Animated Lorenz Attractor

In [1]:
%matplotlib inline
import numpy as np, matplotlib.pyplot as plt, glob, os
import IPython.display as IPdisplay, matplotlib.font_manager as fm
from scipy.integrate import odeint
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d.axes3d import Axes3D
from PIL import Image

In [2]:
# define the fonts to use for plots
family = 'Myriad Pro'
title_font = fm.FontProperties(family=family, style='normal', size=20, weight='normal', stretch='normal')

In [3]:
save_folder = 'images/lorenz-animate'
if not os.path.exists(save_folder):

In [4]:
# define the initial system state (aka x, y, z positions in space)
initial_state = [0.1, 0, 0]

# define the system parameters sigma, rho, and beta
sigma = 10.
rho   = 28.
beta  = 8./3.

# define the time points to solve for, evenly spaced between the start and end times
start_time = 1
end_time = 60
interval = 100
time_points = np.linspace(start_time, end_time, end_time * interval)

In [5]:
# define the lorenz system
def lorenz_system(current_state, t):
    x, y, z = current_state
    dx_dt = sigma * (y - x)
    dy_dt = x * (rho - z) - y
    dz_dt = x * y - beta * z
    return [dx_dt, dy_dt, dz_dt]

In [6]:
# plot the system in 3 dimensions
def plot_lorenz(xyz, n):
    fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12, 9))
    ax = fig.gca(projection='3d')
    x = xyz[:, 0]
    y = xyz[:, 1]
    z = xyz[:, 2]
    ax.plot(x, y, z, color='g', alpha=0.7, linewidth=0.7)
    ax.set_title('Lorenz system attractor', fontproperties=title_font)
    plt.savefig('{}/{:03d}.png'.format(save_folder, n), dpi=60, bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=0.1)

In [7]:
# return a list in iteratively larger chunks
def get_chunks(full_list, size):
    size = max(1, size)
    chunks = [full_list[0:i] for i in range(1, len(full_list) + 1, size)]
    return chunks

In [8]:
# get incrementally larger chunks of the time points, to reveal the attractor one frame at a time
chunks = get_chunks(time_points, size=20)

In [9]:
# get the points to plot, one chunk of time steps at a time, by integrating the system of equations
points = [odeint(lorenz_system, initial_state, chunk) for chunk in chunks]

In [10]:
# plot each set of points, one at a time, saving each plot
for n, point in enumerate(points):
    plot_lorenz(point, n)

Animate it

Create an animated gif of all the plots then display it inline

In [11]:
# create a tuple of display durations, one for each frame
first_last = 100 #show the first and last frames for 100 ms
standard_duration = 5 #show all other frames for 5 ms
durations = tuple([first_last] + [standard_duration] * (len(points) - 2) + [first_last])

In [12]:
# load all the static images into a list
images = [ for image in glob.glob('{}/*.png'.format(save_folder))]
gif_filepath = 'images/animated-lorenz-attractor.gif'

In [13]:
# save as an animated gif
gif = images[0]['duration'] = durations #ms per frame['loop'] = 0 #how many times to loop (0=infinite), format='gif', save_all=True, append_images=images[1:])

In [14]:
# verify that the number of frames in the gif equals the number of image files and durations == len(images) == len(durations)


In [15]:


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