filter_parameters': [
                    [ 2, [f_filter            ] ],
                'parser'           : parse_CSV,
                'parser_parameters': [
                'converter'           : to_coverage,
                'converter_parameters': [
                    ["Chromosome", "Start", "End", chromTotalLen, chroms],

In [54]:
for proc in processes:
    process_process( proc )
print 'done'

AGP W ::

output file probes/extraGff/S_lycopersicum_chromosomes_from_scaffolds.2.40.agp.W.agp exists
loading data from raw
parsing probes/extraGff/S_lycopersicum_chromosomes_from_scaffolds.2.40.agp.W.agp
SL2.40ch00	1	2191949	1	W	SL2.40sc05082	1	2191949	0
SL2.40ch00	2192050	4157734	3	W	SL2.40sc04025	1	1965685	0
SL2.40ch00	4157835	5737169	5	W	SL2.40sc06396	1	1579335	0
SL2.40ch00	5737270	6535031	7	W	SL2.40sc05224	1	797762	0
SL2.40ch00	6535132	7096334	9	W	SL2.40sc04463	1	561203	0
Loaded 3223 rows and 9 columns
   Chromosome  Start      End  Seq Type       Scaffold  Begin   Finish  \
0  SL2.40ch00      1  2191949    1    W  SL2.40sc05082      1  2191949   

0           0  
      Chromosome     Start       End  Seq Type       Scaffold  Begin   Finish  \
3222  SL2.40ch12  62938852  65486253   19    W  SL2.40sc05380      1  2547402   

3222           -  
loading coverage from raw
Chromosome SL2.40ch00 filtering data adding coordinates added       3132 coordinates in a total of   21489589 positions
Chromosome SL2.40ch01 filtering data adding coordinates added          9 coordinates in a total of   90303435 positions
Chromosome SL2.40ch02 filtering data adding coordinates added          7 coordinates in a total of   49917687 positions
Chromosome SL2.40ch03 filtering data adding coordinates added         13 coordinates in a total of   64839501 positions
Chromosome SL2.40ch04 filtering data adding coordinates added          6 coordinates in a total of   64063806 positions
Chromosome SL2.40ch05 filtering data adding coordinates added          3 coordinates in a total of   65021235 positions
Chromosome SL2.40ch06 filtering data adding coordinates added          8 coordinates in a total of   46040928 positions
Chromosome SL2.40ch07 filtering data adding coordinates added          4 coordinates in a total of   65268317 positions
Chromosome SL2.40ch08 filtering data adding coordinates added          9 coordinates in a total of   63031848 positions
Chromosome SL2.40ch09 filtering data adding coordinates added         10 coordinates in a total of   67661181 positions
Chromosome SL2.40ch10 filtering data adding coordinates added          6 coordinates in a total of   64833799 positions
Chromosome SL2.40ch11 filtering data adding coordinates added          6 coordinates in a total of   53385519 positions
Chromosome SL2.40ch12 filtering data adding coordinates added         10 coordinates in a total of   65485343 positions
added       3223 coordinates in a total of  781342188 positions

AGP U ::

output file probes/extraGff/S_lycopersicum_chromosomes_from_scaffolds.2.40.agp.U.agp exists
loading data from raw
parsing probes/extraGff/S_lycopersicum_chromosomes_from_scaffolds.2.40.agp.U.agp
SL2.40ch00	2191950	2192049	2	U	100	contig	no
SL2.40ch00	4157735	4157834	4	U	100	contig	no
SL2.40ch00	5737170	5737269	6	U	100	contig	no
SL2.40ch00	6535032	6535131	8	U	100	contig	no
SL2.40ch00	7096335	7096434	10	U	100	contig	no
Loaded 3210 rows and 8 columns
   Chromosome    Start      End  Seq Type  GapLength GapType Linkage
0  SL2.40ch00  2191950  2192049    2    U        100  contig      no
      Chromosome     Start       End  Seq Type  GapLength GapType Linkage
3209  SL2.40ch12  62938752  62938851   18    U        100  contig      no
loading coverage from raw
Chromosome SL2.40ch00 filtering data adding coordinates added       3131 coordinates in a total of     309969 positions
Chromosome SL2.40ch01 filtering data adding coordinates added          8 coordinates in a total of        792 positions
Chromosome SL2.40ch02 filtering data adding coordinates added          6 coordinates in a total of        594 positions
Chromosome SL2.40ch03 filtering data adding coordinates added         12 coordinates in a total of       1188 positions
Chromosome SL2.40ch04 filtering data adding coordinates added          5 coordinates in a total of        495 positions
Chromosome SL2.40ch05 filtering data adding coordinates added          2 coordinates in a total of        198 positions
Chromosome SL2.40ch06 filtering data adding coordinates added          7 coordinates in a total of        693 positions
Chromosome SL2.40ch07 filtering data adding coordinates added          3 coordinates in a total of        297 positions
Chromosome SL2.40ch08 filtering data adding coordinates added          8 coordinates in a total of        792 positions
Chromosome SL2.40ch09 filtering data adding coordinates added          9 coordinates in a total of        891 positions
Chromosome SL2.40ch10 filtering data adding coordinates added          5 coordinates in a total of        495 positions
Chromosome SL2.40ch11 filtering data adding coordinates added          5 coordinates in a total of        495 positions
Chromosome SL2.40ch12 filtering data adding coordinates added          9 coordinates in a total of        891 positions
added       3210 coordinates in a total of     317790 positions

AGP W ::

output file probes/extraGff/S_lycopersicum_chromosomes_from_contigs.2.40.agp.W.agp exists
loading data from raw
parsing probes/extraGff/S_lycopersicum_chromosomes_from_contigs.2.40.agp.W.agp
SL2.40ch00	1	119287	1	W	SL2.40ct20246	1	119287	+
SL2.40ch00	125011	126060	3	W	SL2.40ct20247	1	1050	+
SL2.40ch00	128865	208681	5	W	SL2.40ct20248	1	79817	+
SL2.40ch00	210864	211580	7	W	SL2.40ct20249	1	717	+
SL2.40ch00	216054	290917	9	W	SL2.40ct20250	1	74864	+
Loaded 26877 rows and 9 columns
   Chromosome  Start     End  Seq Type       Scaffold  Begin  Finish  \
0  SL2.40ch00      1  119287    1    W  SL2.40ct20246      1  119287   

0           +  
       Chromosome     Start       End   Seq Type       Scaffold  Begin  \
26876  SL2.40ch12  65485629  65486253  3819    W  SL2.40ct21097      1   

       Finish Orientation  
26876     625           -  
loading coverage from raw
Chromosome SL2.40ch00 filtering data adding coordinates added       4475 coordinates in a total of   18662258 positions
Chromosome SL2.40ch01 filtering data adding coordinates added       2432 coordinates in a total of   86117646 positions
Chromosome SL2.40ch02 filtering data adding coordinates added       1399 coordinates in a total of   47255617 positions
Chromosome SL2.40ch03 filtering data adding coordinates added       2122 coordinates in a total of   60859699 positions
Chromosome SL2.40ch04 filtering data adding coordinates added       1931 coordinates in a total of   60447093 positions
Chromosome SL2.40ch05 filtering data adding coordinates added       2115 coordinates in a total of   61238520 positions
Chromosome SL2.40ch06 filtering data adding coordinates added       1327 coordinates in a total of   43571630 positions
Chromosome SL2.40ch07 filtering data adding coordinates added       1863 coordinates in a total of   61958962 positions
Chromosome SL2.40ch08 filtering data adding coordinates added       1624 coordinates in a total of   59783070 positions
Chromosome SL2.40ch09 filtering data adding coordinates added       1746 coordinates in a total of   64866070 positions
Chromosome SL2.40ch10 filtering data adding coordinates added       2186 coordinates in a total of   60789000 positions
Chromosome SL2.40ch11 filtering data adding coordinates added       1747 coordinates in a total of   50255541 positions
Chromosome SL2.40ch12 filtering data adding coordinates added       1910 coordinates in a total of   61804482 positions
added      26877 coordinates in a total of  737609588 positions

AGP N ::

output file probes/extraGff/S_lycopersicum_chromosomes_from_contigs.2.40.agp.N.agp exists
loading data from raw
parsing probes/extraGff/S_lycopersicum_chromosomes_from_contigs.2.40.agp.N.agp
SL2.40ch00	119288	125010	2	N	5723	fragment	yes	
SL2.40ch00	126061	128864	4	N	2804	fragment	yes	
SL2.40ch00	208682	210863	6	N	2182	fragment	yes	
SL2.40ch00	211581	216053	8	N	4473	fragment	yes	
SL2.40ch00	290918	293964	10	N	3047	fragment	yes	
Loaded 23374 rows and 9 columns
   Chromosome   Start     End  Seq Type  GapLength   GapType Linkage Empty
0  SL2.40ch00  119288  125010    2    N       5723  fragment     yes   NaN
       Chromosome     Start       End   Seq Type  GapLength   GapType Linkage  \
23373  SL2.40ch12  65485120  65485628  3818    N        509  fragment     yes   

23373   NaN  
loading coverage from raw
Chromosome SL2.40ch00 filtering data adding coordinates added       1329 coordinates in a total of    2823259 positions
Chromosome SL2.40ch01 filtering data adding coordinates added       2398 coordinates in a total of    4178468 positions
Chromosome SL2.40ch02 filtering data adding coordinates added       1366 coordinates in a total of    2656712 positions
Chromosome SL2.40ch03 filtering data adding coordinates added       2084 coordinates in a total of    3973109 positions
Chromosome SL2.40ch04 filtering data adding coordinates added       1900 coordinates in a total of    3610388 positions
Chromosome SL2.40ch05 filtering data adding coordinates added       2095 coordinates in a total of    3776808 positions
Chromosome SL2.40ch06 filtering data adding coordinates added       1303 coordinates in a total of    2465076 positions
Chromosome SL2.40ch07 filtering data adding coordinates added       1838 coordinates in a total of    3303558 positions
Chromosome SL2.40ch08 filtering data adding coordinates added       1602 coordinates in a total of    3244261 positions
Chromosome SL2.40ch09 filtering data adding coordinates added       1713 coordinates in a total of    2789362 positions
Chromosome SL2.40ch10 filtering data adding coordinates added       2149 coordinates in a total of    4037370 positions
Chromosome SL2.40ch11 filtering data adding coordinates added       1722 coordinates in a total of    3124615 positions
Chromosome SL2.40ch12 filtering data adding coordinates added       1875 coordinates in a total of    3674586 positions
added      23374 coordinates in a total of   43657572 positions

AGP U ::

output file probes/extraGff/S_lycopersicum_chromosomes_from_contigs.2.40.agp.U.agp exists
loading data from raw
parsing probes/extraGff/S_lycopersicum_chromosomes_from_contigs.2.40.agp.U.agp
SL2.40ch00	2014457	2014556	130	U	100	clone	yes
SL2.40ch00	2191950	2192049	162	U	100	contig	no
SL2.40ch00	3258917	3259016	224	U	100	clone	yes
SL2.40ch00	3286501	3286600	234	U	100	clone	yes
SL2.40ch00	3373149	3373248	256	U	100	clone	yes
Loaded 3490 rows and 8 columns
   Chromosome    Start      End  Seq Type  GapLength GapType Linkage
0  SL2.40ch00  2014457  2014556  130    U        100   clone     yes
      Chromosome     Start       End   Seq Type  GapLength GapType Linkage
3489  SL2.40ch12  64077390  64077489  3770    U        100   clone     yes
loading coverage from raw
Chromosome SL2.40ch00 filtering data adding coordinates added       3145 coordinates in a total of     311355 positions
Chromosome SL2.40ch01 filtering data adding coordinates added         33 coordinates in a total of       3267 positions
Chromosome SL2.40ch02 filtering data adding coordinates added         32 coordinates in a total of       3168 positions
Chromosome SL2.40ch03 filtering data adding coordinates added         37 coordinates in a total of       3663 positions
Chromosome SL2.40ch04 filtering data adding coordinates added         30 coordinates in a total of       2970 positions
Chromosome SL2.40ch05 filtering data adding coordinates added         19 coordinates in a total of       1881 positions
Chromosome SL2.40ch06 filtering data adding coordinates added         23 coordinates in a total of       2277 positions
Chromosome SL2.40ch07 filtering data adding coordinates added         24 coordinates in a total of       2376 positions
Chromosome SL2.40ch08 filtering data adding coordinates added         21 coordinates in a total of       2079 positions
Chromosome SL2.40ch09 filtering data adding coordinates added         32 coordinates in a total of       3168 positions
Chromosome SL2.40ch10 filtering data adding coordinates added         36 coordinates in a total of       3564 positions
Chromosome SL2.40ch11 filtering data adding coordinates added         24 coordinates in a total of       2376 positions
Chromosome SL2.40ch12 filtering data adding coordinates added         34 coordinates in a total of       3366 positions
added       3490 coordinates in a total of     345510 positions

GFF match :: cDNA :: match

output file probes/extraGff/ITAG2.3_cdna_alignments.gff3.match.agp exists
loading data from raw
parsing probes/extraGff/ITAG2.3_cdna_alignments.gff3.match.agp
##gff-version 3
##sequence-region SL2.40ch00 1 21805821
SL2.40ch00	ITAG_microtom_flcdnas	match	16453	18042	0.999	+	.	ID=gene1_0;Name=LEFL1056DG06;Target=LEFL1056DG06 28 1617 +
SL2.40ch00	ITAG_transcripts_tomato	match	16503	16981	100	+	.	ID=match000001;Target=BE451296 1 479;species=SOLLC_v2
Loaded 441535 rows and 9 columns
   Chromosome                   Name   Type  Start    End   Qual Orientation  \
0  SL2.40ch00  ITAG_microtom_flcdnas  match  16453  18042  0.999           +   

  Filter                                               Info  
0      .  ID=gene1_0;Name=LEFL1056DG06;Target=LEFL1056DG...  
        Chromosome                     Name   Type     Start       End Qual  \
441534  SL2.40ch12  ITAG_transcripts_tomato  match  65483557  65484152    .   

       Orientation Filter                                               Info  
441534           +      .  ID=match010665-i18;Target=ES891793 1 449;speci...  
loading coverage from raw
Chromosome SL2.40ch00 filtering data adding coordinates added       2167 coordinates in a total of    1500395 positions
Chromosome SL2.40ch01 filtering data adding coordinates added      61401 coordinates in a total of   47341059 positions
Chromosome SL2.40ch02 filtering data adding coordinates added      48670 coordinates in a total of   31416707 positions
Chromosome SL2.40ch03 filtering data adding coordinates added      45635 coordinates in a total of   30554784 positions
Chromosome SL2.40ch04 filtering data adding coordinates added      33809 coordinates in a total of   25159490 positions
Chromosome SL2.40ch05 filtering data adding coordinates added      26533 coordinates in a total of   17932331 positions
Chromosome SL2.40ch06 filtering data adding coordinates added      43948 coordinates in a total of   28206835 positions
Chromosome SL2.40ch07 filtering data adding coordinates added      31657 coordinates in a total of   24059791 positions
Chromosome SL2.40ch08 filtering data adding coordinates added      31467 coordinates in a total of   22715642 positions
Chromosome SL2.40ch09 filtering data adding coordinates added      31373 coordinates in a total of   21782178 positions
Chromosome SL2.40ch10 filtering data adding coordinates added      31815 coordinates in a total of   21596128 positions
Chromosome SL2.40ch11 filtering data adding coordinates added      25328 coordinates in a total of   19129210 positions
Chromosome SL2.40ch12 filtering data adding coordinates added      27732 coordinates in a total of   21634016 positions
added     441535 coordinates in a total of  313028566 positions

GFF match_part :: cDNA :: match_part

output file probes/extraGff/ITAG2.3_cdna_alignments.gff3.match_part.agp exists
loading data from raw
parsing probes/extraGff/ITAG2.3_cdna_alignments.gff3.match_part.agp
##gff-version 3
##sequence-region SL2.40ch00 1 21805821
SL2.40ch00	ITAG_microtom_flcdnas	match_part	16453	18042	0.999	+	.	Parent=gene1_0
SL2.40ch00	ITAG_microtom_flcdnas	match_part	570573	570897	0.978	-	.	Parent=gene2_0-i2
Loaded 359757 rows and 9 columns
   Chromosome                   Name        Type  Start    End   Qual  \
0  SL2.40ch00  ITAG_microtom_flcdnas  match_part  16453  18042  0.999   

  Orientation Filter            Info  
0           +      .  Parent=gene1_0  
        Chromosome                     Name        Type     Start       End  \
359756  SL2.40ch12  ITAG_transcripts_tomato  match_part  65483863  65484152   

       Qual Orientation Filter  \
359756   99           +      .   

359756  Parent=match010665-i18;Target=ES891793 160 449...  
loading coverage from raw
Chromosome SL2.40ch00 filtering data adding coordinates added       1370 coordinates in a total of     331451 positions
Chromosome SL2.40ch01 filtering data adding coordinates added      48478 coordinates in a total of    7943556 positions
Chromosome SL2.40ch02 filtering data adding coordinates added      36799 coordinates in a total of    6684817 positions
Chromosome SL2.40ch03 filtering data adding coordinates added      36228 coordinates in a total of    6625258 positions
Chromosome SL2.40ch04 filtering data adding coordinates added      27696 coordinates in a total of    5233986 positions
Chromosome SL2.40ch05 filtering data adding coordinates added      21819 coordinates in a total of    3810074 positions
Chromosome SL2.40ch06 filtering data adding coordinates added      34050 coordinates in a total of    6008742 positions
Chromosome SL2.40ch07 filtering data adding coordinates added      29563 coordinates in a total of    5169078 positions
Chromosome SL2.40ch08 filtering data adding coordinates added      26036 coordinates in a total of    4642779 positions
Chromosome SL2.40ch09 filtering data adding coordinates added      28069 coordinates in a total of    4955503 positions
Chromosome SL2.40ch10 filtering data adding coordinates added      23086 coordinates in a total of    4204705 positions
Chromosome SL2.40ch11 filtering data adding coordinates added      20543 coordinates in a total of    3744261 positions
Chromosome SL2.40ch12 filtering data adding coordinates added      26020 coordinates in a total of    4391658 positions
added     359757 coordinates in a total of   63745868 positions

GFF gene :: Gene Model :: gene

output file probes/extraGff/ITAG2.3_gene_models.gff3.gene.agp exists
loading data from raw
parsing probes/extraGff/ITAG2.3_gene_models.gff3.gene.agp
##gff-version 3
##sequence-region SL2.40ch00 1 21805821
SL2.40ch00	ITAG_eugene	gene	16437	18189	.	+	.	Alias=Solyc00g005000;ID=gene:Solyc00g005000.2;Name=Solyc00g005000.2;from_BOGAS=1;length=1753
SL2.40ch00	ITAG_eugene	gene	68062	68764	.	+	.	Alias=Solyc00g005020;ID=gene:Solyc00g005020.1;Name=Solyc00g005020.1;from_BOGAS=1;length=703
Loaded 34727 rows and 9 columns
   Chromosome         Name  Type  Start    End Qual Orientation Filter  \
0  SL2.40ch00  ITAG_eugene  gene  16437  18189    .           +      .   

0  Alias=Solyc00g005000;ID=gene:Solyc00g005000.2;...  
       Chromosome         Name  Type     Start       End Qual Orientation  \
34726  SL2.40ch12  ITAG_eugene  gene  65458539  65483576    .           +   

      Filter                                               Info  
34726      .  Alias=Solyc12g100360;ID=gene:Solyc12g100360.1;...  
loading coverage from raw
Chromosome SL2.40ch00 filtering data adding coordinates added        887 coordinates in a total of    1133020 positions
Chromosome SL2.40ch01 filtering data adding coordinates added       4293 coordinates in a total of   15475031 positions
Chromosome SL2.40ch02 filtering data adding coordinates added       3348 coordinates in a total of   10757186 positions
Chromosome SL2.40ch03 filtering data adding coordinates added       3351 coordinates in a total of   10941807 positions
Chromosome SL2.40ch04 filtering data adding coordinates added       2742 coordinates in a total of    9404668 positions
Chromosome SL2.40ch05 filtering data adding coordinates added       2418 coordinates in a total of    7281083 positions
Chromosome SL2.40ch06 filtering data adding coordinates added       2813 coordinates in a total of    9041324 positions
Chromosome SL2.40ch07 filtering data adding coordinates added       2493 coordinates in a total of    8130766 positions
Chromosome SL2.40ch08 filtering data adding coordinates added       2460 coordinates in a total of    8265090 positions
Chromosome SL2.40ch09 filtering data adding coordinates added       2510 coordinates in a total of    8007609 positions
Chromosome SL2.40ch10 filtering data adding coordinates added       2546 coordinates in a total of    6726660 positions
Chromosome SL2.40ch11 filtering data adding coordinates added       2385 coordinates in a total of    7560455 positions
Chromosome SL2.40ch12 filtering data adding coordinates added       2481 coordinates in a total of    7101500 positions
added      34727 coordinates in a total of  109826199 positions

GFF mRNA :: Gene Model :: mRNA

output file probes/extraGff/ITAG2.3_gene_models.gff3.mRNA.agp exists
loading data from raw
parsing probes/extraGff/ITAG2.3_gene_models.gff3.mRNA.agp
##gff-version 3
##sequence-region SL2.40ch00 1 21805821
SL2.40ch00	ITAG_eugene	mRNA	16437	18189	.	+	.	ID=mRNA:Solyc00g005000.2.1;Name=Solyc00g005000.2.1;Note=Aspartic proteinase nepenthesin I (AHRD V1 **-- A9ZMF9_NEPAL)%3B contains Interpro domain(s)  IPR001461  Peptidase A1 ;Ontology_term=GO:0006508;Parent=gene:Solyc00g005000.2;from_BOGAS=1;interpro2go_term=GO:0006508;length=1753;nb_exon=2
SL2.40ch00	ITAG_eugene	mRNA	68062	68764	.	+	.	ID=mRNA:Solyc00g005020.1.1;Name=Solyc00g005020.1.1;Note=Unknown Protein (AHRD V1);Parent=gene:Solyc00g005020.1;from_BOGAS=1;length=703;nb_exon=3;eugene_evidence_code=10F0H0E0IEG
Loaded 34727 rows and 9 columns
   Chromosome         Name  Type  Start    End Qual Orientation Filter  \
0  SL2.40ch00  ITAG_eugene  mRNA  16437  18189    .           +      .   

0  ID=mRNA:Solyc00g005000.2.1;Name=Solyc00g005000...  
       Chromosome         Name  Type     Start       End Qual Orientation  \
34726  SL2.40ch12  ITAG_eugene  mRNA  65458539  65483576    .           +   

      Filter                                               Info  
34726      .  ID=mRNA:Solyc12g100360.1.1;Name=Solyc12g100360...  
loading coverage from raw
Chromosome SL2.40ch00 filtering data adding coordinates added        887 coordinates in a total of    1133020 positions
Chromosome SL2.40ch01 filtering data adding coordinates added       4293 coordinates in a total of   15475031 positions
Chromosome SL2.40ch02 filtering data adding coordinates added       3348 coordinates in a total of   10757186 positions
Chromosome SL2.40ch03 filtering data adding coordinates added       3351 coordinates in a total of   10941807 positions
Chromosome SL2.40ch04 filtering data adding coordinates added       2742 coordinates in a total of    9404668 positions
Chromosome SL2.40ch05 filtering data adding coordinates added       2418 coordinates in a total of    7281083 positions
Chromosome SL2.40ch06 filtering data adding coordinates added       2813 coordinates in a total of    9041324 positions
Chromosome SL2.40ch07 filtering data adding coordinates added       2493 coordinates in a total of    8130766 positions
Chromosome SL2.40ch08 filtering data adding coordinates added       2460 coordinates in a total of    8265090 positions
Chromosome SL2.40ch09 filtering data adding coordinates added       2510 coordinates in a total of    8007609 positions
Chromosome SL2.40ch10 filtering data adding coordinates added       2546 coordinates in a total of    6726660 positions
Chromosome SL2.40ch11 filtering data adding coordinates added       2385 coordinates in a total of    7560455 positions
Chromosome SL2.40ch12 filtering data adding coordinates added       2481 coordinates in a total of    7101500 positions
added      34727 coordinates in a total of  109826199 positions

GFF exon :: Gene Model :: exon

output file probes/extraGff/ITAG2.3_gene_models.gff3.exon.agp exists
loading data from raw
parsing probes/extraGff/ITAG2.3_gene_models.gff3.exon.agp
##gff-version 3
##sequence-region SL2.40ch00 1 21805821
SL2.40ch00	ITAG_eugene	exon	16437	17275	.	+	.	ID=exon:Solyc00g005000.2.1.1;Parent=mRNA:Solyc00g005000.2.1;from_BOGAS=1
SL2.40ch00	ITAG_eugene	exon	17336	18189	.	+	0	ID=exon:Solyc00g005000.2.1.2;Parent=mRNA:Solyc00g005000.2.1;from_BOGAS=1
Loaded 160007 rows and 9 columns
   Chromosome         Name  Type  Start    End Qual Orientation Filter  \
0  SL2.40ch00  ITAG_eugene  exon  16437  17275    .           +      .   

0  ID=exon:Solyc00g005000.2.1.1;Parent=mRNA:Solyc...  
        Chromosome         Name  Type     Start       End Qual Orientation  \
160006  SL2.40ch12  ITAG_eugene  exon  65483271  65483576    .           +   

       Filter                                               Info  
160006      0  ID=exon:Solyc12g100360.1.1.31;Parent=mRNA:Soly...  
loading coverage from raw
Chromosome SL2.40ch00 filtering data adding coordinates added       2155 coordinates in a total of     636887 positions
Chromosome SL2.40ch01 filtering data adding coordinates added      21049 coordinates in a total of    6149943 positions
Chromosome SL2.40ch02 filtering data adding coordinates added      16002 coordinates in a total of    4322825 positions
Chromosome SL2.40ch03 filtering data adding coordinates added      16105 coordinates in a total of    4282197 positions
Chromosome SL2.40ch04 filtering data adding coordinates added      12950 coordinates in a total of    3512975 positions
Chromosome SL2.40ch05 filtering data adding coordinates added      10671 coordinates in a total of    2853751 positions
Chromosome SL2.40ch06 filtering data adding coordinates added      13691 coordinates in a total of    3500603 positions
Chromosome SL2.40ch07 filtering data adding coordinates added      11631 coordinates in a total of    3115558 positions
Chromosome SL2.40ch08 filtering data adding coordinates added      11699 coordinates in a total of    3039452 positions
Chromosome SL2.40ch09 filtering data adding coordinates added      11415 coordinates in a total of    3044584 positions
Chromosome SL2.40ch10 filtering data adding coordinates added      10600 coordinates in a total of    2510280 positions
Chromosome SL2.40ch11 filtering data adding coordinates added      10796 coordinates in a total of    2416948 positions
Chromosome SL2.40ch12 filtering data adding coordinates added      11243 coordinates in a total of    2436932 positions
added     160007 coordinates in a total of   41822935 positions

GFF CDS :: Gene Model :: CDS

output file probes/extraGff/ITAG2.3_gene_models.gff3.CDS.agp exists
loading data from raw
parsing probes/extraGff/ITAG2.3_gene_models.gff3.CDS.agp
##gff-version 3
##sequence-region SL2.40ch00 1 21805821
SL2.40ch00	ITAG_eugene	CDS	16480	17275	.	+	0	ID=CDS:Solyc00g005000.2.1.1;Parent=mRNA:Solyc00g005000.2.1;from_BOGAS=1
SL2.40ch00	ITAG_eugene	CDS	17336	17940	.	+	2	ID=CDS:Solyc00g005000.2.1.2;Parent=mRNA:Solyc00g005000.2.1;from_BOGAS=1
Loaded 157239 rows and 9 columns
   Chromosome         Name Type  Start    End Qual Orientation Filter  \
0  SL2.40ch00  ITAG_eugene  CDS  16480  17275    .           +      0   

0  ID=CDS:Solyc00g005000.2.1.1;Parent=mRNA:Solyc0...  
        Chromosome         Name Type     Start       End Qual Orientation  \
157238  SL2.40ch12  ITAG_eugene  CDS  65483271  65483576    .           +   

       Filter                                               Info  
157238      0  ID=CDS:Solyc12g100360.1.1.31;Parent=mRNA:Solyc...  
loading coverage from raw
Chromosome SL2.40ch00 filtering data adding coordinates added       2139 coordinates in a total of     601185 positions
Chromosome SL2.40ch01 filtering data adding coordinates added      20330 coordinates in a total of    4506169 positions
Chromosome SL2.40ch02 filtering data adding coordinates added      15680 coordinates in a total of    3643324 positions
Chromosome SL2.40ch03 filtering data adding coordinates added      15793 coordinates in a total of    3621329 positions
Chromosome SL2.40ch04 filtering data adding coordinates added      12691 coordinates in a total of    2972999 positions
Chromosome SL2.40ch05 filtering data adding coordinates added      10483 coordinates in a total of    2437682 positions
Chromosome SL2.40ch06 filtering data adding coordinates added      13421 coordinates in a total of    2928628 positions
Chromosome SL2.40ch07 filtering data adding coordinates added      11424 coordinates in a total of    2669729 positions
Chromosome SL2.40ch08 filtering data adding coordinates added      11486 coordinates in a total of    2598715 positions
Chromosome SL2.40ch09 filtering data adding coordinates added      11221 coordinates in a total of    2596748 positions
Chromosome SL2.40ch10 filtering data adding coordinates added      10535 coordinates in a total of    2388814 positions
Chromosome SL2.40ch11 filtering data adding coordinates added      10794 coordinates in a total of    2415060 positions
Chromosome SL2.40ch12 filtering data adding coordinates added      11242 coordinates in a total of    2434838 positions
added     157239 coordinates in a total of   35815220 positions

GFF intron :: Gene Model :: intron

output file probes/extraGff/ITAG2.3_gene_models.gff3.intron.agp exists
loading data from raw
parsing probes/extraGff/ITAG2.3_gene_models.gff3.intron.agp
##gff-version 3
##sequence-region SL2.40ch00 1 21805821
SL2.40ch00	ITAG_eugene	intron	17276	17335	.	+	.	ID=intron:Solyc00g005000.2.1.1;Parent=mRNA:Solyc00g005000.2.1;from_BOGAS=1
SL2.40ch00	ITAG_eugene	intron	68212	68343	.	+	.	ID=intron:Solyc00g005020.1.1.1;Parent=mRNA:Solyc00g005020.1.1;from_BOGAS=1
Loaded 125280 rows and 9 columns
   Chromosome         Name    Type  Start    End Qual Orientation Filter  \
0  SL2.40ch00  ITAG_eugene  intron  17276  17335    .           +      .   

0  ID=intron:Solyc00g005000.2.1.1;Parent=mRNA:Sol...  
        Chromosome         Name    Type     Start       End Qual Orientation  \
125279  SL2.40ch12  ITAG_eugene  intron  65483180  65483270    .           +   

       Filter                                               Info  
125279      .  ID=intron:Solyc12g100360.1.1.30;Parent=mRNA:So...  
loading coverage from raw
Chromosome SL2.40ch00 filtering data adding coordinates added       1268 coordinates in a total of     493597 positions
Chromosome SL2.40ch01 filtering data adding coordinates added      16756 coordinates in a total of    9291576 positions
Chromosome SL2.40ch02 filtering data adding coordinates added      12654 coordinates in a total of    6409053 positions
Chromosome SL2.40ch03 filtering data adding coordinates added      12754 coordinates in a total of    6634102 positions
Chromosome SL2.40ch04 filtering data adding coordinates added      10208 coordinates in a total of    5871277 positions
Chromosome SL2.40ch05 filtering data adding coordinates added       8253 coordinates in a total of    4410826 positions
Chromosome SL2.40ch06 filtering data adding coordinates added      10878 coordinates in a total of    5518965 positions
Chromosome SL2.40ch07 filtering data adding coordinates added       9138 coordinates in a total of    4996932 positions
Chromosome SL2.40ch08 filtering data adding coordinates added       9239 coordinates in a total of    5207160 positions
Chromosome SL2.40ch09 filtering data adding coordinates added       8905 coordinates in a total of    4945215 positions
Chromosome SL2.40ch10 filtering data adding coordinates added       8054 coordinates in a total of    4200272 positions
Chromosome SL2.40ch11 filtering data adding coordinates added       8411 coordinates in a total of    5126685 positions
Chromosome SL2.40ch12 filtering data adding coordinates added       8762 coordinates in a total of    4647044 positions
added     125280 coordinates in a total of   67752704 positions

GFF BAC_clone :: BAC :: BAC_clone

output file probes/extraGff/ITAG2.3_genomic_reagents.gff3.BAC_clone.agp exists
loading data from raw
parsing probes/extraGff/ITAG2.3_genomic_reagents.gff3.BAC_clone.agp
##gff-version 3
##sequence-region SL2.40ch00 1 21805821
SL2.40ch00	DBolser_Dundee_BES_SSAHA_sl_clones_hg	BAC_clone	4534	138469	.	-	.	Alias=SLm0115J20;ID=SLm0115J20;Name=SL_MboI0115J20
SL2.40ch00	DBolser_Dundee_BES_SSAHA_sl_clones_lg	BAC_clone	10923	53385	.	+	.	Alias=SLf0197O01;ID=SLf0197O01;Name=SL_FOS0197O01
Loaded 107101 rows and 9 columns
   Chromosome                                   Name       Type  Start  \
0  SL2.40ch00  DBolser_Dundee_BES_SSAHA_sl_clones_hg  BAC_clone   4534   

      End Qual Orientation Filter  \
0  138469    .           -      .   

0  Alias=SLm0115J20;ID=SLm0115J20;Name=SL_MboI011...  
        Chromosome                                   Name       Type  \
107100  SL2.40ch12  DBolser_Dundee_BES_SSAHA_sl_clones_sg  BAC_clone   

           Start       End Qual Orientation Filter  \
107100  65442762  65463791    .           -      .   

107100  Alias=HBa0079F24;ID=HBa0079F24;Name=LE_HBa0079F24  
loading coverage from raw
Chromosome SL2.40ch00 filtering data adding coordinates added       2242 coordinates in a total of  344662293 positions
Chromosome SL2.40ch01 filtering data adding coordinates added      12711 coordinates in a total of 3525187837 positions
Chromosome SL2.40ch02 filtering data adding coordinates added       7137 coordinates in a total of 1049273429 positions
Chromosome SL2.40ch03 filtering data adding coordinates added       9248 coordinates in a total of 3109722595 positions
Chromosome SL2.40ch04 filtering data adding coordinates added       8846 coordinates in a total of 1543405583 positions
Chromosome SL2.40ch05 filtering data adding coordinates added       8756 coordinates in a total of 1962797430 positions
Chromosome SL2.40ch06 filtering data adding coordinates added       6220 coordinates in a total of 1095716199 positions
Chromosome SL2.40ch07 filtering data adding coordinates added       8962 coordinates in a total of 1456458110 positions
Chromosome SL2.40ch08 filtering data adding coordinates added       8439 coordinates in a total of 1948032738 positions
Chromosome SL2.40ch09 filtering data adding coordinates added       9396 coordinates in a total of 1994512326 positions
Chromosome SL2.40ch10 filtering data adding coordinates added       9079 coordinates in a total of 1801918874 positions
Chromosome SL2.40ch11 filtering data adding coordinates added       7273 coordinates in a total of 1317430630 positions
Chromosome SL2.40ch12 filtering data adding coordinates added       8792 coordinates in a total of 1654196803 positions
added     107101 coordinates in a total of 22803314847 positions

GFF BAC_end :: BAC :: BAC_end

output file probes/extraGff/ITAG2.3_genomic_reagents.gff3.BAC_end.agp exists
loading data from raw
parsing probes/extraGff/ITAG2.3_genomic_reagents.gff3.BAC_end.agp
##gff-version 3
##sequence-region SL2.40ch00 1 21805821
SL2.40ch00	DBolser_Dundee_BES_SSAHA_sl_clones	BAC_end	4534	5156	590	+	.	Alias=SL_MboI0115J20_SP6_274955;Name=SLm0115J20_R;Parent=SLm0115J20;Target=SL_MboI0115J20_SP6_274955 1 622 +;ident=99.68;length=622
SL2.40ch00	DBolser_Dundee_BES_SSAHA_sl_clones	BAC_end	10923	11485	539	+	.	Alias=SL_FOS0197O01_pIBF_551832;Name=SLf0197O01_F;Parent=SLf0197O01;Target=SL_FOS0197O01_pIBF_551832 2 564 +;ident=100.00;length=564
Loaded 203642 rows and 9 columns
   Chromosome                                Name     Type  Start   End Qual  \
0  SL2.40ch00  DBolser_Dundee_BES_SSAHA_sl_clones  BAC_end   4534  5156  590   

  Orientation Filter                                               Info  
0           +      .  Alias=SL_MboI0115J20_SP6_274955;Name=SLm0115J2...  
        Chromosome                             Name     Type     Start  \
203641  SL2.40ch12  DBolser_Dundee_BES_SSAHA_dm_bes  BAC_end  65484381   

             End Qual Orientation Filter  \
203641  65484525   94           -      .   

203641  Alias=gi|256475071|gb|GS308961.1|;Name=LuSp069...  
loading coverage from raw
Chromosome SL2.40ch00 filtering data adding coordinates added       3173 coordinates in a total of    1848358 positions
Chromosome SL2.40ch01 filtering data adding coordinates added      24377 coordinates in a total of   14291380 positions
Chromosome SL2.40ch02 filtering data adding coordinates added      13601 coordinates in a total of    7830300 positions
Chromosome SL2.40ch03 filtering data adding coordinates added      17634 coordinates in a total of   10262717 positions
Chromosome SL2.40ch04 filtering data adding coordinates added      16872 coordinates in a total of    9886428 positions
Chromosome SL2.40ch05 filtering data adding coordinates added      16766 coordinates in a total of    9831063 positions
Chromosome SL2.40ch06 filtering data adding coordinates added      11813 coordinates in a total of    6814055 positions
Chromosome SL2.40ch07 filtering data adding coordinates added      17193 coordinates in a total of   10126999 positions
Chromosome SL2.40ch08 filtering data adding coordinates added      16134 coordinates in a total of    9478847 positions
Chromosome SL2.40ch09 filtering data adding coordinates added      18053 coordinates in a total of   10630687 positions
Chromosome SL2.40ch10 filtering data adding coordinates added      17378 coordinates in a total of   10231361 positions
Chromosome SL2.40ch11 filtering data adding coordinates added      13848 coordinates in a total of    8044618 positions
Chromosome SL2.40ch12 filtering data adding coordinates added      16800 coordinates in a total of    9840771 positions
added     203642 coordinates in a total of  119117584 positions

GFF repeat_region :: Repeat :: Copia

output file probes/extraGff/ITAG2.3_repeats_aggressive.gff3.Copia.agp exists
loading data from raw
parsing probes/extraGff/ITAG2.3_repeats_aggressive.gff3.Copia.agp
##gff-version 3
SL2.40ch00	ITAG_repeats_aggressive	repeat_region	12274	12723	1176	-	.	Target=LTR_PGSC0003DMS000001138_1430 2199 2644 +;repeat_class=LTR/Copia;score=1176
SL2.40ch00	ITAG_repeats_aggressive	repeat_region	12720	13180	2532	-	.	Target=LTR_PGSC0003DMS000000789_1071 1272 1732 +;repeat_class=LTR/Copia;score=2532
SL2.40ch00	ITAG_repeats_aggressive	repeat_region	36807	38074	5887	-	.	Target=LTR_scaffold04782_1173 8845 10096 +;repeat_class=LTR/Copia;score=5887
SL2.40ch00	ITAG_repeats_aggressive	repeat_region	38117	38274	5887	-	.	Target=LTR_scaffold04782_1173 8691 8844 +;repeat_class=LTR/Copia;score=5887
Loaded 83870 rows and 9 columns
   Chromosome                     Name           Type  Start    End  Qual  \
0  SL2.40ch00  ITAG_repeats_aggressive  repeat_region  12274  12723  1176   

  Orientation Filter                                               Info  
0           -      .  Target=LTR_PGSC0003DMS000001138_1430 2199 2644...  
       Chromosome                     Name           Type     Start       End  \
83869  SL2.40ch12  ITAG_repeats_aggressive  repeat_region  65449031  65449234   

      Qual Orientation Filter  \
83869  787           -      .   

83869  Target=LTR_PGSC0003DMS000000506_699 5713 5926 ...  
loading coverage from raw
Chromosome SL2.40ch00 filtering data adding coordinates added       1789 coordinates in a total of    1160313 positions
Chromosome SL2.40ch01 filtering data adding coordinates added       9966 coordinates in a total of    5713335 positions
Chromosome SL2.40ch02 filtering data adding coordinates added       4983 coordinates in a total of    2498485 positions
Chromosome SL2.40ch03 filtering data adding coordinates added       6659 coordinates in a total of    3461291 positions
Chromosome SL2.40ch04 filtering data adding coordinates added       7033 coordinates in a total of    4017967 positions
Chromosome SL2.40ch05 filtering data adding coordinates added       7204 coordinates in a total of    4306370 positions
Chromosome SL2.40ch06 filtering data adding coordinates added       5008 coordinates in a total of    2650178 positions
Chromosome SL2.40ch07 filtering data adding coordinates added       6952 coordinates in a total of    4231246 positions
Chromosome SL2.40ch08 filtering data adding coordinates added       6607 coordinates in a total of    3735261 positions
Chromosome SL2.40ch09 filtering data adding coordinates added       7316 coordinates in a total of    4356382 positions
Chromosome SL2.40ch10 filtering data adding coordinates added       7568 coordinates in a total of    4456483 positions
Chromosome SL2.40ch11 filtering data adding coordinates added       5750 coordinates in a total of    3051593 positions
Chromosome SL2.40ch12 filtering data adding coordinates added       7035 coordinates in a total of    4429162 positions
added      83870 coordinates in a total of   48068066 positions

GFF repeat_region :: Repeat :: LTR

output file probes/extraGff/ITAG2.3_repeats_aggressive.gff3.LTR.agp exists
loading data from raw
parsing probes/extraGff/ITAG2.3_repeats_aggressive.gff3.LTR.agp
##gff-version 3
SL2.40ch00	ITAG_repeats_aggressive	repeat_region	296	356	239	+	.	Target=LTR_PGSC0003DMS000000785_1066 4833 4892 +;repeat_class=LTR;score=239
SL2.40ch00	ITAG_repeats_aggressive	repeat_region	324	1194	4844	+	.	Target=LTR_PGSC0003DMS000000951_1260 3659 4550 +;repeat_class=LTR;score=4844
SL2.40ch00	ITAG_repeats_aggressive	repeat_region	1194	3908	7021	-	.	Target=LTR_PGSC0003DMS000000619_862 2016 6291 +;repeat_class=LTR;score=7021
SL2.40ch00	ITAG_repeats_aggressive	repeat_region	5905	6117	711	-	.	Target=LTR_PGSC0003DMS000001821_1907 10200 10416 +;repeat_class=LTR;score=711
Loaded 423377 rows and 9 columns
   Chromosome                     Name           Type  Start  End Qual  \
0  SL2.40ch00  ITAG_repeats_aggressive  repeat_region    296  356  239   

  Orientation Filter                                               Info  
0           +      .  Target=LTR_PGSC0003DMS000000785_1066 4833 4892...  
        Chromosome                     Name           Type     Start  \
423376  SL2.40ch12  ITAG_repeats_aggressive  repeat_region  65485984   

             End Qual Orientation Filter  \
423376  65486152  643           -      .   

423376  Target=LTR_PGSC0003DMS000001330_1582 6 176 +;r...  
loading coverage from raw
Chromosome SL2.40ch00 filtering data adding coordinates added      11026 coordinates in a total of    8830605 positions
Chromosome SL2.40ch01 filtering data adding coordinates added      48998 coordinates in a total of   31833186 positions
Chromosome SL2.40ch02 filtering data adding coordinates added      25777 coordinates in a total of   14705770 positions
Chromosome SL2.40ch03 filtering data adding coordinates added      33513 coordinates in a total of   22187072 positions
Chromosome SL2.40ch04 filtering data adding coordinates added      34926 coordinates in a total of   23271276 positions
Chromosome SL2.40ch05 filtering data adding coordinates added      35527 coordinates in a total of   24441413 positions
Chromosome SL2.40ch06 filtering data adding coordinates added      24716 coordinates in a total of   14846225 positions
Chromosome SL2.40ch07 filtering data adding coordinates added      35265 coordinates in a total of   25266360 positions
Chromosome SL2.40ch08 filtering data adding coordinates added      34932 coordinates in a total of   24816628 positions
Chromosome SL2.40ch09 filtering data adding coordinates added      37772 coordinates in a total of   26727417 positions
Chromosome SL2.40ch10 filtering data adding coordinates added      35873 coordinates in a total of   24881134 positions
Chromosome SL2.40ch11 filtering data adding coordinates added      28865 coordinates in a total of   19549897 positions
Chromosome SL2.40ch12 filtering data adding coordinates added      36187 coordinates in a total of   25939094 positions
added     423377 coordinates in a total of  287296077 positions

GFF repeat_region :: Repeat :: Low_complexity

output file probes/extraGff/ITAG2.3_repeats_aggressive.gff3.Low_complexity.agp exists
loading data from raw
parsing probes/extraGff/ITAG2.3_repeats_aggressive.gff3.Low_complexity.agp
##gff-version 3
SL2.40ch00	ITAG_repeats_aggressive	repeat_region	15005	15025	21	+	.	Target=AT_rich 1 21 +;repeat_class=Low_complexity;score=21
SL2.40ch00	ITAG_repeats_aggressive	repeat_region	18554	18584	24	+	.	Target=AT_rich 1 31 +;repeat_class=Low_complexity;score=24
SL2.40ch00	ITAG_repeats_aggressive	repeat_region	18709	18736	28	+	.	Target=AT_rich 1 28 +;repeat_class=Low_complexity;score=28
SL2.40ch00	ITAG_repeats_aggressive	repeat_region	19433	19462	30	+	.	Target=AT_rich 1 30 +;repeat_class=Low_complexity;score=30
Loaded 108300 rows and 9 columns
   Chromosome                     Name           Type  Start    End Qual  \
0  SL2.40ch00  ITAG_repeats_aggressive  repeat_region  15005  15025   21   

  Orientation Filter                                               Info  
0           +      .  Target=AT_rich 1 21 +;repeat_class=Low_complex...  
        Chromosome                     Name           Type     Start  \
108299  SL2.40ch12  ITAG_repeats_aggressive  repeat_region  65484127   

             End Qual Orientation Filter  \
108299  65484152   26           +      .   

108299  Target=AT_rich 1 26 +;repeat_class=Low_complex...  
loading coverage from raw
Chromosome SL2.40ch00 filtering data adding coordinates added       2275 coordinates in a total of     125713 positions
Chromosome SL2.40ch01 filtering data adding coordinates added      13457 coordinates in a total of     772561 positions
Chromosome SL2.40ch02 filtering data adding coordinates added       7853 coordinates in a total of     468223 positions
Chromosome SL2.40ch03 filtering data adding coordinates added       9004 coordinates in a total of     538087 positions
Chromosome SL2.40ch04 filtering data adding coordinates added       8955 coordinates in a total of     515882 positions
Chromosome SL2.40ch05 filtering data adding coordinates added       8846 coordinates in a total of     497891 positions
Chromosome SL2.40ch06 filtering data adding coordinates added       7172 coordinates in a total of     431840 positions
Chromosome SL2.40ch07 filtering data adding coordinates added       8745 coordinates in a total of     497762 positions
Chromosome SL2.40ch08 filtering data adding coordinates added       8264 coordinates in a total of     468344 positions
Chromosome SL2.40ch09 filtering data adding coordinates added       8681 coordinates in a total of     488165 positions
Chromosome SL2.40ch10 filtering data adding coordinates added       8836 coordinates in a total of     487643 positions
Chromosome SL2.40ch11 filtering data adding coordinates added       7626 coordinates in a total of     426231 positions
Chromosome SL2.40ch12 filtering data adding coordinates added       8586 coordinates in a total of     484145 positions
added     108300 coordinates in a total of    6202487 positions

GFF repeat_region :: Repeat :: Gypsy

output file probes/extraGff/ITAG2.3_repeats_aggressive.gff3.Gypsy.agp exists
loading data from raw
parsing probes/extraGff/ITAG2.3_repeats_aggressive.gff3.Gypsy.agp
##gff-version 3
SL2.40ch00	ITAG_repeats_aggressive	repeat_region	245	308	268	+	.	Target=LTR_PGSC0003DMS000000019_19 5270 5334 +;repeat_class=LTR/Gypsy;score=268
SL2.40ch00	ITAG_repeats_aggressive	repeat_region	3532	5893	4848	-	.	Target=LTR_PGSC0003DMS000000266_407 7461 10074 +;repeat_class=LTR/Gypsy;score=4848
SL2.40ch00	ITAG_repeats_aggressive	repeat_region	6112	6888	2527	+	.	Target=LTR_scaffold01945_351 7395 8169 +;repeat_class=LTR/Gypsy;score=2527
SL2.40ch00	ITAG_repeats_aggressive	repeat_region	7040	10177	14051	+	.	Target=LTR_scaffold05409_1378 3870 7007 +;repeat_class=LTR/Gypsy;score=14051
Loaded 174650 rows and 9 columns
   Chromosome                     Name           Type  Start  End Qual  \
0  SL2.40ch00  ITAG_repeats_aggressive  repeat_region    245  308  268   

  Orientation Filter                                               Info  
0           +      .  Target=LTR_PGSC0003DMS000000019_19 5270 5334 +...  
        Chromosome                     Name           Type     Start  \
174649  SL2.40ch12  ITAG_repeats_aggressive  repeat_region  65462193   

             End Qual Orientation Filter  \
174649  65462376  580           -      .   

174649  Target=LTR_PGSC0003DMS000002542_2160 3196 3388...  
loading coverage from raw
Chromosome SL2.40ch00 filtering data adding coordinates added       4691 coordinates in a total of    4958268 positions
Chromosome SL2.40ch01 filtering data adding coordinates added      19392 coordinates in a total of   19009068 positions
Chromosome SL2.40ch02 filtering data adding coordinates added       9577 coordinates in a total of    8503804 positions
Chromosome SL2.40ch03 filtering data adding coordinates added      14064 coordinates in a total of   13926409 positions
Chromosome SL2.40ch04 filtering data adding coordinates added      13747 coordinates in a total of   13551349 positions
Chromosome SL2.40ch05 filtering data adding coordinates added      15733 coordinates in a total of   16261977 positions
Chromosome SL2.40ch06 filtering data adding coordinates added       9032 coordinates in a total of    8446535 positions
Chromosome SL2.40ch07 filtering data adding coordinates added      15154 coordinates in a total of   15847076 positions
Chromosome SL2.40ch08 filtering data adding coordinates added      14812 coordinates in a total of   15215125 positions
Chromosome SL2.40ch09 filtering data adding coordinates added      15762 coordinates in a total of   16731675 positions
Chromosome SL2.40ch10 filtering data adding coordinates added      14986 coordinates in a total of   15066285 positions
Chromosome SL2.40ch11 filtering data adding coordinates added      11908 coordinates in a total of   11862182 positions
Chromosome SL2.40ch12 filtering data adding coordinates added      15792 coordinates in a total of   16269451 positions
added     174650 coordinates in a total of  175649204 positions

GFF repeat_region :: Repeat :: Simple_repeat

output file probes/extraGff/ITAG2.3_repeats_aggressive.gff3.Simple_repeat.agp exists
loading data from raw
parsing probes/extraGff/ITAG2.3_repeats_aggressive.gff3.Simple_repeat.agp
##gff-version 3
SL2.40ch00	ITAG_repeats_aggressive	repeat_region	1	63	365	+	.	Target=(TAA)n 2 63 +;repeat_class=Simple_repeat;score=365
SL2.40ch00	ITAG_repeats_aggressive	repeat_region	64	90	243	+	.	Target=(TAAA)n 4 30 +;repeat_class=Simple_repeat;score=243
SL2.40ch00	ITAG_repeats_aggressive	repeat_region	91	243	1344	+	.	Target=(TAA)n 2 154 +;repeat_class=Simple_repeat;score=1344
SL2.40ch00	ITAG_repeats_aggressive	repeat_region	16450	16475	180	+	.	Target=(GAAAA)n 2 27 +;repeat_class=Simple_repeat;score=180
Loaded 48671 rows and 9 columns
   Chromosome                     Name           Type  Start  End Qual  \
0  SL2.40ch00  ITAG_repeats_aggressive  repeat_region      1   63  365   

  Orientation Filter                                               Info  
0           +      .  Target=(TAA)n 2 63 +;repeat_class=Simple_repea...  
       Chromosome                     Name           Type     Start       End  \
48670  SL2.40ch12  ITAG_repeats_aggressive  repeat_region  65461405  65461437   

      Qual Orientation Filter  \
48670  234           +      .   

48670  Target=(A)n 1 33 +;repeat_class=Simple_repeat;...  
loading coverage from raw
Chromosome SL2.40ch00 filtering data adding coordinates added       1342 coordinates in a total of      76076 positions
Chromosome SL2.40ch01 filtering data adding coordinates added       5659 coordinates in a total of     260161 positions
Chromosome SL2.40ch02 filtering data adding coordinates added       3078 coordinates in a total of     132440 positions
Chromosome SL2.40ch03 filtering data adding coordinates added       4146 coordinates in a total of     189994 positions
Chromosome SL2.40ch04 filtering data adding coordinates added       3764 coordinates in a total of     166811 positions
Chromosome SL2.40ch05 filtering data adding coordinates added       4134 coordinates in a total of     186129 positions
Chromosome SL2.40ch06 filtering data adding coordinates added       3108 coordinates in a total of     141678 positions
Chromosome SL2.40ch07 filtering data adding coordinates added       3851 coordinates in a total of     182509 positions
Chromosome SL2.40ch08 filtering data adding coordinates added       3768 coordinates in a total of     169072 positions
Chromosome SL2.40ch09 filtering data adding coordinates added       4488 coordinates in a total of     209734 positions
Chromosome SL2.40ch10 filtering data adding coordinates added       3904 coordinates in a total of     179968 positions
Chromosome SL2.40ch11 filtering data adding coordinates added       3426 coordinates in a total of     152094 positions
Chromosome SL2.40ch12 filtering data adding coordinates added       4003 coordinates in a total of     195644 positions
added      48671 coordinates in a total of    2242310 positions

GFF repeat_region :: Repeat :: SINE

output file probes/extraGff/ITAG2.3_repeats_aggressive.gff3.SINE.agp exists
loading data from raw
parsing probes/extraGff/ITAG2.3_repeats_aggressive.gff3.SINE.agp
##gff-version 3
SL2.40ch00	ITAG_repeats_aggressive	repeat_region	24309	24617	485	+	.	Target=TS2 21 337 +;repeat_class=SINE;score=485
SL2.40ch00	ITAG_repeats_aggressive	repeat_region	565120	565243	397	-	.	Target=TS2 523 651 +;repeat_class=SINE;score=397
SL2.40ch00	ITAG_repeats_aggressive	repeat_region	3433095	3433345	386	-	.	Target=TS2 391 654 +;repeat_class=SINE;score=386
SL2.40ch00	ITAG_repeats_aggressive	repeat_region	3530344	3530501	475	-	.	Target=SINE_SO 2 159 +;repeat_class=SINE;score=475
Loaded 7799 rows and 9 columns
   Chromosome                     Name           Type  Start    End Qual  \
0  SL2.40ch00  ITAG_repeats_aggressive  repeat_region  24309  24617  485   

  Orientation Filter                                             Info  
0           +      .  Target=TS2 21 337 +;repeat_class=SINE;score=485  
      Chromosome                     Name           Type     Start       End  \
7798  SL2.40ch12  ITAG_repeats_aggressive  repeat_region  65479804  65479905   

     Qual Orientation Filter                                              Info  
7798  347           -      .  Target=TS2 559 653 +;repeat_class=SINE;score=347  
loading coverage from raw
Chromosome SL2.40ch00 filtering data adding coordinates added         59 coordinates in a total of       8729 positions
Chromosome SL2.40ch01 filtering data adding coordinates added        843 coordinates in a total of     127735 positions
Chromosome SL2.40ch02 filtering data adding coordinates added        478 coordinates in a total of      74669 positions
Chromosome SL2.40ch03 filtering data adding coordinates added        637 coordinates in a total of      98730 positions
Chromosome SL2.40ch04 filtering data adding coordinates added        715 coordinates in a total of     112457 positions
Chromosome SL2.40ch05 filtering data adding coordinates added        628 coordinates in a total of      95206 positions
Chromosome SL2.40ch06 filtering data adding coordinates added        521 coordinates in a total of      78182 positions
Chromosome SL2.40ch07 filtering data adding coordinates added        664 coordinates in a total of     102274 positions
Chromosome SL2.40ch08 filtering data adding coordinates added        560 coordinates in a total of      89222 positions
Chromosome SL2.40ch09 filtering data adding coordinates added        689 coordinates in a total of     107710 positions
Chromosome SL2.40ch10 filtering data adding coordinates added        626 coordinates in a total of      92771 positions
Chromosome SL2.40ch11 filtering data adding coordinates added        632 coordinates in a total of      92495 positions
Chromosome SL2.40ch12 filtering data adding coordinates added        747 coordinates in a total of     117120 positions
added       7799 coordinates in a total of    1197300 positions

In [55]:
for proc in processes:
    title = proc['title']
    print title

    if not proc['enabled']:

    data  = proc['cov'  ]

    with size_controller(FULL_FIG_W, FULL_FIG_H):
        plt.plot(data, markevery=10, label=title)
        #display( plt.gcf() )

AGP W :: <type 'numpy.int8'>
AGP U :: <type 'numpy.int8'>
AGP W :: <type 'numpy.int8'>
AGP N :: <type 'numpy.int8'>
AGP U :: <type 'numpy.int8'>
GFF match :: cDNA :: match
GFF match_part :: cDNA :: match_part
GFF gene :: Gene Model :: gene
GFF mRNA :: Gene Model :: mRNA
GFF exon :: Gene Model :: exon
GFF CDS :: Gene Model :: CDS
GFF intron :: Gene Model :: intron
GFF BAC_clone :: BAC :: BAC_clone
GFF BAC_end :: BAC :: BAC_end
GFF repeat_region :: Repeat :: Copia
GFF repeat_region :: Repeat :: LTR
OverflowError                             Traceback (most recent call last)
/home/aflit001/.local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/IPython/core/formatters.pyc in __call__(self, obj)
    333                 pass
    334             else:
--> 335                 return printer(obj)
    336             # Finally look for special method names
    337             method = _safe_get_formatter_method(obj, self.print_method)

/home/aflit001/.local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/IPython/core/pylabtools.pyc in <lambda>(fig)
    206     if 'png' in formats:
--> 207         png_formatter.for_type(Figure, lambda fig: print_figure(fig, 'png', **kwargs))
    208     if 'retina' in formats or 'png2x' in formats:
    209         png_formatter.for_type(Figure, lambda fig: retina_figure(fig, **kwargs))

/home/aflit001/.local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/IPython/core/pylabtools.pyc in print_figure(fig, fmt, bbox_inches, **kwargs)
    116     bytes_io = BytesIO()
--> 117     fig.canvas.print_figure(bytes_io, **kw)
    118     data = bytes_io.getvalue()
    119     if fmt == 'svg':

/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.7/matplotlib/backend_bases.pyc in print_figure(self, filename, dpi, facecolor, edgecolor, orientation, format, **kwargs)
   2165                     orientation=orientation,
   2166                     dryrun=True,
-> 2167                     **kwargs)
   2168                 renderer = self.figure._cachedRenderer
   2169                 bbox_inches = self.figure.get_tightbbox(renderer)

/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.7/matplotlib/backends/backend_agg.pyc in print_png(self, filename_or_obj, *args, **kwargs)
    504     def print_png(self, filename_or_obj, *args, **kwargs):
--> 505         FigureCanvasAgg.draw(self)
    506         renderer = self.get_renderer()
    507         original_dpi = renderer.dpi

/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.7/matplotlib/backends/backend_agg.pyc in draw(self)
    450         try:
--> 451             self.figure.draw(self.renderer)
    452         finally:
    453             RendererAgg.lock.release()

/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.7/matplotlib/artist.pyc in draw_wrapper(artist, renderer, *args, **kwargs)
     53     def draw_wrapper(artist, renderer, *args, **kwargs):
     54         before(artist, renderer)
---> 55         draw(artist, renderer, *args, **kwargs)
     56         after(artist, renderer)

/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.7/matplotlib/figure.pyc in draw(self, renderer)
   1032         dsu.sort(key=itemgetter(0))
   1033         for zorder, a, func, args in dsu:
-> 1034             func(*args)
   1036         renderer.close_group('figure')

/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.7/matplotlib/artist.pyc in draw_wrapper(artist, renderer, *args, **kwargs)
     53     def draw_wrapper(artist, renderer, *args, **kwargs):
     54         before(artist, renderer)
---> 55         draw(artist, renderer, *args, **kwargs)
     56         after(artist, renderer)

/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.7/matplotlib/axes.pyc in draw(self, renderer, inframe)
   2085         for zorder, a in dsu:
-> 2086             a.draw(renderer)
   2088         renderer.close_group('axes')

/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.7/matplotlib/artist.pyc in draw_wrapper(artist, renderer, *args, **kwargs)
     53     def draw_wrapper(artist, renderer, *args, **kwargs):
     54         before(artist, renderer)
---> 55         draw(artist, renderer, *args, **kwargs)
     56         after(artist, renderer)

/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.7/matplotlib/lines.pyc in draw(self, renderer)
    560                         drawFunc(pe_renderer, gc, tpath, affine_frozen)
    561                 else:
--> 562                     drawFunc(renderer, gc, tpath, affine.frozen())
    564         if self._marker:

/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.7/matplotlib/lines.pyc in _draw_lines(self, renderer, gc, path, trans)
    937     def _draw_lines(self, renderer, gc, path, trans):
--> 938         self._lineFunc(renderer, gc, path, trans)
    940     def _draw_steps_pre(self, renderer, gc, path, trans):

/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.7/matplotlib/lines.pyc in _draw_solid(self, renderer, gc, path, trans)
    976     def _draw_solid(self, renderer, gc, path, trans):
    977         gc.set_linestyle('solid')
--> 978         renderer.draw_path(gc, path, trans)
    980     def _draw_dashed(self, renderer, gc, path, trans):

/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.7/matplotlib/backends/backend_agg.pyc in draw_path(self, gc, path, transform, rgbFace)
    143                 self._renderer.draw_path(gc, p, transform, rgbFace)
    144         else:
--> 145             self._renderer.draw_path(gc, path, transform, rgbFace)
    147     def draw_mathtext(self, gc, x, y, s, prop, angle):

OverflowError: Allocated too many blocks
<matplotlib.figure.Figure at 0x7f93b08a8e90>
GFF repeat_region :: Repeat :: Low_complexity
GFF repeat_region :: Repeat :: Gypsy
GFF repeat_region :: Repeat :: Simple_repeat
GFF repeat_region :: Repeat :: SINE

In [56]:
#S_lycopersicum_chromosomes.2.40.fa_SL2.40ch12_000065480000_000065486252.fasta SL2.40ch12 92.80 625               42         3            5629   6252 703152 703774 0.0    744
#query                                                                         subject    %id   alignment length  mismatches gap openings qstart qend sstart send   evalue bitscore 
import decimal
def decimal_float(v):
    return float(decimal.Decimal(v))
col_info_blast = [
    ["query_name"       , str           ],
    ["subject_name"     , str           ],
    ["perc_identity"    , float         ],
    ["alignment length" , int           ],
    ["mismatches"       , int           ],
    ["gap openings"     , int           ],
    ["qstart"           , int           ],
    ["qend"             , int           ],
    ["sstart"           , int           ],
    ["send"             , int           ],
    ["evalue"           , float         ],
    ["bitscore"         , float         ]

col_info_blast_k = dict( zip( [x[0] for x in col_info_blast], range(len(col_info_blast)) ) )
print col_info_blast_k

{'perc_identity': 2, 'mismatches': 4, 'qend': 7, 'alignment length': 3, 'evalue': 10, 'bitscore': 11, 'subject_name': 1, 'gap openings': 5, 'query_name': 0, 'send': 9, 'qstart': 6, 'sstart': 8}

In [57]:
from IPython.parallel import Client
pc = Client()
print pc[:].apply_sync(lambda : "Hello, World")
dview = pc[:]
parallel_result = dview.map_sync(lambda x: x**10, range(32))
print parallel_result

['Hello, World', 'Hello, World', 'Hello, World', 'Hello, World', 'Hello, World', 'Hello, World', 'Hello, World', 'Hello, World', 'Hello, World', 'Hello, World', 'Hello, World', 'Hello, World', 'Hello, World', 'Hello, World', 'Hello, World']
[0, 1, 1024, 59049, 1048576, 9765625, 60466176, 282475249, 1073741824, 3486784401, 10000000000, 25937424601, 61917364224, 137858491849, 289254654976, 576650390625, 1099511627776, 2015993900449, 3570467226624, 6131066257801, 10240000000000, 16679880978201, 26559922791424, 41426511213649, 63403380965376, 95367431640625, 141167095653376, 205891132094649, 296196766695424, 420707233300201, 590490000000000, 819628286980801]

In [58]:
def load_blast_chrom_db(BLAST_VAL_TYPE, BLAST_COL_TYPE, chromTotalLen, chroms, chrom_folder, f_folder):
    import numpy  as np
    chrom_blast_data  = None
    chrom_coord_count = 0
    chrom_pos_count   = 0

    chrom     = os.path.basename( chrom_folder )
    print '  chrom %s' % chrom

    file_path    = chrom_folder + '.blast'
    file_path_py = file_path + '.' + BLAST_VAL_TYPE + '.cov.npy'

    print '   file %s' % file_path

    chrom_blast_data = None
    if os.path.exists( file_path_py ):
        print "   loading coverage from pickle"
        chrom_blast_data    = np.load( open(file_path_py, 'rb') )
        print "   loaded coverage from pickle"
        print '    chrom  average %6.3f' % ( np.mean(chrom_blast_data ) )
        return 0, 0, chrom_blast_data
        print "   loading coverage from raw"
        sys.stdout.write('   ')

        chrom_blast_data      = np.zeros(chromTotalLen, dtype=BLAST_COL_TYPE)
        chrom_data_controller = coortroller(chrom_blast_data, chroms)

        with open( file_path, 'r' ) as fhd:
            for line in fhd:
                line = line.strip()
                cols = line.split("\t")
                #print cols
                cols = [ col_info_blast[i][1](v) for i,v in enumerate(cols) ]
                #print cols
                fields = dict(zip( col_info_blast_k.keys(), [ cols[v] for k,v in col_info_blast_k.items() ]))
                #print keys

                start               = min([fields['sstart'], fields['send']])
                end                 = max([fields['sstart'], fields['send']])

                chrom_coord_count  += 1
                chrom_pos_count    += end - start

                if chrom_coord_count % 1000000 == 0:

                #print "Start:'" + str(start) + "' End: '" + str(end) + "'"
                if BLAST_VAL_TYPE == 'COUNT':
                    value = 1
                elif BLAST_VAL_TYPE == 'SYM':
                    value = fields['perc_identity'] / 100.0

                chrom_data_controller.add( fields['subject_name'], start, end, value )
        print "   loaded coverage from raw"
        print "   saving coverage to pickle"
        sys.stdout.flush() open(file_path_py, 'wb'), chrom_blast_data )
        print '   chromosome %s added %10d coordinates in a total of %10d positions. average %6.3f' % ( chrom, chrom_coord_count, chrom_pos_count, np.mean(chrom_blast_data) )
        return chrom_coord_count, chrom_pos_count, chrom_blast_data

pc[:]['load_blast_chrom_db'] = load_blast_chrom_db
pc[:]['coortroller'        ] = coortroller

with pc[:].sync_imports():
    import os
    import sys

def p_load_blast_chrom_db(params):
    return load_blast_chrom_db(*params)

importing os on engine(s)
importing sys on engine(s)

In [59]:
def load_blast_db(f_method, f_fasta, f_folder, BLAST_VAL_TYPE):
    if   BLAST_VAL_TYPE == 'COUNT':
        BLAST_COL_TYPE = col_type_int32
    elif BLAST_VAL_TYPE == 'SYM':
        BLAST_COL_TYPE = col_type_flo32
        print "unknown blast val type %s" % BLAST_VAL_TYPE
        raise 'error'
    print "blast method %s folder %s" % ( f_method, f_folder )
    f_folder_py = f_folder + '.' + BLAST_VAL_TYPE + '.cov.npy'

    if os.path.exists(f_folder_py):
        print " getting blast method from pickle"
        method_blast_data  = np.load( open(f_folder_py, 'rb') )
        print " got blast method from pickle"
        print ' method average %6.3f' % ( np.mean(method_blast_data) )
        return 0, 0, method_blast_data

        print " getting blast method from raw"
        method_blast_data  = np.zeros(chromTotalLen, dtype=BLAST_COL_TYPE)
        method_coord_count = 0
        method_pos_count   = 0
        cov                = None
        chroms_to_process  = []

        for chrom_folder in sorted(glob(os.path.join(os.path.abspath(f_folder), '*'))):
            if not os.path.isdir( chrom_folder ):

            chroms_to_process.append( [BLAST_VAL_TYPE, BLAST_COL_TYPE, chromTotalLen, chroms, chrom_folder, f_folder] )
            chrom_coord_count, chrom_pos_count, chrom_blast_data = load_blast_chrom_db(BLAST_VAL_TYPE, BLAST_COL_TYPE, chromTotalLen, chroms, chrom_folder, f_folder)

            method_coord_count += chrom_coord_count
            method_pos_count   += chrom_pos_count
            method_blast_data  += chrom_blast_data
            print '    method average %6.3f' % ( np.mean(method_blast_data) )
        #print chroms_to_process
        #chrom_res =

        #print chrom_res
        print '  method %s added %10d coordinates in a total of %10d positions. average %6.3f' % ( f_method, method_coord_count, method_pos_count, np.mean(method_blast_data) ) open(f_folder_py, 'wb'), method_blast_data )
        return method_coord_count, method_pos_count, method_blast_data

In [60]:
    if1    = "probes/blast/out" #/SL2.40ch12/S_lycopersicum_chromosomes.2.40.fa_SL2.40ch12_000065480000_000065486252.fasta.blast"
    fasta  = 'S_lycopersicum_chromosomes.2.40.fa'
    blast_to_parse = [ 
        #f_method  , f_enabled, f_fasta, f_folder
        ['standard', True     , fasta  , if1], 

    print "%d blast experiments" % len(blast_to_parse)

1 blast experiments

In [61]:
import fnmatch
import os
from glob import glob

    total_coord_count = 0
    total_pos_count   = 0
    for btp in xrange(len(blast_to_parse)):
        f_method, f_enabled, f_fasta, f_folder = blast_to_parse[btp]
        if not f_enabled:
        method_coord_count, method_pos_count, method_blast_data = load_blast_db(f_method, f_fasta, f_folder, BLAST_VAL_TYPE)

        total_coord_count += method_coord_count
        total_pos_count   += method_pos_count
    print 'total added %10d coordinates in a total of %10d positions' % ( total_coord_count, total_pos_count )

blast method standard folder probes/blast/out
 getting blast method from pickle
 got blast method from pickle
 method average 445.675
total added          0 coordinates in a total of          0 positions

In [62]:
with size_controller(FULL_FIG_W, FULL_FIG_H):
    for btp in blast_to_parse:
        plt.plot(btp[-1], markevery=10)

In [63]:


In [ ]:
    COVERAGE_COL_TYPE = col_type_int32

    sam_coverage_data = None
    SamFile_py       = SamFile + '.cov.npy'
    if os.path.exists(SamFile_py):
        print " getting sam coverage from pickle"
        sam_coverage_data  = np.load( open(SamFile_py, 'rb') )
        print " got sam coverage from pickle"
        print ' sam coverage average %6.3f' % ( np.mean(sam_coverage_data) )

        print " getting sam coverage from raw"
        sam_coverage_data            = np.zeros(chromTotalLen, dtype=COVERAGE_COL_TYPE)
        sam_coverage_data_controller = coortroller(sam_coverage_data, chroms)
        sam_coverage_coord_count     = 0
        sam_coverage_pos_count       = 0
        with open_file(SamFile, 'r') as fhd:
            lc = 0
            for line in fhd:
                line = line.strip()
                if len(line) == 0:
                if line[0] == '@':
                #print line
                cols = line.split('\t')
                if len(cols) < 11:
                    print cols
                if cols[2] == '*':
                #print cols
                chrom  =     cols[2]
                start  = int(cols[3])
                seq    =     cols[9]
                seqLen = len(cols[9])
                end    = start + seqLen
                #print "chrom %s start %12d end %12d seq %s len %4d" % (chrom, start, end, seq, seqLen)
                sam_coverage_coord_count  += 1
                sam_coverage_pos_count    += end - start

                if sam_coverage_coord_count % 1000000 == 0:

                sam_coverage_data_controller.add( chrom, start, end, 1 )
        print '    sam coverage average %6.3f' % ( np.mean(sam_coverage_data) ) open(SamFile_py, 'wb'), sam_coverage_data )

In [ ]:
with size_controller(FULL_FIG_W, FULL_FIG_H):
    plt.plot(sam_coverage_data, markevery=10)

In [ ]:
rep = np.repeat(['00', '01', '02'], [1, 2, 3])
print rep
ran = np.concatenate([ np.arange(1, x+1) for x in (1,2,3)])
print ran
con = np.concatenate([rep, ran])
print con
res = con.reshape(2,6)
print res
tra = np.transpose(res)
print tra

In [ ]:
# OrderedDict([('SL2.40ch00', 21805821)
#CovChroms = np.repeat([x for x in chroms], [chroms[x] for x in chroms])
#print CovChroms

In [ ]:
#CovPos = np.concatenate([ np.arange(1, x+1) for x in [chroms[x] for x in chroms]])
#print CovPos
#con = np.concatenate([rep, ran])
#print con
#res = con.reshape(2,6)
#print res
#tra = np.transpose(res)
#print tra

In [ ]:
#del AgpCov
#AgpCov = pd.DataFrame(OrderedDict([ ('AgpW', AgpCovW), ('AgpU', AgpCovU) ]), dtype='int8')

In [ ]:

In [ ]:

In [ ]:

In [ ]:

In [ ]:

K-mer Coverage File

In [ ]:
addHeader(2,'K-mer Coverage File')

col_info = [
    [ "Position"                             , col_type_int ], 
    [ "K-mer Coverage"                       , col_type_flo ], 
    [ "K-mer Coverage averaged: 500 bp"      , col_type_flo ], 
    [ "K-mer Coverage averaged: 2.5 Kbp"     , col_type_flo ], 
    [ "K-mer Coverage averaged: 5 Kbp"       , col_type_flo ], 
    [ "K-mer Coverage averaged: 50 Kbp"      , col_type_flo ], 
    [ "K-mer Coverage averaged: 1 Mbp"       , col_type_flo ], 
    [ "K-mer Coverage averaged: 5 Kbp before", col_type_flo ], 
    [ "K-mer Coverage averaged: 5 Kbp after" , col_type_flo ]

col_names=[cf[0] for cf in col_info]
col_types=dict(zip([c[0] for c in col_info], [c[1] for c in col_info]))

    print "\n".join( col_names )

In [ ]:

print KmerCoverageFile

KmerData  = pd.read_csv(KmerCoverageFile, header=None, names=col_names, dtype=col_types, nrows=NROWS, \
                        skiprows=SKIP_ROWS, verbose=PARSE_VERBOSE, delimiter="\t", comment="#")
print "Loaded %d rows and %d columns" % ( KmerData.shape[0], KmerData.shape[1] )

    print KmerData.head()

Sequencing Coverage File

In [ ]:
addHeader(2,'Sequencing Coverage File')

col_info = [
    [ "Position"                             , col_type_int ], 
    [ "Sequencing Coverage"                  , col_type_int ]

col_names=[cf[0] for cf in col_info]
col_types=dict(zip([c[0] for c in col_info], [c[1] for c in col_info]))

    print col_names

In [ ]:

print SequencingCoverageFile

SequencingCoverageData  = pd.read_csv(SequencingCoverageFile, header=None, names=col_names, dtype=col_types, nrows=NROWS, \
                        skiprows=SKIP_ROWS, verbose=PARSE_VERBOSE, delimiter="\t", comment="#")

print "Loaded %d rows and %d columns" % ( SequencingCoverageData.shape[0], SequencingCoverageData.shape[1] )

    print SequencingCoverageData.head()

In [ ]:

    col_info = [
        [ "Position"                             , col_type_int ], 
        [ "BLAST Coverage"                       , col_type_flo ]

    col_names=[cf[0] for cf in col_info]
    col_types=dict(zip([c[0] for c in col_info], [c[1] for c in col_info]))

        print col_names

In [ ]:
    SKIP_ROWS = 0
    print BlastCoverageFile
    BlastCoverageData  = pd.read_csv(BlastCoverageFile, header=None, names=col_names, dtype=col_types, nrows=NROWS, \
                            skiprows=SKIP_ROWS, verbose=PARSE_VERBOSE, delimiter="\t", comment="#")
    print "Loaded %d rows and %d columns" % ( BlastCoverageData.shape[0], BlastCoverageData.shape[1] )
        print BlastCoverageData.head()


In [ ]:


In [ ]:

col_info = [
    [ "Position"                    , col_type_int ], 
    [ "AGP Contig"                  , col_type_bol ]

col_names=[cf[0] for cf in col_info]
col_types=dict(zip([c[0] for c in col_info], [c[1] for c in col_info]))

    print col_names

In [ ]:
print AgpContigFile

AgpContigData  = pd.read_csv(AgpContigFile, header=None, names=col_names, dtype=col_types, nrows=NROWS, \
                        skiprows=SKIP_ROWS, verbose=PARSE_VERBOSE, delimiter="\t", comment="#")

print "Loaded %d rows and %d columns" % ( AgpContigData.shape[0], AgpContigData.shape[1] )

    print AgpContigData.head()


In [ ]:

col_info = [
    [ "Position"                    , col_type_int ], 
    [ "AGP Gap"                     , col_type_bol ]

col_names=[cf[0] for cf in col_info]
col_types=dict(zip([c[0] for c in col_info], [c[1] for c in col_info]))

    print col_names

In [ ]:
print AgpGapFile

AgpGapData  = pd.read_csv(AgpGapFile, header=None, names=col_names, dtype=col_types, nrows=NROWS, \
                        skiprows=SKIP_ROWS, verbose=PARSE_VERBOSE, delimiter="\t", comment="#")
print "Loaded %d rows and %d columns" % ( AgpGapData.shape[0], AgpGapData.shape[1] )

    print AgpGapData.head()


In [ ]:

col_info = [
    [ "Position"                    , col_type_int ], 
    [ "AGP Unknown"                 , col_type_bol ]

col_names=[cf[0] for cf in col_info]
col_types=dict(zip([c[0] for c in col_info], [c[1] for c in col_info]))

    print col_names

In [ ]:
print AgpUnknownFile

AgpUnknownData  = pd.read_csv(AgpUnknownFile, header=None, names=col_names, dtype=col_types, nrows=NROWS, \
                        skiprows=SKIP_ROWS, verbose=PARSE_VERBOSE, delimiter="\t", comment="#")
print "Loaded %d rows and %d columns" % ( AgpUnknownData.shape[0], AgpUnknownData.shape[1] )

    print AgpUnknownData.head()


In [ ]:

col_info = [
    [ "Position"                    , col_type_int ], 
    [ "AGP Other"                   , col_type_bol ]

col_names=[cf[0] for cf in col_info]
col_types=dict(zip([c[0] for c in col_info], [c[1] for c in col_info]))

    print col_names

In [ ]:
print AgpOtherFile

AgpOtherData  = pd.read_csv(AgpOtherFile, header=None, names=col_names, dtype=col_types, nrows=NROWS, \
                        skiprows=SKIP_ROWS, verbose=PARSE_VERBOSE, delimiter="\t", comment="#")

print "Loaded %d rows and %d columns" % ( AgpOtherData.shape[0], AgpOtherData.shape[1] )

    print AgpOtherData.head()


In [ ]:

col_info = [
    [ "Position"                    , col_type_int ], 
    [ "Ns"                          , col_type_bol ]

col_names=[cf[0] for cf in col_info]
col_types=dict(zip([c[0] for c in col_info], [c[1] for c in col_info]))

    print col_names

In [ ]:
print NsFile

NsData  = pd.read_csv(NsFile, header=None, names=col_names, dtype=col_types, nrows=NROWS, \
                        skiprows=SKIP_ROWS, verbose=PARSE_VERBOSE, delimiter="\t", comment="#")
print "Loaded %d rows and %d columns" % ( NsData.shape[0], NsData.shape[1] )

    print NsData.head()


In [ ]:

Data = pd.DataFrame(KmerData, copy=True)

Data.combine_first( KmerData )
Data[ "AGP Contig"          ] = AgpContigData[          "AGP Contig"          ]
Data[ "AGP Gap"             ] = AgpGapData[             "AGP Gap"             ]
Data[ "AGP Unknown"         ] = AgpUnknownData[         "AGP Unknown"         ]
Data[ "AGP Other"           ] = AgpOtherData[           "AGP Other"           ]
Data[ "Ns"                  ] = NsData[                 "Ns"                  ]
Data[ "Sequencing Coverage" ] = SequencingCoverageData[ "Sequencing Coverage" ]
    Data[ "BLAST Coverage"  ] = BlastCoverageData[      "BLAST Coverage"      ]

print "Saved %d rows and %d columns" % ( Data.shape[0], Data.shape[1] )

    print Data.head()


K-mer Coverage Stats

In [ ]:
addHeader(2,'K-mer Coverage Stats')

with size_controller(FULL_FIG_W, FULL_FIG_H):
    bqc = Data.boxplot(column=["K-mer Coverage", 
                               "K-mer Coverage averaged: 500 bp",
                               "K-mer Coverage averaged: 2.5 Kbp",
                               "K-mer Coverage averaged: 5 Kbp",
                               "K-mer Coverage averaged: 50 Kbp",
                               "K-mer Coverage averaged: 1 Mbp",
                               "K-mer Coverage averaged: 5 Kbp before",
                               "K-mer Coverage averaged: 5 Kbp after"], return_type='dict', rot=45)
    plt.setp(bqc['boxes'   ], color='black')
    plt.setp(bqc['medians' ], color='black')
    plt.setp(bqc['whiskers'], color='black')
    plt.setp(bqc['fliers'  ], color='black')
    for of in output_files['K-mer Coverage Stats']:
        print "Saving Image:", of

Sequencing Coverage Stats

In [ ]:
addHeader(2,'Sequencing Coverage Stats')

with size_controller(FULL_FIG_W, FULL_FIG_H):
    bqc = Data.boxplot(column=['Sequencing Coverage'], return_type='dict')
    plt.setp(bqc['boxes'   ], color='black')
    plt.setp(bqc['medians' ], color='black')
    plt.setp(bqc['whiskers'], color='black')
    plt.setp(bqc['fliers'  ], color='black')
    for of in output_files['Sequencing Coverage Stats']:
        print "Saving Image:", of

In [ ]:
    addHeader(2,'BLAST Coverage Stats')
    with size_controller(FULL_FIG_W, FULL_FIG_H):
        bqc = Data.boxplot(column=['BLAST Coverage'], return_type='dict')
        plt.setp(bqc['boxes'   ], color='black')
        plt.setp(bqc['medians' ], color='black')
        plt.setp(bqc['whiskers'], color='black')
        plt.setp(bqc['fliers'  ], color='black')

        for of in output_files['BLAST Coverage Stats']:
            print "Saving Image:", of

K-mer Coverage Distribution

In [ ]:
addHeader(2,'K-mer Coverage Distribution')

with size_controller(FULL_FIG_W, FULL_FIG_H):
    hf = Data[ Data["K-mer Coverage"] > 0 ]['Position']
    print "Number of rows:", hf.size

    if hf.size > 0:
        hs = hf.hist(color=HISTOGRAM_COLOR)

        for of in output_files['K-mer Coverage Distribution']:
            print "Saving Image:", of

Sequencing Coverage Distribution

In [ ]:
addHeader(2,'Sequencing Coverage Distribution')

with size_controller(FULL_FIG_W, FULL_FIG_H):
    hf = Data[ Data["Sequencing Coverage"] > 0 ]['Position']
    print "Number of rows:", hf.size

    if hf.size > 0:
        hs = hf.hist(color=HISTOGRAM_COLOR)

        for of in output_files['Sequencing Coverage Distribution']:
            print "Saving Image:", of

In [ ]:
    addHeader(2,'BLAST Coverage Distribution')
    with size_controller(FULL_FIG_W, FULL_FIG_H):
        hf = Data[ Data["BLAST Coverage"] > 0 ]['Position']
        print "Number of rows:", hf.size

        if hf.size > 0:
            hs = hf.hist(color=HISTOGRAM_COLOR)
            for of in output_files['BLAST Coverage Distribution']:
                print "Saving Image:", of

Gaps Distribution

In [ ]:
addHeader(2,'Gaps Distribution')

with size_controller(FULL_FIG_W, FULL_FIG_H):
    hf = Data[ Data["AGP Gap"] > 0 ]['Position']
    print "Number of rows:", hf.size

    if hf.size > 0:
        hs = hf.hist(color=HISTOGRAM_COLOR)
        for of in output_files['Gaps Distribution']:
            print "Saving Image:", of

Ns Distribution

In [ ]:
addHeader(2,'Ns Distribution')

with size_controller(FULL_FIG_W, FULL_FIG_H):
    hf = Data[ Data["Ns"] > 0 ]['Position']
    print "Number of rows:", hf.size

    if hf.size > 0:
        hs = hf.hist(color=HISTOGRAM_COLOR)
        for of in output_files['Ns Distribution']:
            print "Saving Image:", of

CSV Output

In [ ]:
addHeader(2,'CSV Output')


while ( Data.shape[0] / SAMPLE_EVERY ) > MAX_ROWS:
print "Original Size %d rows and %d columns" % ( Data.shape[0], Data.shape[1] )

    for of in output_files['all_data_full']:
        print "Saving full data to: ", of
        Data.to_csv(of, sep='\t', index=False)
    DataSampled = Data[::SAMPLE_EVERY]

    print "New Size %d rows and %d columns" % ( DataSampled.shape[0], DataSampled.shape[1] )
        print DataSampled.head()

    print "no need to sample"
    DataSampled = Data

for of in output_files['all_data']:
    print "Saving data to     :", of
    DataSampled.to_csv(of, sep='\t', index=False)

Combined Graph

In [ ]:
addHeader(2,'Combined Graph')

num_cols = len(cols_to_plot)
#print "\n".join( [ str( (x, y[0]) ) if y is not None else str( (x, "None") ) for x,y in enumerate(cols_to_plot) ] )

with size_controller(CHROM_FIG_W, CHROM_FIG_H):
    if True:
        #fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows=len(cols_to_plot)+2, ncols=1)
        f = plt.figure()
        plt.subplots_adjust(wspace=0.5, hspace=0.5)

        num_extra_rows = 3
        num_row_span   = 3
        num_cols_e     = num_cols + (num_extra_rows*num_row_span)
        axes           = []

        axes.append( plt.subplot2grid((num_cols_e,1), (0           , 0), rowspan=num_row_span) )
        axes.append( plt.subplot2grid((num_cols_e,1), (num_row_span, 0), rowspan=num_row_span) )
        #print "num_extra_rows", num_extra_rows
        #print "num_row_span  ", num_row_span
        #print "num_cols_e    ", num_cols_e
        if BAC_MODE:
            axes.append( plt.subplot2grid((num_cols_e,1), (num_row_span*2, 0), rowspan=num_row_span) )
            axes.append( None )
        for i in xrange ( num_cols - num_extra_rows ):
            #print 'i', i, 'y', (num_extra_rows*num_row_span)+i
            axes.append( plt.subplot2grid((num_cols_e,1), ((num_extra_rows*num_row_span)+i, 0) ) )

        #print "num_cols", num_cols
        #print "axes"    , len(axes)

        for axis_i, axis in enumerate(axes):
            #print "For axis", axis_i, "Plotting col", col_to_plot_i,
            if axis is None:
                #print "skip"
            #print "ok"
            #for col_to_plot_i, col_to_plot_info in enumerate(cols_to_plot):
            col_to_plot, col_ylim, col_yticks = cols_to_plot[axis_i]
            p = DataSampled[col_to_plot].plot(ax=axis, kind='area', stacked=False, color=ALL_GRAPH_COLOR)
            if col_ylim is not None:
                col_ylim_min, col_ylim_max = col_ylim
                if col_ylim_min is not None:
                    axis.set_ylim( bottom = col_ylim_min )
                if col_ylim_max is not None:
                    axis.set_ylim( top    = col_ylim_max )
            if col_yticks is not None:
                if col_yticks == 0:
                    ylim_min, ylim_max = axis.get_ylim()
                    ylim_diff = ylim_max - ylim_min
                    ylim_step = ylim_diff / (col_yticks*1.0)
                    #print col_to_plot, ylim_min, ylim_max, ylim_diff, ylim_step
    curr_fig = plt.gcf()
    #curr_fig.set_size_inches(CHROM_FIG_W/5.0, CHROM_FIG_H/5.0)
    for of in output_files['Combined graph']:
        print "Saving Image:", of
        curr_fig.savefig(of, dpi=300)
    #curr_fig.set_size_inches(CHROM_FIG_W, CHROM_FIG_H)

In [ ]:
    %run -i probes_cfg_footer.ipynb