This library binds the power of plotly with the flexibility of pandas for easy plotting.
This library is available on
This tutorial assumes that the plotly user credentials have already been configured as stated on the getting started guide.
In [1]:
import pandas as pd
import cufflinks as cf
import numpy as np
We make all charts public and set a global theme
In [2]:
We create a set of timeseries
In [3]:
iplot can be used on any DataFrame to plot on a plotly chart. If no filename is specified then a generic Plotly Playground file is created.
All the charts are created as private by default. To make them public you can use world_readable=True
Let's look at the avilable parameters
In [4]:
Help on method _iplot in module cufflinks.plotlytools:
_iplot(kind='scatter', data=None, layout=None, filename='', sharing=None, title='', xTitle='', yTitle='', zTitle='', theme=None, colors=None, colorscale=None, fill=False, width=None, dash='solid', mode='lines', interpolation='linear', symbol='circle', size=12, barmode='', sortbars=False, bargap=None, bargroupgap=None, bins=None, histnorm='', histfunc='count', orientation='v', boxpoints=False, annotations=None, keys=False, bestfit=False, bestfit_colors=None, mean=False, mean_colors=None, categories='', x='', y='', z='', text='', gridcolor=None, zerolinecolor=None, margin=None, labels=None, values=None, secondary_y='', secondary_y_title='', subplots=False, shape=None, error_x=None, error_y=None, error_type='data', locations=None, lon=None, lat=None, asFrame=False, asDates=False, asFigure=False, asImage=False, dimensions=None, asPlot=False, asUrl=False, online=None, **kwargs) method of pandas.core.frame.DataFrame instance
Returns a plotly chart either as inline chart, image of Figure object
kind : string
Kind of chart
data : Data
Plotly Data Object.
If not entered then the Data object will be automatically
generated from the DataFrame.
layout : Layout
Plotly layout Object
If not entered then the Layout objet will be automatically
generated from the DataFrame.
filename : string
Filename to be saved as in plotly account
sharing : string
Sets the sharing level permission
public - anyone can see this chart
private - only you can see this chart
secret - only people with the link can see the chart
title : string
Chart Title
xTitle : string
X Axis Title
yTitle : string
Y Axis Title
zTitle : string
zTitle : string
Z Axis Title
Applicable only for 3d charts
theme : string
Layout Theme
see cufflinks.getThemes() for all
available themes
colors : dict, list or string
{key:color} to specify the color for each column
[colors] to use the colors in the defined order
colorscale : string
Color scale name
If the color name is preceded by a minus (-)
then the scale is inversed
Only valid if 'colors' is null
See cufflinks.colors.scales() for available scales
fill : bool
Filled Traces
width : dict, list or int
int : applies to all traces
list : applies to each trace in the order
dict: {column:value} for each column in
the dataframe
Line width
dash : dict, list or string
string : applies to all traces
list : applies to each trace in the order
dict: {column:value} for each column in
the dataframe
Drawing style of lines
mode : dict, list or string
string : applies to all traces
list : applies to each trace in the order
dict: {column:value} for each column in
the dataframe
Plotting mode for scatter trace
interpolation : dict, list, or string
string : applies to all traces
list : applies to each trace in the order
dict: {column:value} for each column in
the dataframe
Positioning of the connecting lines
symbol : dict, list or string
string : applies to all traces
list : applies to each trace in the order
dict: {column:value} for each column in
the dataframe
The symbol that is drawn on the plot for each marker
Valid only when mode includes markers
and many more...(see plotly.validators.scatter.marker.SymbolValidator.values)
size : string or int
Size of marker
Valid only if marker in mode
barmode : string
Mode when displaying bars
* Only valid when kind='bar'
sortbars : bool
Sort bars in descending order
* Only valid when kind='bar'
bargap : float
Sets the gap between bars
* Only valid when kind is 'histogram' or 'bar'
bargroupgap : float
Set the gap between groups
* Only valid when kind is 'histogram' or 'bar'
bins : int or tuple
if int:
Specifies the number of bins
if tuple:
(start, end, size)
start : starting value
end: end value
size: bin size
* Only valid when kind='histogram'
histnorm : string
'' (frequency)
probability density
Sets the type of normalization for an histogram trace. By default
the height of each bar displays the frequency of occurrence, i.e.,
the number of times this value was found in the
corresponding bin. If set to 'percent', the height of each bar
displays the percentage of total occurrences found within the
corresponding bin. If set to 'probability', the height of each bar
displays the probability that an event will fall into the
corresponding bin. If set to 'density', the height of each bar is
equal to the number of occurrences in a bin divided by the size of
the bin interval such that summing the area of all bins will yield
the total number of occurrences. If set to 'probability density',
the height of each bar is equal to the number of probability that an
event will fall into the corresponding bin divided by the size of
the bin interval such that summing the area of all bins will yield
* Only valid when kind='histogram'
histfunc : string
Sets the binning function used for an histogram trace.
* Only valid when kind='histogram'
orientation : string
Sets the orientation of the bars. If set to 'v', the length of each
| bar will run vertically. If set to 'h', the length of each bar will
| run horizontally
* Only valid when kind is 'histogram','bar' or 'box'
boxpoints : string
Displays data points in a box plot
annotations : dictionary
Dictionary of annotations
{x_point : text}
keys : list of columns
List of columns to chart.
Also can be used for custom sorting.
bestfit : boolean or list
If True then a best fit line will be generated for
all columns.
If list then a best fit line will be generated for
each key on the list.
bestfit_colors : list or dict
{key:color} to specify the color for each column
[colors] to use the colors in the defined order
categories : string
Name of the column that contains the categories
x : string
Name of the column that contains the x axis values
y : string
Name of the column that contains the y axis values
z : string
Name of the column that contains the z axis values
text : string
Name of the column that contains the text values
gridcolor : string
Grid color
zerolinecolor : string
Zero line color
margin : dict or tuple
Dictionary (l,r,b,t) or
Tuple containing the left,
right, bottom and top margins
labels : string
Name of the column that contains the labels.
* Only valid when kind='pie'
values : string
Name of the column that contains the values.
* Only valid when kind='pie'
secondary_y : string or list(string)
Name(s) of the column to be charted on the
right hand side axis
secondary_y_title : string
Title of the secondary axis
subplots : bool
If true then each trace is placed in
subplot layout
shape : (rows,cols)
Tuple indicating the size of rows and columns
If omitted then the layout is automatically set
* Only valid when subplots=True
error_x : int or float or [int or float]
error values for the x axis
error_y : int or float or [int or float]
error values for the y axis
error_type : string
type of error bars
asFrame : bool
If true then the data component of Figure will
be of Pandas form (Series) otherwise they will
be index values
asDates : bool
If true it truncates times from a DatetimeIndex
asFigure : bool
If True returns plotly Figure
asImage : bool
If True it returns an Image (png)
In ONLINE mode:
Image file is saved in the working directory
In OFFLINE mode:
Image file is downloaded (downloads folder) and a
regular plotly chart is displayed in Jupyter
dimensions : tuple(int,int)
Dimensions for image / chart
asPlot : bool
If True the chart opens in browser
asUrl : bool
If True the chart url/path is returned. No chart is displayed.
If Online : the URL is returned
If Offline : the local path is returned
online : bool
If True then the chart/image is rendered on the server
even when running in offline mode.
Other Kwargs
Line, Scatter
connectgaps : bool
If True, empty values are connected
Pie charts
sort : bool
If True it sorts the labels by value
pull : float [0-1]
Pulls the slices from the centre
hole : float [0-1]
Sets the size of the inner hole
linecolor : string
Sets the color for the contour line of the slices
linewidth : string
Sets the width for the contour line of the slices
textcolor : string
Sets the color for the text in the slices
textposition : string
Sets the position of the legends for each slice
textinfo : string
Sets the information to be displayed on
the legends
* or ony combination of the above using
'+' between each item
ie 'label+percent'
linecolor : string
specifies the line color of the histogram
Heatmap and Surface
center_scale : float
Centers the colorscale at a specific value
Automatically sets the (zmin,zmax) values
zmin : float
Defines the minimum range for the z values.
This affects the range for the colorscale
zmax : float
Defines the maximum range for the z values.
This affects the range for the colorscale
Error Bars
error_trace : string
Name of the column for which error should be
plotted. If omitted then errors apply to all
error_values_minus : int or float or [int or float]
Values corresponding to the span of the error bars
below the trace coordinates
error_color : string
Color for error bars
error_thickness : float
Sets the line thickness of the error bars
error_width : float
Sets the width (in pixels) of the cross-bar at both
ends of the error bars
error_opacity : float [0,1]
Opacity for the error bars
horizontal_spacing : float [0,1]
Space between subplot columns.
vertical_spacing : float [0,1]
Space between subplot rows.
subplot_titles : bool
If True, chart titles are plotted
at the top of each subplot
shared_xaxes : bool
Assign shared x axes.
If True, subplots in the same grid column have one common
shared x-axis at the bottom of the grid.
shared_yaxes : bool
Assign shared y axes.
If True, subplots in the same grid row have one common
shared y-axis on the left-hand side of the grid.
hline : float, list or dict
Draws a horizontal line at the
indicated y position(s)
Extra parameters can be passed in
the form of a dictionary (see shapes)
vline : float, list or dict
Draws a vertical line at the
indicated x position(s)
Extra parameters can be passed in
the form of a dictionary (see shapes)
hpsan : (y0,y1)
Draws a horizontal rectangle at the
indicated (y0,y1) positions.
Extra parameters can be passed in
the form of a dictionary (see shapes)
vspan : (x0,x1)
Draws a vertical rectangle at the
indicated (x0,x1) positions.
Extra parameters can be passed in
the form of a dictionary (see shapes)
shapes : dict or list(dict)
List of dictionaries with the
specifications of a given shape.
See help(
for more information
Axis Ranges
xrange : [lower_bound,upper_bound]
Sets the range for the x axis
yrange : [lower_bound,upper_bound]
Sets the range for the y axis
zrange : [lower_bound,upper_bound]
Sets the range for the z axis
Explicit Layout Updates
layout_update : dict
The layout will be modified with all
the explicit values stated in the
It will not apply if layout is passed
as parameter.
Range Selector
rangeselector : dict
Defines a rangeselector object
see help( for more information
{'steps':['1y','2 months','5 weeks','ytd','2mtd'],
'axis':'xaxis', 'bgcolor' : ('blue',.3),
'x': 0.2 , 'y' : 0.9}
Range Slider
rangeslider : bool or dict
Defines if a rangeslider is displayed
If bool:
True : Makes it visible
if dict:
Rangeslider object
fontcolor : str
Text color for annotations
fontsize : int
Text size for annotations
textangle : int
Text angle
for a complete list of valid parameters.
display_image : bool
If True then the image if displayed after being saved
** only valid if asImage=True
scale : integer
Increase the resolution of the image by `scale` amount
Only valid when asImage=True
In [5]:
df.iplot(filename='Tutorial 1')
In [6]:
df[['APPL','IBM','VERZ']].iplot(theme='white',filename='Tutorial White')
We can also pass common metadata for the chart
In [7]:
df.iplot(theme='pearl',filename='Tutorial Metadata',title='Stock Returns',xTitle='Dates',yTitle='Returns')
In [8]:
df['IBM'].iplot(filename='IBM Returns',bestfit=True)
/Users/jorgesantos/anaconda/envs/plotly3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/statsmodels/compat/ FutureWarning:
The pandas.core.datetools module is deprecated and will be removed in a future version. Please use the pandas.tseries module instead.
In [9]:
df['IBM'].iplot(filename='IBM Returns - colors',bestfit=True,colors=['pink'],bestfit_colors=['blue'])
In [10]:
df['IBM'].iplot(filename='Tutorial Microsoft',fill=True,colors=['green'])
In [11]:
df.sum().iplot(kind='bar',filename='Tutorial Barchart')
Bars can also be stacked by a given dimension
In [12]:
df.resample('M').mean().iplot(kind='bar',barmode='stack',filename='Tutorial Bar Stacked')
In [13]:
df[['VERZ','IBM']].iplot(filename='Tutorial Spread',kind='spread')
In [14]:
(df[['GOOG','MSFT']]+20).iplot(filename='Tutorial Ratio',kind='ratio',colors=['green','red'])
In [15]:
annotations={'2015-01-15':'Dividends','2015-03-31':'Split Announced'}
df['MSFT'].iplot(filename='Tutorial Annotations',annotations=annotations)
In [16]:
df[['VERZ','MSFT']].iplot(filename='Tutorial Image',theme='white',colors=['pink','blue'],asImage=True,dimensions=(800,500))
In [17]:
'data': [{'line': {'color': 'rgba(255, 153, 51, 1.0)', 'dash': 'solid', 'shape': 'linear', 'width': 1.3},
'mode': 'lines',
'name': 'GOOG',
'text': '',
'type': 'scatter',
'uid': '18ee171a-b46a-11e8-949a-8c85902a3138',
'x': [2015-01-01, 2015-01-02, 2015-01-03, 2015-01-04, 2015-01-05,
2015-01-06, 2015-01-07, 2015-01-08, 2015-01-09, 2015-01-10,
2015-01-11, 2015-01-12, 2015-01-13, 2015-01-14, 2015-01-15,
2015-01-16, 2015-01-17, 2015-01-18, 2015-01-19, 2015-01-20,
2015-01-21, 2015-01-22, 2015-01-23, 2015-01-24, 2015-01-25,
2015-01-26, 2015-01-27, 2015-01-28, 2015-01-29, 2015-01-30,
2015-01-31, 2015-02-01, 2015-02-02, 2015-02-03, 2015-02-04,
2015-02-05, 2015-02-06, 2015-02-07, 2015-02-08, 2015-02-09,
2015-02-10, 2015-02-11, 2015-02-12, 2015-02-13, 2015-02-14,
2015-02-15, 2015-02-16, 2015-02-17, 2015-02-18, 2015-02-19,
2015-02-20, 2015-02-21, 2015-02-22, 2015-02-23, 2015-02-24,
2015-02-25, 2015-02-26, 2015-02-27, 2015-02-28, 2015-03-01,
2015-03-02, 2015-03-03, 2015-03-04, 2015-03-05, 2015-03-06,
2015-03-07, 2015-03-08, 2015-03-09, 2015-03-10, 2015-03-11,
2015-03-12, 2015-03-13, 2015-03-14, 2015-03-15, 2015-03-16,
2015-03-17, 2015-03-18, 2015-03-19, 2015-03-20, 2015-03-21,
2015-03-22, 2015-03-23, 2015-03-24, 2015-03-25, 2015-03-26,
2015-03-27, 2015-03-28, 2015-03-29, 2015-03-30, 2015-03-31,
2015-04-01, 2015-04-02, 2015-04-03, 2015-04-04, 2015-04-05,
2015-04-06, 2015-04-07, 2015-04-08, 2015-04-09, 2015-04-10],
'y': array([-0.08597808, -0.73686946, -0.52907697, -0.03970044, 1.3752758 ,
2.26725179, 3.37432283, 2.38451746, 1.19711163, 0.26389995,
-0.54828318, -1.0942154 , -0.46434413, -1.04832473, -1.38711102,
0.5134231 , 1.18363183, 0.93611931, 0.88418187, -0.56483022,
-1.51890383, -2.64595071, -3.4273728 , -4.08484131, -3.86135036,
-2.07342662, -1.69295391, -0.9150198 , -0.15374897, 0.82466603,
1.69136938, 2.70912647, 0.90561791, 0.18914639, -1.24017174,
-1.73432035, -0.6046029 , -1.02211185, -1.49847335, -0.59201995,
-1.30871215, -2.0453967 , -1.18415713, -1.54740873, -3.2115863 ,
-2.8406372 , -3.22961829, -3.20923466, -3.62321162, -3.32411375,
-4.22569673, -5.6516773 , -6.14526559, -3.71521284, -4.96600768,
-3.82937765, -3.35420309, -3.28626588, -4.84444769, -3.78304866,
-4.92392168, -4.53004191, -4.523858 , -3.92200972, -3.49182287,
-2.13194691, -2.77630206, -4.23384845, -4.20980848, -6.08434527,
-5.60073276, -4.38504164, -4.03952766, -4.10442096, -5.19904828,
-3.71198156, -4.86400646, -5.44978804, -3.23521922, -3.77614941,
-5.16829868, -3.75077756, -2.56806146, -2.24440375, -1.2388793 ,
-0.10027332, 0.17326182, -0.02333057, -1.11792949, 0.14224194,
-0.82656399, -0.67792666, -0.05746536, -0.52880843, -1.44846949,
-0.08121517, 1.31957177, 1.12199403, 1.09390295, 1.30707 ])}],
'layout': {'height': 500,
'legend': {'bgcolor': '#F5F6F9', 'font': {'color': '#4D5663'}},
'paper_bgcolor': '#F5F6F9',
'plot_bgcolor': '#F5F6F9',
'titlefont': {'color': '#4D5663'},
'width': 790,
'xaxis': {'gridcolor': '#E1E5ED',
'showgrid': True,
'tickfont': {'color': '#4D5663'},
'title': '',
'titlefont': {'color': '#4D5663'},
'zerolinecolor': '#E1E5ED'},
'yaxis': {'gridcolor': '#E1E5ED',
'showgrid': True,
'tickfont': {'color': '#4D5663'},
'title': '',
'titlefont': {'color': '#4D5663'},
'zerolinecolor': '#E1E5ED'}}
We can also get the Data object directly
In [18]:
In [19]:
data[0]['name']='My Custom Name'
And pass this directly to iplot
In [20]:
df.iplot(data=data,filename='Tutorial Custom Name')
In [ ]:
Content source: santosjorge/cufflinks
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