[broken] An almost correct diffraction calibration notebook

We are aware that this notebook does not work and will fix it eventually. If you are interested in this notebook, please help us out and try to get it working again!

In [1]:
import matplotlib
%matplotlib notebook
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.patches import Circle
from matplotlib.colors import LogNorm
from copy import copy

In [2]:
import skbeam
from skbeam.core.image import find_ring_center_acorr_1D
from skbeam.core.utils import bin_1D, radial_grid, bin_edges_to_centers
from skbeam.core.calibration import estimate_d_blind, refine_center
import numpy as np
from pims.tiff_stack import TiffStack_tifffile as TiffStack
import os.path
pixel_size = (.2, .2)

/home/edill/mc/envs/beam35/lib/python3.5/site-packages/IPython/html.py:14: ShimWarning: The `IPython.html` package has been deprecated. You should import from `notebook` instead. `IPython.html.widgets` has moved to `ipywidgets`.
  "`IPython.html.widgets` has moved to `ipywidgets`.", ShimWarning)

Define some helpful functions

In [3]:
def estimate_d(img, name, wavelength, pixel_size):
    # find the
    res = find_ring_center_acorr_1D(img)
    res2 = refine_center(img, res, pixel_size, 25, 5, thresh=0.1, window_size=5)
    bins, sums, counts = img_to_relative_xyi(img, res2, radial_grid)

    mask = counts > 10
    bin_centers = bin_edges_to_centers(bins)[mask]
    ring_averages = sums[mask] / counts[mask]

    d_mean, d_std = estimate_d_blind(name,wavelength, bin_centers,
                                     ring_averages, 5, 7, thresh=0.03)
    return d_mean, d_std, res2

def show_rings_on_image(ax, image, ring_radius, center):
    vmin, vmax = np.percentile(image, [80, 100])
    my_cmap = copy(matplotlib.cm.get_cmap('gray'))
    im = ax.imshow(image, cmap=my_cmap, interpolation='none', norm=LogNorm(), vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax)
    for r in ring_radius:
        c = Circle(center[::-1], r , facecolor='none', edgecolor='r', lw=2, linestyle='dashed')
    ax.axhline(center[0], color='r')
    ax.axvline(center[1], color='r')

    ax.set_ylim([center[0] - ring_radius[-1], center[0] + ring_radius[-1]])
    ax.set_xlim([center[1] - ring_radius[-1], center[1] + ring_radius[-1]])

Setup data for Si standard sample

In [4]:
si_fname = 'Si_STD_d204-00002.tif'
si_name = 'Si'
si_wavelength = 0.1839
si_data = TiffStack(si_fname)

Setup data for LaB6 calibration standard

In [5]:
lab6_fname = 'LaB6_d500-0p72959-2Kx2K_pix200.tif'
lab6_name = 'LaB6'
lab6_wavelength = .72959
lab6_data = TiffStack(lab6_fname)

Calibrate Si data

In [6]:
calib_si = estimate_d(si_data[0], si_name, si_wavelength, pixel_size)
print("D: {} ± {}".format(calib_si[0], calib_si[1]))
print("center: {}".format(calib_si[2]))

NameError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-6-23f8c796d9eb> in <module>()
----> 1 calib_si = estimate_d(si_data[0], si_name, si_wavelength, pixel_size)
      2 print("D: {} ± {}".format(calib_si[0], calib_si[1]))
      3 print("center: {}".format(calib_si[2]))

<ipython-input-3-5285f337cdcd> in estimate_d(img, name, wavelength, pixel_size)
      3     res = find_ring_center_acorr_1D(img)
      4     res2 = refine_center(img, res, pixel_size, 25, 5, thresh=0.1, window_size=5)
----> 5     bins, sums, counts = img_to_relative_xyi(img, res2, radial_grid)
      7     mask = counts > 10

NameError: name 'img_to_relative_xyi' is not defined

In [7]:
cal_si = skbeam.core.calibration.calibration_standards['Si']
si_rings = calib_si[0] * np.tan(cal_si.convert_2theta(si_wavelength)) / .2
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
show_rings_on_image(ax, si_data[0], si_rings, calib_si[2])

NameError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-7-b501b9e2f511> in <module>()
      1 cal_si = skbeam.core.calibration.calibration_standards['Si']
----> 2 si_rings = calib_si[0] * np.tan(cal_si.convert_2theta(si_wavelength)) / .2
      3 fig, ax = plt.subplots()
      4 show_rings_on_image(ax, si_data[0], si_rings, calib_si[2])
      5 plt.show()

NameError: name 'calib_si' is not defined

Calibrate using Lab 6 data

In [8]:
calib_lab6 = estimate_d(lab6_data[0], lab6_name, lab6_wavelength, pixel_size)
print("D: {} ± {}".format(calib_lab6[0], calib_lab6[1]))
print("center: {}".format(calib_lab6[2]))

NameError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-8-0b8ac6a41d12> in <module>()
----> 1 calib_lab6 = estimate_d(lab6_data[0], lab6_name, lab6_wavelength, pixel_size)
      2 print("D: {} ± {}".format(calib_lab6[0], calib_lab6[1]))
      3 print("center: {}".format(calib_lab6[2]))

<ipython-input-3-5285f337cdcd> in estimate_d(img, name, wavelength, pixel_size)
      3     res = find_ring_center_acorr_1D(img)
      4     res2 = refine_center(img, res, pixel_size, 25, 5, thresh=0.1, window_size=5)
----> 5     bins, sums, counts = img_to_relative_xyi(img, res2, radial_grid)
      7     mask = counts > 10

NameError: name 'img_to_relative_xyi' is not defined

In [ ]:
cal_lab6 = nsls2.calibration.calibration_standards['LaB6']\n",
lab6_rings = calib_lab6[0] * np.tan(cal_lab6.convert_2theta(lab6_wavelength)) / .2\n",
fig, ax = plt.subplots()\n",
show_rings_on_image(ax, lab6_data[0], lab6_rings, calib_lab6[2])\n",
ax.set_xlim([0, lab6_data.frame_shape[0]])\n",
ax.set_ylim([0, lab6_data.frame_shape[1]])\n",

In [ ]: