Overview of the Predictive Modeling Case

A financial services company offers a home equity line of credit to its clients. The company has extended several thousand lines of credit in the past, and many of these accepted applicants (approximately 20%) have defaulted on their loans. By using geographic, demographic, and financial variables, the company wants to build a model to predict whether an applicant will default.


After analyzing the data, the company selected a subset of 12 predictor (or input) variables to model whether each applicant defaulted. The response (or target) variable (BAD) indicates whether an applicant defaulted on the home equity line of credit. These variables, along with their model role, measurement level, and description, are shown in the following table.

Name Model Role Measurement Level Description
BAD Target Binary 1 = applicant defaulted on loan or delinquent, 0 = applicant paid loan
CLAGE Input Interval Age of oldest credit line in months
CLNO Input Interval Number of credit lines
DEBTINC Input Interval Debt-to-income ratio
DELINQ Input Interval Number of delinquent credit lines
DEROG Input Interval Number of derogatory reports
JOB Input Nominal Occupational categories
LOAN Input Interval Amount of loan request
MORTDUE Input Interval Amount due on existing mortgage
NINQ Input Interval Number of recent credit inquiries
REASON Input Binary DebtCon = debt consolidation, HomeImp = home improvement
VALUE Input Interval Value of current property
YOJ Input Interval Years at present job


Load Necessary Packages

In [258]:

Connect to the CAS Server

In [259]:
conn <- CAS("server", 8777, "student", "Metadata0", protocol="http")

NOTE: Connecting to CAS and generating CAS action functions for loaded
      action sets...
NOTE: To generate the functions with signatures (for tab completion), set 

Read in the Dataset

In [260]:
castbl <- cas.read.csv(conn, "D:/Workshop/Winsas/AX17HRV/hmeq.csv")

#Create variable for Dataset name
indata <- 'hmeq'

NOTE: Cloud Analytic Services made the uploaded file available as table HMEQ in caslib CASUSER(student).

Explore the Data

In [261]:
#Use the dim and names functions to view the table size and column names

  1. 5960
  2. 13
  1. 'BAD'
  2. 'LOAN'
  3. 'MORTDUE'
  4. 'VALUE'
  5. 'REASON'
  6. 'JOB'
  7. 'YOJ'
  8. 'DEROG'
  9. 'DELINQ'
  10. 'CLAGE'
  11. 'NINQ'
  12. 'CLNO'
  13. 'DEBTINC'

In [262]:
#Use head and tail function to view the first and last 6 observations

1 1100 25860 39025 HomeImp Other 10.5 0 0 94.36667 1 9 NaN
1 1300 70053 68400 HomeImp Other 7.0 0 2 121.83333 0 14 NaN
1 1500 13500 16700 HomeImp Other 4.0 0 0 149.46667 1 10 NaN
1 1500 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaNNaN NaN NaN
0 1700 97800 112000 HomeImp Office 3.0 0 0 93.33333 0 14 NaN
1 1700 30548 40320 HomeImp Other 9.0 0 0 101.46600 1 8 37.11361
59550 88500 50240 94687 DebtCon Other 16 0 0 214.42620 16 34.75116
59560 88800 53307 94058 DebtCon Other 16 0 0 218.30500 15 34.24246
59570 88900 48919 93371 DebtCon Other 15 0 1 205.65020 15 34.81826
59580 88900 57264 90185 DebtCon Other 16 0 0 221.80870 16 36.11235
59590 89000 54576 92937 DebtCon Other 16 0 0 208.69210 15 35.85997
59600 89200 54045 92924 DebtCon Other 15 0 0 212.27970 15 35.55659

In [263]:
#Use summary function to get variable summary

NOTE: Added action set 'fedSql'.
WARNING: CASDAL driver. Creation of a BIGINT column has been requested, but is not supported by the CASDAL driver. A DOUBLE PRECISION column will be created instead.
WARNING: CASDAL driver. Creation of a BIGINT column has been requested, but is not supported by the CASDAL driver. A DOUBLE PRECISION column will be created instead.
WARNING: CASDAL driver. Creation of a BIGINT column has been requested, but is not supported by the CASDAL driver. A DOUBLE PRECISION column will be created instead.
WARNING: CASDAL driver. Creation of a BIGINT column has been requested, but is not supported by the CASDAL driver. A DOUBLE PRECISION column will be created instead.
      BAD              LOAN          MORTDUE                
 Min.   :0.0000   Min.   : 1100   Min.   :2063              
 1st Qu.:0.0000   1st Qu.:11100   1st Qu.:46268             
 Median :0.0000   Median :16300   Median :65019             
 Mean   :0.1995   Mean   :18608   Mean   :73760.8171995589  
 3rd Qu.:0.0000   3rd Qu.:23300   3rd Qu.:91491             
 Max.   :1.0000   Max.   :89900   Max.   :399550            
                                  NA's   :518               
     VALUE                     REASON          JOB      
 Min.   :8000              DebtCon:3928   Mgr    : 767  
 1st Qu.:66069             HomeImp:1780   Office : 948  
 Median :89235.5           NA's   : 252   Other  :2388  
 Mean   :101776.04874145                  ProfExe:1276  
 3rd Qu.:119831.5                         Sales  : 109  
 Max.   :855909                           Self   : 193  
 NA's   :112                              NA's   : 279  
      YOJ                      DEROG                    DELINQ                
 Min.   :0                 Min.   :0                Min.   :0                 
 1st Qu.:3                 1st Qu.:0                1st Qu.:0                 
 Median :7                 Median :0                Median :0                 
 Mean   :8.9222681359045   Mean   :0.254569687738   Mean   :0.44944237918215  
 3rd Qu.:13                3rd Qu.:0                3rd Qu.:0                 
 Max.   :41                Max.   :10               Max.   :15                
 NA's   :515               NA's   :708              NA's   :580               
     CLAGE                       NINQ                 
 Min.   :0                  Min.   :0                 
 1st Qu.:115.103196832924   1st Qu.:0                 
 Median :173.466666666667   Median :1                 
 Mean   :179.766275186577   Mean   :1.18605504587155  
 3rd Qu.:231.574833599946   3rd Qu.:2                 
 Max.   :1168.23356094464   Max.   :17                
 NA's   :308                NA's   :510               
      CLNO                     DEBTINC                
 Min.   :0                  Min.   :0.52449921542988  
 1st Qu.:15                 1st Qu.:29.1400313718617  
 Median :20                 Median :34.818261818587   
 Mean   :21.2960962007668   Mean   :33.7799153487192  
 3rd Qu.:26                 3rd Qu.:39.0031406283719  
 Max.   :71                 Max.   :203.312148691165  
 NA's   :222                NA's   :1267              

Visualize Numeric Variables Locally

In [264]:
# Bring data locally
df <- to.casDataFrame(castbl, obs = nrow(castbl))

# Use reshape2's melt to help with data formatting
d <- melt(df[sapply(df, is.numeric)], id.vars=NULL)

#Plot data with ggplot
ggplot(d, aes(x = value)) +  facet_wrap(~variable,scales = 'free_x') + geom_histogram(fill = 'blue', bins = 25)

Warning message:
"Removed 4740 rows containing non-finite values (stat_bin)."

Check Data for Missing Values

In [265]:
tbl <- cas.simple.distinct(castbl)$Distinct[,c('Column', 'NMiss')]

JOB 279
YOJ 515
NINQ 510
CLNO 222

In [266]:
tbl$PctMiss <- tbl$NMiss/nrow(castbl)
ggplot(tbl, aes(Column, PctMiss)) + geom_col(fill = 'blue') + 
   ggtitle('Pct Missing Values') + theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5))

Impute Missing Values

In [267]:
# Impute missing values with the median for continuous variables and most frequent for nominal variables
    methodContinuous = 'MEDIAN',
    methodNominal    = 'MODE',
    inputs           = colnames(castbl)[-1],
    copyAllVars      = TRUE,
    casOut           = list(name = indata, replace = TRUE)

LOAN Median IMP_LOAN 5960 0 16300.00000
MORTDUE Median IMP_MORTDUE5442 518 65019.00000
VALUE Median IMP_VALUE 5848 112 89235.50000
REASON Mode IMP_REASON 5708 252 NaNDebtCon
JOB Mode IMP_JOB 5681 279 NaNOther
YOJ Median IMP_YOJ 5445 515 7.00000
DEROG Median IMP_DEROG 5252 708 0.00000
DELINQ Median IMP_DELINQ 5380 580 0.00000
CLAGE Median IMP_CLAGE 5652 308 173.46667
NINQ Median IMP_NINQ 5450 510 1.00000
CLNO Median IMP_CLNO 5738 222 20.00000
DEBTINC Median IMP_DEBTINC4693 1267 34.81826
CASUSER(student)hmeq 5960 25

Split the Data into Training and Validation

In [268]:
# Load the sampling actionset
loadActionSet(conn, 'sampling')

NOTE: Added action set 'sampling'.
NOTE: Information for action set 'sampling':
NOTE:    sampling
NOTE:       srs -  Samples a proportion of data from the input table or partitions the data into no more than three portions
NOTE:       stratified - Samples a proportion of data or partitions the data into no more than three portions within each stratum
NOTE:       oversample - Samples a user-specified proportion of data from the event level and adjusts the ratio between rare events and non-rare events to a user-specified ratio

In [269]:
# Partition the data
    table   = indata,
    samppct = 70,
    partind = TRUE,
    output  = list(casOut = list(name = indata, replace = T), copyVars = 'ALL')

NOTE: Using SEED=51188 for sampling.
CASUSER(student)hmeq 5960 26

Use SQL to view the partition

In [270]:
# Load the fedsql actionset
loadActionSet(conn, 'fedsql')

NOTE: Added action set 'fedsql'.
NOTE: Information for action set 'fedsql':
NOTE:    fedSql
NOTE:       execDirect - Submits a SAS FedSQL language statement for immediate execution

In [271]:
# Make sure the partition worked correctly using SQL
cas.fedsql.execDirect(conn, query = paste0("
        CASE WHEN _PartInd_ = 1 THEN 'Training' ELSE 'Validation' END AS name,
        COUNT(*) AS obs 
    FROM ", indata, "
        CASE WHEN _PartInd_ = 1 THEN 'Training' ELSE 'Validation' END,

$`Result Set` =
Training 1 4172
Validation0 1788

Create Variable Shortcuts

In [272]:
# Get variable info and types
colinfo <- head(cas.table.columnInfo(conn, table = indata)$ColumnInfo, -1)

# Target variable is the first column
target <- colinfo$Column[1]

# Get all variables
inputs <- colinfo$Column[-1]
nominals <- c(target, subset(colinfo, Type == 'varchar')$Column)

# Get only imputed variables
inputs <- grep('IMP_', inputs, value = T)
nominals <- c(target, grep('IMP_', nominals, value = T))


BAD 1 double 8 12 0 0
LOAN 2 double 8 12 0 0
MORTDUE 3 double 8 12 0 0
VALUE 4 double 8 12 0 0
REASON 5 varchar 7 7 0 0
JOB 6 varchar 7 7 0 0
YOJ 7 double 8 12 0 0
DEROG 8 double 8 12 0 0
DELINQ 9 double 8 12 0 0
CLAGE 10 double 8 12 0 0
NINQ 11 double 8 12 0 0
CLNO 12 double 8 12 0 0
DEBTINC 13 double 8 12 0 0
IMP_CLAGE 14 double 8 12 0 0
IMP_CLNO 15 double 8 12 0 0
IMP_DEBTINC 16 double 8 12 0 0
IMP_DELINQ 17 double 8 12 0 0
IMP_DEROG 18 double 8 12 0 0
IMP_LOAN 19 double 8 12 0 0
IMP_MORTDUE 20 double 8 12 0 0
IMP_NINQ 21 double 8 12 0 0
IMP_VALUE 22 double 8 12 0 0
IMP_YOJ 23 double 8 12 0 0
IMP_JOB 24 varchar 7 7 0 0
IMP_REASON 25 varchar 7 7 0 0
  1. 'IMP_CLAGE'
  2. 'IMP_CLNO'
  5. 'IMP_DEROG'
  6. 'IMP_LOAN'
  8. 'IMP_NINQ'
  9. 'IMP_VALUE'
  10. 'IMP_YOJ'
  11. 'IMP_JOB'
  12. 'IMP_REASON'
  1. 'BAD'
  2. 'IMP_JOB'

Model Building

Decision Tree

In [273]:
# Load the decsion tree actionset
loadActionSet(conn, 'decisionTree')

NOTE: Added action set 'decisionTree'.
NOTE: Information for action set 'decisionTree':
NOTE:    decisionTree
NOTE:       dtreeTrain - Train a decision tree
NOTE:       dtreeScore - Score a table using a decision tree model
NOTE:       dtreeSplit - Split decision tree nodes
NOTE:       dtreePrune - Prune a decision tree
NOTE:       dtreeMerge - Merge decision tree nodes
NOTE:       dtreeCode - Generate DATA step scoring code from a decision tree model
NOTE:       forestTrain - Train a forest
NOTE:       forestScore - Score a table using a forest model
NOTE:       forestCode - Generate DATA step scoring code from a forest model
NOTE:       gbtreeTrain - Train a gradient boosting tree
NOTE:       gbtreeScore - Score a table using a gradient boosting tree model
NOTE:       gbtreecode - Generate DATA step scoring code from a gradient boosting tree model

In [274]:
# Train the decision tree model
    table    = list(name = indata, where = '_PartInd_ = 1'),
    target   = target, 
    inputs   = inputs, 
    nominals = nominals,
    varImp   = TRUE,
    casOut   = list(name = 'dt_model', replace = TRUE)

IMP_DELINQ 50.131706 0 1
IMP_DEBTINC35.264441 0 1
IMP_DEROG 14.500314 0 1
IMP_CLNO 13.249870 0 1
IMP_VALUE 9.313573 0 1
Number of Tree Nodes 11.00000
Max Number of Branches 2.00000
Number of Levels 6.00000
Number of Leaves 6.00000
Number of Bins 20.00000
Minimum Size of Leaves 7.00000
Maximum Size of Leaves 4078.00000
Number of Variables 12.00000
Confidence Level for Pruning 0.25000
Number of Observations Used 4172.00000
Misclassification Error (%) 17.95302
CASUSER(student)dt_model 11 27

Random Forest

In [275]:
# Train the random forest model
    table    = list(name = indata, where = '_PartInd_ = 1'),
    target   = target, 
    inputs   = inputs, 
    nominals = nominals,
    casOut   = list(name = 'rf_model', replace = TRUE)

Number of Trees 50.00000
Number of Selected Variables (M) 4.00000
Random Number Seed 0.00000
Bootstrap Percentage (%) 63.21206
Number of Bins 20.00000
Number of Variables 12.00000
Confidence Level for Pruning 0.25000
Max Number of Tree Nodes 25.00000
Min Number of Tree Nodes 11.00000
Max Number of Branches 2.00000
Min Number of Branches 2.00000
Max Number of Levels 6.00000
Min Number of Levels 6.00000
Max Number of Leaves 13.00000
Min Number of Leaves 6.00000
Maximum Size of Leaves 2586.00000
Minimum Size of Leaves 5.00000
Out-of-Bag MCR (%) NaN
CASUSER(student)rf_model 692 37

Gradient Boosting

In [276]:
# Train the gradient boosting model
    table    = list(name = indata, where = '_PartInd_ = 1'),
    target   = target, 
    inputs   = inputs, 
    nominals = nominals,
    casOut   = list(name = 'gbt_model', replace = TRUE)

Number of Trees 50.0
Distribution 2.0
Learning Rate 0.1
Subsampling Rate 0.5
Number of Selected Variables (M) 12.0
Number of Bins 20.0
Number of Variables 12.0
Max Number of Tree Nodes 61.0
Min Number of Tree Nodes 23.0
Max Number of Branches 2.0
Min Number of Branches 2.0
Max Number of Levels 6.0
Min Number of Levels 6.0
Max Number of Leaves 31.0
Min Number of Leaves 12.0
Maximum Size of Leaves 1911.0
Minimum Size of Leaves 5.0
Random Number Seed 0.0
CASUSER(student)gbt_model 2308 29

Neural Network

In [277]:
# Load the neuralNet actionset
loadActionSet(conn, 'neuralNet')

NOTE: Added action set 'neuralNet'.
NOTE: Information for action set 'neuralNet':
NOTE:    neuralNet
NOTE:       annTrain - Train an artificial neural network
NOTE:       annScore - Score a table using an artificial neural network model
NOTE:       annCode - Generate DATA step scoring code from an artificial neural network model

In [278]:
# Build a neural network model
    table    = list(name = indata, where = '_PartInd_ = 1'),
    target   = target, 
    inputs   = inputs, 
    nominals = nominals,
    casOut   = list(name = 'nn_model', replace = TRUE)

The optimization exited on maximum iterations.
Model Neural Net
Number of Observations Used4172
Number of Observations Read4172
Target/Response Variable BAD
Number of Nodes 20
Number of Input Nodes 18
Number of Output Nodes 2
Number of Hidden Nodes 0
Number of Weight Parameters18
Number of Bias Parameters 2
Architecture GLIM
Number of Neural Nets 1
Objective Value 1.5710806577
1 5.6295055.629505
2 3.0832813.083281
3 1.7118861.711886
4 1.6393091.639309
5 1.5996181.599618
6 1.5861401.586140
7 1.5752481.575248
8 1.5744801.574480
9 1.5714831.571483
10 1.5710811.571081
CASUSER(student)nn_model 20 15

Score the Models

In [279]:
#Create table object for the imputed and partitioned data
pardata = defCasTable(conn, indata)

#Score the decision tree model
dt_score_obj = cas.decisionTree.dtreeScore(
   pardata[pardata$`_PartInd_` == 0,],
   model = "dt_model",
   casout = list(name="dt_scored",replace=TRUE),
   copyVars = list(target),
   encodename = TRUE,
   assessonerow = TRUE

#Score the random forest model
rf_score_obj = cas.decisionTree.forestScore(
   pardata[pardata$`_PartInd_` == 0,],
   model = "rf_model",
   casout = list(name="rf_scored",replace=TRUE),
   copyVars = list(target),
   encodename = TRUE,
   assessonerow = TRUE

#Score the gradient boosting model
gbt_score_obj = cas.decisionTree.gbtreeScore(
   pardata[pardata$`_PartInd_` == 0,],
   model = "gbt_model",
   casout = list(name="gbt_scored",replace=TRUE),
   copyVars = list(target),
   encodename = TRUE,
   assessonerow = TRUE

#Score the neural network model
nn_score_obj = cas.neuralNet.annScore(
   pardata[pardata$`_PartInd_` == 0,],
   model = "nn_model",
   casout = list(name="nn_scored",replace=TRUE),
   copyVars = list(target),
   encodename = TRUE,
   assessonerow = TRUE

#View selected fields from the output object




CASUSER(student)dt_scored 1788 13
Number of Observations Read 1788
Number of Observations Used 1788
Misclassification Error (%) 17.337807606
CASUSER(student)rf_scored 1788 6
Number of Observations Read 1788
Number of Observations Used 1788
Misclassification Error (%) 17.281879195
CASUSER(student)rf_scored 1788 6
Number of Observations Read 1788
Number of Observations Used 1788
Misclassification Error (%) 10.067114094
CASUSER(student)rf_scored 1788 6
Number of Observations Read 1788
Number of Observations Used 1788
Misclassification Error (%) 15.436241611

Assess the Models

In [280]:
# Load the percentile actionset for scoring
loadActionSet(conn, 'percentile')

NOTE: Added action set 'percentile'.
NOTE: Information for action set 'percentile':
NOTE:    percentile
NOTE:       percentile - Calculate quantiles and percentiles
NOTE:       boxPlot - Calculate quantiles, high and low whiskers, and outliers
NOTE:       assess - Assess and compare models

In [281]:
# Create table objects from the scoring output and assess each model

dt_scored = defCasTable(conn, tablename = "dt_scored")
   inputs = paste("P_", target, "1", sep = ""),
   casout = list(name="dt_assess",replace=TRUE),
   response = target,
   event = "1"

rf_scored = defCasTable(conn, tablename = "rf_scored")
   inputs = paste("P_", target, "1", sep = ""),
   casout = list(name="rf_assess",replace=TRUE),
   response = target,
   event = "1"

gbt_scored = defCasTable(conn, tablename = "gbt_scored")
   inputs = paste("P_", target, "1", sep = ""),
   casout = list(name="gbt_assess",replace=TRUE),
   response = target,
   event = "1"

nn_scored = defCasTable(conn, tablename = "nn_scored")
   inputs = paste("P_", target, "1", sep = ""),
   casout = list(name="nn_assess",replace=TRUE),
   response = target,
   event = "1"

$OutputCasTables =
CASUSER(student)dt_assess 20 21
CASUSER(student)dt_assess_ROC 100 20
$OutputCasTables =
CASUSER(student)rf_assess 20 21
CASUSER(student)rf_assess_ROC 100 20
$OutputCasTables =
CASUSER(student)gbt_assess 20 21
CASUSER(student)gbt_assess_ROC 100 20
$OutputCasTables =
CASUSER(student)nn_assess 20 21
CASUSER(student)nn_assess_ROC 100 20

Compare Confusion Matrix

In [282]:
#Create table objects from the assess output, 
#bring data to the client, 
#and add new variable to data frame indicating model name

dt_assess_ROC = defCasTable(conn, tablename = "dt_assess_ROC")
dt_assess_ROC <- to.casDataFrame(dt_assess_ROC, obs = nrow(dt_assess_ROC))
dt_assess_ROC$Model = 'Decision Tree'

rf_assess_ROC = defCasTable(conn, tablename = "rf_assess_ROC")
rf_assess_ROC <- to.casDataFrame(rf_assess_ROC, obs = nrow(rf_assess_ROC))
rf_assess_ROC$Model = 'Random Forest'

gbt_assess_ROC = defCasTable(conn, tablename = "gbt_assess_ROC")
gbt_assess_ROC <- to.casDataFrame(gbt_assess_ROC, obs = nrow(gbt_assess_ROC))
gbt_assess_ROC$Model = 'Gradient Boosting'

nn_assess_ROC = defCasTable(conn, tablename = "nn_assess_ROC")
nn_assess_ROC <- to.casDataFrame(nn_assess_ROC, obs = nrow(nn_assess_ROC))
nn_assess_ROC$Model = 'Neural Network'

#Combine data frames and view confusion matrix at a %50 cutoff
df_assess = rbind(dt_assess_ROC, rf_assess_ROC, gbt_assess_ROC, nn_assess_ROC)
compare <- subset(roc.df, CutOff == 0.5)
rownames(compare) <- NULL

Decision Tree 36 0 310 1442
Random Forest 38 0 308 1442
Gradient Boosting183 19 163 1423
Neural Network 111 41 235 1401

Compare Misclassification

In [283]:
# Build a data frame to compare the misclassification rates
compare$Misclassification <- 1 - compare$ACC
miss <- compare[order(compare$Misclassification), c('Model','Misclassification')]
rownames(miss) <- NULL

Gradient Boosting0.1017897
Neural Network 0.1543624
Random Forest 0.1722595
Decision Tree 0.1733781

Compare ROC Curve

In [284]:
# Add a new column to be used as the ROC curve label
df_assess$Models <- paste(df_assess$Model, round(df_assess$'_C_', 3), sep = ' - ')

#Subset the data frame with only three variables 
df_roc = df_assess[c('_FPR_', '_Sensitivity_', 'Models')]
colnames(df_roc) = c("FPR", "Sensitivity", "Models")

# Create the ROC curve
ggplot(data = newdf, 
       aes(x = FPR, y = Sensitivity, colour = Models)) + geom_line() +
       labs(x = 'False Positive Rate', y = 'True Positive Rate')

Alternative code using Functions and Looping

In [285]:
# # Score the models
# models <- c('dt','rf','gbt','nn')
# scores <- c(cas.decisionTree.dtreeScore, cas.decisionTree.forestScore, cas.decisionTree.gbtreeScore, cas.neuralNet.annScore)
# names(scores) <- models

# # Function to help automate prediction process on new data
# score.params <- function(model){return(list(
#     object       = defCasTable(conn, indata),
#     modelTable   = list(name = paste0(model, '_model')),
#     copyVars     = list(target, '_PartInd_'),
#     assessonerow = TRUE,
#     casOut       = list(name = paste0(model, '_scored'), replace = T)
# ))}
# lapply(models, function(x) {do.call(scores[[x]], score.params(x))})

# # Useful function for model assessment
# assess.model <- function(model){
#     cas.percentile.assess(conn,
#         table    = list(name = paste0(model,'_scored'), where = '_PartInd_ = 0'),
#         inputs   = paste0('_', model, '_P_           1'),
#         response = target,
#         event    = '1')
# }

# model.names <- c('Decision Tree', 'Random Forest', 'Gradient Boosting', 'Neural Network')
# roc.df <- data.frame()
# for (i in 1:length(models)){
#     tmp <- (assess.model(models[i]))$ROCInfo
#     tmp$Model <- model.names[i] 
#     roc.df <- rbind(roc.df, tmp)
# }

# # Manipulate the dataframe
# compare <- subset(roc.df, CutOff == 0.5)
# rownames(compare) <- NULL
# compare[,c('Model','TP','FP','FN','TN')]

# # Add a new column to be used as the ROC curve label
# roc.df$Models <- paste(roc.df$Model, round(roc.df$C, 3), sep = ' - ')

# # Create the ROC curve
# ggplot(data = roc.df[c('FPR', 'Sensitivity', 'Models')], 
#        aes(x = as.numeric(FPR), y = as.numeric(Sensitivity), colour = Models)) + geom_line() +
#        labs(x = 'False Positive Rate', y = 'True Positive Rate')

Fit an XGBoost Model in R Locally

In [286]:
# Bring data locally and make sure it's in the right format
df <- to.casDataFrame(defCasTable(conn, indata), obs = nrow(castbl))
df <- df[,c(target, inputs, '_PartInd_')]
# Create dummy variables through one-hot encoding
df.dum <- df[,nominals[-1]]
dummies <- dummyVars('~ .', data = df.dum)
df.ohe <- as.data.frame(predict(dummies, newdata = df))
df.all.combined <- cbind(df[,-c(which(colnames(df) %in% nominals[-1]))], df.ohe)

# Split into training and validation
train <- df.all.combined[df.all.combined['_PartInd_'] == 1,]
valid <- df.all.combined[df.all.combined['_PartInd_'] == 0,]

# Train the XGBoost model
bst <- xgboost(
    data = data.matrix(train[,-1]),
    label = data.matrix(train[,1]),
    missing = 'NAN',
    nround = 25,
    objective = "binary:logistic",
    eta = 0.1,
    max_depth = 5,  
    subsample = 0.5,
    colsample_bytree = 0.5

[1]	train-error:0.179051 
[2]	train-error:0.137105 
[3]	train-error:0.134708 
[4]	train-error:0.136146 
[5]	train-error:0.124880 
[6]	train-error:0.113375 
[7]	train-error:0.116731 
[8]	train-error:0.109779 
[9]	train-error:0.107143 
[10]	train-error:0.109060 
[11]	train-error:0.102589 
[12]	train-error:0.104506 
[13]	train-error:0.099952 
[14]	train-error:0.100911 
[15]	train-error:0.103547 
[16]	train-error:0.100911 
[17]	train-error:0.102349 
[18]	train-error:0.100671 
[19]	train-error:0.098993 
[20]	train-error:0.098035 
[21]	train-error:0.096836 
[22]	train-error:0.094439 
[23]	train-error:0.091083 
[24]	train-error:0.091083 
[25]	train-error:0.091323 

Score and Assess XGBoost on Validation Data

In [287]:
# Create a dataframe with the misclassification rate for XGBoost
pred <- as.numeric(predict(bst, data.matrix(valid[,-1]), missing = 'NAN') > 0.5)
Misclassification <- mean(as.numeric(pred > 0.5) != valid[,1])
xgb <- data.frame(cbind(Model = 'R - XGBoost', Misclassification))

R - XGBoost 0.106263982102908

Final Assessment with CAS and R Models

In [288]:
# Combine the assessments and order by most accurate on validation data
err <- data.frame(rbind(miss, xgb))
err[,-1] <- round(as.numeric(as.character(err[,-1])),7)
err <- err[order(err[,-1]),]
rownames(err) <- NULL

Gradient Boosting0.1017897
R - XGBoost 0.1062640
Neural Network 0.1543624
Random Forest 0.1722595
Decision Tree 0.1733781

Save the CAS Gradient Boosting Model

In [289]:
# Save the champion model for later use
cas.table.save(conn, table = list(name = 'gbt_model'), name = 'Best_Model_gbt', replace = T)

NOTE: Cloud Analytic Services saved the file Best_Model_gbt.sashdat in caslib CASUSER(student).

End the Session

In [290]: