HTML and w3 Schools

In [1]:
from IPython.display import HTML, Javascript

In [2]:
HTML("Hello World")

Hello World

Supporting Technologies


In [3]:
!gvim draggable_1.html

In [4]:

Box #1

This is a draggable paragraph #1. Drag this element into any of the two rectangles.

This is a draggable paragraph #2. Drag this element into any of the two rectangles.

Box #2

Using the %%javascript cell magic and jQuery, we can modify the DOM node's display attributes using their id's!!

In [5]:

$("p#drag1").css("border", "1px double red")

One can also the IPython.display.Javascript class to run code!!

In [6]:
Javascript("""$("p#drag2").css("border", "2px double green")""")



I started off by writing the entire HTML in a code cell with the %%html cell magic.

Then I wrote the file out to an html file using the %%writefile cell magic.

From the next time I was editing the file using gvim, saving it and then loading/reloading it using IPython.display.HTML python command. If I really wanted to edit the html within the code cell, I can always load it using the %load magic!


%%writefile draggable_1.html

!gvim draggable_1.html

%load draggable_1.html