Data Mining Workflow

Set Up the Jupyter Notebook for Analysis

Note: We have our brand new package called swat - SAS Scripting Wrapper for Analytics Transfer - available on GitHub via pip install
Copyright (c) 2017 SAS Institute Inc.

In [1]:
# Import necessary packages and modules
import swat
import pandas as pd
import collections
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
swat.options.cas.print_messages = False
%matplotlib inline

# Define directory and data file name
indata_dir = '/viyafiles'
indata     = 'hmeq'

# Host, port, username, password
s = swat.CAS(host, port, username, password)

# Load actionsets for analysis (for data prep, modeling, assessing)
actionsets = ['cardinality', 'sampling', 'fedSQL', 'decisionTree', 'neuralNet', 'svm', 'astore']
[s.builtins.loadactionset(i) for i in actionsets]

# Create a CAS library called DMLib pointing to the defined directory
## Note, need to specify the srctype is path, otherwise it defaults to HDFS
DMLib = s.table.addCaslib('DMlib', datasource = 'path', path = indata_dir)

# Push the relevant table In-Memory
## Note, this is a server side data load, not being loaded from the client
inMem = s.table.loadTable(indata + '.sas7bdat', casOut = indata)

Data Exploration and Preparation

Investigate the data - CAS

In [2]:
# Point castbl to the CAS Table object (client-side view of distributed CAS data)
castbl = s.CASTable(indata, replace = True)

# Print out the first 10 rows of the dataset

Selected Rows from Table HMEQ
0 1.0 1100.0 25860.0 39025.0 HomeImp Other 10.5 0.0 0.0 94.366667 1.0 9.0 NaN
1 1.0 1300.0 70053.0 68400.0 HomeImp Other 7.0 0.0 2.0 121.833333 0.0 14.0 NaN
2 1.0 1500.0 13500.0 16700.0 HomeImp Other 4.0 0.0 0.0 149.466667 1.0 10.0 NaN
3 1.0 1500.0 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
4 0.0 1700.0 97800.0 112000.0 HomeImp Office 3.0 0.0 0.0 93.333333 0.0 14.0 NaN
5 1.0 1700.0 30548.0 40320.0 HomeImp Other 9.0 0.0 0.0 101.466002 1.0 8.0 37.113614
6 1.0 1800.0 48649.0 57037.0 HomeImp Other 5.0 3.0 2.0 77.100000 1.0 17.0 NaN
7 1.0 1800.0 28502.0 43034.0 HomeImp Other 11.0 0.0 0.0 88.766030 0.0 8.0 36.884894
8 1.0 2000.0 32700.0 46740.0 HomeImp Other 3.0 0.0 2.0 216.933333 1.0 12.0 NaN
9 1.0 2000.0 NaN 62250.0 HomeImp Sales 16.0 0.0 0.0 115.800000 0.0 13.0 NaN

Gather Summary Statistics - CAS/Python

In [3]:
# Create table of summary statistics in SAS
castbl.cardinality.summarize(cardinality = dict(name = 'data_card', replace = True))
df_data_card = s.CASTable('data_card').to_frame() # bring the data locally

# Modify SAS output table using Python to present summary statistics
df_data_card['_PCTMISS_'] = (df_data_card['_NMISS_']/df_data_card['_NOBS_'])*100
print('\n', 'Summary Statistics'.center(90, ' '))

                                     Summary Statistics                                    
0 BAD N 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.20 0.40 1.50 0.26
1 LOAN N 0.00 1100.00 89900.00 18607.97 11207.48 2.02 6.93
2 MORTDUE N 8.69 2063.00 399550.00 73760.82 44457.61 1.81 6.48
3 VALUE N 1.88 8000.00 855909.00 101776.05 57385.78 3.05 24.36
4 REASON C 4.23 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
5 JOB C 4.68 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
6 YOJ N 8.64 0.00 41.00 8.92 7.57 0.99 0.37
7 DEROG N 11.88 0.00 10.00 0.25 0.85 5.32 36.87
8 DELINQ N 9.73 0.00 15.00 0.45 1.13 4.02 23.57
9 CLAGE N 5.17 0.00 1168.23 179.77 85.81 1.34 7.60
10 NINQ N 8.56 0.00 17.00 1.19 1.73 2.62 9.79
11 CLNO N 3.72 0.00 71.00 21.30 10.14 0.78 1.16
12 DEBTINC N 21.26 0.52 203.31 33.78 8.60 2.85 50.50

Plot Numeric Variable Distribution - CAS/Python

In [4]:
# Use the built in hist() method to plot the distribution of every variable
castbl.hist(figsize = (15, 10));

Plot Missing Values - Python

In [5]:
# Plot missing values in matplotlib
df_data_miss = df_data_card[df_data_card['_PCTMISS_'] > 0]
tbl_forplot  = pd.Series(list(df_data_miss['_PCTMISS_']), index = list(df_data_miss['_VARNAME_']))
missing_val  = tbl_forplot.plot(kind  = 'bar', title = 'Percentage of Missing Values', color = 'c', figsize = (10, 6))
missing_val.set_ylabel('Percent Missing')
missing_val.set_xlabel('Variable Names');

Perform Imputation on Missing Values - CAS

In [6]:
# Impute missing values
    outVarsNamePrefix = 'IMP',
    methodContinuous  = 'MEDIAN',
    methodNominal     = 'MODE',
    inputs            = list(df_data_card['_VARNAME_'])[1:],
    copyAllVars       = True,
    casOut            = castbl

# Print the first five rows with imputations

Selected Rows from Table HMEQ
0 1.0 1100.0 25860.0 39025.0 HomeImp Other 10.5 0.0 0.0 94.366667 ... 34.818262 0.0 0.0 1100.0 25860.0 1.0 39025.0 10.5 Other HomeImp
1 1.0 1300.0 70053.0 68400.0 HomeImp Other 7.0 0.0 2.0 121.833333 ... 34.818262 2.0 0.0 1300.0 70053.0 0.0 68400.0 7.0 Other HomeImp
2 1.0 1500.0 13500.0 16700.0 HomeImp Other 4.0 0.0 0.0 149.466667 ... 34.818262 0.0 0.0 1500.0 13500.0 1.0 16700.0 4.0 Other HomeImp
3 1.0 1500.0 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN ... 34.818262 0.0 0.0 1500.0 65019.0 1.0 89235.5 7.0 Other DebtCon
4 0.0 1700.0 97800.0 112000.0 HomeImp Office 3.0 0.0 0.0 93.333333 ... 34.818262 0.0 0.0 1700.0 97800.0 0.0 112000.0 3.0 Office HomeImp

5 rows × 25 columns

Partition Data into Training and Validation Sets - CAS

In [7]:
# Create a 70/30 simple random sample split
    samppct = 70,
    partind = True,
    seed    = 1,
    output  = dict(casOut = castbl, copyVars = 'ALL')

# Verify the partition worked properly using SQL
        CASE WHEN _PartInd_ = 1 THEN 'Training' ELSE 'Validation' END AS Name,
        100.0*COUNT(*)/(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ''' + indata + ''') AS Pct
    FROM ''' + indata + '''
        CASE WHEN _PartInd_ = 1 THEN 'Training' ELSE 'Validation' END,
    ORDER BY _PartInd_ DESC;

§ Result Set
NAME _PartInd_ PCT
0 Training 1.0 70.0
1 Validation 0.0 30.0

elapsed 0.136s · user 0.132s · sys 0.152s · mem 39.7MB

Build Models

Set Modeling Shortcuts - Python

Models to be performed

In [8]:
# Models to be performed
models = collections.OrderedDict()
models['dt']  = 'Decision Tree'
models['gbt'] = 'Gradient Boosting'
models['nn']  = 'Neural Network'
models['svm'] = 'Support Vector Machine'

Set variable shortcuts

In [9]:
# Set variables for later use by models
## For models that can handle missing values
target              = df_data_card['_VARNAME_'][0]
class_inputs        = list(df_data_card.query('_TYPE_ == "C"')['_VARNAME_'])
interval_inputs     = list(df_data_card.query('_TYPE_ == "N"')['_VARNAME_'])[1:]
class_vars          = [target] + class_inputs
all_inputs          = interval_inputs + class_inputs

## For models that can't handle missing values
imp_class_inputs    = ['IMP_' + s for s in class_inputs]
imp_interval_inputs = ['IMP_' + s for s in interval_inputs]
imp_class_vars      = [target] + imp_class_inputs
imp_all_inputs      = imp_interval_inputs + imp_class_inputs

Set modeling argument shortcuts (**kwargs)

In [10]:
# Set key-word argument shortcuts (common model inputs)
## For models that can handle missing values (decision tree, gradient boosting)
params = dict(
    table    = dict(name = indata, where = '_partind_ = 1'), 
    target   = target, 
    inputs   = all_inputs, 
    nominals = class_vars,

## For models that can't have missing values (neural network, support vector machine)
imp_params = dict(
    table    = dict(name = indata, where = '_partind_ = 1'), 
    target   = target, 
    inputs   = imp_all_inputs, 
    nominals = imp_class_vars,

Decision Tree - CAS

In [11]:
s.decisionTree.dtreeTrain(**params, varImp = True, casOut = dict(name = 'dt_model', replace = True))

§ ModelInfo
Decision Tree for HMEQ
Descr Value
0 Number of Tree Nodes 15.000000
1 Max Number of Branches 2.000000
2 Number of Levels 6.000000
3 Number of Leaves 8.000000
4 Number of Bins 20.000000
5 Minimum Size of Leaves 5.000000
6 Maximum Size of Leaves 3197.000000
7 Number of Variables 12.000000
8 Confidence Level for Pruning 0.250000
9 Number of Observations Used 4172.000000
10 Misclassification Error (%) 13.662512

§ DTreeVarImpInfo
Decision Tree for HMEQ
Variable Importance Std Count
0 DEBTINC 429.060772 176.141329 2.0
1 DELINQ 82.141557 19.219140 3.0
2 CLNO 8.689791 0.000000 1.0
3 DEROG 2.615121 0.000000 1.0

§ OutputCasTables
casLib Name Rows Columns casTable
0 DMlib dt_model 15 27 CASTable('dt_model', caslib='DMlib')

Gradient Boosting - CAS

In [12]:
s.decisionTree.gbtreeTrain(**params, seed = 1, casOut = dict(name = 'gbt_model', replace = True))

§ ModelInfo
Gradient Boosting Tree for HMEQ
Descr Value
0 Number of Trees 50.0
1 Distribution 2.0
2 Learning Rate 0.1
3 Subsampling Rate 0.5
4 Number of Selected Variables (M) 12.0
5 Number of Bins 20.0
6 Number of Variables 12.0
7 Max Number of Tree Nodes 61.0
8 Min Number of Tree Nodes 19.0
9 Max Number of Branches 2.0
10 Min Number of Branches 2.0
11 Max Number of Levels 6.0
12 Min Number of Levels 6.0
13 Max Number of Leaves 31.0
14 Min Number of Leaves 10.0
15 Maximum Size of Leaves 1814.0
16 Minimum Size of Leaves 5.0
17 Random Number Seed 1.0

§ OutputCasTables
casLib Name Rows Columns casTable
0 DMlib gbt_model 2436 31 CASTable('gbt_model', caslib='DMlib')

Neural Network - CAS

In [13]:
s.neuralNet.annTrain(**imp_params, seed = 1, casOut = dict(name = 'nn_model', replace = True))

§ OptIterHistory
Progress Objective Loss
0 1.0 5.470003 5.470003
1 2.0 3.101988 3.101988
2 3.0 1.618312 1.618312
3 4.0 1.580249 1.580249
4 5.0 1.545793 1.545793
5 6.0 1.538129 1.538129
6 7.0 1.532759 1.532759
7 8.0 1.529136 1.529136
8 9.0 1.527706 1.527706
9 10.0 1.527508 1.527508

§ ConvergenceStatus
0 The optimization exited on maximum iterations.

§ ModelInfo
Neural Net Model Info for HMEQ
Descr Value
0 Model Neural Net
1 Number of Observations Used 4172
2 Number of Observations Read 4172
3 Target/Response Variable BAD
4 Number of Nodes 20
5 Number of Input Nodes 18
6 Number of Output Nodes 2
7 Number of Hidden Nodes 0
8 Number of Weight Parameters 18
9 Number of Bias Parameters 2
10 Architecture GLIM
11 Number of Neural Nets 1
12 Objective Value 1.5275084734

§ OutputCasTables
casLib Name Rows Columns casTable
0 DMlib nn_model 20 15 CASTable('nn_model', caslib='DMlib')

Support Vector Machine - CAS

In [14]:
s.svm.svmTrain(**imp_params, seed = 1, kernel = 'polynomial', id = [target, '_partind_'], savestate = 'svm_model')

§ ModelInfo
Model Information
Descr Value
0 Task Type C_CLAS
1 Optimization Technique Interior Point
2 Scale YES
3 Kernel Function Polynomial
4 Kernel Degree 2
5 Penalty Method C
6 Penalty Parameter 1
7 Maximum Iterations 25
8 Tolerance 1e-06

§ NObs
Descr N
0 Number of Observations Read 4172.0
1 Number of Observations Used 4172.0

§ TrainingResult
Training Results
Descr Value
0 Inner Product of Weights 86.704956
1 Bias -0.979167
2 Total Slack (Constraint Violations) 1351.723772
3 Norm of Longest Vector 5.389855
4 Number of Support Vectors 1487.000000
5 Number of Support Vectors on Margin 1388.000000
6 Maximum F 10.120503
7 Minimum F -3.491488
8 Number of Effects 12.000000
9 Columns in Data Matrix 18.000000
10 Columns in Kernel Matrix 190.000000

§ IterHistory
Iteration History
Iteration Complementarity Feasibility
0 1.0 1.002211e+06 2.577112e+06
1 2.0 1.241817e+03 1.910915e+03
2 3.0 1.577725e+02 1.910915e-05
3 4.0 8.685757e+01 1.039168e-05
4 5.0 6.429771e+01 5.736051e-06
5 6.0 1.420735e+01 1.221079e-06
6 7.0 1.381885e+01 9.875620e-07
7 8.0 2.768728e+00 1.616651e-07
8 9.0 5.434797e-01 1.357558e-08
9 10.0 2.757961e-01 4.397931e-09
10 11.0 1.077543e-01 1.375412e-09
11 12.0 8.838879e-02 9.001024e-10
12 13.0 5.314032e-02 4.802319e-10
13 14.0 3.914535e-02 3.032341e-10
14 15.0 2.691541e-02 1.829287e-10
15 16.0 1.842940e-02 9.695830e-11
16 17.0 1.165560e-02 4.665354e-11
17 18.0 7.807987e-03 2.361417e-11
18 19.0 3.606079e-03 5.829948e-12
19 20.0 2.260171e-03 1.650596e-12
20 21.0 9.682564e-04 4.689582e-13
21 22.0 3.394274e-04 6.394885e-14
22 23.0 7.446301e-05 6.133982e-14
23 24.0 1.110313e-05 4.707346e-14
24 25.0 4.986841e-07 7.450566e-14

§ Misclassification
Misclassification Matrix
Observed PredEvent PredNonEvent TotalTrain
0 0 3316.0 33.0 3349.0
1 1 572.0 251.0 823.0
2 Total 3888.0 284.0 4172.0

§ FitStatistics
Fit Statistics
Statistic Training
0 Accuracy 0.854986
1 Error 0.145014
2 Sensitivity 0.990146
3 Specificity 0.304982

elapsed 0.683s · user 1.52s · sys 1.9s · mem 186MB

Model Comparison

Score the Models on Validation Data - CAS/Python

In [15]:
def score_model(model):
    score = dict(
        table      = indata,
        modelTable = model + '_model',
        copyVars   = [target, '_partind_'],
        casOut     = dict(name = '_scored_' + model, replace = True)
    return score

### Decision Tree

### Gradient Boosting

### Neural Network

### Support Vector Machine
castbl.astore.score(rstore = 'svm_model', out = dict(name = '_scored_svm', replace = True))

### Create standardized prediction column
for i in range(len(models)-1):
        data _scored_''' + list(models)[i] + '''; 
            set _scored_''' + list(models)[i] + ''';
            if _''' + list(models)[i] + '''_predname_ = 1
                then p_''' + target + '''1 = _''' + list(models)[i] + '''_predp_; 
                else p_''' + target + '''1 = 1 - _''' + list(models)[i] + '''_predp_;

Assess the Performance - CAS/Python

In [16]:
# Model assessment function
def assess_model(model):
    assess = s.percentile.assess(
        table    = dict(name = '_scored_' + model, where = '_partind_ = 0'),
        inputs   = 'p_' + target + '1',      
        response = target,
        event    = '1',   
    return assess

# Loop through the models and append to the roc_df dataframe
roc_df  = pd.DataFrame()
for i in range(len(models)):
    tmp = assess_model(list(models)[i])
    tmp.ROCInfo['Model'] = list(models.values())[i]
    roc_df = pd.concat([roc_df, tmp.ROCInfo])

# Display stacked confusion matrix using Python
print('\n', 'Confusion Matrix Information'.center(42, ' '))
roc_df[round(roc_df['CutOff'], 2) == 0.5][['Model', 'TP', 'FP', 'FN', 'TN']].reset_index(drop = True)

        Confusion Matrix Information       
0 Decision Tree 253.0 145.0 113.0 1277.0
1 Gradient Boosting 241.0 55.0 125.0 1367.0
2 Neural Network 116.0 63.0 250.0 1359.0
3 Support Vector Machine 97.0 20.0 269.0 1402.0

Compare Misclassification Rates - Python

In [17]:
# Add misclassification rate calculation
roc_df['Misclassification'] = 1 - roc_df['ACC']

print('\n', 'Misclassification Rate Comparison'.center(37, ' '))
miss = roc_df[round(roc_df['CutOff'], 2) == 0.5][['Model', 'Misclassification']].reset_index(drop = True)

   Misclassification Rate Comparison  
Model Misclassification
1 Gradient Boosting 0.100671
0 Decision Tree 0.144295
3 Support Vector Machine 0.161633
2 Neural Network 0.175056

Create ROC Curve - Python

In [18]:
# Plot ROC curve
plt.figure(figsize = (7, 6))
for key, grp in roc_df.groupby(['Model']):
    plt.plot(grp['FPR'], grp['Sensitivity'], label = key + ' (C = %0.2f)' % grp['C'].mean())
plt.plot([0,1], [0,1], 'k--')
plt.xlabel('False Postivie Rate')
plt.ylabel('True Positive Rate')
plt.legend(loc='lower right')
plt.title('ROC Curve (using validation data)');

Compare Scikit-Learn Gradient Boosting - Python

In [19]:
# Bring specified columns to the client (note: Python models must be run locally)
local_inputs = [target, '_PartInd_'] + imp_all_inputs
local = castbl[local_inputs].to_frame()

# Create dummy variables for class inputs (note: scikit-learn cannot have character variables)
local = pd.concat([local, pd.get_dummies(local[imp_class_inputs])], axis = 1).drop(imp_class_inputs, axis = 1)

# Split into training and validation
train = local[local['_PartInd_'] == 1]
valid = local[local['_PartInd_'] == 0]

# Split target and inputs and remove unnecessary variables (note: scikit-learn Gradient Boosting can't handle missing values)
X_train = train.drop(target, axis = 1)
X_valid = valid.drop(target, axis = 1)
y_train = train[target]
y_valid = valid[target]

# Build scikit-learn gradient boosting model using default values
from sklearn.ensemble import GradientBoostingClassifier
from sklearn.metrics  import confusion_matrix, accuracy_score
gb = GradientBoostingClassifier(), y_train)
df = pd.DataFrame(dict(actual = y_valid, pred = gb.predict_proba(X_valid)[:,1])) # put results in pandas dataframe

# Predict and assess model
gb_y_score           = gb.predict(X_valid)
gb_misclassification = 1 - accuracy_score(y_valid, gb_y_score)
gb_confusion_matrix  = confusion_matrix(y_valid, gb_y_score)

print('Confusion Matrix\n', gb_confusion_matrix, '\n') # note: scikit-learn reverses True Positives and True Negatives
print('Misclassification Rate\n ', gb_misclassification)

Confusion Matrix
 [[1379   43]
 [ 145  221]] 

Misclassification Rate

Add Python model results to CAS to assess - CAS/Python

In [20]:
pytbl = s.upload_frame(df, casout=dict(name='Python', replace=True))

# Verify that the Python actuals vs. predicted are in CAS
pytbl.fetch(to = 5)

§ Fetch
Selected Rows from Table PYTHON
actual pred
0 1.0 0.897448
1 1.0 0.862536
2 1.0 0.751502
3 1.0 0.704959
4 1.0 0.933171

elapsed 0.0159s · user 0.01s · sys 0.014s · mem 2.18MB

Compare Misclassification & ROC Curves - CAS/Python

In [21]:
# Assess the Python model using CAS
python_assess = pytbl.percentile.assess(
    inputs   = 'pred',      
    response = 'actual',
    event    = '1',   
python_assess.ROCInfo['Model'] = 'Gradient Boosting - Python'
roc_df['Model'] = roc_df['Model'] + ' - CAS'
roc_df = pd.concat([roc_df.query('Model == "Gradient Boosting - CAS"'), python_assess.ROCInfo])
roc_df['Misclassification'] = 1 - roc_df['ACC']

print('\n', 'Misclassification Rate Comparison'.center(37, ' '))
miss = roc_df[round(roc_df['CutOff'], 2) == 0.5][['Model', 'Misclassification']].reset_index(drop = True)

   Misclassification Rate Comparison  
Model Misclassification
0 Gradient Boosting - CAS 0.100671
1 Gradient Boosting - Python 0.105145

Save the CAS Gradient Boosting Model

In [22]:
# Generate the model code that can be leveraged by CAS in the future
unload ='gbt_model', name = 'gbt_model', replace = True)

In [23]:
s.session.endsession() # end the session


elapsed 0.00417s · user 0.001s · sys 0.003s · mem 0.113MB