Huffman Compression


In [1]:

Use serversal ways to compress string `everyday is awesome!`

1. use simple bits to replace ASCII value

2. use huffman coding


import heapq

import collections

def get_rate(compressed_binary, uncompressed_bits):

    return len(compressed_binary) * 100 / uncompressed_bits

class SimpleCompression(object):

    """docstring for SimpleCompression"""

    def __init__(self, string):

        super(SimpleCompression, self).__init__()

        self.symbols = set(string)

        self.bit_len = 1

        while 2**self.bit_len < len(self.symbols):

            self.bit_len += 1

        self.string = string

        self.s2b = {}

        self.b2s = {}

        i = 0

        for s in self.symbols:

            b = bin(i)[2:]

            if len(b) < self.bit_len:

                b = ( self.bit_len - len(b)) * '0' + b

            self.s2b[s] = b

            self.b2s[b] = s

            i += 1

    def compress(self):

        bits = ''

        for s in self.string:

            bits += self.s2b[s]

        return bits

    def uncompress(self, bits):

        string = ''

        for i in xrange(0, len(bits), self.bit_len):

            string += self.b2s[bits[i:i+self.bit_len]]

        return string

class HuffmanCompression(object):

    """docstring for HuffmanCompression"""

    class Trie(object):

        """docstring for Trie"""

        def __init__(self, val, char=''):

            self.val = val

            self.char = char

            self.coding = ''

            self.left = self.right = None

        def __cmp__(self, other):

            return self.val - other.val

    def __init__(self, string):

        super(HuffmanCompression, self).__init__()

        self.string = string

        counter = collections.Counter(string)

        heap = []

        for char, cnt in counter.items():

            heapq.heappush(heap, HuffmanCompression.Trie(cnt, char))

        while len(heap) != 1:

            left = heapq.heappop(heap)

            right = heapq.heappop(heap)

            trie = HuffmanCompression.Trie(left.val + right.val)

            trie.left, trie.right = left, right

            heapq.heappush(heap, trie)

        self.root = heap[0]

        self.s2b = {}

        self.bfs_encode(self.root, self.s2b)

    def bfs_encode(self, root, s2b):

        queue = collections.deque()


        while queue:

            node = queue.popleft()

            if node.char:

                s2b[node.char] = node.coding


            if node.left:

                node.left.coding = node.coding + '0'


            if node.right:

                node.right.coding = node.coding + '1'


    def compress(self):

        bits = ''

        for char in self.string:

            bits += self.s2b[char]

        return bits

    def uncompress(self, bits):

        string = ''

        root = self.root

        for bit in bits:

            if bit == '0':

                root = root.left


                root = root.right

            if root.char:

                string += root.char

                root = self.root

        return string

if __name__ == '__main__':

    s = 'everyday is awesome!'

    # ASCII

    bits = len(s)* 8

    print ('Total bits: %d' % bits)

    # simple compresssion

    sc = SimpleCompression(s)

    compressed = sc.compress()

    print('Compressed binary: ' + compressed)

    print('Uncompressed: ' + sc.uncompress(compressed))


    print('Simple Compression-compress rate: %d%%' % get_rate(compressed, bits))


    # huffman compression

    hc = HuffmanCompression(s)

    compressed = hc.compress()

    print('Compressed binary: ' + compressed)

    print('Uncompressed: ' + hc.uncompress(compressed))


    print('Huffman Compression-compress rate: %d%%' % get_rate(compressed, bits))

Total bits: 160
Compressed binary: 00101011001010001100001100001100000101000111000100001010001001110110010100101001
Uncompressed: everyday is awesome!
{'a': '0000', ' ': '0001', 'e': '0010', 'd': '0011', 'i': '0100', 'm': '0101', 'o': '0110', 's': '0111', 'r': '1000', '!': '1001', 'w': '1010', 'v': '1011', 'y': '1100'}
Simple Compression-compress rate: 50%
Compressed binary: 011001011011110011010111111000010000111000111111010011110100011011010001
Uncompressed: everyday is awesome!
{'!': '0001', ' ': '001', 'e': '01', 'd': '11010', 'i': '0000', 'm': '11011', 'o': '1000', 's': '1110', 'r': '1011', 'a': '1111', 'w': '1010', 'v': '1001', 'y': '1100'}
Huffman Compression-compress rate: 45%